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EXCLUSIVE COFFEES S.A. “Coffees with identity”


catacion de cafes finos: una herramienta clave para el posicionamiento de micro lotes

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Un poquito de historia….. •200 anos de producir cafes •Cultivo de interdependencia

• establecio la base economica, social, institucional y cultural de nuestro pais

•Paso de la oligarquia , a un sistema cooperativo en los 50’s -60’s

•Privados y multinacionales en los 80’s

•Pasamos de ser proveedores de cafes especiales a volumen en los 80’s

•Debido a la crisis de precios finales 90’s, se gesta una nueva generacion de productores – micro beneficiadores

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Los factores que inician la generación de Micro beneficios:

• La crisis de precios en la bolsa de NY “C”

• La necesidad de una alternativa economicamente viable para el productor

• Una nueva generacion de tostadores-compradores interesados en premiar la calidad directamente al productor , gestando una nueva tendencia de mercado sobre la base de la calidad y calificacion de taza

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Factores determinantes que han creado esta tendencia:

• La creación de un sistema de clasificación -calificación de café especial bajo el programa de Q Grading del Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)

• La creación de sistemas de subastas por internet acercando al productor con el comprador

• La creación de los Campeonatos Mundiales de Barismo (WBC’s) como embajadores de buen café, generando un renacido nicho de consumidores para cafés boutique de origen,

• La variedad Geisha , como agente diferenciador comparativo de un café tipo “champagne”

Coffee Quality Institute

Q Grading Program

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Coffee Cupping Pyramid •El sistema tradicional de catacion, en su momento , calificaba defectos en taza, si la taza estaba limpia.

• El sistema de calificacion Q: ha cambiado la manera de catar/clasificar nuestros cafes, con el cual identificamos atributos y complejidades en la taza.

•Los factores de variedad, el terroir, altura, nutricion, fertilizacion, edad del tejido son factores clave para una buena calificacion de taza

• La catacion es un proceso VERIFICADOR , el cual constata que se ha cumplido con excelencia la produccion y el beneficiado con TRAZABILIDAD lote x lote

Boutique type

Specialty Grade

Commercial Grade

85+ points

80+ points

Grand Cru type

90+ points

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Trazabilidad lote x lote de produccion

Boleta de Finca y Beneficio

Boleta de Catacion

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Formulario de catacion

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Generacion de datos

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Esta tendencia ha generado un acercamiento entre el productor y el tostador-comprador:

• Son trotamundos del café

• Son catadores profesionales

• En busqueda de conocimiento

• Re definiendo el modelo tradicional de comercializacion “trading” de café

• Trazabilidad de taza premiando la calidad al productor

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El nuevo modelo: Direct Trade – Trato Directo

• Es conocer al productor su familia, su finca, sus variedades, alturas, suelos, climas, costos, procesos

• Es catar todas y cada una de las muestras de produccion durante cosecha, seleccionando los mejores micro lotes

• Es posicionar al productor con IDENTIDAD en el nicho de mercado internacional sobre la base de la calidad y trazabilidad

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Catacion de los lotes

•Nuestra empresa cuenta con 2 Q Graders SCAA •Catamos 4.000+ muestras de micro lotes de la 2010.2011, informacion compartida con los productores •Contamos con laboratorio de catacion

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Educacion: productor-catador…..

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Exclusive Coffees : the boutique coffees experts

• Planta de proceso de micro lotes boutique garantizando la calidad del cafe

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La Joya

Another new, fresh crop

coffee from Costa

Rica. We discovered

this small family

operation in the Tarrazu

region when Poul visited

the area in November of

2010. It was clear to us

that Edwin Alvarado and

his family takes great

pride in the coffee, as

the parchment was

pristine. In the cup you'll

find prominent sweet

red apple, caramel and

honey, with crisp acidity

and a full-body.

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Finca La Loma – Direct Trade! Microlot # 29 – Don Mayo Producent: Hector Bonilla med familj Böntyp: Röd Catuai, Caturra Förädlingsmetod: Tvättat och soltorkat Altitud: 1900 – 2000 möh Doft av körsbär, mango, blommor och choklad. Ett mycket välbalanserat kaffe med söt och mjölkig munkänsla med bärig eftersmak. Finca Sin Limites – Direct Trade! Microlot ”Anna” Producent: Jaime & Maibel Cardenas Böntyp: Villa Sarchi Förädlingsmetod: 100% Red Honey Altitud: 1600 – 1800 möh Doft av aprikosmarmelad, rosor och mjölkchoklad. Ren och saftig smak av svarta vinbär, rosor och aprikos med lång söt eftersmak. Barrantes Estate – Direct Trade! Microlot # 22 - Herbazu Producent: Antonio Barrantes Böntyp: Villa Sarchi Förädlingsmetod: Red Honey Altitud: 1600 möh Frisk doft av vildhallon och toffee med nyanser av choklad och blommor. Ett saftigt och rent kaffe med frisk smak av röda bär och choklad.

