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  • 7/27/2019 Brida y


    Legal Statement Year 2002/2003 releases(c) 2002/2003

    TermsThis software is the property of Pressure Vessel Engineering Ltd (

    If you use this product you agree to the following terms and conditions:1 This program is the property of

    2 This program is not available for sale under any circumstances.

    The user uses this software at their own risk.

    3 This notice must be included with all copies made.

    4 This product is used "as is" without warrantees or liability. It is your responsibility

    to know how to use this software. Any product designed with this software

    is your responsibility. does not guarantee the accuracy of this product.

    All risk associated with this products use is assumed by the user.

    5 does not provide support for the use of this product

    6 The codes and standards that this product is based on change periodically. It

    is your responsibility to check that you are using an appropriate version.

    7 This program is not a substitute for knowing the applicable codes and standards.

    8 It is your job to ensure that you are using the most up-to-date version of this software

    9 There is no guarantee that future versions of this program will be made available.

    Locked CellsThis spreadsheet is locked for your convenience. You can move between input

    cells using the Tab key. The password to unlock it is "100". If you make changes

    to this spreadsheet you are required to remove the ""

    hyperlink. You are responsible for any and all changes that you make.

    CommentsIf you have comment, corrections or questions about this product send an email

    to [email protected]. I am sorry, but I do not answer all [email protected]

    Printing and Excel/Windows Russian RouletteA Printing macro is provided with this spreadsheet. Press Ctrl+p to print the calculations.

    The macro checks for a dangerous error condition where Excel allows input values

    to be changed but does not recalculate the outputs. If this occurs, an error

    message will pop up instead of printing. Your computer has run out of resources and must be restarted.

    This protection is only available if you use the print macro. Use Windows NT/2000 to get more

    Windows systems resources. Quit playing Russian Roulette - Do not use Windows 95/98/ME for

    any type of engineering work.

    VerificationThis program was verified in one of the following ways

    1 comparing it with an ASME code book examples - most examples are found in App. L

    2 Hand calculations

    3 Comparison with other commercial software

    4 two or more of the above methods

    Although every effort was made to make this software accurate and easy to understand, there

    is no way to guarantee that it is accurate.[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/27/2019 Brida y


    RegistrationThis program can not be registered. It remains the property of


  • 7/27/2019 Brida y


    1 Flanged and Dished Head ver 2.12 30-Oct-13 Page2 ASME Code VIII Div I 2001 edition no addenda


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    1 of 1

  • 7/27/2019 Brida y


    Flanged and Dished Head

    Written By: Laurence Brundret t

    Code: ASME VIII div 1

    Addenda: A2000

    Sections: UG-32, Ap p 1-4(d), UCS 79 (d), UG-37 1(a)

    Update Log

    Date Change

    1-Jan-99 Program Written

    16-May-99 Added A udi t Sheet

    Check Spel l ing

    Moved Factor M and Volum e calculations onto s eparate sheets

    Checked A gainst L-1.5.2(g) - Sample Calculations

    7-Oct-99 Updated Graphics to A 99 Standard

    9-Oct-99 Re-arranged cont ents to m ake page 2 optio nal

    Added Maximum w orking pressureVolume Calculations Check ed

    Add ed Stress Meter

    Set Sample Values

    Checked Against A 99 Update

    Loc ked Cel ls

    10-Oct-99 Added pr in t protect ion macro

    12-Jan-00 Modi f ied p r in t protect ion m acro

    1-Jun-00 Hand Calculate Results

    Refer to veri f ication calculations

    Changed Fr to m id radius (was set to ID)

    Added Comm entary

    Cel ls Loc ked

    2-Oct-00 Updated to A 2000 format versio n 1.1

    New pr in t macro

    New legal statement

    Al l in fo moved onto one sheet

    Tested after mov ing and renaming t he F&D head tab

    Verified agains t ASME L1.5.1

    Cel ls Locked - Password = "100"

    1-Jun-01 E for min imum th ickn ess in spher ica l zone changed to 1 per instruct ions from TSSA.

    Requi red th ickness is now less fo r re in forcement calcual t ions

    Versio n = 1.2

    Cel ls Locked - Password = "100"

    20-Jun-01 Add ed exterior pressure calculations

    Updated to 2001 formatM factor changed from lookup c hart to App 1-4 formula

    version = 2.0

    Veri f ied against previous v ersions, hand calculations and A SME cod e samples

    Cel ls Locked - Password = "100"

    3-Jan-02 Updated to 2001 version

    no changes to code

    added BM entry cel ls

    Cel ls Locked - Password = "100"

  • 7/27/2019 Brida y


    Versio n = 2.1

    21-Feb-02 Added L/r error message for M

    Versio n = 2.11

    5-Mar-02 Add ed Error Messages on Exterior Pressure - thick and PaMax

    Versio n 2.12

    17-Mar-02 Updated m ethod of calcu lat ing head dimensions

    Versio n 2.13Veri fed against previous version