


Elaborador: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de diciembre de 2010. Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México La edición consta de 1,012 ejemplares. Director General Mtro. Jorge Luis Ibarra Mendívil Director Académico Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero Director de Administración y Finanzas C.P. Jesús Urbano Limón Tapia 2

Transcript of FCP4S_WrittenEnglishcomunication2

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Esta publicación se terminó de imprimir durante el mes de diciembre de 2010. Diseñada en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México La edición consta de 1,012 ejemplares.


Director General Mtro. Jorge Luis Ibarra Mendívil Director Académico Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero Director de Administración y Finanzas C.P. Jesús Urbano Limón Tapia Director de Planeación Mtro. Pedro Hernández Peña WRITTEN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION 2 Módulo de Aprendizaje. Copyright ©, 2010 por Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora todos los derechos reservados. Primera edición 2010. Impreso en México. DIRECCIÓN ACADÉMICA Departamento de Desarrollo Curricular Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280

COMISIÓN ELABORADORA: Elaborador: Edna Elinora Soto Gracia Revisión Disciplinaria: Viridiana Vidal Trasviña Corrección de Estilo: Diana Patricia Lugo Peñúñuri

Apoyo Metodológico: Jesús Moisés Galaz Duarte Supervisión Académica: Luz María Grijalva Díaz

Equipo Técnico RIEMS Diseño: Joaquín Rivas Samaniego María Jesús Jiménez Duarte Grupo Editorial: Cynthia Deyanira Meneses Avalos Coordinación Técnica: Claudia Yolanda Lugo Peñúñuri Diana Irene Valenzuela López Coordinación General: Profr. Julio Alfonso Martínez Romero

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Ubicación Curricular










Nombre: _______________________________________________________________

Plantel: __________________________________________________________________

Grupo: _________________ Turno: _____________ Teléfono:___________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

Domicilio: ______________________________________________________________


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Presentación ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Mapa de asignatura ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

BLOCK 1: THE WORLD WE LIVE IN ...................................................................................................... 9 Didactic Sequence 1: Everything about food .....................................................................................................10 • Food vocabulary .........................................................................................................................................11 • Request with would and will .......................................................................................................................23 • Imperatives ..................................................................................................................................................25 • Sequence adverbs ......................................................................................................................................31 Didactic Sequence 2: My Vacation.....................................................................................................................41 • Adverbs of quantity .....................................................................................................................................43 • Means of transportation vocabulary ...........................................................................................................45 • Indirect questions........................................................................................................................................47 • Will – Going to. ............................................................................................................................................49 • Modal for necessity and suggestions ........................................................................................................52 Didactic Sequence 3: Our Environment .............................................................................................................61 • Environment Vocabulary .............................................................................................................................62 • First Conditional Sentences ........................................................................................................................65 • Vocabulary for making suggestions ...........................................................................................................66 BLOCK 2: FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS ............................................................................................... 71 Didactic Sequence 1: Long time no see! ...........................................................................................................72 • Past continuous ..........................................................................................................................................73 • Present Perfect continuous .........................................................................................................................83 • Biographies .................................................................................................................................................88 Didactic Sequence 2: What do you think? .........................................................................................................89 • Participles as adjectives .............................................................................................................................89 • Adjectives for art vocabulary ......................................................................................................................93 • Movie genre vocabulary. .............................................................................................................................95 • Relative clauses ..........................................................................................................................................97 Didactic Sequence 3: A Visit to ........................................................................................................................102 • Ailments and illnesses vocabulary ...........................................................................................................103 • Expressions for hypothesizing ..................................................................................................................105 • Tag Questions. ..........................................................................................................................................108 • Idioms ........................................................................................................................................................110 • Body language ..........................................................................................................................................112 BLOCK 3: KNOW HOW OF TECHNOLOGY ....................................................................................... 119 Didactic Sequence 1: Speculating about .........................................................................................................120 • Unreal Conditional Sentences ..................................................................................................................122 Didactic Sequence 2: She said that .................................................................................................................130 • Reported Speech ......................................................................................................................................131 Didactic Sequence 3: Getting into technology .................................................................................................136 • Comparing time periods ...........................................................................................................................138 • Inventions and Inventors ...........................................................................................................................139 • Time contrast ............................................................................................................................................141 • Describing Technology .............................................................................................................................143 • Social networks .........................................................................................................................................147 • Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................151


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“Una competencia es la integración de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes en un contexto específico”.

El enfoque en competencias considera que los conocimientos por sí mismos no son lo más importante, sino el uso que se hace de ellos en situaciones específicas de la vida personal, social y profesional. De este modo, las competencias requieren una base sólida de conocimientos y ciertas habilidades, los cuales se integran para un mismo propósito en un determinado contexto.

El presente Módulo de Aprendizaje de la asignatura Written English Communication 2, es una herramienta de suma importancia, que propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora, características que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media Superior que actualmente se está implementando a nivel nacional.

El Módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el Colegio de Bachilleres te ofrece con la intención de estar acorde a los nuevos tiempos, a las nuevas políticas educativas, además de lo que demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional; el módulo se encuentra organizado a través de bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades, organizadas en tres momentos: Inicio, desarrollo y cierre. En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos que ya has adquirido a través de tu formación, mismos que te ayudarán a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo, donde realizarás actividades que introducen nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con la finalidad de que tu aprendizaje sea significativo.

Posteriormente se encuentra el momento de cierre de la secuencia didáctica, donde integrarás todos los saberes que realizaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y del propósito de las actividades, éstas se desarrollan de forma individual, binas o equipos.

Para el desarrollo del trabajo deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material bibliográfico, videos, investigación de campo, etc.

La retroalimentación de tus conocimientos es de suma importancia, de ahí que se te invita a participar de forma activa cuando el docente lo indique, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien fortalecerás lo aprendido; además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.

Recuerda que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, que permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes: el conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro mejores el aprendizaje. Es necesario que realices la autoevaluación, este ejercicio permite que valores tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu aprendizaje.

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su actuación, con la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus aprendizajes, promoviendo las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Nuestra sociedad necesita individuos a nivel medio superior con conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores, que les permitan integrarse y desarrollarse de manera satisfactoria en el mundo laboral o en su preparación profesional. Para que contribuyas en ello, es indispensable que asumas una nueva visión y actitud en cuanto a tu rol, es decir, de ser receptor de contenidos, ahora construirás tu propio conocimiento a través de la problematización y contextualización de los mismos, situación que te permitirá: Aprender a conocer, aprender a hacer, aprender a ser y aprender a vivir juntos.


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Block 1

The World We Live in

Didactic Sequence 1:

Everything about Food

Didactic Sequence 2:

My Vacation

Didactic Sequence 3:

Our Environment

Block 2

Feelings and Emotions

Didactic Sequence 1:

Long Time no see!

Didactic Sequence 2:

What do you think?

Didactic Sequence 3:

A Visit to…

Block 3

Know How of


Didactic Sequence 1:

Speculating about…

Didactic Sequence 2:

She said that…

Didactic Sequence 3:

Getting into Technology

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The World We Live In

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Solicita y da información referente a actividades vacacionales, lugares y alimentos;

identifica problemas ecológicos y propone soluciones.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 20 hours

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Didactic Sequence 1. Everything about Food.

Start up activities


Activity: 1 Product: Ice breaker puzzle. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Practices vocabulary, spelling and facts about food.

Shows independence and interest when practicing previous knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

How much do you know about food vocabulary? Answer the crossword puzzle.


1 2 3


5 6

7 8



11 12

13 14

15 16

17 18

Activity 1: Speaking

Down 1. A place where people can sit

around and drink alcoholic beverages in a restaurant. (3)

2. A drink that many people have with dessert. (6)

3. Something you use to cut meat. (5)

4. Another word for a drink. (8) 6. The noon meal. (5) 7. Something you might need to get

into a busy restaurant. (11) 9. Someone who serves you food. (6) 10. The morning meal. (9) 12. Something, usually sweet, that

you eat after dinner. (7) 14. The evening meal (6) 16. The total amount that you have to

pay for a meal. (4)

Across 2. Someone who makes food in a cheap restaurant.

(4) 4. A meal between breakfast and lunch. (6) 5. Someone who makes food in an expensive

restaurant. (4) 8. This describes what you can eat at a restaurant. (4) 11. Something you eat before the main meal. (9) 12. If everybody pays for their own food then you

go_____________. (5)

13. A side dish with lettuce and other vegetables. (5) 15. What the cook places your food on. (5) 16. A meal where you help yourself from a table with a variety of dishes. (6) 17. Long, stringy food. (7) 18. Something you give your waiter if the service is good. (3) (Number in parenthesis means letters of the answer) Lanternfish worksheets © 2005

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11 BLOCK 1


Activity: 2 Product: Vocabulary review. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Applies vocabulary, spelling, and previous knowledge about food.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write the name under the picture.

_______________ ___________________ _________________ __________________

_______________ ___________________ _________________ __________________

_______________ ___________________ _________________ __________________

Activity: 2

Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

Chef – cook – dessert – dinner – dishwasher – waiter – lunch - salad- soup – breakfast – brunch – tip- appetizer

The person who serves your food is called a ___________________. The person who cooks your food is called a

____________________ if it is a cheap restaurant or a _____________________ if it is an expensive restaurant. A

___________________ is somebody who washes dishes. If the food and service is good, people usually leave a


Most people eat ____________________ after they wake up. Around noon people have their midday meal, or

_____________________. And ___________________ is the meal that people eat in the evening. However,

sometimes, especially on Sunday, people like to sleep in, so instead of having breakfast, they eat a meal between

breakfast and lunch called ______________________.

At lunch or dinner sometimes people order a snack before the meal called an ________________________. A __________________ or a ___________________ is often served alongside the main meal. After dinner, people sometimes treat themselves to ___________________.

Activity: 2a

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Development activities

Look over the dishes, answer the questions, and discuss them with classmates.

Popular Ethnic Dishes

Lebanese Kibbee American Brazilian Feijoada Mexican Mole Thai Prawn African Bobotie

Hamburger tom yam

Which of these dishes have you ever tried? ____________________________________________________________ Write two popular dishes in your country: ___________________________, _________________________________ What ethnic dishes can you find in your city? ___________________________________________________________

Activity: 3

What’s it made of? Match the ingredients needed to cook the ethnic dishes presented above. Write the name of the dish below the corresponding ingredients. (Use the dictionary if needed).

1 2 3 _________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________ 4 5 6

_________________________ ______________________________ _______________________________

Activity: 3a

- Chicken or turkey - Different kinds of chili - Sesame seeds

- Ground beef of lamb - bulgur - parsley

- Patties of ground meet - Lettuce - tomato - buns (bread)

-shrimp -lemongrass -mushrooms - cilantro

-Minced beef -Curry powder -golden raisins

- Pork - black beans - spices and garlic

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13 BLOCK 1


Activity: 3 Product: Ingredients vocabulary. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies food – specifically ethnic dishes.

Recognizes ethnic dishes and writes about dishes in her/his community.

Shows initiative and interest when acknowledging about ethnic dishes.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair practice. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Then act out the dialogue with your partner and discuss the answers.

Diego: I would like to go out to dinner on Friday, would you like to come?

Alex: Yes, Where would you like to go?

Diego: Well, what do you think of Japanese food?

Alex: I like it, but most of the dishes I like are prepared with raw fish

specially sushi and I’m not in the mood to eat that.

Diego: I’m not either; seafood is dangerous this time of the year.

Alex: Hmm. How do you like Sonora food: “carne asada”?

Diego: Oh, I like it a lot. I like “salsa” and “guacamole” also.

Alex: I do, too. I know a nice “Carne Asada” restaurant, it’s called

La Parrilla Sonorense”.

Diego: Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there.

Alex: Great! Let’s make plans for Friday then.

1. What does Diego invite Alex to do? ________________________________________________________________

2. What kind of foods do they talk about? ________________________ and ________________________________

3. Where do they finally decide to go? _______________________________________________________________

4. Have they both been there before? ________________________________________________________________

5. What do you prefer, “sushi” or “carne asada”? ______________________________________________________

Activity: 3b

What ethnic dishes can you find in your city? Write two of these dishes and their ingredients.

Activity: 3c



















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Read and learn the food groups in the FOOD PYRAMID.

Activity: 4

Write the food group that each picture belongs to and what they provide.

____________________ ____________________ _______________ ______________________ _________________ ____________________ ____________________ _______________ ______________________ _________________

What group is missing? _____________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 4a

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15 BLOCK 1


Activity: 4 Product: Food list. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Verifies knowledge of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups in order to plan nutritious meals.

Applies information of the food guide pyramid and its groups to classify them in categories.

Shows initiative and interest when acknowledging about food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

With the help of your teacher write each of the ingredients from exercise 3a and 3c in the corresponding food group. Complete the table with other ingredients that you know. Use your dictionary if necessary.

Grains Vegetables Fruits Meats Dairy Products




Activity: 4b

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Activity: 5 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies and selects information about the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

Reads information of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups to answer questions.

Appreciates acquired information about the food guide pyramid.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the article, look at the food pyramid, answer the questions and discuss them with

your partners. The Food Pyramid

You have already studied food vocabulary in a pyramid when you were in first semester, remember? Now we are going to study the “Food Pyramid” as a guide to understand how to eat healthy. The spaces in each group represent suggested percentage of the diet, for example, the vegetable section is bigger than the meat and poultry section therefore more vegetables are suggested in our daily diet. Water plays a very important part in our nutrition because it dilutes toxic wastes in the body and transports fuel to the working tissues. That’s why water is the base of the pyramid. Bread, fortified cereals, rice, pasta and other foods made from grain are carbohydrates that provide the body

with “fuel.” Use whole grain rice, flour, and pasta. Look for the word “whole” on the package. Veg & Fruit are an essential part of a healthy diet. They have been found to prevent some cancers & heart

disease. They provide us with fiber which aids digestion. They provide essential vitamins and minerals. Use more fruit for sweeten up desserts and instead of sugar.

Meat, poultry, fish and eggs provide the necessary Protein that builds and repairs the body. Use lean cuts of meat, remove the white fatty parts. Add nuts or seeds to salads and cereals.

Calcium is an essential mineral, found in dairy products (cheese group), that affects our bones and teeth. Use reduced fat or low fat ingredients such as low fat cheese or skim milk.

Fat and Sugars are a necessary part of a healthy diet, in small quantities, and the right kind of fat! That’s why they are recommended to be used in moderation and are at the top of the pyramid. Fats are found in foods like milk, cheese, meat, fish, and eggs. Try to use healthy oils (fat) they usually come from unrefined products such as fish, nuts, avocado, seeds, and olives.

A balanced diet is one that includes all the food groups.

1. Which of the tips of the article do you already follow? ________________________________________________


2. What do you eat in a typical day? _________________________________________________________________


3. Why do you think that fats and sugars should be used in moderation? _________________________________


4. Do you use more fat than healthy oils? ___________________________________________________________

5. Do you think that you eat healthy food? ___________________ Why? ___________________________________


Activity: 5

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17 BLOCK 1


Activity: 6 Product: Reading comprehension continuation.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Selects information and uses dictionary to look for new words.

Applies information about the food guide pyramid and searches for new words meaning in the dictionary.

Shows interest when acknowledging new information and words.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Dictionary use. Read the pyramid passage and check your dictionary for words you don’t know.

Word Your guess Dictionary meaning











Activity: 6

Read the article and look at the food pyramid. Then check ( ) True or False. For the statements that you marked false, write the correct information.

True False

1. It is better to eat foods that are high in protein than vegetable

2. Fruits and Vegetables prevent dangerous diseases

3. Breads and cereals are a good source of minerals

4. Healthy oils come from whole grains

5. It is recommended to eat excess of fat and sugar

Correct information: __________________________________________________________________________________________________


Activity: 6a

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Keep track of everything (servings) you eat and drink in a day. Include which food groups they belong to as well as fat, sugar and calorie amounts. Be sure to put your daily goals for each day!

Activity: 7

Compare your table with your partners’ one. Do you think their diet is balanced?

Activity: 7a

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19 BLOCK 1


Activity: 7 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Organizes questions and then integrates the results in the graph.

Practices making questionnaire’s questions; discusses results with other teams, and reports results.

Shows interest when keeping track of what he/she eats in a day and share information with classmates.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Make teams of three. Answer the questions and then ask them to your partners. Write down the answers.

Questions You Student 1 Student 2

1. How many servings of protein did you have?

2. How many servings of grains did you have?

3. How many servings of vegetables did you have?

4. How many servings of dairy products did you have?

5. How many servings of fruits did you have?

6. How many servings of sugar and fats (junk food or refined products) did you have?

Activity: 7b

Discuss the answers with other teams and gather information. Make a graph with the results here and then present it in class.

Activity: 7c

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Activity: 8 Product: Written paragraphs. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies information to complete charts with his/her own information.

Reports information from his/her own experience.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the charts.

Activity: 8

In which food group would you find the following?

sausages: ________________________ chocolate : _______________________ yoghurt: __________________________ pasta: ___________________________

pears: ___________________________

Which food group is best for giving us…?

calcium: _________________________ instant energy: ___________________ protein : __________________________ vitamins and minerals: _________________________ long lasting energy: __________________________

Write a paragraph about the most horrible food you’ve ever had. What was it and why did you dislike it so much?

Write a paragraph about the best food you’ve ever had. What was and why did you like it so much?

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21 BLOCK 1


Activity: 9 Product: A collage. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Orders a collage clarifying and visualizing ideas about food groups.

Creates a collage to visualize and clarify ideas about food groups by using authentic material.

Shows initiative when working in satisfying exercises of collage’s creativity using authentic material.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Make a collage with cut outs of packages or boxes of assorted food products.

Activity: 9

Then divide the products’ ingredients into the correct food groups and list them on a separate sheet of paper. Present it to your teacher.

Activity: 9a

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Pair work. Answer and ask the questions to your partner. Write down the answers.

Questions You Partner

1. Do you order food at your home?

2. How often do you eat at restaurants? (times a week)

3. What is your favorite restaurant?

4. What is your favorite fast-food restaurant?

5. Do you prefer to eat in a fast-food restaurant or in a restaurant?

6. Do you usually leave a tip?

Activity: 10

Write in a paragraph the differences between your partner and you.

Example: I eat at restaurants two times a week but my partner (name) never eats at restaurants. I order…









Activity: 10a

Ordering food in a Restaurant

One of the most important tasks in English is ordering food when you go to a restaurant. There are basic forms and questions, as well food vocabulary that you can use in places where people speak English.

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23 BLOCK 1

Practice vocabulary on restaurants: http://www.esl-lab.com/vocab/v-restaurant.htm


Activity: 10 Product: Perform written and oral exercises.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the new theme: At a restaurant, uses information to make and answer questions.

Applies information to write a paragraph, forms and answers questions.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the conversation and answer the questions.

At a Restaurant

Waiter: Welcome to Antico's. Here are your menus. Today's special is grilled salmon. I'll be back to take your order in a minute.

. . . Waiter: Are you ready to order? Customer 1: I'd like the seafood spaghetti. Waiter: And you? Customer 2: I'll have a hamburger and fries. Waiter: Would you like anything to drink? Customer 1: I'll have a coke, please. Waiter: And for you? Customer 2: Bring water, please. Waiter: OK. So that's one seafood spaghetti, one hamburger and fries, one coke, and one water. I'll take your menus.

. . . Waiter: Here is your food. Enjoy your meal.

. . . Waiter: How was everything? Customer 2: Delicious thanks. Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert? Customer 1: No, bring the bill (check) please.

