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  • 8/16/2019 Kertas Mini Kepekan, Presentasi



    Honorable dr. Agus Widyatmoko as mentors and honorable dr.dita as examiner, and to thank all my

    friends who already to come here. This day, I will present my scientific reseacrh, anf the titled is


    Why I chose this topic?

    Autencity Reseacrh

    In my study only discusses the factors of high rainfall and low.

    The study was conducted in Thailand and need confirmation for other countries, and this research was

    conducted in an area in Indonesia.

    Literature Review

    The first is H!

    engue Hemorrhagic !e"er #H!$ is an infectious disease caused by the % #four$ engue "irus

    serotypes #&'(), &'(*, &'(+. &'(%$ and is characteried by the presence of clinical

    manifestations of fe"er, headache, muscle aches and or -oints accompanied by leukopenia,

    lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopenia, bleeding and plasma leakage characteried by


    The second is rainfall

    The definiton from rainfall is the amount of water that falls on a flat ground surface during certain

     periods measured in height #mm$

    This is my conceptual framework 

    Aedes aegypti #mosuito adults$ will produce eggs. /ecause of the high rainfall, a breeding ground

    for growing egg, thus causing sharply increased the number of lar"ae, the number of adult mosuitoes

    will be rampant, and the result is increasing the incidence of dengue fe"er.

    Research desain

    0y research is analytic obser"ational retrospecti"e cohort study design

    Location and research time

    This study will be held at the epartment of Health and /012.

     3ollecting data of this study lasted for one year.

    Variable of research

  • 8/16/2019 Kertas Mini Kepekan, Presentasi


    The independent "ariable is the high rainfall and low rainfall.

    ependent "ariable is the incidence of engue 3ases in 4leman regency.

    Operational definition

    5atients with engue Hemorrhagic !e"er 

    5atients were diagnosed with dengue hemorrhagic fe"er #both clinical and laboratory$ who

    "isited the medical ser"ice.

     6ainfall of high

    6ainfall in clarified by /02 included in the hea"y category #7)()88 mm 9 *%h$ and "ery

    hea"y #: )88 mm 9 *%h$ or hea"y cumulati"e monthly rainfall #%88(7%7 mm$ and "ery dense

    7)8(;%7 mm measured rain gauge using a tool or a graduated rain #rain gauge$.

    Instrument material

    /012 data on rainfall to determine the rainfall in an area in 4leman.

    ata on the incidence of dengue fe"er 4leman Health epartment to determine the amount of

    the incidence of dengue fe"er.

    Analy!e data

    The data taken is the number of patients who are diagnosed incidence of dengue fe"er during the high

    rainfall in the control group of patients who were diagnosed with dengue fe"er during low rainfall on

    the same sample population.

    ata normality was tested using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test


  • 8/16/2019 Kertas Mini Kepekan, Presentasi


    Hubungan antar dua "ariabel adalah 8,=*), menun-ukan nilai kekuatan korelasi #r$

    diantara 8,>8 8,=@@ yang berarti kedua "ariabel memiliki hubungan korelasi yang kuat

    Hubungan antar dua "ariabel adalah 8,%@8, menun-ukan kekuatan korelasi #r$ diantara

    8,%8 8,7@ yang berarti kedua "ariabel memiliki hubungan korelasi yang sedang

    Hubungan antar dua "ariabel adalah 8,>7@, menun-ukan nilai kekuatan korelasi #r$

    diantara 8,>8 8,=@@

    Hubungan antar dua "ariabel adalah 8,)@;, menun-ukan nilai kekuatan korelasi #r$

    diantara 8,88 8,)@@ yang berarti kedua "ariabel memiliki hubungan korelasi yang sangat


     'ilai p untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan rerata adalah 8,*@), menun-ukan nilai

     p:8,87 yang berarti ketiga rata(rata dataran rendah, dataran sedang dan dataran tinggi

    adalah identik.