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Taller de Práctica Docente 2015

Tutora: Prof. Cecilia A. Zemborain

Co – Tutora: Prof. Graciela Inés Manzur

Lesson Plans – Practicum – Third Period

I.F.D.C. LenguasVivas

Taller de Práctica Docente

Alumna Practicante: Myriam Beatriz Tielve

Compañera consultada para corrección: Paula Schulze

Institución Educativa: Escuela de Educación Secundaria Ayelén

Dirección: Bustamante 2245 – Villa Celina – Buenos Aires

Sala/Grado/Año: 2do A – Turno Mañana

Cantidad de alumnos: 30

Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental

Tipo de planificación: Clase

Unidad Temática: Vida Saludable

Clase N°: 4

Fecha: 16/10/2015

Hora: 7.30 a 8.30 y 8.40 a 9.40

Duración de la clase: 120´

Fecha de la primera entrega: 12/10/2015

Teaching Points: Ordering food at a café. Healthy lifestyle.

Aims and goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to…

o Develop their language awareness of the structures used to order food and drink at a café.

o Develop their writing and speaking skills by writing and acting out a possible dialogue in a café.

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o Develop their listening and writing skills performing some activities and understanding the message of a song.

Language focus:


connected with food and drinkApple juice, mineral water, burger, banana cake, cheese burger, chocolate cake, ice-cream, coffee, fizzy drinks, vegetarian sandwich.

Ordering food at a café

Polite requests:Can I have a (burger), please?

Asking and answering about preferences:What would you like? I´d like a (cheese burger), please.Anything else?No, thanks.

Asking and answer about prices:How much is that? So that´s 10 pesos.

Recognition and use of the sound |w| in would |ˈwʊdǀ

NEW Phrasal Verb:Give up, keep on.

Action verbs: skate, try, catch, quit, skip.

New words:Advice, message.

Encouraging students to keep on working in order to have a healthy lifestyle.

Requests and CommandsTry, don´t give up, keep on trying!

Recognition of minimal pairs like in:Ball-allǀˈbɔːlǀ ǀɔːl|

Nose-toesǀˈnəʊzǀ ǀˈtəʊzǀ

Air- swearǀeəǀ ǀsweəǀ

Teaching approach: The Natural approach will be used in this lesson as the students are expected to interact with their teacher and peers in a natural way to promote the development of their communicative abilities. Students will be encouraged to focus on communicating their own preferences in a free-stress classroom environment. The PPP method will be used to introduce the target vocabulary and structure and also to present students with the lyrics of a song which will help them to revise the simple present structure.

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Integrating skills: In this lesson students will integrate writing and speaking skills by performing a dialogue at a café. They will also integrate their listening and writing skills by performing activities through a song. Students are also expected to integrate their recalling and reading abilities while brainstorming structures at the beginning of the lesson.

Materials and resources: my laptop and speakers, two posters, a song downloaded in mp3 to my laptop, flashcards, fake money, a worksheet, the board, pieces of chalk and markers of different colours.

Pedagogical use of ICT: Students were asked to bring their mobile phones or pen drives with a dialogue in a café recorded. However, most of them do not do their homework at home so I will let them write it during the first period of the lesson so that all the students can perform the dialogue. As their teacher has asked me I will give a mark on this assignment. If the OHP is available I will use it as resource in the last period to allow students to watch the video and encourage them to sing after they have worked with all the activities. If the OHP is not available I will encourage the students to sing the song while they listen to it from my laptop.

Seating arrangements: The students will be sitting at their tables of two for the first period of the lesson and then I will ask them to arrange their table in a semicircle to foster eye contact among them and have full vision of the screen if the OHP is available.

Cooperative work: The students will work in a cooperative way at the time of writing and acting out a dialogue at a café.

Possible problems/difficulties and their solutions during the class: It will be possible that students do not understand the instructions in L2 to perform the activities although I generally use gestures, I mime the actions and model them all the time. In this case I will write the instructions on the board and/or draw them on the board in order to give them some visual aids.