Koppi Koppi Kaffe & Rosteri Norra Storgatan 16 252 20 Helsingborg tel: 042-13 30 33 Vårt eget kafé och rosteri Serverar och säljer kaffe från Koppi.

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Hector Bonilla Cruz and his children share the responsibilities of running Beneficio Don Mayo, and employ workers that return to the mill season after season. First, the coffee is picked and delivered to the mill, where it is mechanically de-pulped. Then, it is mechanically de-mucilaged and washed. This process, also called aquapulping, was pioneered in Costa Rica and uses 90% less water than traditional washing methods. Next, the coffee is sun-dried on concrete patios and when the moisture level is correct the coffee is dry-milled at Don Mayo. Dry-milling usually takes place at a larger mill built specifically for this part of the process. By controlling the entire milling process, the Bonilla family can ensure that all of their coffees meet their standards. The mill has a history of producing excellent microlots, which have gained world recognition in recent years. The combination of good growing practices and precise milling procedures practiced at the Bonilla family mill has resulted in two top Cup of Excellence (CoE) awards —No. 3 in 2008 and No. 1 in 2009. Winning these awards has allowed them to continue to make improvements over the last several years. This year, they have added a green cherry separator, which removes any unripe coffee cherries before the coffee is de-pulped. They also have started density sorting twice: first in the parchment stage and then, following hulling, as green coffee. Both of these improvements have dramatically cut down the number of defects in the lots, giving everything they produce a more consistent level of quality. In order to select this coffee, we worked with our friends at Exclusive Coffees of Costa Rica. We tasted about twenty lots of coffee from Beneficio Don Mayo to find the two wonderful lots we are offering this year. One lot is 100% Caturra and comes from Finca La Loma, the farm that won third place in the 2008 CoE. The other is Catuai and Caturra from Finca Monte Canet, where we bought coffee last year. We are excited to bring you these coffees and promote the hard work of Beneficio Don Mayo and Exclusive Coffees. Caturra and Catuai varietals grown in the shade of citrus, banana and other tropical fruit trees make up the majority of the coffee processed at Beneficio Don Mayo. Bourbon, Typica, Gesha and Villa Sarchi coffee varietals are grown in smaller amounts. Please visit Beneficio Don Mayo's website,, for more information - silas moulton, barismo green coffee buyer don mayo monte canet + la loma

don mayo monte canet + la loma Beneficio Don Mayo is a superbly operated mill near the city of San Marcos, in the famed coffee-producing region of Tarrazú, located in central Costa Rica. storage grainpro™ processing mechanically demucilaged washed and sun dried on concrete region tarrazú harvest production last visit jan 2011 to mar 2011 1500 bags per year 23 march 2011 varietals monte canet microregion elevation 1900 to 2000 m 1700 to 1800 m la loma llano bonito de leon cortes alto canet de san marcos

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Don Mayo was the most improved wet mill we visited on this year's Costa Rica trip! Their new top-of-line depulper does a much better job of rejecting under-ripe cherries.


Office and Roasterie #23, 2701 16th Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3R4 403.261.1885 403.261.1886 (fax) [email protected]

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Costa Rica Helsar: Carlos Alpizar Latin America Verve Coffee Helsar de Zarcero is located in the West Valley of Costa Rica in the Llano Bonito de Naranjo micro-region. This micro-mill was started by three families with the goal of adding value and providing traceability to the high quality coffee grown on their land. Ten families now work to produce and mill coffee at Helsar de Zarcero and are all committed to producing high quality micro-lots. Their efforts can be traced back to the cup, which is consistently round, rich, and very sweet. Region // Llano Bonito de Naranjo Farm // Carlos Alpizar Mill // Helsar Micromill Varietal // Caturra Process // Wet-process Tasting Notes // Honeycrisp, Agave, Sparkling

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Caffé Vita Farm Direct™ Statement Caffé Vita sources coffee directly from growers that we can ensure adhere to the environmental and social standards we believe in. For our Farm Direct coffee, we travel to coffee-producing regions and visit farms, inspecting trees and cupping coffee and verifying employee and environment management. In addition to the diligent practices of individual farms we work with, we are uncompromising about the following criteria: The coffee must be exceptional The amount the grower or local cooperative receives must exceed Fair Trade prices The grower must be committed to healthy environmental practices, such as recycling water, responsible land management, and minimal or no use of herbicides and pesticides The grower must be committed to sustainable social practices, such as providing good living conditions, sanitary facilities, fair wages, health services, and education for employees and contribution to community services A Caffé Vita representative must visit the farm at least once per harvest season

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Costa Rica Don Jose - Red Honey Process Great for espresso, filter and percolator Produced by Sixtolman Sanchez at his finca San Juanillo in Naranjo, West Valley of Costa Rica. His caturra varietal is grown at 1,600 meters above sea level and is processed at the Don Jose micromill using the ‘Honey’ method. This method is where the coffee cherry mucilage (honey) is left on the coffee parchment after pulping and dried without washing. Simular to pulp natural in Brazil, the Honey process in Costa Rica most often improves the body and sweetness of the coffee making it a winner for a variety of uses - a well balanced all-rounder. Sweet and cherry like. Lemon citrus and blueberry highlights with a dark chocolate finish