1. What is the special of the day? ____________________________________________________________

2. What did customer 1 order? ______________________________________________________________

3. What did customer 2 orders? ______________________________________________________________

4. Did someone order coffee for drink? _______________________________________________________

5. Did they like the dishes? __________________________________________________________________

Did they have dessert? ___________________________________________________________________

Activity: 10b

Modal verbs WOULD and WILL for requests

What would you like to eat? I’d like grilled chicken. I’ll have the special of the day.

What would you like to drink? I’d like lemonade, please. I’ll have tea.

Would you like anything else? Yes, please. I’d like dessert. No, thank you. That will be all.

Contractions I will = I’ll I would = I’d

Role-play activity. Form teams of three and act out the dialogue. Change roles.

Activity: 10c

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Pair work. Read and discuss with your partner the vocabulary relevant to a restaurant. Match numbers: waiter’s request to guest’s response, guest’s request to waiter’s response.

1. What can I do for you?

2. Can I help you?

3. Can I take your coat?

4. Have you booked a table?

5. How many are you?

6. Would you follow me, please?

7. Can I take your order, sir/madam?

8. What would you like to start with?

9. What would you like to drink?

10. What would you like for dessert?

11. How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)

12. Do you want a salad with it?

13. What kind of dressing?

14. Anything to drink?

15. Do you want a dessert?

16. The burgers are very good.

17. Sorry, the hamburgers are off.

18. Is everything all right?

19. Did you enjoy your meal?

20. Are you paying together?

21. May I show you to a table?

22. If you wait, there'll be a table for you free in a minute.

23. Do you want vegetables with it?

24. Why don't you try the pizza?

25. It'll take about 20 minutes.

Activity: 11

1. A table for two, please.

2. May we sit at this table?

3. The menu, please.

4. What's on the menu?

5. Do you want fish?

6. What's Irish Stew like?

7. We're not ready yet.

8. The steak for me, please.

9. Can you bring me the ketchup, please?

10. A salad, please.

11. I'll have the same.

12. That's all, thank you.

13. Can I have the bill (AE: check), please?

14. This is on me.

15. Here you are.

16. The rest is for you.

17. Have you got wine by the glass?

18. I'd prefer red wine.

19. Please bring us another beer.

20. Could I have chips (AE: French Fries) instead of salad?

21. What can you recommend?

22. Please bring me the check with my coffee.

23. I think you've made a mistake

Waiter to Guest Guest to waiter Example: 7 - 7 21 - 16 ____________________ _____________________

____________________ _____________________

____________________ _____________________

____________________ _____________________

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25 BLOCK 1


Activity: 11 Product: Recognition of imperatives.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Verifies and identifies vocabulary meaning and grammar point with resource materials.

Applies word analysis skills to recognize restaurant vocabulary and use of imperatives.

Collaborates with his/her partner on the activities developed by pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write some pair of sentences from the previous activity. Waiter to Guest Guest to waiter Example: 7-7 Can I take your order Sr.? 21-16 What can you recommend? We’re not ready yet. The burgers are very good. ___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

___________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Activity: 11a

Find “Imperatives” in activity 10b and activity 11 and write them down. ____________________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Activity: 11b

Imperatives are verbs used to give orders, commands, warning, and (if you use "please") to make a request. Instructions. Imperatives are also used to give instructions: cook, peel, bake, etc. Requests. You can also use the imperative to make a request, but you should use a polite word before the verb: For example:

Please take a seat. Please bring me the check. Please wait here. Please don’t smoke here.

Notes: Note that an imperative sentence does not require a subject; the pronoun "you" is implied.

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Activity: 12 Product: Written dialogue. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Integrates vocabulary used in the block.

Practices a communicative activity using food and restaurant vocabulary by writing a dialogue using his/her own information.

Creates his/her own dialogues based in vocabulary and grammar studied.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write a dialogue in a restaurant. Use imperatives and restaurant vocabulary from activity 11. Then answer the questions.
















1. Is it a fast food restaurant? ______________________________________________________________________

2. Did the customer order healthy food? _____________________________________________________________

3. Did the waitress use polite words? ________________________________________________________________

4. Did the customer live a “Tip”? ____________________________________________________________________

11b. Find “Imperatives” in activity 10b and activity 11 and write them down. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

____________________________________________ _________________________________________________

Activity: 12

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27 BLOCK 1

Pair work. You are a customer (A) in a restaurant. Choose what you want to order from the menu, your partner is the waiter/waitress (B), write a dialogue. Then act out the dialogue changing roles.

Ordering in a Restaurant A:
















Activity: 13

Fill in the form; later bring the check to the customer.

Activity: 13a

SONORA SANDWICHES No. 062753 Date _________________________________

Sonora Sandwiches MENU


Chicken Soup $2.50

Salad $3.25

Sandwiches - Main Course

Ham and cheese $3.50

Tuna $3.00

Vegetarian $4.00

Grilled Cheese $2.50

Piece of Pizza $2.50

Cheeseburger $4.50

Hamburger deluxe $5.00

Spaghetti $5.50


Coffee $1.25

Tea $1.25

Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, coffee, etc.







Thank you! Total ________________

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Activity: 13 Product: Menu. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary and grammar point to be used in the construction of dialogues and to fill in checks or bills.

Practices a communicative activity using food and restaurant vocabulary introduced in the block by writing dialogues, menus, and bills.

Demonstrate appropriate treatment of politeness and respect to classmates.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Create a menu, choose what you want to order and write a dialogue.

Ordering in a Restaurant

















Activity: 13b


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29 BLOCK 1


Activity: 14 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Comprehends unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge.

Uses new vocabulary to label pictures and answers the questions.

Integrates vocabulary to be used in real situations.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Choose words from the box to answer the questions in each picture that shows a restaurant problem. In a separate paper write your experiences and problems you have had in a restaurant and present it to your teacher.

Activity: 14

1. What does he want?

_________________________ 2. How does he feel? Why?


3. What’s annoying her?


4. What’s annoying him?


5. Why is he shocked?


6. Why is he surprised?


7. What’s that on my glass?

_________________________ 8. What’s she’s thinking?


9. What happened?


lipstick, glass, angry, man, bill, laughing, overcharge, service, expensive, teen, eating, restaurant, menu, spilling, mess, coffee, pizza, fly, soup,

cigarette, smoke, shocking, coughing

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What do you know about cooking instructions? Match verbs in column A with information from column B. Ask your teacher for help and use your dictionary.


1. bake ( ) "to soften a mixture by stirring it with a spoon or a beater until it gets light and fluffy"

2. beat ( ) "to cook meat on each side until it turns light brown"

3. boil ( ) "to cook at a high temperature, usually in an oven"

4. brown ( ) "to mix with a spoon, whisk, or beater using a fast motion"

5. cream ( ) "to heat a liquid until it gets very hot and bubbles"

6. fry ( ) "to cook in a liquid at a low temperature on a stovetop"

7. flour ( ) "to add flavor to food using spices, such as salt and pepper"

8. grease ( ) "to fry briefly with a small amount of oil in a skillet"

9. marinate ( ) "to mix ingredients in a blender until they turn into a liquid"

10. preheat ( ) "to cover a pan with a thin layer of flour"

11. puree ( ) "to cover a pan with oil, butter, or shortening"

12. sauté ( ) "to heat an oven to a certain temperature before baking something"

13. season ( ) "to soak uncooked food in a liquid for a period of time to add flavor"

14. simmer ( ) “cook on a hot surface using oil"

Activity: 15

What cooking utensils and appliances do you use for the cooking instruction verbs? Write a verb under each picture.

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Activity: 15a

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31 BLOCK 1


Activity: 15 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies sequence adverbs and food vocabulary as well as the directions to follow when writing a recipe.

Applies sequence adverbs, ingredients and directions vocabulary when matching and answering questions.

Demonstrate understanding of basic cooking instructions.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the conversation and answer the questions.

Preparing a snack Charles: What is your favorite sandwich? Frederick: Oh, it’s a sandwich with beans, cheese, tomato, and onions. I call it “BEANWICH”. Charles: Mmm! I’ve never heard of that! How do you make it? Frederick: Well, first, you take two slices of bread and spread beans on them. Then put a slice of cheese on

top of the beans. Finally put a slice of tomato and an onion ring over the cheese and put the other slice of bread on top. Yum!

Charles: It sounds good! Frederick: Yes, I eat it as a snack at home or bring it to school for recess time. Charles: Good idea! Besides it is easy to make. I’ll bring a “beanwich” tomorrow. Frederick: Bring two. See you tomorrow! 1. What is Frederick’s sandwich name? ______________________________________________________________

2. What is the first step to make a “beanwch”? ________________________________________________________

3. What is the second step to make a “beanwich”? ____________________________________________________


4. What is the last step to make a “beanwich”? _______________________________________________________


5. When does Frederick eat a “beanwich”? _________________________________________________

Activity: 15b

Write down the “Sequence Adverbs” found in the dialogue. ______________________________________________________________________________________


Activity: 15c

Sequence Adverbs Sequence words or adverbs also known as “Order Words” are used when you want to tell someone how to do something that must be done in steps and each of these steps should be done in specific order, they are used in manuals, stories, recipes, etc. First After that Then Finally Next Last

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Look at the recipe for “Lime and cilantro roasted chicken breasts”. Order the sentences from 1 to 6. Add a sequence adverb to each step.


_______ Combine the oil, lime juice, salt, pepper, garlic, and cilantro in the plastic container.

_______ Bake for 25 to 35 minutes, or until chicken registers 165° on an instant read thermometer.

_______ Marinate for about 2 to 4 hours.

_______ Heat oven to 375°.

_______ Put chicken in a large plastic covered container.

_______ Arrange chicken, skin-side up, in a baking pan previously greased.

Complete the list of ingredients:

•4 chicken breast halves

•1/4 cup of ____________________________________________

•juice of ______________________________________________

•1/2 teaspoon _________________________________________

•1/8 teaspoon _________________________________________

•3 _________________________________________, finely minced

•1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Activity: 16

Create your own recipe; write your ideas on this organizer to help you plan it.

Name of the Recipe:








(Continue adding as many steps as you need)

Conclusion: (If it is a family recipe, if you can change ingredients, when can you serve it and how you think your recipe will turn out)

Activity: 16a

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33 BLOCK 1

Activity: 16 Product: A recipe. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary as well as the directions to follow when writing a recipe.

Writes out a recipe based on the models he/she learns in class through vocabulary and language functions on instructions.

Values the usage of the language in real life, integrating new vocabulary and grammar to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Let’s write down a recipe. Use the information in the previous organizer and write your recipe. Draw the dish or paste a photograph to make it more interesting.

Activity: 16b

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Closing activities


Activity: 17 Product: Questionnaire. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identify vocabulary learnt when studying the pyramid to answer questionnaire.

Applies acquired knowledge to answer questionnaire.

Shows responsibility with classmate in activities performed in pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Answer the questions, exchange books and with the help of your teacher evaluate your partner.

The food pyramid suggests that we eat a varied diet. Which type of food should you eat the most of each day?


2. How many servings of breads, rice, pasta, and other starchy foods should you eat each day? _______________

3. How many servings of vegetables should you eat each day? ___________________________________________

4. How many servings of fruit should you eat each day? __________________________________________________

5. How many servings of milk, cheese, and yogurt should you eat each day? ________________________________

6. How many servings of meat, fish, beans, and nuts should you eat each day? _____________________________

7. What food group do raisins fit into in this pyramid? ____________________________________________________

8. What food group does peanut butter fit into in this pyramid? ____________________________________________

9. Name two foods that belong to the vegetable food group. _______________________________ and


10. What foods are the least nutritious and should be the smallest part of your diet?



Evaluation Max.




Questions 20

Activity: 17

Recommended web pages Play in the “Interactive Pyramid” and learn about the variety of food a person should eat: http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_fit/nutrition/pyramid.html www.hooah4health.com/.../pyramidinteractive.htm

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35 BLOCK 1


Activity: 18 Product: Food group drawing. Values:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Verifies knowledge of the food guide pyramid and the basic food groups.

Applies knowledge of the food guide pyramid in order to answer questions.

Shows initiative when working in basic creative exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write the name of the food group beside the “Food Rainbow.

Activity: 18

Pair work. Discuss with your partner and answer the questions.

What food group is mostly used in Mexican Dishes? ____________________________________________

What food group is mostly used in Chinese Dishes? _____________________________________________________

What food group is mostly used in Indian Dishes? _______________________________________________________

What food group is mostly used in Argentinean Dishes? __________________________________________________

What food group is mostly used in Thai dishes? _________________________________________________________

What food group is mostly used in American Dishes? ____________________________________________________

What food group do you use when you cook a meal? ____________________________________________________

Activity: 18a

We’ve already studied the food groups in a food pyramid and a food rainbow, in a separate paper draw the food groups in a different figure. Present it to your teacher

Activity: 18b

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Activity: 19 Product: Favorite food drawing. Values:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Organizes information and vocabulary introduced in the block to write a report.

Writes a report based on the models he/she learns in class through vocabulary and language functions.

Shows initiative when working in exercises of creativity.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Draw a picture of your favorite food and write about it. Describe what it looks like, what it tastes like, why you like it, when you eat it, who makes it, and other things about it.

Activity: 19

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37 BLOCK 1


Activity: 20 Product: Vocabulary task. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Understands how will guests respond to questions in a restaurant.

Applies word analysis skills to recognize restaurant vocabulary.

Shows openness to the feedback given by the teacher.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Fill in the blanks, choose words from the box. Check your answers with your teacher.

In a Restauran

Principio del formulario

1. We'll take a of draft with four glasses, please.

2. I think we are all ready to .

3. We read the on our way through.

4. I think we'll get an order of garlic bread to .

5. I like my steak so that there is a little pink in the middle.

6. Do you have any to dip the chicken fingers in?

7. Everything is thank you.

8. I can't eat another .

9. We'll have coffee while we look at the dessert .

10. You can put it all on one , thanks.

Final del formulario

Activity: 20

bill – bite – delicious – medium rare – menu – order – pitcher – sauce – special board - split

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Activity: 21 Product: Questionnaire. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes vocabulary, nutrition information, categories of vegetables, fruits, and other foods.

Demonstrates his/her knowledge of vegetables, fruits, and other foods.

Shows initiative and interest when answering questionnaires.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

How much do you know about vegetables, fruits, and other food? Read each statement below. Circle True if you think the statements tells a correct fact about food. Circle False if you think the statement is incorrect.

1. A plain baked potato is almost 100 percent fat free. True False

2. Blueberries are native to South America. True False

3. The best liquid to drink is water. True False

4. Tomatoes and potatoes are in the same food family. True False

5. One serving of a vegetable or fruit is 1 cup. True False

6. Eating ice cream raises your body temperature. True False

7. Brazil is the world's largest producer of grapefruits and oranges.

True False

8. Potatoes contain little water. True False

9. Sweet potatoes and yams are the same vegetable. True False

10. Strawberries are part of the rose family. True False

© 2000 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this page for educational purposes.

Activity: 21

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39 BLOCK 1


Extra Activity Product: Questionnaire. Extra Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the amount of water when keeping track in a format.

Practices answering questionnaires, discusses results with other classmates, and reports results.

Shows interest when keeping track of the amount of water he/she drinks and when sharing information with classmates.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Follow instructions. After a month present a report to your teacher.

Extra Activity

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“Fast Food” nutritional table There are various ways to measure nutritional value; girls and women need to consume an average of 2,200 calories every day, while boys and men need an average of 2,800 calories. Fast food is bad food. That's pretty much common knowledge these days. The majority of the foods served at fast food restaurants contain an insane amount of calories, tons of fat including the very evil trans-fat (saturated fats), and are high in pretty much everything else that you'd want your food to be low in. Long story short, it's the kind of food you want to avoid eating. Consult this table every time you eat in a “Fast Food Restaurant”.

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41 BLOCK 1

Didactic Sequence 2. My Vacation.

Start up activity


Activity: 1 Product: Diagram. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, spelling, and facts about previous knowledge.

Practices vocabulary, spelling and facts about daily activities.

Collaborates with classmates when working in teams.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. In teams of 4 complete the diagram with activities you like to do on vacations. Ask your partner: What do you like to do on vacations?

Which activity do you like the best? ___________________________________________________________________

Do you need a lot of money for this activity? ___________________________________________________________

Activity: 1

What I like to do on vacations

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Development activities


Activity: 2 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies adverbs of quantity to talk about problems in a city.

Read a dialogue to determine answers to the problems in the city.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the conversation and answer the questions. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

Taxi driver: Are you new here?

Tourist: Yes, I am on vacations.

Taxi driver: How long have you waited for the taxi?

Tourist: For a long time, in fact, I was waiting for the bus.

Why is there never a bus when you want one in this city.

Taxi driver: There aren’t enough buses on this route.

Tourist: I’m thinking on complaining in the corresponding department.

Taxi driver: Good idea. You should say that we need more subway lines, too.

Tourist: Yes, there should be more public transportation in general.

Taxi driver: And fewer cars! There’s too much traffic. It’s getting impossible for

us to drive around the city.

Tourist: Stop in the next corner, please.

Taxi driver: By the way, do you know someone at the department of tourism?

Tourist: No, but I am the person in charge of the department of public transportation.

Taxi driver: Uuups!

1. What’s the taxi driver first question?


2. What’s the tourist’s first complain?


3. What is the tourist thinking on doing?


4. What other problems did the taxi driver mention?


Activity: 2

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43 BLOCK 1


Activity: 3 Product: Adverbs task. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies transportation and other public services vocabulary, as well as adverbs of quantity.

Practices vocabulary and applies adverbs of quantity in statements about transport problems in his/her city or state.

Appreciates the opportunity to develop grammar structure s in a meaningful situation.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the adverbs of quantity and use them to complete the statements about transportation problems in the state of Sonora. Then complete the statements about the city you are living in. Compare with partners.

Adverbs of quantity

With countable nouns With uncountable nouns

There are too many cars. There is too much traffic.

There aren’t enough buses. There isn’t enough parking.

We need more subway lines. We need more public transportation.

1. There are ____________________________ police officers in Navojoa.

2. There should be ________________________ cars in Hermosillo.

3. There is ______________________ public transportation in Pueblo Yaqui than Magdalena.

4. The Government needs to build ____________________Highways in Sonora.

5. There should be __________________________ noise in Rocky Point.

6. We should have __________________________ public parking garages in Nogales.

7. There is ________________________ air pollution in the city.

8. There are _______________________ cars parked on Nainari Street.

9. There aren’t _______________________ buses on the route Caborca-Pitiquito.

10. There is _________________________ traffic in Agua Prieta.

1. The city needs to provide more ___________________________________________________________________

2. We have too many _____________________________________________________________________________

3. There’s too much ______________________________________________________________________________

4. There should be fewer __________________________________________________________________________

5. We don’t have enough __________________________________________________________________________

6. There should be less ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 3

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Activity: 4 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies transportation problems in a city in an authentic material.

Suggests possible solutions to his/her city’s transportation problems.

Values the opportunity given to suggest solutions to a city’s transportation problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Bring articles from a newspaper about transportation problems in your city, post it here and write possible solutions. Then in a separate paper write a report about “Transportation in my city” and present it to your teacher.

Activity: 4

Helpful phrases

People should… The city needs to… There should be more… We need fewer… There isn’t/aren’t enough…

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45 BLOCK 1


Activity: 5 Product: Transport vocabulary. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies means of transportation vocabulary.

Recognizes means of transportation and applies vocabulary to his/her real context.

Shows wiliness t when working with classmates.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair Work. Write the names of the means of transportation. Then answer the questions and discuss with your partner.