Potential problems students may have with the language: Students are used to answer the teachers´ questions and interacting with their peers in L1 when they do not know the exact words. In this case I will say the word in L2 using the sandwich method and I will encourage them to repeat the phrase(s) after me.

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Assessment: I will assess learner´s comprehension and understanding through their oral interactions, and their participation and development during the activities. I will record all the students´ dialogues in my laptop and then download them in the local tutor´s pen drive as she will record them in a page called “EDMODO” that she and her students use to record their activities and assess their assignments.

Routine: 10´

Purpose: to greet students and get them into a positive mood to start the lesson.

I will come into the classroom and greet the students “Hello, how are you today?” EA: “Hello, fine.” I will elicit the date from the students and I will write it on the board.

Then I will hand in the students´ homework which I have checked at home and at the same time I´ll ask them to hand in the homework assigned for previous lessons to those students who haven´t handed them yet.

Transition: “Let´s get ready to start learning!”

I will ask some questions in order to set the context again:

Do you remember what we talked about last class?

EA: “Ordering food and drink at a café.”

Did we talk about food or sports?

EA: “About food.”

T: “Great! Take the listening worksheet we worked on in the previous lesson out of your folder, please! I will have my own worksheet in my hand and I will show it to them to model the action and I will also take some more worksheets as some students were absent in the previous lesson.

Ordering food in a café -

1- Listen and tick the food and drink the boy orders: Apple juice. Mineral water. Burger. Banana cake. Cheese burger. Chocolate cake. Ice cream. Coffee.

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2- Now listen to the dialogue again and write the words in the chart in the correct place. There are three extra words that you don´t need:

thank – like- don´t like – apple juice – meat- cheese – burger- how much-strawberries-banana cake

Café worker: Next, please! What would you 1) __________?Andi: Can I have a 2)___________, please?Café worker: A cheese burger or double cheese burger?Andi: Double 3)__________ burger, please.Café worker: Anything else?Andi: Yeah, I'd like some 4)____________.Café worker: Would you like a drink?Andi: Yes, can I have an 5)______________, please?Café worker: OK, so that’s one double cheese burger, one banana cake and an apple juice. What’s your table number?Andi: Table 3. 6)____________ is that?Café worker: That’s £8.37, please.Andi: Here you are.Café worker: 7)__________you ... that’s £10.00 ... and £1.63 change. Next, please ...

3- Now look again at the photocopy with the menus of the four cafés. Which café is Andi in? ______________________________________

Source : cafe

Answer key:

1- Apple juice, cheese burger and banana cake.

2- Transcript: Café worker: Next, please! What would you like?Andi: Can I have a burger, please?Café worker: A cheese burger or double cheese burger?Andi: Double cheese burger, please.Café worker: Anything else?Andi: Yeah, I'd like some banana cake.Café worker: Would you like a drink?Andi: Yes, can I have an apple juice, please?Café worker: OK, so that’s one double cheese burger, one banana cake and an apple juice. What’s your table number?Andi: Table 3. How much is that?Café worker: That’s £8.37, please.Andi: Here you are.Café worker: Thank you ... that’s £10.00 ... and £1.63 change. Next, please ...

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3- The Orange Team Café

Warm – up: 15´

Purpose: to recall previous knowledge connected to ordering food and drink at a café.

T: “Do you remember Andi?”

Ss: “Yes!”

T: “Where is Andi ordering food and drink?”

Ss: “At a café!”

T: “What does Andy order to eat and drink?”

Ss: “Double cheese burger, some banana cake and apple juice.”

T: “How much does he pay for it?”

Ss: £8.37

T: “Is Andi in an Argetinian café? Why or why not?”

Ss: “No, he isn´t. Because he uses British money.” I explained the difference among pounds, dollars, euros and pesos in the previous lesson so I think students will remember it. If this is not the case I will elicit from them by asking questions, e.g. “What currency do you use if you live in Argentina? EA: “pesos.” And so on.

