RESTATE rO»RE»f] feOOO 21/Cortland NY... · fdephms Your feOOO oasts* U ta* a** tri«pfcoo»...

fdephms Your feOOO oasts* U ta* a** tri«pfcoo» stnnber of tfas Cordnd Al* life far a dai$ifu& g^ioa and -The StejUar** *•«*- dyt» of Q!9*- w as'l'M -" » f eoBseeetivs iaeertteasy So * Baa inserticav- -,-'«.- : - « eeaseesilve iaaertiea* aek insertion, -. --- ,-- -^*' : Trerage word* to a * Bee. orier takentortantJma^Sbe. . . _, Mt- an ia eapttal tetters, ditf*l iMIt rat*. ^wTl? hits W*»» *•* PefjSaca, . ,. ZSasaTaot 4*»eeeB*tve take the S * rate, with ao twdnetioa after I* a i-ert-semeais for these eelajma hereceived before 1 P- a* as* «n daring Jane, W « * A*. Serve' the right to reject aay ftitsaeate under this hasdff. ANNOUNCEMENTS lost soft VenA UOt BEAGLE PCP, lost Whita, and tas. C*n 1057-J or Inquire Eabbard. JISAET PEN FO0ND— Phone EMPLOYMENT to cover :-2raI territory-diatKbaV : Beanedx. Products, aad take of dea»h*freto» t w aw-- our Baking Powder and ether direct to the home. Good sad rapid advancement to man to wi»k hajrd.toeetabiteh the 'Writ* tee appointment Bea- dy Products 1-a, Oloversvifie, % Ti | RESTATE rO»RE»f] 3CA3RJS I r a s * UBIM - t»*» comply wtt* PXJRB TOO© St4.1T BBGCLATIOXS Oaiefc Serrice--Right Pries - orde* aariy * *ea OB iUL sards, tetter phists, vatelsgaed. Uwolao! tie -TBI*. .MU*«U« W s a s Z X O IKYTTASSOXS ViaWia* ***** en- graved or printed. Mullen's, SS Hair. 4*—Kitcheastts apartmsat J w Bent _ dry* ..... Cell I* Liaoeln-eve, 4tt*ra fjjgJBggjjg at ffla|. For Reus frVS ; BOOBS la. Biodgett BHla Oarage, gardes, furnace aad atectnc agate, inquire Peek, Biodgttt Bin*. PfeOB* U S 9 - B . iroo©-^artiir sis** BASS WOOD—Fred U7S-W, HAT—Si first qsality. si fttear Goods Troa * to 13 isoatx* o!4. jarSy ftroJMs. JWoxaa— of •tea ItU IfeMd SOB. thowatea 2«aa laroraat. Chaaftatea Ub* t, May * ^ . PaUaoaa aad oowr £aaMM t o s a 3. W. Caapxaaa. Xlaaoy dvli road. Cojctlaad X. T. CatSa, T^ieka it SS'.'SMOLS fUXMITUItX tor 2a«airo £5 Wliocter. [HOL8MHS StlXLS—•. par* bred. C 3d. attoa. Clacteaataa K T. ft KOSTS 2CAQa-^%o Dr. roaUaaoo. Ia«.a&« B. Tia- awtrtota. X%oao sis. Wasted To Beat S4 APABTJOBST S? Cat, sioely ftir=i»5j«d. WMto.«M«rlp^toa> !oeauo& aad prie* to Box 252, -car? Standard. TABac BB aaaroa Bars stock aad toote. Atar—s B'eatcr" cars Cortlaad ttaadard. MERCKANDIBE HOUSSHOLC ftJSKITt'RS for iale ia« I Wasseo, M*s stesk fif^TtnURXABCX o2 aa ordor of Baa. lOOOrsjo 3d. CaampUa. Surrogate of tite iCoastx of Cortlaad, aotise Is aorabr •SI gtvaa t o s B persons ^txltig elaisss against tie estate or ZXIen F. PJiilips, t3a» of the TUXags of Homer, New iTork, dsecased. tast tasy-are repaired {to exaibit the same, wita t&e Toncaers tEersot t* tie sa&scri&ersj ti» ^E-sca- < tors of tie estato of "said deceased, at *tae reel estate office .of 'William G, craadali. Xo, x Park Pteca, ia tfte VH- laga of Romer, Xear Tork, oa or before tie Jtd day of October! 