1. _____________________

6. _____________________

2. _____________________

7. _____________________

3. _____________________

8. _____________________

4. _____________________

9. _____________________

5. _____________________

10. _____________________

1. Have you used these kinds of transportation? ______________________________________________________

2. What kind of transportation do you usually use? ____________________________________________________

3. Name three kinds of transportation that you use most often? __________________________________________

_________________________, ___________________________________.

4. What unusual forms of transportation are there in your city or country? _________________________________


Activity: 5

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Activity: 6 Product: Chart. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Organizes a graphic presentation about the interpretation of the results in the graph.

Practices means of transportation vocabulary, discusses results with other teams, and reports results.

Collaborates with classmates in the activities when he/she has the chance to develop fluency.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team Work Survey. Talk to four classmates, ask them about transportation. Write the answers in the chart.

Question Name

_________________ Name

_________________ Name

_________________ Name


1. How do you get to school?

Walk Take public




2. How much does public transportation cost?

3. How long does it take you to get to school?

4. In your opinion is public transportation good in your city or town? Why or Why not?

5. Your question:

Activity: 6

Discuss question one with other teams. Count the students who walk to school, take public transportation, etc. Make a graph and present it in class.

Activity: 6a

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47 BLOCK 1


Activity: 7 Product: Question and answer task. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies indirect questions when reading a dialogue.

Practices a dialogue, answers the questions and forms “Indirect questions”.

Shows initiative and interest when working in basic exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the dialogue, answer the questions and underline the “Indirect questions.”

Vicky: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bus station is? Man: There’s one on Lincoln St., across from the duty-free shop. Vicky: Thank you. Do you know what time it opens? Man: It should be open now. It opens at 9:00 A.M. Vicky: Good. Can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city? Man: You need to check at the counter in the bus station. Vicky: OK. And just one more thing. Do you know where the restrooms are? Man: Right behind you, ma’am. See that sign? Vicky: Oh. Thank you very much. 1. What opens at 9:00 A.M.? _______________________________________________________________________

2. Where is it located? _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Does the man know how often the buses leave for the city? ___________________________________________

Activity: 7

How to form indirect questions

Wh questions with be/do/did Indirect questions Where is the drugstore? Do you know where the drugstore is? When did flight 55 arrive? Can you tell me when flight 55 arrived?

What time does the bus leave? Could you tell me what time the bus leaves? Do you know Can you tell me + WH question + noun + be or a verb? Could you tell me

Write “Indirect Questions” using these WH-questions. Then compare with a partner. 1. How much does the book cost? ___________________________________________________________________

2. Where is the nearest bus stop? ____________________________________________________________________

3. How can I get to the airport? ______________________________________________________________________

4. How often do the buses come? ___________________________________________________________________

Activity: 7a

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Practice listening comprehension: www.esl-lab.com/trip1/trip1.htm


Activity: 8 Product: Identification of places. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies places and writes indirect questions.

Recognizes places to visit and forms “Indirect questions”.

Collaborates in a respectful manner with classmates when working in teams.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Look at the pictures, make up and write a sentence describing each one of them. Have your classmates guessed which picture you are describing.

Picture number Example: Many people visit this place to ski. 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

Activity: 8

1 2 3 4 5


Make indirect questions to the answers.

Example: Do you know where Chichen Itza is? Yes, it is in Mexico in the state of Yucatan.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________?

It takes only 100 kilometers to get from Hermosillo to Kino Bay. 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________?

The one day Disneyland park ticket is $72.00

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? Aspen Colorado is a nice place to ice ski.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? You can get to the statue by using the Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Ferry system.

Activity: 8a

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49 BLOCK 1

Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Sophia: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off!

What are you going to do?

Victoria: I’m going to work for one month.

Do you have any plans?

Sophia: Well, my parents have rented a condominium

in Rocky Point. I’m going to take long walks along

the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

Victoria: Sounds great!

Sophia: Say, why don’t you come with us?

Victoria: I can’t. I need to save some money.

Sophia: Why do you need money for?

Victoria: I’m going to go somewhere for vacations with my sister.

She says that we are going to look for a nice place to visit.

Sophia: You should search for information on a travel information web page.

Victoria: Ok Sophie I’ll do that. Enjoy your vacation at Rocky Point.

1. Why is Victoria going to work on vacations? ________________________________________________________

2. What is Sophia going to do on vacations?__________________________________________________________

3. What is Victoria going to do after working? _________________________________________________________

4. What are you planning for your next vacations? _____________________________________________________


5. What places have you visited in the state of Sonora? ________________________________________________


6. What places would you like to visit? _______________________________________________________________


Activity: 9

Think about your next vacation. Write answers to the questions. If you already have plans use, BE GOING TO. If you don’t have fixed plans, use WILL. 1. How are you going to spend your next vacations? ____________________________________________________


2. When are you going to take your vacations? ________________________________________________________


3. How long are you going to be on vacations? ________________________________________________________


4. What are you going to do? _______________________________________________________________________


5. Is anyone going to travel with you? ________________________________________________________________

Activity: 9a

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Activity: 9 Product: Conversation. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the use of “will” and “be going to” for making vacation plans.

Applies “be going to” and the modal” will” to express future vacations and travel plans.

Demonstrate understanding when expressing future tense.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the conversation with appropriate forms of BE GOING TO or WILL.

A: Have you made any vacation plans?

B: Well, I’ve decided on one thing –

I ______________________ go camping.

A: That’s great! For how long?

B: I ________________________ be away for a week.

A: So, when are you leaving?

B: I’m not sure. I _______________________ probably

leave around the end of the month.

A: And where ______ you ____________ go?

B: I haven’t thought about that yet. I guess I

______________ go to Aconchi.

A: That sounds like fun!

B: Yeah. Maybe I __________________ go

hiking and do some fishing. But for sure

I _______________________spend most of the

time in the thermal waters.

A: I didn’t know about the thermal waters in Aconchi.

B: Yes, The main attraction is “El Agua Caliente de Aconchi”.

A: What is that about?

B: It consists of spring thermal water with a temperature of 59 °C.

A: How exciting! Maybe I ___________ plan my next vacation there.

What do I need to go camping?

B: You have to bring a tent and a sleeping bag,

these are the two essential thinks you shouldn’t forget.

A: Ok, you tell me when you come back.

Activity: 9b

Remember that we have studied the future tense to make plans you have decided on using: BE GOING TO I’m going to the beach. For making possible plans before making a decision using: WILL

I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll go camping.

Making plans for the Future using WILL and BE GOING TO

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51 BLOCK 1

What items should or must I take on my vacation? Choose and write the item in the corresponding box.

Camping Vacation abroad

Activity: 10

many cloth – lantern – spare batteries – passport – dissolving soap – traveler’s checks – tent – cash – camping shower – plane ticket - back pack - identification card - arm chair– Visa - first aid kid - hotel reservations - sleeping bag - coffee maker - lot of luggage - fishing rod - formal cloth - I pod - cookware - volleyball - sunglasses - camera - map

Write sentences with items (from the box) that you should/must take to your vacation. Example: I must bring my tent to go camping.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 10a

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Activity: 10 Product: Modals practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Integrates new vocabulary to his/her knowledge and shares it with partner.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Read and practice the dialogue with your partner. Underline the “Modal Verbs”.

Victoria: Hi Gus! You just came back from vacations.

Can you tell me a little about Mexico City?

Gus: Sure I can. What would you like to know?

Victoria: Well, what’s a good time to visit?

Gus: I think you can go anytime. The weather is always nice.

Victoria: Oh, good! And what should I see there?

Gus: Well, you should visit the National Museum, go to the

Palace of Fine Arts, Frida Kahlo’s “Casa Azul”, Templo Mayor.

Victoria: What else?

Gus: Oh, you shouldn’t miss the Pyramid of the Sun in

Teotihuacan, it’s one hour from the city. It’s very interesting.

Victoria: It all sounds really exciting. What advice can you give me?

Gus: You should buy a round-trip plane ticket and you

must get a passport.

Victoria: Thank you Gus. Your information will help me and

my sister to plan our trip to Mexico city.

Activity: 10b

Modals for necessity and suggestion

Describing Necessity Giving Suggestions You have to get a passport. You ought to go to “Casa Azul”. You must get a visa to go to USA. You should visit the Pyramids. You need to take a tent. You’d better take spare batteries. You don’t have to bring cookware. You shouldn’t forget a lantern.

Complete the sentences about things to do in Hermosillo. Use a Modal (change to negative form if necessary) and a verb from the box.

1. You _______________ _______________ Hermosillo.

2. You _______________ _______________ “El Cerro de la Campana”.

3. You _______________ _______________ “Carne asada”.

4. You _______________ _______________ shopping at “Plaza Galerias”.

5. You _______________ _______________ a walk at UNISON campus.

6. You _______________ _______________ a morning at MUSAS.

Activity: 10c

miss spend see go visit try

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53 BLOCK 1


Activity: 11 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Collaborates with classmates when working on reading and writing a report.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Get in teams and read the passage. Answer the questions discuss with your partner, write a report and present it to your teacher.

Must and mustn’t of transportation

These are the names of some public and private means of transport: 1) Car – taxi – van – lorry - bus – coach 2) Motorbike – bicycle

3) Airplane, helicopters, Notice that you drive all the vehicles in line number 1, but you ride the ones in line number 2. All drivers

on the road are called motorists, while walking people are pedestrians. You must have a driving license to drive a car, but you don't have to have one to ride a moped.

Motorists should stop whenever they see people standing at a pedestrian (zebra) crossing. You can say you drive to school, to the supermarket etc., or that you go by car. On the other hand, you can say you walk there, or go on foot.

If you use public transport, you must pay the fare (bus/train/taxi fare). If you can take/catch a train or a

bus, you mustn't get on without a ticket. If you take a taxi, you should also give the driver a tip. In big cities you often have an underground.

Riding in an airplane is a great way to travel because it is fast and easy. Some people fly to their vacation

destination and others fly for business. Plane tickets should be purchased online, by phone, or by using a travel agency. The prices of tickets vary, so you should check around and research all your options. If you're flying for vacation, you should plan your trip several months ahead of time so you can get the best deal. You might want to compare vacation packages that include your plane ticket, hotel room, and rental car.

Information taken from:

http://www.elcivics.com/lifeskills/airline-travel-1.html and


1. What mean of transport do you usually use? _______________________________________________________

2. When you drive a car the first thing that you must do is: ______________________________________________

3. When people are standing at a pedestrian crossing, what should the motorists do? ______________________


4. Must you get a ticket before taking a bus in your city? _______________________________________________

5. Should you give a taxi driver a tip in your country? ___________________________________________________

6. Must you always buy your plane tickets online? _____________________________________________________

7. What should you do to get the best deal when buying a plane ticket? __________________________________


Activity: 11

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Activity: 12 Product: Question practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies questions to be made when buying tickets to travel.

Reads and discusses questions to Apply them to the answers given.

Values new structures used in real situations and integrates them to her/his knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the questions and discuss them with your teacher. Then write the correct QUESTION for the ANSWER given.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________?

Yes, it's 10% cheaper if you have you International Student Card.

2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? The charge is 60 dollars for a round trip.

3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? No, we'll put them in the bus' baggage compartment.

4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? No, they leave from North Station.

5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, there are three stops before the station.

6. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, if it's not expired you'll get 70% of the ticket price back.

7. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? If you buy your ticket one week in advance, it'll be 20% cheaper. _____________________________________________________________________________________________? No, it's a direct bus.

Activity: 12

Questions for “Buying tickets” (Train, Airplane, Bus)

How much is the ticket? Can I get a student / senior discount? Do I have to bring my bags on the bus? Does the bus stop anywhere before the central bus station? Do you have a schedule I could look at? Can I get a refund (= money back) for an unused ticket? Can I get a discount if I buy my ticket in advance? Do I have to change buses? Do trains to Mexico City leave from this station?

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55 BLOCK 1

Pair work. Plan your DREAM VACATION around the world, in your country or in your state. Discuss these questions and make notes with your partner. Where are you going to start from? Where are we going to stay? What time of the year should we travel? What are we planning to do and see there? How are we going to travel? How much money do we have to take? What places should we visit? What do we need to take with us? How long should we spend in each place? What kind of cloth should we take?


Activity: 13

Recommended web pages: Information and Video guidebooks: http://www.travelchannel.com/Places_Trips Interesting places in USA: http://www.travelinformation.com/ Places in Sonora : http://www.gotosonora.com/ Photographs: http://www.esl-galaxy.com/themeworksheets/generalknowledge/World%20Land%20Marks.pdf Mount Rushmore: http://www.elcivics.com/mount-rushmore.html

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Activity: 13 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Integrates and reinforces grammar and vocabulary by writing a report.

Applies and reinforces grammar and vocabulary studied by writing a report as well as searches for information on the web.

Values new structures used in real situations and integrates them to her/his knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write a report about the vacation you planned with your partner in the previous page. (Use vocabulary, useful phrases, grammar studied in the sequence, and search the recommended web pages for information and pictures). Post your report here.

Activity: 13a

Take turns and read your draft aloud to your partner

Activity: 13b

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57 BLOCK 1

Closing activities


Activity: 14 Product: Indirect questions. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Relates questions to answers from a dialogue booking a hotel room.

Applies previous knowledge to match questions and answers. Writes indirect questions.

Collaborates with responsibility when working in basic exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the questions in the left column and match the best answers to the right column. Write the dialogue. Then change the questions in the left column to “Indirect questions”.

In a Hotel

1. How can I help you? ( ) No, it is included in the price of your room

2. When will you be visiting? ( ) Yes, we have a safe behind the front desk

3. How long will you be staying? ( ) I need to book a room

4. How will you be paying for this room? ( ) Three days and two nights.

5. Must I pay extra for breakfast? ( ) With a Visa card

6. Is there anywhere to store my valuables? ( ) July 8th and 9th

Dialogue Agent:












Indirect questions. 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________






Activity: 14

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Activity: 15 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies means of transportation vocabulary and searches for information.

Applies vocabulary studied and searches for information on the web.

Shows creativity by writing a report and openness by using technology to search for information.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write about different means of transportation; when, why, and how they are used. Post photographs. You’ll find information and pictures in the following web page:


Activity: 15

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59 BLOCK 1


Activity: 16 Product: Advice practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions.

Applies “Modals” for describing necessity and giving suggestions for traveling and taking vacations.

Demonstrate understanding of basic instructions and ask for clarification to his/her teacher.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the advices use modals for necessity or suggestion. Then compare your answers with your classmates.

1. You ________________________ get a passport to travel to USA.

2. You ________________________ bring formal cloth to go camping.(negative)

3. You ________________________ bring a sleeping pack to go hunting.

4. You ________________________ buy a round-trip plane ticket.

5. You ________________________ hotel reservations.

6. You ________________________ pack too many clothes to go camping. (negative)

7. You ________________________ get a vacation.

8. You ________________________ check the weather.

9. You ________________________ carry lots of cash. (negative).

10. You ________________________ traveler’s checks.

11. You ________________________ forget to bring spare batteries to go camping.

12. You ________________________ take a lot of luggage. (negative)

13. You ________________________ check your visas.

14. You ________________________ carry your wallet in your backpack. (negative)

15. You ________________________ take identification with you.

Activity: 16

Give advice to a person who is planning to visit your city. Example: You should bring an umbrella when you come to Nogales. 1. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________.

Activity: 16a

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Activity: 17 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Integrates and reinforces grammar and vocabulary by writing a report.

Applies and reinforces grammar and studied vocabulary by writing a report.

Shows creativity by writing a report and appreciates the use of structures to be used in a real context.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

What advice can you give to someone who is planning to visit your country? Include information about transportation, accommodations, places to visit, dining and pictures. Write a report and post it here.

Activity: 17

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61 BLOCK 1

Didactic Sequence 3. Our Environment.

Start up activity


Activity: 1 Product: Questionnaire. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies facts about previous knowledge.

Applies previous knowledge about “Environmental Problems”.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

How much do you know about “Environmental Problems”. Choose the best answer and then discuss with your partners.

1. What do you call the rain that contains chemical waste and causes damage to plants and animals? a) Smog b) Acid rain c) Monson rain d) Season Rain

2. What is the term used to describe a substance that can be broken down and eaten up by microorganisms

like bacteria? a) Compound b) Environment friendly c) Biodegradable d) Recycled

3. We all know that the Kaziranga sanctuary is a place where rhinos can live safely away from hunters. What is

the term used for such careful use and protection of nature? a) Biofriendly b) Ecofriendly c) Degradation d) Conservation

4. What is the natural environment of a living organism called?

a) Habitat b) Surroundings c) Environment d) Biosphere 5. Most of the oil that we use is imported into our country from other nations. The oil is carried in huge sea going

tankers. Sometimes these tankers get damaged and the oil leaks into the oceans and seas. What is such an accidental discharge of oil into water bodies called? a) Water pollution b) Oil spill c) Oil leak d) Tanker leak

6. What is the process of collecting, processing and reusing waste materials called? a) Recycling b) Reworking c) Reusing d) Reprocessing

7. Name the phenomenon because of which the earth’s atmospheric temperature is increasing causing widespread environmental changes? a) Seebeck effect b) Greenhouse effec c) Geothermal effect d) Biothermal efect

8. What is a substance that dirties the air, water or ground – thereby harming the living organisms called? a) Pesticides b) Non-biodegradable c) G Pollutant d) Environmental friendly

9. What is the term used for the pollution and damage caused by release of heated water into rivers and lakes that can harm animal and plant life? a) Thermal pollution b) Geothermal pollution c) G Bothermal Pollution d) Isothermal Pollution

10. Have you heard that the ultraviolet radiations from the sun may cause skin cancer? Can you tell me which layer of the earth’s atmosphere protects the earth from these dangerous ultraviolet radiations of the sun? a) Stratosphere b) Ozonosphere c) G Lonosphere d) Troposphere

Activity: 1

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Development activities


Activity: 2 Product: Recognition. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes vocabulary related to ecological problems.

Applies vocabulary and his/her knowledge about ecological problems.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Learn “Pollution Pre-reading vocabulary” and discuss it with your partners. Answer the questions.

Word Meaning

acid rain noun Acid that contains harmful chemicals that collect in the atmosphere when fossil fuels

are burned

carcinogen noun A substance that has been linked to causing one or more types of cancer

Contaminated adj. Has come in contact with organisms or substances that cause disease

developing country noun A nation that is working towards becoming more economically and socially advanced

domestic waste noun Garbage that is produced by people in a household

dumping verb Placing waste in an area that is not appropriate ( ex. dumping chemicals in oceans)

industrial adj. Related to the advancement of the economy

pesticides noun Chemicals that are sprayed on crops to prevent insects from destroying them

pollutant noun Something that causes damage to the environment

pollution noun The contamination of the environment

sewage noun Waste that humans put down drains

smog noun Air pollution caused by a reaction between chemicals in the atmosphere and sunlight

sustain verb Support

toxic chemicals (toxins)

noun Poisonous materials that can cause disease

1. Trash thrown away at every home is called _________________________________________________waste.

2. This is a form of precipitation that contains harmful chemicals _________________________________________

3. These are used to protect plant fields from insects: _________________________________________________

4. Waste matter that contaminates the water, air, and soil: ______________________________________________

5. Air pollution by a mixture of smoke and fog: ________________________________________________________

Activity: 2

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63 BLOCK 1


Activity: 3 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to answer questions.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Take turns and read paragraphs. Discuss the reading, and answer the questions.