T: “How much money does Andi give to the café assistant?”

Ss: “£10.00”

T: “How much is the change?”

Ss: “£1.63 change.”

T: “Well done. Now we are going to revise some structures we use to order food and drink at a café.” I will hand in the following photocopy to the students:

Asking for preferences

Ordering food and drink

Asking about the price

Giving the price and handing in the order

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We worked on these structures the previous lesson but students didn´t take notes in their folders as there was not enough time. Therefore I have decided to revise them in this lesson.

T: “You will work with the partner sitting next to you and you will write the phrases that Andi and the café assistant use in the dialogue to ask for preferences, to order food and drink, to ask about the price and to give the price and hand in the order.” I will call for a volunteer to say the first expression.

While the students perform the activity I will hang on the board a poster with the same chart and then I will walk round the room to check that all of the students are working on the chart and helping those who have doubts about some expressions.

After some minutes I will go on in this way: (to the whole group)

T: “How many phrases have you included in each group?”

Ss: “Three in the first column and second column, one in the third and fourth column.”

T: “Excellent! It´s time to check your answers on the board. Bladimir, go to the board and write a phrase to ask for preferences on the poster, please.” I will call different students at random until the whole chart has been completed.

Asking for preferences

Ordering food and drink

Asking about the price

Giving the price and handing in the order

-What would you like?-A cheese burger or a double burger?-Would you like a drink?

-Can I have a cheese burger, please?-I´d like some banana cake.-Can I have an apple juice, please?

-How much is that? -That´s £8.37, please.-Here you are.

Transition: “Excellent, kids! What about ordering food and drink at an Argentinian café?”

Presentation: 10´

Purpose: to set a new context so as to encourage students to act out a dialogue at a café.

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T: “Let´s imagine that Andi comes to Argentina to visit us and wants to have some food and drink at an Argentinian café. Then we invite him to go to Café Martinez in San Justo Shopping. Let´s see the menu they offer us:


Sandwiches- Cheese Sandwich $ 20- Chicken Sandwich $ 25- Vegetarian sandwich $ 15

Cakes- Apple cake $ 10- Banana cake $ 10- Chocolate cake $ 12- Lemon Pie $ 15

Milkshakes- Strawberries $ 30- Banana $ 30

Drinks - Mineral water $ 10- Coffee or Tea $ 12

Source :My own design. I will hang on a poster on the board.

T: “What do you think Andi will eat and drink at this café?”Ss: “Cheese sandwich, banana cake and mineral water because there is not apple juice.”

T: “That´s right. It´s your turn to go to the café! For that reason I have brought some food and drink flashcards and fake money. Let´s have a look at them!”

Food flashcards

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Fake money

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Development : 40 to 45´

Activity 1: 10´

Purpose: to invent their own dialogue at a café while using the target structures/vocabulary.

T: “Imagine that the whole group goes with Andi to Martinez Café in San Justo shopping. You are going to work with the partner sitting next to you. One of you will be the café assistant and the other will be the customer. The customer has to ask for something to eat and something to drink. Pay attention to the phrases on the board and the menu the café offers. You have 10 minutes to practise the dialogue with your partner, you can write it on a sheet of paper to read it later.”

During the activity I will walk round the room to check that all the groups are working and using L2”. At the same time I will give each of the students a blank sheet of paper to be used once they have finished with this activity.

T: “Time is up. On your tables there is a blank sheet of paper, you will write on it what each customer to eat and drink so as not to forget anything because later I will ask you about it. This activity is meant to be sure that the students pay attention to their partners while they perform their dialogues. Let´s model the activity! Who wants to be the first group to perform their dialogue?”

Ss: “Rocío and Antonela.”

T: “Who is going to be the assistant?”

Ss.: “Antonela.”