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Los Crestones: El Alto, Costa Rica We're proud to offer a new crop from Los Crestones Micromill--El Alto. Grace Calderón Jiménez grows these Caturra variety trees 1885 meters above sea level on her one-hectare farm, El Alto, near La Piedra de Rivas, Costa Rica. The coffee is processed at Los Crestones Micromill, a diamond in the rough in a region that is not generally known for the quality of its coffee. Nevertheless, at these elevations, with cooler temperatures, the maturation of the cherries is slow, developing the complex acidity and sweetness. Creamy and fresh, with flavors of boysenberry and lemon curd with a crème brûlée finish.

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Entrance to Finca Alaska Country: Costa Rica Grade: SHB Region: La Piedra de Rivas, Chirripo Region Mark: Finca Alaska, Asdrubal Acu a Hern ndez Processing: Wet Process (forced demucilage) Crop: April 2011 Arrival, GrainPro Bags Appearance: .4 d/300gr, 17-18 Screen Varietal: Caturra Intensity/Prime Attribute: Medium intensity / Nice sweetness, classic Costa Rica brightness, viscous body. Roast: City to City+ for maximum sweetness and brightness, Full City to tone it down a bit. Compare to: Classic, high-grown, clean and sweet Centrals. View Cupping Scores

Country: Costa Rica Grade: SHB Region: La Piedra de Rivas, Chirrip Region Mark: Finca Alaska, Asdrubal Acu a Hern ndez Processing: Wet Process (forced demucilage) Crop: April 2011 Arrival, GrainPro Bags Appearance: .4 d/300gr, 17-18 Screen Varietal: Caturra Intensity/Prime Attribute: Medium intensity / Nice sweetness, classic Costa Rica brightness, viscous body. Roast: City to City+ for maximum sweetness and brightness, Full City to tone it down a bit. Compare to: Classic, high-grown, clean and sweet Centrals. View Cupping Scores

Costa Rica Chirripo Los Crestones -Finca Alaska

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Costa Rica Cerro Alto

San Rafael de Heredia, Costa Rica Coffea Arabica, Caturra The Cerro Alto coffee mill is located in San Rafael de Heredia, in the highlands of the Central Valley, where Silvia Vindas is producing this coffee at an altitude of 1600 masl. The equipment used for processing the coffee allows for minimal use of water, protecting the environment while allowing an efficient processing method for only the ripest cherries.

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Details For our latest feature, we set our sights on Costa Rica—a favorite origin that we had not recently explored. We began our search determined to source a coffee that would meet our flavor and quality preferences while being sustainably farmed. We found the answer at the La Hilda Estate in Costa Rica’s Central Valley region. This Rainforest Alliance-certified farm benefits from rich volcanic soil, high altitude (1350-1550 m) and four generations of coffee-growing experience by the Vargas family. Standing under the estate’s shade trees, one cannot help but be impressed by the volume of birdsong from the canopy above. It’s a constant reminder of Costa Rica’s rich ecosystem—a country that covers only about 0.25% of the world’s landmass while containing 5% of its biodiversity. The farm’s Rainforest Alliance certification demonstrates Sr. Rodrigo Vargas’s serious commitment to protecting this unique environment. More than that, the certification’s broad scope ensures good working conditions for harvesters and suitable housing and schooling for their families. The result of the estate’s ideal natural conditions and progressive farming techniques is a coffee that is extremely clean and balanced. It exhibits a floral nose to start, with the sweetness of toasted almonds and a light citric finish in the cup.

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Costa Rica - Finca Zarcero In West Valley, the farm is located 1680 meters above sea level, and has volcanic soils. The farmer has been working this land for 45 years. The varieties in the farm are caturra, catuai and Villalobos, and he renovates them every 15 years. The coffee is characterized by its acidity with chocolate and floral taste. Ecological milling, mechanical wash and sun dried. Producer: Danilo Salazar Location: West Valley Varietal: Caturra/Catuai/Villalobos Altitude: 1680 Meters Processing: Washed Taste Notes: Orange / Chocolate / Rum Size •500 grams (17.6 ounces) •250 grams (8.8 ounces) •ESPRESSO PROFILE 500 grams ‹

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Single Origin - Costa Rican Herbazu Estate 250g Costa Rica Herbazu Estate

Country: Costa Rica Region: Lourdes de Naranjo Long/Lat: -84.3833333/ 10.1

Elevation: 1500 – 1700 meters

Owner: Barrantes family

Cultivar: Villa Sarchi

Processing: Fully Washed

Harvest: December – March

Screen Size: 17-18

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EXCLUSIVE COFFEES S.A. “Coffees with identity”