Water, Air and Soil Contamination

Pollution is an environmental concern for people throughout the world. One university study suggests that pollutants in the water, air, and soil cause up to 40 percent of the premature deaths in the world's population. The majority of these deaths occur in developing countries.

Water in many third world countries is contaminated with toxic chemicals, also known as toxins. In many regions the water that is used for drinking, cooking, and washing is the same water that is used for dumping sewage and hazardous waste. Most developing countries cannot afford water treatment facilities. Approximately 80% of infectious diseases in the world are caused by contaminated water.

Air pollution is a growing problem throughout the world. Indoor air pollution is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Families in developing countries use open stoves for cooking and heating their homes. These homes do not have proper ventilation. The smoke, which is full of chemicals and carcinogens, gets trapped inside where families eat and sleep. Outdoor pollution also causes disease and illness, especially in industrial cities such as Beijing, China, where cancer is the leading cause of death. Acid rain, results mainly from the coal powered factories, which produce inexpensive goods for North American and European consumers.

Soil pollution is also a major concern, both in industrial and developing countries. Pollutants such as metals and pesticides seep into the earth's soil and contaminate the food supply. Soil pollution causes major health risks to entire ecosystems. This type of pollution reduces the amount of land suitable for agricultural production and contributes to global food shortages. Dumping of industrial and domestic waste products produces much of the world's soil pollution, though natural disasters can also add to the problem. Farmers in poor nations grow food in contaminated soil both to earn a living and to avoid starvation. As more people move to urban centers, premature deaths caused by pollution are expected to increase worldwide. Today, the developed nations who achieved their wealth at the expense of the environment will be held accountable for protecting the earth's resources for future generations. ESL English Club 1. According to the article, what causes 40% of the world's premature deaths? _____________________________

2. What causes the “Global food shortage”? __________________________________________________________


3. What is the main reason people die of waterborne illnesses? __________________________________________

4. Which is the main cause of lung cancer in third world countries? ______________________________________

5. Which is NOT mentioned as a source of soil pollution? Choose two and underline them.

a) Dumping of wastes b) Use of pesticides c) smoke from factories d) acid rain

Activity: 3

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Activity: 4 Product: Brief repot. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to match words and complete statements.

Shows initiative and interest by writing about ecological problem in actual time.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Match the words in column A with words in column B. Use the same words to complete the statements.

Column A Column B

Oil __________________________ Rain

Exhaust __________________________ Spill

Catalytic __________________________ Fumes

Ecological __________________________ Disaster

Greenhouse __________________________ Layer

Acid __________________________ Effect

Ozone __________________________ Warming

Global __________________________ Converter

1. I think that the smoke from factories is more dangerous to the atmosphere than the

_______________________ from cars. It contributes to ________________________ which can destroy forests.

2. I don’t believe that there is a hole in the _________________________________________ because I can’t see it.

3. I like the fact that the ________________________________________ is making the planet hotter. I like hot

weather so I don’t think that _______________________________________ is a problem.

4. I think the ___________________________ in the Galapagos Islands was a preventable ___________________.

Activity: 4

What ecological disaster do you remember? Why do you remember it in particular?







Activity: 4a

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65 BLOCK 1


Activity: 5 Product: Match exercise. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and selects information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to match words and complete statements.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the conditional sentences. Take information from activity 3.

Example: If we continue using toxic chemicals, the water will be contaminated.

1. If we don’t take care of water, air, and soil, there ________________________________ in the world population.

2. Acid rain will continue if __________________________________________________________________________

3. If developing countries continue using open stoves for cooking and heating in their homes,


4. There will be more “Acid Rain” If coal powered factories ______________________________________________.

5. If we continue dumping industrial and domestic waste, _____________________________more food shortage.

Activity: 5

Match the Environmental suggestions to the results. Write the letter on the line.

1. Recycle paper to ______ A) reduce the garbage problem.

2. Recycle aluminum cans and glass to _____ B) Help protect the ozone layer.

3. Use unleaded gas to _____ C) Don’t use so much energy on heating or air


4. Buy products with less packaging to _____ D) Save trees.

5. Don’t buy tropical hardwoods to ______ E) to save water and electricity.

6. Improve insulation_____ F) Save from 40 to 85 percent of the energy

needed in the manufacturing process.

7. Use Public transportation to ______ G) Reduce consumption of gas and air pollution.

8. Don’t buy aerosols to _____ H) prevent “Global Warming”.

9. Turn off taps and lights to ______ I) Help preserve the rainforest.

10. Start an energy reduction plan to ______ J) Reduce air pollution.

Activity: 5a

Conditional sentences can describe situations and consequences that are possible in the present or future. Possible situation (with present tense form) Consequence (with future modals: will, may, or might) If we continue using pesticides, we will reduce land for agriculture. If I quit smoking, I will be healthier. If we don’t reduce air pollution, we might suffer from different diseases. The if-clause can be at the beginning (with a comma) or at the end (no comma) of the sentence.

Conditional Sentences

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Activity: 6 Product: Report and suggestions. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and reads information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems and learns ways to give suggestions.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the scientists’ suggestions and fill in the table. Add your suggestions.

Living a green world Scientists around the globe suggest that we must do our share to take care of our planet. This means making changes to our daily lives to reduce global warming and reducing the use of chemicals that deplete the Earth's protective ozone layer. Green is a term that many people use to talk about taking care of the planet and not overusing the resources that we all share. If you want to make a difference, the best way to start is to follow these three principles: REDUCE, REUSE, AND RECYCLE REDUCE. Use less of everything: less energy, less paper, less gas, and less water. It means to ride a bike or drive a hybrid car, and to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth. REUSE. Find new uses for your old products. Turn a pair of jeans into a cool purse, or use broken flower pots and create mosaic for a table or photo frame. Use newspapers to make papier mache art for a friend. RECYCLE. Take your used products like cans, bottles, plastics, and paper and donate them to groups that turn them into new products.

Scientists’ Suggestions









Activity: 6

Making Suggestions There are a lot of formulas used when making suggestions:

Why don’t we recycling paper? We must work hard to get a good grade. Let’s go to the travel Agent’s this afternoon. I suggest you/that…

Starting with a verb:

Find new uses for your old products.

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67 BLOCK 1


Activity: 7 Product: Suggestions table. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and reads information about environmental problems.

Reads information about environmental problems to give his/her own suggestions.

Appreciates interesting acquired information about environmental problems.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write suggestions to the environmental problems from Reading in activity 3.

Environmental Problem Your Suggestion

Water pollution

Air pollution

Soil pollution

Acid rain

Activity: 7

Write “Conditional Sentences” from activity 5a.

Example: 1. If we recycle paper, we will save trees.









10. .

Activity: 7a

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Activity: 8 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies ecological problems to and recognizes how man has affected the environment.

Recognizes the ecological problems caused by man to answer questions.

Appreciates the importance of taking good care of our environment recognizing how the natural world sustains us.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the article about an ecological problem caused by men. Answer the questions.

Oil affecting wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico

The oil that began leaking with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig on April 20th continues to spill into the gulf. This oil spill is now the worst in U.S. history. The spill is taking a heavy toll on wildlife. More than 800 dead animals, including birds, fish, and dolphins, have been found in areas affected by the spill. The number of affected animals seems to have been increasing in the last few days. Oil is hard to clean up. Try rubbing some olive oil and canola oil on your hair to see how hard it is to clean off. Now imagine trying to clean crude oil off your whole body using your mouth. Oil-coated birds are unable to keep the oil off their feathers, but while there is oil on their feathers they are unable to fly. Rehabilitators are trying to clean some of the birds by rubbing them with vegetable oil, which breaks down the heavier oil, and then washing them with detergents. Because the oil from the spill is toxic, not all cleaned birds will survive. Scientists are not yet sure how the deaths of so many creatures will affect the Gulf ecosystem. 1. When did the oil spill begin? _____________________________________________________________________

2. Where did it begin? _____________________________________________________________________________

3. What animals have been affected? ________________________________________________________________

4. What have rehabilitators done to clean the birds? ___________________________________________________


5. What do you know about this ecological problem known worldwide? ___________________________________





Activity: 8

Struggling Pelican

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69 BLOCK 1

Closing activity


Activity: 9 Product: Project report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies ecological problems to promote a school ecological project.

Applies knowledge to preserve and protect his/her school environment.

Appreciates how the natural world sustains us and promotes the environment and social well-being of his/her school community.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Turn your school into an ECO-SCHOOL. Here are some ideas for your project:

A School composting that could be used to Implementation of efficient light bulbs help your school garden flourish. and signs to educate people to switch

light off. A school garden growing organic vegetables and recycling programs.

Activity: 9

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Drawings to be used in environmental activities:

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Feelings and emotions

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Solicita e intercambia información referente al pasado de una persona; describe emociones y

da su opinión acerca de hechos, libros y películas de manera escrita en situaciones sencillas de socialización recreación o laboral.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 20 hours

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Didactic Sequence 1. Long time no see!

Start up Activity


Activity: 1 Product: Famous characters table. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes information about famous people and identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies information about famous people using simple past and past continuous.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Auto–Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Warm Up: Write about your famous characters. Important figure or celebrity

? Artist Singer or musician Writer



Why is he/she famous?

Latest Achievements

Why is she famous for? What is his name?

_______________________________ ______________________________

What has been her latest event? What was he doing in July 2010?

_______________________________ ______________________________

Was has she done to be famous? What “Novel Price” did he won?

_____________________________ _____________________________

Do you know Elena Poniatowska? What has he done to won the

____________________________ _____________________________

Activity: 1

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73 BLOCK 2

Development Activities


Activity: 2 Product: Grammar discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies the past continuous tense in his/her personal experience.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read and discuss in class the use of the “Past Continuous” presented on the table. Then complete the sentences with information about yourself. Use simple past or past continuous.

We use the “Past Continuous” to say what we were doing at a particular moment in the past.

subject auxiliary verb

main verb

+ I was

watching TV.

+ You were

working hard.

- He, she, it was not helping Mary.

- We were not joking

? Were you

being silly?

? Were they

playing soccer?

1. When I was a child I ____________________________________________________________________________.

2. I met my best friend while _______________________________________________________________________.

3. When I was going to secondary school I __________________________________________________________.

4. Three years ago I ______________________________________________________________________________.

5. Last year I ___________________________________ when ___________________________________________.

Activity: 2

Complete these sentences. Then take turns and write them on the board.

1. I ___________________________________________at 10pm last night.

2. They __________not __________________football at 9am this morning.

3. What __________you _______________________ at 10pm last night?

4. What__________ you __________________________when he arrived?

5. She ____________________________________when I telephoned her.

6. We _________________________________dinner when it started to rain.

7. Frederick went home early because it ___________________________________.

Activity: 2a

We often use the past continuous tense with the simple past tense. We can join the two ideas with when or while.

I was taking a shower when you called me.

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Match the phrases to complete correct sentences. Write the number in the parenthesis.

1. We were talking about him ( ) when the earthquake happened?

2. Were you sleeping ( ) when he had the accident.

3. While I was watching “Titanic” ( ) I was flying to Guadalajara.

4. When the fire started ( ) we were having lunch.

5. At this time last year ( ) I was thinking of you.

6. Peter wasn't driving ( ) when my bus came in.

Activity: 3

Choose the verb forms from the box to complete the sentences.

1. We ____________ a terror film when the door _______________________.

2. Suddenly the noise ______________________________.

3. The fire __________________ when I ______________________ an omelet.

4. The little boy _________________ because he _________________ an ice cream.

5. He ______________________ to the news while he _________________home.

6. What ________________ you _______________ when the fire started?

7. ____________ your sister _________________ at that time?

8. ___________ you __________________ the movie last night?

Activity: 3a

Make sentences using the verb forms from the box.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 3b

Were/doing Was/sleeping Did you see Was listening

/was driving Was

crying/wanted Started/was

cooking Stopped Were watching/


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75 BLOCK 2


Activity: 3 Product: Past activities description. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the simple past and past continuous tense.

Applies the past continuous tense in his/her personal experience.

Shows initiative when working in basic exercises.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

There was a rainstorm last night. Describe what people in my family were doing then. Use the “Past Continuous”.

My mother was ____________________________________________________________________________________.

My grandfather was ________________________________________________________________________________.

My sister _________________________________________________________________________________________.

My brother ________________________________________________________________________________________.

My father _________________________________________________________________________________________.

The twins _________________________________________________________________________________________.

Activity: 3c

Describe activities you did yesterday. Where were you and what were you doing?

1. At 6:00 a.m., I was having breakfast with my family.

2. At 9:00 in the morning,___________________________________________________________________________

3. At noon, _______________________________________________________________________________________

4. In the afternoon, ________________________________________________________________________________

5. At 10:00 last night, ______________________________________________________________________________

6. At this time yesterday, ___________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 3d

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Activity: 4 Product: Reading Comprehension.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, the work and life of important people.

Recognizes and realizes that work and other’s life and personal information is important.

Appreciates the characteristics and merits of work and life of important people.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the biography and answer the questions about the reading.

César Chávez

Cesar Chavez was a Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist. He was a farm worker who co-founded the biggest farm workers’ union in the USA and improved the working conditions of thousands of farm laborers. Many see him as one of America’s greatest civil right leaders. He claimed that his models were Emiliano Zapata, Gandhi, Rehru and Martin Luther King. More and more US states are honoring him by making his birthday a holiday.

Chavez was born in Arizona in 1927 to farm worker parents. His childhood was very tough because of the poverty caused by the Great Depression. Chavez was a natural leader and in 1952 he became an administrator in the Latino civil rights group the Community Service Organization. He travelled throughout California urging Mexican Americans to vote and speaking about workers’ rights.

In 1962, Chavez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) with Dolores Huerta. His first success was to lead a California grape pickers strike for better wages. The strike lasted five years and attracted the attention of Robert Kennedy. The NFWA won its first major labor victory for American farm workers. Chavez moved on to campaign for the rights of other farm workers.

The NFWA developed into the United Farm Workers. Chavez led marches and encouraged farm workers across America to join together. He helped them strike and organize boycotts. In the 1980s he fasted to draw public attention to the dangerous use of pesticides. He asked his people to, "Make a solemn promise: to enjoy our rightful part of the riches of this land, to throw off the yoke of being considered as agricultural implements or slaves. We are free men and we demand justice”. Chavez died in 1993 of natural causes. Ten years later, America honored him with a postage stamp.

Taken from: Famous People Lessons

Vocabulary Claimed: Assert or affirm strongly. Wages: Remunerate, salary. Strike: Negation to work in protest against bad work conditions. Fasted: Abstained from eating. 1. What did you learn from this text about Cesar Chavez? ______________________________________________


2. What questions would you like to have asked Cesar Chavez? _________________________________________


3. What was Cesar Chavez’ famous Advice to his people? ______________________________________________


4. Why did he fast in 1980? ________________________________________________________________________


Activity: 4

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77 BLOCK 2

Recommended web sites: http://www.biography.com/

Fill in the biography framework.

Name: César Chávez



Early Influences:


Major Accomplishments:



Activity: 5

Match the words from the biography on the left with their synonyms on the right. Use your dictionary.

Paragraphs 1 and 2

Paragraphs 3 and 4

1. Activist ( ) a. made better 7. Success ( ) g. urged

2. Improved ( ) b. difficult 8. Major ( ) h. triumph

3. Honoring ( ) c. encouraging 9. Campaign ( ) i. reasons

4. Tough ( ) d. campaigner 10. Encouraged ( ) j. awareness

5. Poverty ( ) e. paying tribute 11. Attention ( ) k. great

6. Urging ( ) f. hardship 12. Causes ( ) l. fight

Activity: 5a

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Activity: 5 Product: Biography framework. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary, work and life of important people.

Recognizes and realizes work and other’s life and practices chronological order.

Appreciates the characteristics and merits of work and life of important figures.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Number these lines in the correct order according to Cesar Chavez’ biography.

( ) In 1962, Chavez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) with Dolores Huerta. His first success.

( ) on to campaign for the rights of other farm workers.

( ) causes. Ten years later, America honored him with a postage stamp.

( ) rights group the Community Service Organization. He travelled throughout California urging.

( ) was to lead a California grape pickers strike for better wages. The strike lasted five years and attracted the attention.

( ) The NFWA developed into the United Farm Workers. Chavez led marches and encouraged farm workers.

( ) public attention to the dangerous use of pesticides. Chavez died in 1993 of natural.

( ) co-founded the biggest farm workers’ union in the USA and improved the working conditions of thousands of farm.

( 1 ) states are honoring him by making his birthday a holiday.

( ) Cesar Chavez was a Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist. He was a farm worker who.

( ) Mexican Americans to vote and speaking about worker’s rights.

( ) caused by the Great Depression. Chavez was a natural leader and in 1952 he became an administrator in the Latino civil.

( ) laborers. Many see him as one of America’s greatest civil rights leaders. More and more US.

( ) of Robert Kennedy. The NFWA won its first major labor victory for American farm workers. Chavez moved.

( ) Chavez was born in Arizona in 1927 to farm worker parents. His childhood was very tough because of the poverty.

( ) across America to join together. He helped them strike and organize boycotts. In the 1980s he fasted to draw.

Activity: 5b

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79 BLOCK 2


Activity: 6 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies information, vocabulary and grammar for writing an imaginary event.

Writes about an imaginary event using the grammar structure: past continuous tense.

Appreciates the characteristics and merits of work and life of important figures.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Imagine that Cesar Chaves is still alive. What would he been doing while “Law SB 1070” was being passed in Arizona. “This law requires that all police officers become immigration officers by requiring them to verify the residency status of individuals suspected of being in the country illegally”. Discuss with your partner, write a report and hand it over to your teacher or paste it here.

Activity: 6

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Activity: 7 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the past continuous to write about his/her life.

Writes about his/her life and outlooks for the future using the grammar structure: past continuous tense.

Integrates vocabulary and grammar structure to write about the characteristics and merits of her/his own.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write your biography. Writing an autobiography, focus on three things: who you are in life, what life means to you and what your outlook (point of view) for the future is.

Activity: 7



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81 BLOCK 2

Read the biography and answer the questions.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She loved movies and started acting classes to follow her dream of movie stardom. She was rebellious and became a punk with dyed purple hair and tattoos. Her movie career took off in 1997 and within a few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in the blockbuster “Tomb Raider” shot her to international fame.

Angelina hasn’t limited her career to acting. She became involved in humanitarian work while filming in Cambodia. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting refugee camps in poor countries. She donates large sums of money to help the plight of underprivileged people. She has effectively used her stardom to highlight world problems. Unfortunately, Jolie’s personal life has come to overshadow her other pursuits. The tabloids are obsessed with her relationships, especially the current one with Brad Pitt. The couple is now referred to not as Brad and Angelina but as “Brangelina”. The media seem more caught up with what they eat and drink than the important humanitarian work Angelina continues to do. Helping other people is what truly motivates Angelina. In 2001, she said: “We cannot close ourselves off…and ignore the fact that millions of people are out there suffering.” In addition to acting awards, she has received wide recognition for her humanitarian work. She became the first winner of the UN’s Citizen of the World Award. It seems likely more accolades will follow. 1. What did you learn from this text about Angelina Jolie? ______________________________________________


2. How was her appearance when she was in her 20s? _________________________________________________


Activity: 8

Put the words back into the correct order.

1. to her of stardom follow dream movie =

2. hair a with purple became punk dyed =

3. Angelina limited career acting hasn’t her to =

4. camps refugee visiting countries poor in =

5. to world used stardom highlight problems her =

6. The are with relationships tabloids obsessed her =

7. Angelina motivates truly what is people other Helping =

8. accolades follow seems more will It likely =

Activity: 8a

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Activity: 8 Product: Dialogue. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes questions and answers in a meeting friend’s dialogue.