T: “Who is going to be the customer?”

Ss: “ Rocío.”

T: “Ok, so you will write on the blank sheet of paper what Rocio orders to eat and drink.” I will check after the first dialogue if all the students have taken notes about the orders.

T: “Antonela and Rocio, remember that I will record all the dialogues so that Fabiana, your teacher can assess you.”

It will surely be time for the break before all the groups have finished so I will proceed in the following way:

Transition: “Great dialogues up to now! It´s time for the break, let´s relax for some minutes and we will go on listening to more dialogues after the break!”

Warm – up after the break : 5´

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Purpose: to get students in a positive mood to listen to their partners´ dialogues again.

T: “How many customers have already visited Café Martinez?”

Ss: “Eight/ Nine customers!”

T: “Which has been the most popular sandwich up to now?”

Ss: “Chicken sandwich”

T: “What was the most popular drink?”

Ss: “Banana milkshake.”

Transition: “Perfect. Let´s listen to 7 customers more.”

I will then ask the other groups to come to the front of the room and perform their dialogues. I will remember the whole class that they are expected to take notes on the food and drink ordered.

Transition: “Amazing! Let´s check how many food and drinks Café Martinez has sold today?”

If I see that the activity is getting too long or too boring for the students or some of them are really shy to perform it in front of the whole group, I will have it assigned for the next lesson or tell them to record the dialogue in their “EDMODO” page so that their teacher can listen to them there.

Activity 2: 5´

Purpose: to recap information about food and drink ordered during the dialogues.

T: I will call one volunteer to the board and ask him/her to write the quantity of the food and drink ordered next to each item in the menu. “How many cheese sandwiches have they ordered?” EA: “8”. Then I will ask for some volunteers to ask about the other items in the menu.

I want to check with this activity if the students were paying attention to their partners´ dialogues and at the same time avoid misbehaviour.

Transition: “You have worked really hard! It´s time to go on learning but this time with some music!”

Presentation: 7´to 10´

Purpose: to set context in order to leave the students a positive message connected to healthy lifestyle.

I have chosen the song “Don´t give up!” by Bruno Mars to leave the students a positive message and encourage them to go on studying, doing exercise and eating healthily in order to improve their lifestyles.

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T: “Like Andi all of us took decisions at a café of what food and drink we wanted to have. But sometimes decisions in life are not so easy and we feel we want to give them up. You don´t know what give up means so I will read you its definition from the dictionary: (I will also write it on the board)

Give up: it is to abandon something.

Example: He gave up playing football in the local team because he suffered from a serious accident.

Source: Collins Cobuild; English Dictionary for Advanced Learners; Major New Edition; Harper Collins; 2001)

T: “What things we should give up to have a healthy lifestyle? For example, I love chocolate but I have to give up eating so much chocolate because the doctor says it is bad for my health! What about you? What food and drinks should you give up eating so much?”

Ss: “Chocolate, fast food, fizzy drinks, among others!”

T: “Great, what things shouldn´t we give up eating and drinking if we want to have a healthy lifestyle?”

Ss: “Fruit, vegetables, mineral water among others.”

T: “What about doing some exercise or playing sports? Should we give them up o shouldn´t give them up?”

Ss: “No. We shouldn´t give them up!”

Transition: “Great! Let´s listen to a song by Bruno Mars and let´s see what the song advises us to do.”

Development: 10´to 12´

I will hand in these photocopies before playing the song for the first time:

Don't Give UpLyrics by Bruno Mars

1- Look at the title of the song and answer these questions:o Will this song have a positive or negative message?

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o Who sings this song? Do you know this singer?

o Do you know other songs by him? If so, which ones?

