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FACULTAD DE INGENIERAS Y ARQUITECTURAEscuela Acadmica Profesional de Ingenieria Industrial



EAP: Industrial Engineering


COURSE: English VI

Amazonas 25th June 2010

I. Profile about an important Peruvian historical figure

Miguel Grau Seminario

He was born in Piura, northern Peru, July 27, in 1834. His parents were Manuel Grau and Maria Luisa Seminario. From a young age he worked in the merchant marine, in 1853 entered to marine of war.

In 1867 he married with the younger Dolores Cavero native from Lima and they had ten children.

According to Francisco A. Paz Soldn Miguel Grau was of medium height, dark skin and thick beard. Prada Gonzales says he was simple. Rooted in religious traditions and to being sincerely religious, knew no greed, anger or violent

It was a great officer of marine war from Peru, National Hero of the Pacific War or war of the worm and saltpeter 1879-1884 (Peru and Boliva against Chile) his immortalized on the battle naval Angamos.

But on October 8, 1879 there was battle of Angamos where a powerful enemy fleet surrounded the Huascar who resisted as he could. A Cochrane Chilean ship gunshot ended the life of the great gentleman of the seas.

Miguel Grau is known as "the knight of the seas" attribute title by their values alturados, his courage, humility, showing temper and bravery before his enemies on the high Seas.

He is considered the great max hero of the marine of wars the Peru, and one of the most famous military Heads of the American. For his personal virtues and great service on the homeland, today is considered "the Peruvian millennium".

II. Make a plan of your city and write a dialogue giving direction to get some places.

The place where I live is so town that to get to many places are so quick an easy. For example,The address at my house is. Jr. Chachapoyas N 767, so if you want to get to the COLISEO IDP, you can get there walking a block to the right an after turn to the left and walk one more block and the COLISEO is in front of the Rest PEPITA, but if you want to go shopping, the TopiTop is the best place where you can find thing that you must will like it!, so from the COLISEO IPD you walk a block straight and you can see the TopiTop place in the corner on AV. Francisco Priale.

You must to get Know the Utcubamba Municipality because is one of the most important place in my city, to get it from my home, you can go there by walking because is near, you walk two block straight after turn to the left an walk three block down on Av. Amazonia, you can see the main square, the Municipality is next to the Donofrios center and the BCP bank is between the Av. Amazonia and Jr. Alfonso Ugarte, one block before the main square to the left.III. Make a comic about a memorable event in your life use pictures, the past continuous and reflexive pronouns

Last month my friends and I participated in a gymkhana that was made by the company where I work. In one of the games, which had to run away carrying a balloon and sit on the legs of a teammate and burst the balloon. we were winning but my friend John to try roper globe sat on Mauro's fingers, he was not happy, but he said, I didnt hurt myself, just told to keep playing but his face felt the pain, Final win and baptize his finger as the finger miraculous ...

IV. Write twelve sentences using regular and irregular adverbs, paste pictures for each

David Bisbal sings better than Rosario ...

My grandfather walked slowly to the table and hugged my grandmother.

Marita usually likes to get always early to her classes at the University.

For my family and me is so important to get together all of us in Christmas because is extremely wonderful.

I often use to do exercise at home, for the general I like to do it out with my friends.

Since yesterday I been playing guitar with my cousin

Certainly Madonna is the best singer on my opinion.

Everywhere I walk I always remember that I can effort on my English.

My Mom always say to me that is very important to get done the things as soon as I can.

At my work the security area always asks for us to use the seatbelt because we must to be careful with our lives and for our family.

My friend Rodolfo use to eat once a day because he wants to set thin.

I can say that I work all week. Because instead Im home on my free time, I work.