Reads a biography and recognizes the theme of meeting old friend and catching up on what they have been doing.

Enjoys learning about interesting humanitarian work of an important figure.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the questions and answers. Pretend that you are long-time friend of Angelina Jolie. You have not met for many years and suddenly bump into her. You must catch up with all your latest news. You must talk about the past and ask questions.

You: Hey, Angelina! I haven’t seen you in ages.

What have you been doing lately?

Angelina: Yes, “Long time no see”. Well, I have been ________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ in the last 10 years.

You: What have you been doing after you won an Oscar?

Angelina: I’ve been _____________________________________________________________________________

You: What roles have you played in your movies?

Angelina: _____________________________________________________________________________________

You: In what movie?

Angelina _____________________________________________________________________________________

You: I heard you have been traveling to Cambodia a lot. What have you been doing there?

Angelina: I have been ___________________________________________________________________________

You: Very interesting, but how is your love life?

Angelina: Oh great! I am married to a wonderful man his name is ______________________________________

You: Angelina, what motivates you to do humanitarian work?

Angelina: Like I said in 2001: “____________________________________________________________________


You: No wonder why you were given the “UN’s Citizen of the World Award”

I feel proud being your friend. I know more awards will follow.

Angelina: Thank you, but I want to know what you have been doing lately. The other time we meet we’ll talk

about you.

Activity: 8b

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83 BLOCK 2


Activity: 9 Product: Small talk conversations. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the “Present Perfect Continuous” for the first time.

Applies the “Present Perfect Continuous” when talking on what people have been doing.

Integrates new grammar structures to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Present Perfect Continuous

Use the present perfect continuous for actions that started in the past and continuous into the present.

(Until now)

Examples of the present perfect continuous tense:

subject auxiliary verb

auxiliary verb main verb

+ I have been waiting for one hour.

+ You have been talking too much.

- It has not been raining.

- We have not been playing football.

? Have you been seeing her?

? Have they been doing their homework?

Write the Present Perfect continuous statements found in the previous dialogue.

1. What have you been doing lately? 3. _______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________

Activity: 9

Complete the conversations. Then practice them with a partner.

Activity: 9a

A period until now (have been doing)

A: What _________ you _____________________

(do) these days?

B: Well, I __________________________________

________, (spend) free time at Rocky Point.

A: __________you _________________(work)

B: Yes, I have. I _______________________

_____________ (work) at a Wall Mart on

the weekends.

A: How __________ you _________________ _____________________ (feel) lately? B: Great! I ________________________ (get) A lot of sleep, and I __________________ ________________________ (eat) healthy food.

A: ____________you ________________________

(get) enough exercise lately?

B: No, I haven’t. I ___________________________

______________ (go) to the gym often


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Activity: 10 Product: Written and oral practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the “Present Perfect Continuous.

Uses the “Present Perfect Continuous” while discovering more information about their classmates.

Collaborates with her/his partner when working in pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the sentences with the verbs in parenthesis. Use “Present Perfect Continuous”.

My son __________________________________________________________e-mails to his friends for hours... (send)

His friends _________________________________________________________ around Mexico for months. (travel)

Pablo and I _______________________________________________________________ to music all evening. (listen)

Our daughter ______________________________________________________ English since she was a child. (learn)

Victoria ___________________________________________________________________ in the garden all day. (work)

My cousin Diego _____________________________________________________________ TV for four hours! (watch)

Frederick ________________________________ since three o'clock. Tomorrow he has a very difficult exam. (study)

Caroline is very tire, she _______________________________________________________ the house all day. (clean)

The weather in Hermosillo is appalling! It ___________________________________________ since yesterday. (rain)

The kids ____________________________________________________________ at the beach all the morning. (play)

What is going on? Our neighbors _____________________________________________________ for hours. (quarrel)

I ____________________________________________________________________ in this city since last March. (live)

Activity: 10

Pair work. Ask your partner and answer these questions. Write answers in the table.

1. Have you been doing anything exciting recently?

2. How long have you been studying English? 3. Have you been going to parties on weekends? 4. Where have you been having breakfast on weekdays? 5. Have you been saving money to buy something special.

Your classmate’s answers Your answers











Activity: 10a

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85 BLOCK 2


Activity: 11 Product: Grammar practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and practices the “Present Perfect Continuous“.

Uses the “Present Perfect Continuous” when talking on what people have been doing.

Integrates new grammar when practicing new structures to his/her knowledge.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Rewrite the following sentences with the present perfect continuous. The first one has

been done for you.

1. Jack is cooking. He started to do this 4 hours ago.

Jack has been cooking for 4 hours.

2. My brother drives. He started to do this in 1968.


3. Caroline lives in L.A. She went there last month.


4. Rides a bus to school. He started to do it when his car broke down.


5. Julia plays tennis. She started to do this when she was young.


6. Mick Jagger sings rock music. He started to do this 40 years ago with the Rolling Stones.


7. Albert knows how to repair a computer. He learned how to do it a long time ago.


8. Doctors and researchers look for a cure for cancer. They started to do this more than 100 years ago.


9. Patients use anesthesia during childbirth. They started to do this in the mid-1800s.


10. I am reading this lesson. I started to do this 10 minutes ago.


Activity: 11

Complete this passage with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.

I lived in Nogales from 1974 to 1989. While I ____________________________________ (live) there,

I ____________________________ (study) junior high and high school. In 1990 I ____________________________

(move) to Hermosillo to finish high school. Seven years ago, I _________________________________ (go) to

Vancouver, while I was there I ________________________(study) and I did an internship in a Canadian Company.

Then I __________________________________ (come back) to Hermosillo in 2000 until then.

I_____________________________ (work) in a local company.

Activity: 11a

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Closing activities

Team Work. Form a team of 6, ask each classmate what they were doing last night. Complete the report with their names and what they were doing. Use past continuous tense.

Activity: 12

Write the names of the classmates you questioned and their activities according to the report form from above.

Ghost Story

Last night as ______________ ________________________________, he/she suddenly saw a ghost student 1 activity Outside the window! Frightened, he/she called ______________, who ________________________________ at the student 2 activity time. Being busy, he/she couldn’t come over. In a panic, _________________ ran over to ____________________”s student 1 student 3 house shouting. “I’ve just seen a ghost!” _________________, who ________________________________, stopped student 3 activity what he/she was doing and tried to calm ________________ down as he/she listened to _____________________’s student 1 student 1 story. “Let’s investigate,” suggested _______________________. student 3 As they were walking briskly down the street, they passed by __________________ as he/she _________________. student 4 activity They laughed at him/her for wasting time that way. On their way stopped at ______________________’s house. student 5 They found __________________ there too. ____________________ __________________while ________________ student 6 student 5 activity student 6 _________________________. They stopped what they were doing and joined ___________________________ and activity student 1 __________________________. Finally, all four of them arrived at ______________________________’s house. They student 3 student 1 Investigated the area outside the window where ______________________ had seen the ghost. They discovered a student 1 sheet that had blown off the clothesline and become ledged in a bush outside the window. Because of the wind, the sheet was moving, and it looked as though it was a ghost waving its arms. Embarrassed, _________________ student 1 joined the laugher of the others.

Activity: 12a

Report Form Example: What were you doing last night? Vicky was watching TV. Student 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student 3: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student 4: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student 5: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student 6: ______________________________________________________________________________________

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87 BLOCK 2


Activity: 12 Product: A ghost story. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies what others were doing at a certain time.

Applies the past continuous in a written report and writes a “ghost story”.

Demonstrates appropriate treatment ,politeness and Respects when asking questions to classmates.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write a statement for each one of the pictures. Use “Present Perfect Continuous”. 1. Sit/ for 2 hours.


2. Wait/ since yesterday.


3. Rain/all day.


4. Watch TV/for 3 hours


5. Cook/since 5 o’clock __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 13

Look at the answers and write the questions. A: What have you been doing lately?

B: I’ve been working a lot and trying to stay in shape.

A: Have _________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: No. I haven’t been jogging. I have been playing tennis.

A: Really? ________________________________________________________________________________________?

B: No. I have been losing most of the games.

How about you? ________________________________________________________________________________?

A: No. I haven’t been exercising I have been working long hours.

B: Well, why don’t we play a tennis game on Saturday afternoon? It is a great exercise.

Activity: 13a

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Activity: 13 Product: A framework. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the present perfect continuous to talk about other people’s life.

Applies the present perfect continuous to talk about other people’s life and what they have been doing at a certain period of time.

Enjoys learning about interesting lives of important figures.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write a biography of your favorite important figure or celebrity, in a separate paper and present it to your teacher. Answer the questions and then fill in the biography framework.

1. What has he or she done to become famous? ______________________________________________________


2. What questions would you like to have asked this person? ___________________________________________





Early Influences:


Major Accomplishments:



Activity: 13b

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89 BLOCK 2

Didactic Sequence 2. What do you think?

Start up activities

Find the Adjectives in the “Word Search.

Participles as adjectives
















Activity: 1

amazing amused annoying challenging confused confusing disappointed embarrassed frightened frightening insulting interesting rewarding satisfied shocked surprised tired

Team Work. Make teams of 5. Ask the following questions to your partners: 1. What do you think is more embarrassing?

a) Walking into the wrong restroom. or b) Falling down in front of an audience. Results: a:_____________ b: __________________

2. What do you think is more interesting? c) Reading a Harry Potter book. or d) Watching a Harry Potter movie.

Results: c: ____________ d: ___________________

Activity: 1a

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Activity: 1 Product: A word search. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies new vocabulary to be used in a new topic.

Searches for vocabulary in a “word search” to be used in the topic concerning movies.

Shows interest when acknowledging new vocabulary and appreciates its use.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Count the number of people who choose (a), (b), (c) and (d) and write the results. When you have completed your survey, share the results with the class.

Activity: 1b

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91 BLOCK 2

Development activities

Read and discuss the table with your teacher. Then complete the sentences and compare with a partner.

Participles as Adjectives A participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective to describe a noun.

Present Participle When you are describing the person or thing that caused the reaction.

The new movie sounds interesting.

The movie on TV was boring. The Garcia Marquez’ book was fascinating.

Past Participle When you are describing a person’s reaction or feeling.

I am interested in the new movie.

I was bored by the movie on TV. I was fascinated by Garcia Marquez’


1. I am ___________________________________ with the political speech. (bore)

2. I thought “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” was an _________________________ book. (excite)

3. I’m not ______________________________________ in Humor movies. (interest)

4. It’s _________________________________they don’t make many western movies these days. (surprise)

5. I find documental films ___________________________________ (fascinate)

6. Denzel Washington is a very _____________________________________ actor. (interest)

7. The horror movie was ____________________________________________. (frighten)

8. People can sometimes be ____________________________________by movies. (shock)

Activity: 2

Choose the correct adjective from the pair to complete the sentence.

1. What are we going to do tonight? I’m so _____________ (bored/boring) just sitting here watching TV.

2. Let's go out and do something ______________________________ (exciting/excited)

3. Did you watch that _____________________ (interesting/interested) documentary on TV last night?

4. If you don't mind my saying. I think his _______________ (baffled/baffling) attitude is due to the fact that he isn’t

_________________________ (interested/interesting) enough in his studies.

5. The _________________________ (astonished/astonishing) fact that almost 20% of Americans are obese is, in

part, due to the fact that they eat too much junk food.

6. His abilities were so ________________________ (amazed/amazing) that people travel led from far away to hear

him play.

7. ________________excited/exciting) particles in the nucleus center caused a chemical transformation.

8. I was ______________________ (humored/humoring) by his reply to my question.

9. Do you find that so ________________________________(surprised/surprising)?

10. One of his favorite colors is _____________________________ (shocked/shocking) pink.

Activity: 2a

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Activity: 2 Product: A Survey. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies present and past participles used as adjectives.

Applies present and past participle used as adjectives and searches and practices the grammar structure on the internet

Demonstrate interest when practicing the grammar structure on the internet.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Fill in with correct participles of the verbs in parentheses.

1. People who constantly complain are very _______________ (annoy) to me.

2. Whenever Adrian gets _______________ (bore), he goes fishing.

3. The students were _______________ (confuse) by the teacher’s lecture.

4. Most of the news on television is _______________ (depress).

5. The Coldplay band were very _____________ (excite) to learn that their concert was sold out.

6. Babysitting young children can be _______________ (exhaust) for many people.

7. Albert was so _______________(fascinate) by the book that he finished it in one evening.

8. Would you be _______________ (frighten) if you saw the movie “Vampire Hunter”?

9. After eating a _______________ (satisfy) meal, the cat washed her face.

10. When Isabella looked in the mirror, she was ________________ (surprise) to see that she had a leaf in her hair.

Activity: 2b

Search for the following web page, do the exercise, print it and paste it here.


Activity: 2c

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93 BLOCK 2

Look carefully to “the adjectives for art” from the pictures. Then complete the chart with synonyms.































Awful Wonderful Stupid Strange

























Activity: 3

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Activity: 3 Product: Recognition of adjectives. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the topic of movies and the use of the present and past participles used as adjectives

Practices participles used as adjectives describing movies.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write statements using the adjectives for art from the pictures.

1. Indiana Jones is a/an ______________________________ movie.

2. Jeff Bridges won an Oscar for his performing in the __________________________movie “Crazy Heart”.

3. Titanic was a/an _________________________________movie.

4. Anthony Hopkins did a/an __________________________ job in “Silence of the Lambs”.

5. My younger brother thinks that “Jurassic Park” is a/an ___________________________ movie.

6. Michael Moore did a/an ________________________ job with his documental “Bowling for Columbine”.

7. Mo’nique had an _________________________performance in “Precious”, she won an Oscar in a supporting role in 2010.

8. “The Hurt Locker” is a/an _____________________________ movie it won an Oscar for best movie.

Activity: 3a

Choose the appropriate adjective for the following statements.

1. Avatar was a ___________________ movie and I’d like to see it again.

a) absurd b) disgusting c) marvelous

2. I think Spielberg's movie The Lost World is as good as Jurassic Park. In fact they both are ______________movies.

a) terrible b) terrific c) boring 3. Sandra Bullock is ______________________ in The Blind Side and I think she is a very good Hollywood actress. a) horrible b) ridiculous c) wonderful 4. I don’t like horror movies because I think they are ___________________________, a) great b) fantastic c) dumb

usually the story has characters who are not very _______________________________________. a) scary b) silly c) stupid 5. Personally, I have always preferred _____________________________________ book to some a) interesting b) unusual c) bizarre

of those __________________________ movies produced in Hollywood these days. a) outstanding b) fantastic c) terrible

Activity: 3b

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95 BLOCK 2


Activity: 4 Product: Dialogue practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the topic of movies and the use of the present and past participles used as adjectives.

Practices discussing topics such as movies and applies the present and past participles used as adjectives.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the conversation, practice the dialogue and answer the questions. Victoria: Why don’t we go to the movies tonight? Albert: What’s playing? Victoria: How about the picture of the year “The Hurt Locker”, it won six Oscar awards. It must be very exciting. Albert: Who directed the movie? Victoria: It was directed by a great director Kathryn Bigelow. Albert: Who is Kathryn Bigelow? Victoria: Bigelow became the first woman to win the Academy Award for Best Director. Albert: What else has she directed? Victoria: “Weight of Water”, “Point Break” and other outstanding movies, now this interesting war drama. Albert: It sounds good! I like war movies. Victoria: Let’s go then. I’ll find out what time the movie starts and I’ll call you. Albert: Let me know so I can do my homework early in the afternoon. Victoria: OK, I’ll call you early in the morning.

1. Why does Victoria think the movie is very exciting? ___________________________________________________


2. Why is Kathryn Bigelow a great director? ___________________________________________________________


3. What category is the movie “The Hurt Locker”? ______________________________________________________

4. Did Victoria convince Albert to go to the movies? ____________________________________________________

5. What argument did Victoria use to convince Albert? __________________________________________________


Activity: 4

Match the movie vocabulary. Write the letter in the parenthesis.

1. Western ( )

2. Cartoon ( )

3. Ghost movies ( )

4. Comedy ( )

5. Intelligent ( )

6. Action movies ( )

7. Character ( )

8. Movie theater ( )

9. Adventure movies ( )

a. funny

b. someone in a movie.

c. clever

d. exciting

e. violent

f. cowboys

g. place where we watch movies.

h. animation like Mickey mouse.

i. frightening and full of horror


Activity: 4a

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Complete the table with an example of a movie of the corresponding category and write a small comment.

Movie Genre or Categories A movie genre is a label applied to a movie for categorization purposes. There are dozens of movie genres and sub-genres that viewers can choose from. Here are the main film genres.

Genre Example of a Movie and a small comment


Terminator. Arnold Schwarzenegger was Terminator (cyborg) character of the first film. He told everyone: "I'll be back" - and proved it with this film.



Epics/historical or documental



Science fiction




Activity: 5

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97 BLOCK 2


Activity: 5 Product: Movie genre description. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies relative clauses and vocabulary to be used in movie genres.

Practices relative clauses with relative pronouns to describe different movie genres.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write definitions for these different kinds of movies. Use relative clauses and the phrases in the box. 1. An action movie is a movie that________________________________________

2. A romance _________________________________________________________

3. A comedy _________________________________________________________

4. A western __________________________________________________________

5. A horror film ________________________________________________________

6. A musical __________________________________________________________

7. A documentary _____________________________________________________

Activity: 5a

Relative Clauses These clauses give essential information to define or identify the person or thing we are talking about.

Use who or that for people Use which or that for things It’s about a guy. He said “I’ll be back” It’s an action movie. It starts Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s about a guy who/that said I’ll be back. It’s an action movie which/that starts Arnold


What kind of movie genre is your favorite and least favorite? Write about each one and give reasons for your opinion. __________________________________________________________________________________________________








Activity: 5b

Has cowboys in it

Is scary Has lots of


Has songs Makes you laugh Tells about a

person or event Has a love story

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Activity: 6 Product: Questionnaire. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies relative clauses and vocabulary when talking about movie genres.

Practices relative clauses with relative pronouns to describe different movie genres and to answer a questionnaire.

Integrates new grammar structures and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the sentences with relative clauses. Then answer the questions.

1. Indiana Jones is a movie that all boys like to watch.

2. Walt Disney was the movie director _______________________________________________________________.

3. Sandra Bullock is an actress _____________________________________________________________________.

4. Avatar is a movie ______________________________________________________________________________.

5. Sam Raimi directed Spider-man 4 the movie _______________________________________________________.

6. Gael Garcia is an actor _________________________________________________________________________.

Activity: 6

1. What kind (genre) of movies are you interested in? Why? _____________________________________________


2. What kind of movies do you find boring? ____________________________________________________________

3. Who are your favorite actors and actresses? Why? ___________________________________________________



4. Are there any actors you don’t like? ________________________________________________________________

5. What’s one of the most exciting movies you have ever seen? ___________________________________________


6. What did you like about it? ________________________________________________________________________

7. What are your three favorite movies in English? ______________________________________________________,

______________________________________________, ___________________________________________________

8. What is the box office weekend movie playing in the theater of your city? _________________________________


Activity: 6a

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99 BLOCK 2


Activity: 7 Product: Dialogue. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies information when reading a dialogue to make up his/her own.

Reads and applies basic language used to describe movies when writing a dialogue.

Creates a dialogue using studied structures and new vocabulary.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Practice the dialogue with a partner. Then fill in the next dialogue with information of your own.

