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A continuación, le proporcionamos al opositor/a un guión para elaborar la defensa de la programación. Muchas partes están incompletas o con un fondo de color distinto, ya que es allí donde el opositor/a debe sustituir o completar los datos de su programación personalizada. Sería conveniente que el opositor/a men-cionara en qué unidad refleja cada aspecto que menciona a lo largo de la defensa. Nuestra defensa está basado en la legislación andaluza.

In the following, I am going to defend the didactic programme planning I have presented. It has been thought for the present […] school year and supposedly we have carried it out.

First, I would like to say that planning and not improvising is of great importance, if we want to guarantee the achievement of the aims our programme planning involves.

As we all know, there are three levels of curricular concretion. Beyond the State Laws are the Decrees each Autonomous Region establishes. These include General Stage Objectives, General Cycle Objectives, Contents and Evaluation Criteria and altogether make up the 1st level of concretion. The 2nd level of curricular concretion includes the sequencing of contents which is reflected in the Centre Curricular Project. Lesson Plans and didactic objectives can be consulted in the classroom planning which constitutes the 3rd level of curricular concretion. The 4th level indicates IEP (Individual Education Plans).

My didactic programme planning is based on Decree 105/1992 in which we can find the Curriculum for Primary Education in general, and for the Area of Foreign Language in particular. Thus, our programme planning and its structure are centred mainly on the acquisition of communicative competence.

As you can see, my programme planning is related to the speciality of English as it is the area I have chosen. The programme planning has been designed for a […] grade, […] cycle of Primary Education and has been timed for one year. Legally it is based on the documents that organize an Educative Centre like the Curricular Project and also on General Spanish Laws.

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When elaborating this programme planning, I have also kept in mind the Centre Educational Project and the General Annual Programming. Altogether there are 250 […] pupils studying at this school.

– Most of the parents are /wealthy / rich / neither […] nor […].

– There are many one parent families.

– There are many large families (= familia numerosa).

In my class there are…

Talk about psychological features…

As to SEN we can say that there are…

– blind

– deaf

– hyperactive

– mentally handicapped

– immigrant

– physically handicapped… children

* children with Down’s Syndrome

* children using wheelchairs.

As far as resources are concerned, we can count on

– building

– technical equipment: TV, video…

– human resources

The classroom I am supposed to teach in is

– small / big

– spacious

– illuminated…

but I can also use

– video room

– assembly hall

– computer room…

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According to the Official Announcement of the Public Competition, I have kept in mind the following points of view:

– Didactic Aims and Objectives.

– Contents.

– Methodology.

– Assessment Criteria (Criteria for…) / Evaluation.

– Attention to Diversity.

The context I have chosen is […],

because I think it is realistic. In fact, I worked / studied in a similar school.

In the following, I am going to explain one Lesson Plan. A Lesson Plan helps us to make teaching easier and guides our intervention in class. Each Lesson Plan is a guide I have worked out to plan and structure what I am going to teach, when and how I am going to do so.

My Lesson Plans have the following general characteristics:

1. They are adapted to a socio-cultural context.

2. They are adapted to a specific centre and its students.

3. They are organized systematically and sequencing has been kept in mind.

4. Adequate timing for each content has been respected.

5. They are open, flexible and may be adapted to the students’ and teacher’s experiences and situations.

6. They can be evaluated and revised.

The topics I have chosen for my Lesson Plans are meant to be interesting for my pupils and connect with their previous knowledge.

To reach the main objective (i.e. to communicate in English), we can count on different kinds of tasks from the methodological point of view:

1. Warm-up activities. They make the students be aware of the fact that they are studying English now. Besides, with the help of these activities we can connect with their previous knowledge and maybe evaluate them.

2. Activities for presentation and / or motivation will also take place right at the beginning of each lesson, at least if I introduce new structures, e.g. […]

3. In the practice stage we are going to use development activities so that the students can apply the new linguistic elements to real situations e.g. […]

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4. The next stage should be evaluation tasks to know if the pupils have assimilated and acquired the new material. e.g.[…]

As far as assessment in general is concerned, I will distinguish three types:

– initial assessment to find out the pupils’ previous knowledge

– formative assessment to identify pupils’ strengths and weaknesses day-to-day

– summative assessment to identify the overall achievement of a pupil

5. According to the results of the evaluation and our pupils’ needs, we will use activities of reinforcement or extension, e.g. […]

For each task I have decided on specific material and recourses, the grouping varies and the timing has been adapted to the difficulty of the task, although it will always be flexible.

Presentation Lesson Plan

The title of this unit is […] and it is related to topic number […] from the set of topics published in Hansard (=BOE) dated 21st September 1993, which is [title of the topic]. This unit is related to the following contents of the 1st / 2nd / 3rd cycle which are reflected in the Centre Curricular Project:

– […]

– […]

This unit will be worked on in [month], more or less, after having treated […] in the previous unit and before treating […] in the following one. The time established at first is […] lessons but maybe we will need less or more time. The didactic aims and objectives are

– […]

– […]

which take us to the following contents

– […]

– […]

We will try to make our pupils assimilate all these items by applying the following Methodologic Guidelines

– […]

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Therefore I will carry out this kind of activities

– presentation

* resources

* materials

* grouping

* timing

* classroom management

[for each task]

– motivation

* resources …

– initial assessment

– learning practise / development activities

– consolidation

– summarizing

– extension

– assessment

– reinforcement

Explain in each task why you’ve chosen it, why it is a good task…

As far as assessment is concerned, I would like to emphasize that I am not only going to assess my pupils’ performance, but also the learning-teaching process itself and the teacher’s performance. Pupils will also have the possibility to evaluate themselves and the unit itself.


1. Introduction2. Aims and Objectives3. Contents4. Activities5. Methodology6. Evaluation and Assessment7. Attention to Students with SEN

Concepts Procedures Attitudes

Oral Communication

Written Communication

Socio-cultural Aspects