2- While you listen to the song you will do the following activities:

a- Match the two halves of the lyrics in the first paragraph

1.When you want to… a. …you feel you are through 2. And it seems really… b. … some advice for you 3. You feel like quitting … c. … really hard to do 4. Well I have … d. … do something that´s new

ChorusDon’t give upKeep on tryingYou’re gonna make itI ain't lyingDon’t give up, don’t ever quitTry and try and you can do itDon’t give up, yeah

b- Circle the correct option of the words in bold

If you want to catch a door/ballBut you are not having no luck at all The ball hits your head, it hits your nose/roseIt hits your belly, and chin and toes Well try, try and try again/thenKeep on trying until the end You put your hands out in the hair/airYou catch the ball, yes this is I swear.

ChorusDon’t give up,Keep on goingYou’re on a boat,So keep on rowingDon’t give up, don’t ever stopTry and try and you’ll come out on topDon’t give up

c- Insert the words in the chart into the gaps in the lyrics:

Skate - great – try – rollerskates - floor

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You got yourself ___________You put them on And you feel __________You stand upThen you fall, don’t think you can _____________ at all You get back up, then you trip, You skip and tip and slip, and flip You try and _________ and try some more Soon you´re skating across the __________.

ChorusDon’t give up, keep on moving,You’re gonna get there, just keep ongroovingDon’t give up, don’t pack it inTry and try, and you’ll winDon’t give up, no nonoDon’t give up, no nonoDon’t give up, no nonoDon’t give up, no noDon’t give up!

3- After listening to the song answer to these questions:o What activities are mentioned in the lyrics of the song?

o Can these activities help you to have a healthy lifestyle?

o Which of these activities would you like to try doing?

o Is the message of the song positive or negative? Why?

Source: My own design. This is the website which I have downloaded the video from:

Lyrics of: Don´t Give up by Bruno Mars

When you want to do something that’s new

And it seems really, really hard to do

You feel like quitting, you feel you're through

Well I have some advice for you.

Don’t give up

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Keep on trying

You’re gonna make it

I ain't lying

Don’t give up, don’t ever quit

Try and try and you can do it

Don’t give up, yeah.

If you want to catch a ball

But you’re having no luck at all

The ball hits your head, it hits your nose

It hits your belly, your chin and toes

Well, try and try and try again

Keep on trying until the end

You put your hands out in the air

You’ll catch the ball

Yes this I swear.

Don’t give up,

Keep on going

You’re on a boat,

So keep on rowing

Don’t give up, don’t ever stop

Try and try and you’ll come out on top

Don’t give up.

You got yourself rollerskates

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You put them on and you feel great

You stand up

Then you fall, don’t think you can skate at all

You get back up, then you trip,

You skip and tip and slip, and flip

You try and try and try some more

Soon you’re skating across the floor.

Don’t give up, keep on moving,

You’re gonna get there, just keep on grooving

Don’t give up, don’t pack it in

Try and try, and you’ll win

Don’t give up, no no no

Don’t give up, no no no

Don’t give up, no no no

Don’t give up, no no

Don’t give up!


I will read the first activity on the worksheet and encourage students to brainstorm ideas about the questions, I will write them on the board.

Then I will ask one of the most proficient students to read the activities from the while listening stage and elicit how to perform them from the whole group. I will model each activity on the board to help students who need some visual aid. I will play the song twice in my laptop and then once more stopping after each stanza in order to check students´ choice. I will also encourage students to start singing the chorus sections.

At last I will start a discussion with the whole group in order to answer the questions in the after listening activity. I will leave them this message on the board:

“You will never have to give up if you want to have a healthy lifestyle.”

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Closure: 5 to 10´

Purpose: to thank students and the teacher for sharing these lessons with me and greet them goodbye.

If this is my last lesson with them I will announce it to them. I will congratulate them on their hard work during these lessons. I will encourage them to go on learning and being good teenagers as they really are. I will also tell them that I have learnt a lot from them as well. To end the lesson and before saying goodbye I will hand some souvenirs in to them (a bag with a pen and some sweets and a card with their names) and greet them goodbye. I will also thank the teacher and give her a present.

T: “It´s time to go to the break now!”