© 2007 Lanternfish ESL

Activity: 7

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Closing activities

Pair work. Answer the questionnaire and ask the questions to your partner. Write the results using participles as adjectives, adjectives for art, and relative clauses. Write a final report and paste it or hand it over to your teacher.

Question Your answer Your partner’s


Who is the best male actor?

Who is the best female actress?

How often do you go to the movies?

What movie genre is your favorite?

Do you enjoy action films?

Is it OK for young kids to watch violence on TV?

What was the last movie that you saw?

What is the worst film you’ve seen recently?

What is the best film you’ve seen recently?


Example: I think the best male actor is the outstanding Antony Hopkins who started in Silence of the lambs. My partner thinks that the best actor is... _________________________________________________________________________________________________









Activity: 8

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101 BLOCK 2


Activity: 8 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Classifies information and writes results to be used in a report.

Uses grammar structures and vocabulary studied in the sequence to write about a “Survey movie report”.

Collaborates with partner when working in pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Paste your “Survey Movie Report” here.

Activity: 8a

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Didactic Sequence 3. A visit to…

Start up activity


Activity: 1 Product: Vocabulary identification. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies new vocabulary to be used in a new topic.

Recognizes vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Shows interest when acknowledging new vocabulary and appreciates its use.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Do you know the fluids in your body? There are many types of fluid running through and out of your body. They are all necessary to keep you healthy. Write the corresponding letter in the parenthesis.

Bile ( ) a. Dead bacteria and cells.

Blood ( ) b. In the mouth, used to begin digestive process.

Diarrhea ( ) c. Protective fluid of membrane linings, in the nose.

Mucus ( ) d. Produce to wash dust out of eyes.

Pus ( ) e. Watery solid waste.

Saliva ( ) f. Produced by the kidneys, then eliminated from the body.

Tears ( ) g. Transports food and oxygen to the body cells.

Urine ( ) h. Made by the liver, used to break down fats.

Vomit ( ) i. Stomach fluid ejected from body through the mouth.

When you go to the doctor it is very important to describe your pain clearly. Look at the picture below and choose and write the corresponding expression.

hurts a lot - no pain - severe pain - hurts a little

_____________________ ___________________ _____________________ _____________________

Activity: 1

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103 BLOCK 2

Development activities

Read the dialogue and write a similar one. Take information from the box on the right.

Dialogue 1

A = Doctor B= Patient

A: Hi. Come on in and have a seat.

Now what seems to be the problem?

B: I have a rash on my arm.

A: How long have you had the rash?

B: It’s been about a week.

A: Are you taking anything for it Adrian?

B: I put some cream on it but it doesn’t seem to be helping.

A: I see. Are you allergic to any medications?

B: Not that I know of.

A: I’m going to give you a prescription for some ointment. I want you to apply it three times a day.

You should also avoid scratching your skin. And it’s important to use as little soap as possible. Make an

appointment to see me next week if it doesn’t get better over the next few days.

Dialogue 2










Activity: 2

Ailment: flu Prescribe: antiviral medication. Take three times daily after meals. Duration: three days Extra Advice: (a) Get lots of rest. (b) Drink plenty of fluids

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Activity: 2 Product: Written dialogues. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies expressions he/she might hear or need when visiting the doctor.

Practices expressions and vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Integrates new vocabulary to make dialogues.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write a dialogue taking information from the box on the right.

Dialogue 3










Activity: 2a

Ailment: diarrhea Prescribe: some medicine Take twice daily. Duration: 4 days Extra Advice: (a) Drink plenty of fluids. (b) Avoid foods containing milk.

Fill in the table with information from the three dialogues.

Name Medical

condition Duration Prior

medication Allergic to

medication? Y/N Prescription and



Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Activity: 2b

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105 BLOCK 2

Discuss in class the vocabulary to be matched with the ailment or illnesses pictures. Write the number in the parenthesis. Then make sentences using MODALS or ADVERBS for hypothesizing or assumption.

Albert ( )

Richard( )

Elizabeth ( )

Frederick ( )

Barnaby ( )

Frank ( )

Fern( )

Hector ( )

Tony ( ) Josephina ( )


Albert has a cough, his throat hurts. He might have a sore throat

1. Richard’s head hurts, he ________________________________________________________________________.

2. Elizabeth is not feeling well, she _________________________________________________________________.

3. Frederick has a runny nose, ___________________he has a __________________________________________.

4. Barnaby’s temperature is up, ____________________ he has a _______________________________________.

5. Something happened to Frank in his arm, ____________________he has a _____________________________.

6. Fern’s stomach hurts, he has a __________________________________________________________________.

7. Hector was using the hammer, he ______________have a ___________________________________________.

8. Ingrid was complaining, ___________________________ she has a ____________________________________.

9. Josephina can’t stand up, ___________________________she has ____________________________________.

Activity: 3

Expressions for hypothesizing Modals Adverbs Might/may Maybe He may not feel well. Maybe you’re right. Could Perhaps It could be a bad illness. Perhaps he’s not here.

Making Logical assumption Modals Adverbs Must Probably He must be sick. That probably is bad luck

1. hurt toe

2.Sore throat


4. cold

5. cramps

6. backache

7. fiver

8. hurt toe

9. hurt finger

10. bad cut

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Activity: 3 Product: Advice vocabulary identification.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary and expressions he/she might hear or need when visiting the doctor.

Practices expressions for hypothesizing, making logical assumptions and vocabulary needed when visiting the doctor.

Integrates expressions and vocabulary to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read and choose one of the following advice statements for each person. Write the number of the speaker next to the best advice.

Speaker 1: I have a terrible headache. The pain is right at the back of my head. It seems to go from ear to ear. Speaker 2: I think I have the flue. I threw up twice after breakfast. Maybe I shouldn’t eat anything. Speaker 3: I was playing soccer and fell over another player. Now I can’t stand up or walk. Probably I broke my

leg. Speaker 4: I just had a drink with ice, and now my tooth really hurts. I must have a cavity. Speaker 5: I tripped on the curb when crossing the street and twisted my ankle. I can’t walk. I must have

sprained it. Speaker 6: I don’t feel too bad, but I have been sneezing and coughing in class today. Perhaps there was a

cold going around, but I didn’t think I would catch it. Vocabulary: Bandage: A piece of cloth to protect an injury. Throw up: vomit Cavity: Dental caries. Tripped: Misstep (paste tense) To sprain: A painful injury in the ligaments. Sneezing: Expulsion of air from the nose. Advices _______ You should take two aspirin for the pain and see a dentist, as soon as possible.

________ You should wrap a tight bandage around your ankle. Don’t walk for a few days.

________ Buy medicine from the drugstore for the sneezing and coughing. Drink plenty of fluids,

maybe you need to rest.

________ You should take two aspirins. See your doctor if your head still hurts tomorrow.

________ You must go to a doctor you may get a cast put on your leg.

________ You shouldn’t eat anything for two or three hours __ until you stop vomiting. Probably

for one day.

Activity: 3a

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107 BLOCK 2


Activity: 4 Product: Brief repot. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Uses vocabulary acquired to be practiced in a dialogue.

Practices vocabulary in a dialogue and recognizes new grammar structures.

Integrates vocabulary to his/her knowledge to be used in an oral practice.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Then act out the dialogue with your partners.

Getting Advice on the Phone Clinic: Hello, Children's Clinic. Mother: Hello. Could I speak to a consulting nurse? Clinic: Yes, Hold one moment please. Mother: OK. Nurse: Hello, how can I help you? Mother: My son isn't feeling well and I'd like to get some advice. Nurse: I see he has a problem. Doesn’t he? Mother: Well, he has been coughing for several days now. I'm wondering if he

should come in and see the doctor. Nurse: He is a teenager, isn’t he? Mother: No, he is 3 years old. Nurse: Does he have any other symptoms like fever and runny nose? He has lost his appetite. Hasn’t he? Mother: No, actually other than the cough, he seems healthy. I am concerned though, because some of his

sister's friends have whooping cough and I know that it can be very contagious. That’s a pretty serious illness. Isn’t it?

Nurse: It can be serious with babies. Your son has been immunized against whooping cough. Hasn’t he? Mother: I'm not sure. He did get all of the suggested vaccinations. I will look it up in our records. Nurse: If he has been immunized recently, it is very unlikely that he would catch whooping cough, even if he

has been exposed. Mother: Sounds like I don't have to worry about that, but what shall I do about his cough? Nurse: The cough is probably a viral infection. It will help if you give him lots of fluids and a hot bath before

bedtime. A humidifier is also helpful. Keep an eye on the cough to watch to see if it gets worse. Call us again if he has a fever or if you are still concerned.

Mother: Thanks for your advice. Nurse: You are welcome. Good-bye.

1. What is the mother’s problem? ___________________________________________________________________

2. What is wrong with the 3 year old son? ____________________________________________________________


3. Has he been immunized? _______________________________________________________________________

4. What is the nurse final advice? ___________________________________________________________________


What do the sentences in bold letters mean? ___________________________________________________________




Activity: 4

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Read and discuss the table with classmates and with your teacher.

Activity: 5

Read the dialogue in activity 4, look for “Tag questions” and write them down. _____________________________________________________________________________________.





Activity: 5a

What is a Tag question? A question added to a declarative sentence, usually at the end, to engage the listener, verify that something has been understood. Example: They are from USA, aren’t they? or They aren’t from USA ,are they?

Notice that with positive statements, negative tag questions are used and vice versa. Some modals can be used in tag questions: can, will, would, could, should and must. Example:

Mr. James will be at the ceremony, won't he? They couldn't do it, could they?

If there is no auxiliary verb, we use the appropriate tense form of DO/DOES in the negative form. Note: When the subject is I (1st. person sing.) and the statement is in present tense, aren't is commonly used. Example: I am your friend. Aren’t I?

Fill in the blank with the correct tag question.

1. The teacher is in the classroom, ______________________________________________________?

2. The computers aren't broken again________________________________________________________________?

3. I should register for class, ________________________________________________________________________?

4. Maria is in the learning center, ____________________________________________________________________?

5. Jula works in the office, __________________________________________________________________________?

6. You don't have any money, _______________________________________________________________________?

7. Adrian has been here before,_____________________________________________________________________?

8. Ms. Martinez doesn't teach philosophy, ____________________________________________________________?

9. Jim was in his room, ____________________________________________________________________________?

10. Guacamole is made with avocados, ______________________________________________________________?

11. Bill is buying lunch, ____________________________________________________________________________?

12. They weren't busy, _____________________________________________________________________________?

13. I am a student assistant, ________________________________________________________________________?

14. Camille has to teach a class right now, ___________________________________________________________?

15. You are finished with this exercise, _______________________________________________________________?

Activity: 5b

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109 BLOCK 2


Activity: 5 Product: Tag Questions Practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies “Tag questions” and uses them to complete statements.

Uses “Tag questions” to complete statements and chooses them to finish sentences.

Integrates a grammar structure to his/her knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Choose the correct tag question to finish the sentence.

1. Carlos is an accountant, _______________________________? aren't he? doesn't he? isn't he? He isn't? 2. I am a good worker,___________________________________? I am? do I? amn't I? aren't I?

3. Roger is a grandfather,________________________________? he isn't? isn't he? he is? doesn't he?

4. Albert is a doctor, ____________________________________? he is? is he? doesn't he? isn’t he?

5. Janet and Pat are students, __________________________? aren't they? are they? isn't he? isn't they?

6. Adrian is at work right now, _____________________________? aren't they? isn't he? is he? isn't she?

7. I'm here, ____________________________________________? am I not? am not I? amn't I? aren't you?

8. You and I are busy right now, ___________________________? aren't I? aren't we? we aren't? aren't you?

9. It's windy today, _______________________________________? am I? aren't they? isn't it? isn't he?

10. I am ready for the next exercise, ________________________? isn't it? don't I? aren't you? aren't I?

Activity: 5c

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What is an Idiom? Read about idioms and choose the best meaning about “Illness Idioms” in the boxes.

Activity: 6

IDIOMS An *idiom is a phrase where the words together have a meaning that is different from the dictionary definitions of the individual words. Example: *A still tongue keeps a wise head *A pain in the neck: Something that you don’t like

Wise people don't talk much. doing it. Someone that annoy you. *Easy as ABC

Something that is as easy as ABC is very easy or simple.

Match Idioms related to health in the box with their meaning.

1. Feel blue ___________________________________________________________________

2. After-effects of drinking _______________________________________________________

3. Poor physical conditions ______________________________________________________

4. Extremely thin _______________________________________________________________

5. Become foolish or mad _______________________________________________________

6. Referring to death ___________________________________________________________

7. In poor physical condition _____________________________________________________

8. Lose consciousness _________________________________________________________

Activity: 6a

4. Another expression for vomiting is to _____.

a. throw up

b. toss out

c. pass out

5. To be able to eat or drink without vomiting is to


a. keep it down

b. get over it

c. dip into

6. To become unconscious is to _____.

a. go out

b. black out

c. knock over

1. To get an illness from someone is ________

a. pick it up

b. truck it in

c. take it away

2. To try hard to get rid of an illness is to


a. tide it over

b. cave in

c. fight it off

3. If a part of your body gets bigger and

rounder because of injury or illness it _____

a. come out

b. kicks in

c. swells up

a) In bad shape

b) Bag of bones

c) Hangover d) Go nuts e) Sadness or

depression f) Hit the dust g) Run down h) Black out

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111 BLOCK 2


Activity: 6 Product: Idioms recognition. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Interprets the literal counterpart of idioms.

Practices the natural manner of speaking by understanding idioms.

Integrates a natural manner of speaking informal English through the use of idioms.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write statements with idioms related to health from activity 6a. Number one is given as an example. 1. Winter season makes me feel blue.

2. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 6b

Choose an idiom for each of the statements. Write the letter on the right line. 1. (Usually) I get up and go jogging before breakfast every Sunday. 1. _____________ h) all of a sudden i) as a rule j)all in one 2. He is (very forgetful) and is always losing his glasses. 2. _____________ d) absent minded f) all thumbs g) as a rule 3. That car must have cost him (an incredibly large amount of money). 3. _____________ g) The apple of his eye h) all odds i)an arm and a leg 4. He is (not very good) when he tries to repair something in his house. 4. ______________ m) all ears n) all odds o) all thumbs 5. The teacher said the little boy was (her favorite). 5. ______________ j) an arm and a leg k)absent minded m) the apple of her eye 6. He was (all ready) to leave the house when the friends came over. 6. ______________ r) absent minded s) about t) all ears 7. (Without warning) it began to rain. 7. ______________ o) at heart p) as a rule q) all of a sudden 8. She is (always) available when he wants her. 8. ______________ t) at heart u) at his beck and call v) all ears 9. He is always (fighting) with his boss about something. 9. ______________ h) at heart i) at odds j) as always 10. I don’t think he is (to blame) about breaking the computer. 10. _____________ x) at thumbs y) at all z) at fault 11. OK I’m (listening). Please continue with your story. 11. _____________ x) all heart y) all thumbs z) all ears

Activity: 6c

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Body language

Pair work. There are different body language gestures that give out different signs of what a person is feeling. These are a few body language tips that will help you know a bit more on body language signs. Study them and make six gesture (or mime) to your partner. Let him/her guess the meaning.

Body Language Gesture Meaning

Brisk and Erect walk This body language means confidence.

Person standing with hands on hips This body language means readiness and aggression.

Person sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly

This body language means boredom.

Person sitting with legs apart This body language means an open and relaxed person.

Person tapping or drumming with his fingers This body language means that the person is impatient.

Patting/fondling hair This body language means lack of self confidence and insecurity.

Person walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched

This body language shows a person in dejection.

Person brings hand to cheek The person is evaluating and thinking

Touching, slightly rubbing nose The person is rejected, in doubt and maybe lying.

Rubbing the eye The person is in doubt or disbelief.

Hands clasped behind back The person is angry, frustrated and apprehensive.

Person Stroking chin This indicates that the person is trying to make a decision.

Person looking down, face turned away Just means skepticism.

Someone biting nails This is a proof of insecurity and nervousness.

Pulling or tugging the ear The person is indecisive.

Mark with X or and write the totals.

Gesture Partner You








Activity: 7

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113 BLOCK 2


Activity: 7 Product: Body language mime. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Interprets body language, gestures and signs.

Practices communication through body language, by acting and writing.

Creates a way to imitate gestures and body language.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Think about postures and what they can show. Match the description of a posture, an attitude or emotion in the box. Don't forget to use your dictionary to check the meaning of new words.

1. She sits and folds her arms, hugging her body. __________

2. She stands and pats her hair. __________

3. He stands and adjusts his tie. __________

4. He shrugs his shoulders. __________

5. He sits and puts his head down or down or slightly __________

to one side.

6. He sits and bangs the table. __________

7. He sits and fidgets and then stands and walks about. __________

8. She leans forward. __________

Activity: 7a

Draw emotions for the following faces, ask your teacher for help if necessary.

amazed embarrassed confused disgusted shocked

Activity: 7b

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Activity: 8 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and understand main ideas in a reading.

Practices by identifying and understands the topic of body language communication.

Enjoys reading a text to integrate new vocabulary to his/her knowledge and to answer questions.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read and answer the questions.

Body language

When we communicate with other people it is not only our words that contain the meaning. An important part of that meaning comes from what is called “non-verbal communication”. By this we mean facial expression; gestures with hands, arms, legs; the way we sit or stand; the way we touch other people; the distance we keep between ourselves and the people we are talking to, eye contact; our dress and our appearance. All these say something to other people. Facial expressions and gestures are used by everyone often spontaneously, even unconsciously. Smiling, for example, is found in most cultures as a sign of happiness or pleasure. Gestures such as pointing, waving, shaking, nodding or the gestures mentioned on a table in a previous page are also widely used, although the gestures themselves do not always mean the same in every culture, so it is important to identify some other culture's body language. Body language has become a popular and talking point these days, an American television series related to this topic has won many awards, the name of this TV program is: LIE TO ME, it is the compelling drama series inspired by the scientific discoveries of a real-life psychologist who can read clues in the human face, body and voice to expose the truth and lies in criminal investigations. It is very interesting to see how facial expressions show happiness, anger, boredom, sadness and guilt. One of the main differences between verbal and non-verbal communication is that we are often not conscious of the expressions and gestures we use and so we are in danger of giving more information than we really want to, or even of giving a conflicting message with our body language to the one expressed in our words. 1. What is body language? ________________________________________________________________________


2. What does” non-verb communication” mean? ______________________________________________________


3. Name some gestures people generally use. ________________________________________________________


4. What is television series “Lie to me” about? ________________________________________________________


5. Describe three gestures you use frequently and say what they mean. __________________________________


Activity: 8

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115 BLOCK 2

Closing activities


Activity: 9 Product: Illness survey. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Organizes questions to write a small report about his/her last illness.

Practices oral and written skills by answering and asking questions about illnesses.

Collaborates with his/her partner when working in pairs.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Answer and Ask you partner the following questions. Then write a report about your last cold or illness. Use the verbs in the box and change them to past tense.

? You Your partner

When was the last time you had a cold or were ill?

Do you remember some of the symptoms? Can you describe them?

Did you go to the doctor?

Did you take some medicine for your illness? What medicine did you take?

Did you remember how long you were sick?

be – have – feel – go- take- stay - buy












Activity: 9

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Activity: 10 Product: Tag questions practic. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies “Tag questions” and uses them to complete statements.

Practices “Tag questions” to complete statements and answers questions about the structure.

Integrates a grammar structure to his/her knowledge.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Complete the blanks with the appropriate tag endings. 1. You´ve never been to Alamos, _______________________________________________________?

2. She’s not going to have to take another course, ____________________________________________________?

3. She shouldn’t smoke, __________________________________________________________________________?

4. He has had many different kinds of jobs, __________________________________________________________?

5. He’s an engineer for a factory in Hermosillo, _______________________________________________________?

6. Pat and Janet Cleaned the house yesterday, ______________________________________________________?

7. Caroline and Diego have gone, __________________________________________________________________?

8. She’s recently been ill, _________________________________________________________________________?

9. There is something cooking on the stove, _________________________________________________________?

10. You had a good time at the game, ______________________________________________________________?

11. It’ll be cold tomorrow, _________________________________________________________________________?

12. He has always lived by himself, _________________________________________________________________?

13. He is never on time to work, ____________________________________________________________________?

14. There were a lot of people at the concert,__________________________________________________________?

15. I am going to be with you tomorrow night, _________________________________________________________?

Activity: 10

How much did you learn about “Tag Questions”?

1. What is a Tag question? _________________________________________________________________________


2. What is used when you write a positive statement? ___________________________________________________

3. What is used when you write a negative statement? __________________________________________________

4. What is used when there is no auxiliary in the statement_______________________________________________

5. What is used when the statement is about the first person singular? ____________________________________

Activity: 10a

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Activity: 11 Product: Idioms Table. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Selects idioms and their meaning by searching on the internet.

Practices the use of idioms and their meaning by searching on the internet.

Shows interest when looking for idioms on the internet.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Search on the internet for the most used IDIOMS and complete the table.

Recommended web pages: http://www.eslcafe.com/idioms/id-mngs.html



Meaning Example

Activity: 11

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Activity: 12 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies and understand main ideas in a reading.

Practices vocabulary by reading and writing the topic of eye contact and body language.

Enjoys reading a text to integrate new vocabulary to write answer questions.

Auto-valuation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the paragraph and answer the questions.

Eye contact

Eye contact, also referred to as gaze, is how and how much we look at people with whom we are communicating. By maintaining our eye contact, we can tell when or whether people are paying attention to us, when people are involved in what we are saying, and whether what we are saying is eliciting feelings. The amount of eye contact differs from person to person and from situation to situation. Studies show that talkers hold eye contact about 40% of the time and listeners nearly 70% of the time. We generally maintain eye contact when we are discussing topics with which we are comfortable, when we are genuinely interested in person’s comments or reactions, or when we are trying to influence the other person. On the other hand, we tend to avoid eye contact when we are discussing topics that make us uncomfortable, when we luck interest in the topic or person, or when we are embarrassed, or trying to hide something. What does the word gaze mean? ____________________________________________________________________.

Can eye- contact tell us something? _________________________________________________________________.

How does the amount of eye -contact change? ________________________________________________________.

When do we generally maintain better eye - contact? ___________________________________________________.

When do we tend to avoid eye-contact? ______________________________________________________________.

Do you avoid eye-contact when you are having a conversation with a person? ______________________________.

Write about “Body Language” in your own words.












Activity: 12

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Know how of technology

Competencias profesionales: 1. Realiza comprensiones oral y auditiva de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 2. Realiza comprensión escrita y de lectura de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma. 3. Realiza expresión o producción oral en otro idioma. 4. Realiza interacción oral en otro idioma. 5. Realiza expresión o producción escrita de diversos tipos de texto en otro idioma.

Unidad de competencia: Razona e investiga sobre el pasado y futuro de acontecimientos sociales y de los avances en

la tecnología.

Atributos a desarrollar en el bloque: 4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas. 4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. 4.3 Identifica las ideas claves en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. 4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas. 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética. 7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento. 8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva. 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y de convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

Time assigned: 20 hours

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Didactic Sequence 1. Speculating about...

Start up Activities

Team work. Answer and discuss with your partners. What would you do in each of these situations? Circle a, b or c. If you would do something else, write your suggestions in letter d.

What would you do?

1 If your doctor just told you that you have a month to live, how would you use the time left? a) I would travel around the world. b) I would spend all my money in helping the poor. c) I would give all away. d) ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. If you saw a classmate stealing at school, would you report it? a) I would immediately report it at the principal‟s office. b) I would talk with the classmate and persuade him/her to return what was stolen. c) I would tell him/her to share what was stolen. d) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. If you were invited to a friend‟s house for dinner and they served your least favorite food?

a) I would tell my friend that I don‟t like the food. b) I would tell my friend‟s mother that the doctor said that is bad for my health. c) I would call a pet under the table and give the food little by little. d) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

4. If your cell phone fell into the toilet?

a) I would live it there. b) I would wear a glove and take it out. c) I would ask my younger brother to take it out. d) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. If a classmate asked you for an answer to a question during an exam while the teacher was not looking, what

would you do? a) I would tell him/her the answer. b) I would tell the teacher. c) I would do as I didn‟t hear. d. ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 1

Find out which choice was most popular for each situation and report it in class.

Activity: 1a

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Development Activities


Activity: 1 Product: Questionnaire. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Selects a possible response for an imaginary situation.

Uses a possible response for an imaginary situation.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Co–Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:


Activity: 2 Product: Grammar discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Selects information from a dialogue to answer questions.

Recognizes information and imaginary situations from reading a dialogue.

Appreciates the message that the reading sends “moral values must be rewarded”.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the conversation and answer the questions.

Adrian: Did you watch the TV last night? Charles: No, I went to bed early. Why? Adrian: There was a commentary on the news section about a taxi driver which reported a briefcase that a client left in his car. Charles: What was in the briefcase? Adrian: There were important documents, two thousand dollars, ID cards and some checks. Charles: What did he do? Adrian: He found the phone number and called the client. Charles: What would you do if you found a briefcase? Adrian: Well, I would think it twice. Charles: What happened next? Adrian: Since the man was carrying very important documents from a very important company….. Charles: Get to the point! What happened? Adrian: The documents were so important that the company rewarded the taxi driver with a new car. Charles: Wow! Would you do that if you had a big company? Adrian: Sure I would. I think that there are human values like honesty, responsibility and truthfulness that must be

rewarded. 1. What was the commentary on the night news? ______________________________________________________


2. What was so remarkable that the taxi driver do? _____________________________________________________


3. What would Adrian do if he found a briefcase? ______________________________________________________


4. What would you do if you found a briefcase with money? _____________________________________________


5. What was the happy ending of the story? __________________________________________________________


6. Do you think that human values should be rewarded? ________________________________________________

Activity: 2

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Read and discuss the table with your teacher.

Activity: 3

Pair work. Match the clauses in column A with information from column B. Write the letter in the parenthesis. Then compare your answers with a partner.

A B 1. If dogs had wings, ( )

2. I f I found a burglar in my home, ( )

3. If I were you, ( )

4. If I found a briefcase with money, ( )

5. If I locked myself out of my house, ( )

6. If Madonna‟s hair were blond, ( )

7. If someone returned my wallet, ( )

8. If I saw someone shoplifting, ( )

a) I would give him a reward.

b) I would drive more carefully in the rain.

c) I would return it to the owner.

d) They would be able to fly.

e) I might tell the salesclerk.

f) She would look very different.

g) I‟d break a window to get in.

h) I‟d run to my neighbors for help.

Activity: 3a

Add your own information to clauses in column A. Then take turns and write on the board to compare with classmates.

Example: If I found a burglar in my home, I would probably call the police. 1. If dogs had wings, ______________________________________________________________________________

2. If I were you, ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. If I found a briefcase with money, __________________________________________________________________

4. If I locked myself out of my house, _________________________________________________________________

5. If Madonna‟s hair were blond, ____________________________________________________________________

6. If someone returns my wallet, _____________________________________________________________________

7. If I saw someone shoplifting, ______________________________________________________________________

Activity: 3b

This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation. It is called unreal conditional because it is used for imaginary situations and its consequences. What would you do if you found a briefcase with a million dollar?

Imaginary situation Imaginary consequence (with simple past forms) (with modals would, might, or could) If I found a briefcase with a million dollar. I would return it so fast. I would look for an ID to call the owner. I might go to Las Vegas.

Unreal conditional sentences with if clauses

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123 BLOCK 3


Activity: 3 Product: Group discussion. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Relates statements when practicing imaginary situations.

Practices “if clauses” to describe imaginary situations and consequences.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Write the best suggestion for the following predicaments on a separate paper. Then with your partner summarize the suggestions for the predicaments and write them on the chart. 1. What would you do if you were on vacation and you lost your wallet or your purse with your ID, money, credit

cards and cell phone? 2. What would you do if you discovered that a friend was on drugs? 3. What would you do If you went with a friend to the mall and you saw him/her shoplifting?

Predicament Best suggestion

1 _______________________________________________________________________________________________





2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________





3 ________________________________________________________________________________________________





Activity: 4

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Activity: 4 Product: Verbs table. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies verbs used in predicaments.

Applies the appropriate verbs for imaginary situations or predicaments.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Dictionary activity. Write the verbs used to describe events, in past tense. Then look for their meaning.

Verb Past tense Meaning

1. be

2. find

3. forget

4. fight

5. lose

6. deny

7. discover

8. invent

9. save

10. reward

11. see

12. borrow

13. agree

14. spend

15. dislike

Activity: 4a

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125 BLOCK 3

For Homework: http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/2cond1.htm

Team Work. Read the passage and discuss it with your classmates. Then answer the questions.

“Future technology”

In the beginning the inventor of the first commercial mobile phone - the brick-like Motorola probably had an inkling the device would one day become as light and sleek as the Razr. But did he dream it might end up looking more like a sheet of stained glass? Or be as bendy as a pack of origami card? So what will tomorrow's mobiles look like and what fancy features might they have? Find out some of the characteristics that could feature on the next generation of devices. Nokia Morph: the idea behind Morph is a phone that can change shape depending on need. The Morph can fold down from a slender tablet into a traditional candy bar and even a bangle-style wristwatch. Wearable: Another future mobile comes courtesy of MIT Media Lab that demonstrated a wearable device called “Sixth Sense” earlier this year. Wearing the device in this way enables it to 'see' what the user has in front of him or her. The projector can then project data onto the surfaces or objects in front of the user - meaning the device has no physical screen. ARM's mobile computer: As with Nokia's Morph, ARM's mobile computer is envisaged having the ability to change its shape - from a handheld tablet format to more of a traditional laptop-style device. Nanotechnology is also likely to help a variety of typically opaque materials - and electronics - become transparent. So what will tomorrow's mobiles look like and what fancy features might they have?


Brick like Razr Nokia Morph Wearable Arm‟s mobile computer Vocabulary Inkling: a slight suggestion or vague understanding. Envisaged: form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case. Feature: An article or merchandise. A prominent or distinctive aspect, quality, or characteristic.

1. Did the inventor of “brick- like” imagine what would mobile phones be like? _____________________________

2. How did these devices might end up looking? ______________________________________________________


3. If you had a Nokia Morph, how would you use it? ___________________________________________________

4. What are the characteristics of the “Wearable” or Sixth Sense? ________________________________________


5. What are the characteristics of the “Arm‟s mobile? __________________________________________________


6. In your opinion, how will mobiles or cell-phones of the future be like? ___________________________________


Activity: 5

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Activity: 5 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary to answer questions and to write a report.

Writes a report based on information read on a passage.

Demonstrate appropriate treatment, politeness and respect when working in teams.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

If you were an inventor, what would you do to improve a cell phone? Write a report and draw your imaginary mobile or cell phone.





















Activity: 5a

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127 BLOCK 3

Closing activities

Match these problems with the advice. Then write what your advice would be in the table below.

What to do?


1. Your neighbor borrowed your hair drier. When she returned it, it was damaged.

2. A friend gave you an expensive blouse for your birthday, but you really didn‟t

like it.

3. You checked your bank statement and noticed that there was a deposit of $1,000. You didn‟t make the deposit. You‟re sure it was a bank error.

4. You bought a TV on sale at a store, but it didn‟t work right. The store manager

said that they couldn‟t do anything about it.

5. You were not happy with the grade you got in the semester.


______ I guess I would take it back to the store and exchange it for something else.

______ I guess I‟d write a letter of complaint to the manufacturer.

______ Maybe I‟d ask her to repair it.

______ I think I‟d talk about it with my teacher.

______ I‟d probably wait until next month to see if they corrected the mistake.

Problem Advice

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 6

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Activity: 6 Product: Recognition of problems exercises.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary and grammar structures about problematic situations.

Recognizes vocabulary and grammar structures to give advices to problems.

Demonstrate interest when practicing “Second Conditional”.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

What would or might you do in these situations?

Activity: 6a

You found a valuable piece of jewelry in your school basketball court. _____________________________







You saw students fighting in your school. ___________________________






You discovered your friend uses drugs. __________________________






A friend borrowed money from you and didn‟t return it. ___________________________






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Activity: 7 Product: Web page exercise. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies the second time conditional to answer an exercise from the web.

Applies vocabulary and the second time conditional to answer exercises. from the web.

Shows creativity by answering the exercises from the web about the Second Conditional.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Answer the questions from the web page given below. Print it and paste it here. http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/2cond1.htm

Activity: 7

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Didactic Sequence 2. She said that….

Start up activities


Activity: 1 Product: Ice breaker. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Writes famous sentences used in a movie or song.

Reports famous sentences used in a movie or song.

Shows independence when applying previous knowledge.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the famous sentences from movies or songs that their characters said and report it.

Example: Coldplay in their song What if =Coldplay sings in their song “What if there was no lie”.

Activity: 1

Write 2 famous phrases or sentences of a song or movie you know. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________


2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


Activity: 1a

Darth Vader in the movie Star Wars: “Luke, I‟m your father”. _________________________





Cindy Lauper in her song Girls just wanna have fun: “The phone rings in the middle of the night” _________________________





Terminator in the movie Terminator: "I‟ll be back”. _________________________





Linking Park in their song The Catalyst: “We're a broken people living under loadedgun”. ______________________





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131 BLOCK 3

Development activities

Read the table and discuss it with your teacher. Then change statements into “Reported Speech”.

Direct statements Reported Statements

I am bored. She said that…

We love Mexican Food. They told me that…

I had an accident last May.

We have been eating out a lot lately.

I can‟t work today.

We will be home all day.

I may stay in bed all day.

I am leaving town for the weekend.

I will do the homework at the library

They have been friends since high school.

Practice Reported speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HBEw6cY17g

Activity: 2

We often have to give information about what people say or think. In order to do so we use reported speech. When reporting someone's speech we usually change any present tense form into the past tense, for example: Direct Statements Reported Statements There is a graduation party. there was a graduation party. I‟m not feeling well. he wasn‟t feeling well. I study English every day. She said (that) he studied English every day. I have planned a trip. he had planned a trip. I can‟t come. he couldn‟t come. I will go to Hermosillo. he would go to Hermosillo. I may go out with a friend. he might go out with a friend. If it is already in the past tense, then it just remains as the past tense, Example: Albert said: I made a date with Pat. = Albert said he made a date with Pat.

We can replace the verb said with the verbs: told me, whispered that, yelled that, ordered that, asked, complained that, promised that, though that. We also use reported questions to tell what other people have asked. The verb order is changed when you use an embedded question. Example: Where is the city of Detroit? Adrian asked where the city of Detroit was.

Reported Speech

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Activity: 2 Product: Reading Comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies reported speech in a literature passage.

Recognizes direct or reported speech in a literature passage.

Shows interest when reading a passage from a well known English writer.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read the passage, analyze the underline statements, decide if they are direct speech or reported speech and write them on the appropriate box.

Activity: 2a

The Canterville Ghost

The bell rang for dinner, and, as Virginia did not come down, Mrs. Otis sent up one of the servants. After a little time he returned and said that he could not find Miss Virginia anywhere. So, the whole family started looking for her. The hours passed, but they could find no trace of Virginia. So, after dinner, Mr. Otis ordered them all to bed, saying that nothing more could be done that night, and that he would contact Scotland Yard in the morning. Just when everybody was about to leave the dining-room, the clock struck midnight, and when the last stroke sounded, a secret door opened in the wall and in that door stood Virginia with a little box in her hand. Everybody ran up to her. “Good heavens! Child, where have you been?” said Mr. Otis, rather angrily, as he thought she had been playing a trick on them. “Papa,” said Virginia quietly, “I have been with the ghost. He is dead, and you must come and see him. He had been very nasty, but he was really sorry for all that he had done, and he gave me this box of beautiful jewels before he died.” Then she led the others down a narrow secret corridor to a little low room. There the family found the skeleton of Sir Simon, who had been starved to death by his wife's brothers. Virginia knelt down beside the skeleton, and, folding her little hands together, began to pray silently. Meanwhile, one of the twins was looking out of the window in the little room and suddenly said, “Look! The old almond-tree has blossoms.” “Then God has forgiven him,” said Virginia and stood up.

By Oscar Wilde (simplified)

Reported Speech

Direct Speech

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Activity: 3 Product: Reading Comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies different verbs to write reported speech statements.

Uses different verbs to change statements to “Reported Speech.

Demonstrates interest when practicing “Reported Speech Statements”.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Report what people say. Use the underlined verbs as the example given.

He whispered that the answer was two.

“Psst I need an eraser”. ___________________________


“Psst. I don‟t know the answer to question three”.



“Psst I am hungry”. ______________________________


He yelled that he was going to quit his job.

“I will become the king of the world!” ________________


“I can fly!” ______________________________________


“I had it with that!” _______________________________


She asked the teacher what the capital of Brazil was.

“What time will class finish?” _______________________


“What do I have to do for homework?”_______________


“Where is the stressed vowel?”_____________________


She asked the teacher what the capital of Brazil was.

“What time will class finish?” _______________________


“What do I have to do for homework?”_______________


“Where is the stressed owel?”______________________


Activity: 3

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Closing activities


Activity: 4 Product: Dialogue practice. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Analyzes survey statements to choose the proper response.

Determines the best response about the use of technology in modern life.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Change the direct command statements to reported speech statements.

Example: Be careful not to spill soup on the table. = My mother told us to be careful to spill soup on the table.

1. Can you help me? ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Open the windows. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Have a seat. ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. Can you pass me a pen? ________________________________________________________________________

5. Make sure you lock the doors. ____________________________________________________________________

6. I think you should talk to your teacher. _____________________________________________________________


7. Get lost! _______________________________________________________________________________________

8. Would you mind picking up some bread? ___________________________________________________________

Activity: 4

Write a “Reported Speech” statement for each of the pictures.

1 2 3 4 5

1. The wizard ____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Teacher Sammy _______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 4a

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135 BLOCK 3


Activity: 5 Product: News Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Presents the local night news using reported speech.

Applies the use of “Reported Speech” to write about local night news.

Shows interest when doing a homework activity and writing about local events.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Watch the night news on TV or listen the radio news and report what you hear and see. (Use reported Speech).

Activity: 5

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Didactic Sequence 3. Getting into technology.

Start up activities


Activity: 1 Product: Technology survey. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Analyzes survey statements to choose the proper response.

Determines the best response about the use of technology in modern life.

Demonstrates respect and politeness to classmates when doing a board activity.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Team work. Read each of the following statements and indicate your responses by checking “I agree” or “I disagree”. Discuss your results with your team and present them to your teacher.

I agree I disagree

1. Technological advances make life better for everyone.

2. It is important for adults to find out where their children go on line and who

they are talking to.

3. Computer technology makes finding information faster and easier.

4. If people let machines do too much for them, eventually people will no longer

be able to do things for themselves.

5. Children should be given more freedom in deciding what they do on line.

6. It‟s dangerous to place too much faith in technology.

7. It is impossible to become addicted to the internet.

8. Children who play computer games often believe that the violent games they

play often portray life as it actually is.

9. Most teenagers are on line too much.

10. Those who worry about the negative effect of technology should think about

the modern convenience available today.

11. Adults often use the computer games as a kind of babysitter for their


12. Having the latest technology is important to success.

Taken from: read, write, think. Materials may be reproduced for educational purposes.

Activity: 1

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Activity: 2 Product: Introductory activity. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Do you know who invented these popular inventions? With the help of your teacher choose the correct answer; write the letter in the parenthesis. The year of the invention given can help you.

Invention Inventor

1. The World Wide Web was developed ( )

2. The telephone was invented ( )

3. The computer mouse was invented ( )

4. The printing Press was invented ( )

5. Photocopier was invented ( )

6. The Light bulb was invented ( )

7. The fax was invented ( )

8. The first cell phone was invented ( )

9. The iPod ( ) 10. Compact Discs were launched ( )

a. by Thomas Alva Edison in 1879.

b. by Alexander Brain in 1843.

c. by Chester Floyd Carlson in 1938.

d. by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.

e. designed and Marketed by Apple in


f. by the Philip Company in 1983.

g. by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450.

h. by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

i. by Dr. Martin Cooper in 1973.

j. by Douglas Englehart in 1964.

Activity: 2

When were they invented? Write the year of the invention under each picture.

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

Activity: 2a

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Development activities


Activity: 3 Product: Reading comprehension. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods.

Shows interest when reading about human advancements.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Read, choose, and write in the time line the most important inventions of history. Write also the time, era or age.

Inventions The most important inventions of history are the reason human advancement and civilization of human being was able to flourish. The most important inventions in ancient time were: fire and the wheel. Then in the medieval times the wars increased the development of iron and cement. Later other inventions came during 1800 and 1900, like: the light bulb, the radio, and the telephone. The machine age (the late 19th and early 20th) began with the Industrial Revolution and has continued to date. Machine age has resulted from a series of inventions, such as the use of fossil fuels including coal as chief source of energy, the augmentation of metallurgical processes, particularly that of steel and aluminum, the generation of power and invention of electronic appliances, internal-combustion engine, and the experimentation of metal and cement in construction work. Many inventions have rapidly expended, the latest inventions that have changed the modern era are: the computer, mobile phones, Spacecrafts, and Aircrafts. The inventions that we will get tomorrow will reflect what we need today, so think of the medical advances, new energy sources, and other inventions that will help to live our lives better, easier, healthier, and more enjoyable. The inventions will continue. ______________________ _____________________ _________________________ ______________________ _____________________ _________________________

________________________ _______________________

________________________ _______________________

Activity: 3

Time: Ancient_____________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ Future

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139 BLOCK 3

Read the table of inventors and inventions. Write the events in chronological order.

The most popular inventors and inventions

The light bulb was invented in 1879 by Thomas Edison (1847-1931).

The first great invention developed by Thomas Edison was the tin foil phonograph. A prolific producer, Edison is

also known for his work with light bulbs, electricity, film and audio devices, and much more.

The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922).

In 1876, at the age of 29, Alexander Graham Bell invented his telephone. Among one of his first innovations after

the telephone was the "photophone," a device that enabled sound to be transmitted on a beam of light.

The printing press was invented in 1450 by Johannes Gutenberg (1394-1468).

Johannes Gutenberg was a German goldsmith and inventor best known for the Gutenberg press, an innovative

printing machine that used movable type.

The mechanical television was invented in 1926 by John Logie Baird (1888-1946).

Television was not invented by a single inventor. John Logie Baird is remembered as the inventor of mechanical

television, he patented the idea of using arrays of transparent rods to transmit images for television. Baird also

patented inventions related to radar and fiber optics.

The assembly line for automobile manufacturing was improved in 1913 by Henry Ford (1863-1947).

Henry Ford improved the "assembly line" for automobile manufacturing, received a patent for a transmission

mechanism, and popularized the gas-powered car with the Model-T.

The Radio was invented in 1895 by Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)

The Radio was invented by the mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla in 1895 later promoted by Guglielmo Marconi,

who received the patent in 1904.

Charles Babbage invented a sophisticated calculating machine in 1840, and called it the “Analytical Engine”

For this Charles Babbage was named “The great-father of the computer”, but many people contributed since the

year 1937 to 1985 so that the computer could be faster and could be able to perform more operations.

The Wright brothers invented the first controlled and sustained power-driven flight in 1903.

The Wright brothers showed the world that man could fly. Their invention of the airplane astounded everyone.

Orville flew the flyer for 12 seconds, watched by his brother Wilbur.

1. In 1450 the printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

2. In ____________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity: 4

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Activity: 4 Product: Time line of inventions. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies events and inventions in different time periods.

Recognizes events and inventions in different time periods to be written in a time line.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Draw a time line of the most popular inventors and inventions.

Activity: 4a

Fill in the table with information of the most popular inventors and inventions from the previous page.

Inventor Invention Time or Period

1. Tomas A. Edison








The light bulb The year 1879

Activity: 4b

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141 BLOCK 3

Read the time contrast table carefully. Then fill in the lines with the appropriate verb form at the reading below. Use present, past, future, and present perfect.

Time contrast

Present An invention is a new composition, device, or process. We live in a modern era.

Past The wars increased the development of iron and cement. The machine age began with the industrial era.

Future Future inventions will reflect what we need today. Other developments will happen in my life time.

Servants of our century – robots

In the past, there (1) ________________ (be) thousands of servants in great

empires like ancient Rome, Egypt or Greece.

There were slaves doing all the work for their masters and mistresses

so rich people (2) ________________ (spend) their time for travel, sports, leisure

activities and education.

Today the servants (3) ________________ (not be) human – they are machines which (4) ________________ (call)

„robots‟. The word „robot‟ (5) ________________ (come) from Czechoslovakia. They are machines which can be

(6) ________________ (teach) or programmed to do useful work. They mostly (7) ________________ (work) in

factories, especially on production lines. That‟s where something like a TV or a car is put together piece by piece.

For years, this work (8) ________________ (be) very boring and tiring for human workers. Today‟s robots (9)

________________ (be) more intelligent than ever before. They may even have mini TV cameras which (10)

________________ (make) them able to see. In the future, they (11) ________________ (be able to / work) at

homes, offices, shops almost anywhere. Since they were invented, they (12) ________________ (also / do) other

jobs apart from working on production lines. They can help to defuse bombs, work underground helping to find

metals and minerals, control flying weapons, take photos and collect rocks on planets like the Mars without

risking human life. Robots (13) _______________ (also / work) under the sea as robot divers and submarines to

repair oil-rigs and find wrecks.

Robots are clever but still not clever enough to do some tasks like washing the dishes, making beds, cleaning

floor or cutting grass. But it is a fact that robots will help to create a leisure society for the next generation and

they may increase unemployment. So this (14) ________________ (depend) onus. Only we can decide whether

we control the robots or they (15) __________________ (control) us.

Activity: 5

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Activity: 5 Product: Recognition of tenses. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies different time periods to complete a passage.

Recognizes different time periods: present, past, and future to complete a passage.

Shows interest when recognizing inventions and their time period.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Write sentences of different time periods from the passage.

Present Past Future

Today servants are not human.

Activity: 5a

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143 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Read the article and then discuss with your partner to answer questions.

Computers to match man by 2029

The computer was not invented by only one person. Many inventors contributed to the

history of computers. The computer is a complex piece of machinery make up of many

parts, each of which can be considered a separate invention. Charles Babbage invented

a sophisticated calculating machine in 1840, and called it the “Analytical Engine”. Later, Claude Shannon first

suggested the use of digital electronics in computers and in 1937 J.V.Atanasoff built the first electronic computer

that could solve 29 simultaneous equations with 29 unknowns. During those trouble times, computers evolved at

a rapid rate. . But apart from been faster and been able to perform more operations the computer has not evolved


What do we have for the future? Breaking News English article writes: “A leading US scientist has predicted that

computers will be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr. Ray Kurzweil told the American Association

for the Advancement of Science that in the near future, machine intelligence will overtake the power of the human

brain. He said that within two decades computers will be able to think quicker than humans. Dr. Kurzweil painted

a picture of us having tiny robots called nanobots implanted in our brain to boost our intelligence and health. He

told reporters that these microscopic nanobots would work with our brains to make us think faster and give us

more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that we are already “a human machine civilization” and that the

upcoming technology “will be a further extension of that."

Dr. Kurzweil was one of 18 top intellectuals asked by the US National Academy of Engineering to identify our

greatest technological challenges. Other experts included Google founder Larry Page and the human genome

pioneer Dr. Craig Venter. Kurzweil has a very impressive background in science and innovation. He was an

innovator in various fields of computing, including the technology behind CDs. He also pioneered automatic

speech recognition by machines. He predicts the pace of new inventions will increase greatly from now, saying:

"…the next half century will see 32 times more technical progress than the past half century." This means scenes

from science fiction movies, like Blade Runner, The Terminator and I Robot, will become more and more a part of

our everyday lives.”

Second part taken from: Breaking News English article.

1. What did you think when you read the headline? ____________________________________________________


2. What comes to mind when you hear the word „robot‟? _______________________________________________

3. Are you looking for a world full of robots? __________________________________________________________

4. How would the world change if computers and robots became more intelligent than humans? _____________


5. Would you like to be implanted with nanobots that would boost your intelligence and memory? ____________

6. What would you like your robot to do? _____________________________________________________________


7. What would humans be able to do better if they could think faster? ____________________________________


Activity: 6

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Activity: 6 Product: Report. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary about new and future technology.

Searches on the internet about new and future technology.

Integrates knowledge about futurist and new technology.

Auto-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Match the following synonyms from the article. Write the letter in the parenthesis.

1. Leading ( ) a. speed

2 Predicted ( ) b. point out

3. Within ( ) c. future

4. Upcoming ( ) d. developer

5. extension ( ) e. top

6. identify ( ) f. specialists

7. experts ( ) g. forecast

8. pioneer ( ) h. inside

9. pace ( ) i. sci-fi

10. science fiction ( ) j. addition

Activity: 6a

Pair Work. Discuss for which of the things below you would put nanobots into your body. Rank them in order of most important to you. Change partners and share your ideas.

a. _____ to live to be 125.

b. _____ to play an instrument like a concert performer.

c. _____ to speak a new language fluently.

d. _____ to play computer games like the world‟s best player.

e. _____ to be happy all day, every day.

f. _____ to look very young for all of your life.

Activity: 6b

Search on the Internet and find out more about nanobots. Bring the report to your teacher and share what you discovered with your partners next class.

Activity: 6c

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145 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Read about the Internet, ask your partner and answer the questions.

The Internet

The Internet is a worldwide network of thousands of linked computers compared to "a giant international plumbing system" (University of California, Berkeley, 1997). Remember that the Internet is not just one gigantic computer with all of the information; rather there are many computer centers, and we are connected to this "plumbing system" somewhere along the line. The Internet has changed the way we live, now most of the world conducts its business, youngsters receive their mail, films, music, and stay in touch via internet. 1) What is the Internet?

2) What would the world be like without the Internet?

3) Could you live without the Internet?

4) Is the Internet dangerous?

5) What kind of technology will replace the Internet?

6) What annoys you about the Internet?

7) Are you addicted to the Internet?

8) What do you think of social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace,

9) Twitter and Metroflog?

10) Can you remember the first time you used the Internet?

11) Do you think fingerprints or retina scans are better than ID cards?

Your answers Your partner‟s answers

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

7. 7.

8. 8.

9. 9.

10. 10.

Activity: 7

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Activity: 7 Product: Internet vocabulary table. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary used when using the internet.

Applies and searches for vocabulary used when using the internet.

Integrates vocabulary to his/her knowledge and values the use of the internet.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

How much do you know about Internet vocabulary? Match the word with its meaning. Use your dictionary if needed and compare meaning with your partner.

Internet Vocabulary

Word Meaning

1. Bio ( ) a) a secret word that only you know (can be letters and numbers).

2. browse ( ) b) information about you, such as your location.

3. following ( ) c) the person who receives your message.

4. links ( ) d) write back to a person.

5. microblog ( ) e) options a user has to change how something looks and works.

6. password ( ) f) group of users who want to communicate with each other.

7. profile ( ) g) sending messages from a telephone (SMS).

8. recipient ( ) h) to find new people and groups to connect with.

9. reply ( ) i) write an update on Twitter.

10. settings ( ) j) a name people use to access a website or program (may not be your real name).

11. social network ( ) k) a program that requires users to type letters into a box (to prevent spam).

12. text messaging ( ) l) a very small blog.

13. to network ( ) m) look through files to find something (e.g.: photo).

14. tweet ( ) n) receiving the updates of this user.

15. username ( ) o) hypertext links that you click on to go to other web pages.

16. word verification ( ) p) short for "biography"; a short introduction about yourself.

Activity: 7a

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147 BLOCK 3

Pair work. Read about two social networks. Discuss with your partner and answer the questions.

What is Twitter? Twitter is a social network (SN). Other popular social networks are Facebook, MySpace and YouTube. People use social networks to share thoughts and information over the Internet or mobile phone. Twitter is a social network that is easy to use for English learners. Many learners complain that using English online is tiring. On Twitter, you only read and write one line of English at a time. This is why users call Twitter a microblog. Each time you visit the site you answer the same question: "What's happening?" (On MyEC your update question is "What's new?") In the language of Twitter, your answer is a tweet. How to join twitter: Join or sign up, create a profile, log in at www.twitter.com, start tweeting, and follow people-look for people you want to network with. Twitter is public. Anyone on Twitter can find your tweets.

ESL English Club

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking website intended to connect friends, family, and business associates. It is the largest of the networking sites, with the runner up being MySpace. Facebook was founded by 2004 by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg and originally called the Facebook. At that time, it was only available to schools, universities, organizations, and companies within English speaking countries, but has since expanded to include anyone Facebook users create a profile page that shows their friends and networks information about themselves like: Status, Friends, Friends in Other Networks, Photos, Notes, Groups, and The Wall. Users are able to search for friends and acquaintances by e-mail address, school, university, or just by typing in a name or location for search. A popular feature on Facebook is the ability to share photographs uploaded from a phone, camera, or hard drive. As with other private information, users have the option to allow only friends to see their pictures.

Written by Josie Myers Edited by Bronwyn Harris

1. Do you use “Social Networks”? If yes, which one? __________________________________________________

2. Why do you think people say SN are dangerous? ___________________________________________________


3. Why Twitter is named a “microblog”? ______________________________________________________________


4. Which is the most popular characteristic of Facebook? ______________________________________________


5. In what institutions was Facebook accessible at the beginning? _______________________________________


Activity: 8

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Activity: 8 Product: Table with opinions. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Recognizes the useful application of social networks.

Comments and gives opinion of the pros and cons of the use of “Social Networks”.

Values the use of new technology and social networks when used properly.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Discuss with your partner before writing your opinion about the two social networks: “Facebook” and “Twitter”. Mark with a checkmark ( ) if it’s a positive or with X if it’s negative opinion.

Example: In my opinion, Twitter can bring so many problems. Facebook has its pros and cons I guess. If utilized positively, it works marvels and vice versa.

Facebook Twitter

Activity: 8a

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149 BLOCK 3

Closing activities


Activity: 9 Product: Approve and disapprove Report.



Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies information to give approval or disapproval of the use of computer.

Recognizes the usefulness of computers to approve or disapprove their benefits.

Respects his/her partners opinion when approve or disapprove the use of computers.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Pair work. Mark with a checkmark ( ) if you approve or disapprove computers. Then compare with your partner and present the results and differences to your teacher.

Many inventions have good points and bad points. Here are some ways of expressing our approval or our disapproval.

Activity: 9

Look at the following inventions and decide if you approve or disapprove (Write "A" or "D").Choose two of the inventions and write your reasons in the right-hand column. Then discuss your ideas with other class members.

Invention A or D Write your reason here


Cellular (mobile) Phones

Computer games


disposable cameras

Nuclear power

Plastic bottles

Air conditioning


Activity: 9a

I approve of computers because.....

1. ____ they help to prevent crime. 2. ____ they are a life-saver for office

workers. 3. ____ they are a time-saver for

designers. 4. ____ they are a better alternative to

using an abacus. 5. ____ they can be a comfort to lonely

people. 6. ____ they are economically beneficial

to the companies that make them.

I disapprove of computers because.....

1. ____ they are a menace to children's education.

2. ____ they wreck family life. 3. ____ they are detrimental to our

eyesight. 4. ____ they can be a time-waster. 5. ____ producing them is harmful to the

environment. 6. ____ they encourage young people to

be violent.

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Activity: 10 Product: Report of an invention. Value:


Factual Procedural Attitude

Identifies vocabulary and grammar structures to give his/her opinion about technology.

Applies vocabulary and grammar structures studied to give information about technology used in an invention.

Appreciates what has been learned in the block and gives his/her opinion.

Co-Evaluation C MC NYC

Obtained Value:

Choose a popular invention, one that you think has changed humanity. Then answer the questions.

Name of the invention First developed (date) Developed by

1. In what ways did it help to change people‟s lives and society back then?




2. What types of people used the technology or this invention back then?




3. Why is the technology or this invention more available today?




4. Why don‟t all people use the technology or this invention today?




5. Do you think this technology will become more and more important in the future? Why or why not?




Activity: 10

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151 BLOCK 3


Allan and Barbara Pease, “The definitive Book of Body Language”, Orion Book Company. UK. Aaron Jane E. 2006. “The Little Brown Essential Handbook”. Pearson Longman.

Buckley James Jr. and Stremme Roberts. 2006. “Book of Lists”. Scholastic. U.S.A. Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora. 2007. “Taller de Comprension de Textos” Dirección Académica de Colegio de Bachilleres de Estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, Sonora. Kirszner Laurie G and Mandel I. 1989. “The Holt Handbook”. Holt Rinehart Winston Incorporated. Orlando FL. Kursweil Ray. “Singularity is here” (about nanobots). 2005. Viking Press. Kealey James and Inness Donna. 2002. “Interactive ESL/EFL Activities and games” Pro Lingua-Associates. USA. North American Council for Humanism (NACH). “Human Values” Copyright © 2000-2009. Nist Sherrie and Diehl William. 2003. “The Reader‟s Corner” Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston MA. Page Jack. 2001.”Check Point”. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. USA. Richards Jack C. 1999. “New Interchange Teacher‟s Edition 2” Cambridge University Press. U.S.A. Richard Jack C. 1999. “New Interchange Teacher‟s Edition 3” Cambridge University Press. U.S.A. Thoburn Tina. 1982. “Macmillan English”. Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York. Thrush Emily, Blass Laurie, Baldwin Robert. 2002. “Interactions Access Listening/Speaking”. McGraw-Hill/Contemporaries. New York, New NY.

Electronic Sources Detect a lie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW8KYtvAsrw&NR=1&feature=fvwp Readings: http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/literature/canterville-ghost?param=part6&mark=directspeech,reportedspeech In a Restaurant: http://www.ego4u.com/en/read-on/literature/canterville-ghost?param=part6&mark=directspeech,reportedspeech Nutrition: Mom budget.com Places in Sonora : http://www.gotosonora.com/ Reading: Places in Sonora : http://www.gotosonora.com/ Ecology: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/animals/ Green World: http://www.suite101.com/content/whats-new-in-the-green-world-a19651 Biographies: Famous People Lessons.com Art and Pictures: om personal multimedia English.com Mobile Phones: silicon.com/technology/mobile

Surveys: read. write. think. Materials.com Computers: Breaking News English article