1HL Dated, Karca ,26th, ISJt. James TL Osdee aad WUIiam G. Craadan Sxscnstors. ?Ji»7t*tae . B«w Tork, April 10. (AP)- steady; receipts, 4,d2C. Crsinisiyt higasr thaa extras, dd^" **?t; j-tt»* . 3 5 s c o r e ) , 4 5 ^ » 4 6 e ; t n t (SS It flTJ score;, **^»4i>j«; aaekteg. eurreat mske. Ss. 1, SS®3*e; 3fo. clsdisg Smerson piano. Can erefiiags! tMi'«« «».< -..* .»*». S S bsfsrs W«da*«dayat t ? C U a ^ a A l a . i K f^^g?£ IA *• 9?Se ^- ?as "* HEX CABTXET in good cond12ea. Call K Paaraa Are, after C K29? BITCH1SX BANGS, smsai. ia good coa- dttioa. iBOAllr* IS Railway Aye. OIL 8T0VB—t baraer, for sala la^air* 1S5 Madisos. BAXGX, cheap. CaU 10S7-B. T 1 '. . * ' * ' ' '•*»»• BBSS STSOliuSS—Good, price low. it Srswa ATS. •BBBB BABT CABBIAGE, ia A-l coa> ditioa. ss Maple Ara ftgsjesqs S sate RJBB& BAST CARRIAG3i— Pio=e TBSXCB BASCXIirSG with special atethed of rirteiTng wares that stay. WakeSJeld Seaaty Shtppe la the aa2y placet that giras thte apedal atethcd. FBoaa 1213-J. ios asasa st. ROOMS AND BOARD Wlta' BoaM HOMER—AVB. J4—Tarrisied roeas, with or without board. . wahoat Baaed GBBBXSrsB, U—Booms, reasonabla RBTXgLns. S—Sleepiag rooav with or wlthoot board. Phoae 583- in. i i a—eatssai i • Tar ABTHCB ATB, ST—-S light bxmsekeep- lac rooau turalshed or aafimtished. <SKXTBAL» Voratehad hoaaekeepteg rooms. Oarage. 16 Prospect. OBBBXSCSB ST., U—i destrahte ^43tt hoasekeaatas; rooms. AU iasproye- - aielBte. ;- & GBOTOX A T & . 53—4 tBTBiahed light I honsekeepiag rootts ~zstt. -hath, also 3 fsraished light hoasekeepisg rooms aad bath. Ia^nire _t Boater Aya S3-> VTAS* to work aa. tana. 23S JEAX raBahle.. far. gaaera: rk s= certified dairy -iaKB. Apply person at Tally Farms, Tally, X. T. KWMKsttBTOtO BOOBB"! *mMlH*~ JOBBBgTB SHADT PLACJS 1U.WX Adalta Call USl-B eyeaiagai . . . XOETK CHtmCB. 34—Three famished hoaaeiteepiag rooms a a t bath, heat- ed. Krtt floor, srlyats satraace. Call *«phoae m-fditer snc. - - - fBdttWAT A*m, 3S--Faralshe€ hoase- 3iAX oa M-F-U. by moaih. keepiag rooms. CaU S3i*3. Be^ Wanted Female, t S CXZOX ST, *<—Foar aicely xaraished rooms, private entrance. Adatts only. Phoae 23*-J. Stafford's. m W & M < cGrmw ^t^SSSS^t l **®* 80-Bo*»tkeeplag rooma far- V. g. McGraw. 34 Tompkias St. } Bl<Jie4 ^ 7 ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ c a is-F-2. te geaerar aaasswork. Phoae L c j nQS , 25 _ 2 J^J.^^ housekeeping ™*2 -^:- •• rooraa Phoae ttt-W. ~ ^>. WOXSX » dettoastrate mad dsa. | ate a aew hraad of Be king Pow- r. Steady work, six hoars per day. " pay. Also wssaaa from aearby to cover their respective com* mittea Write tar appoiataeat. naedy Prcdacts Znc^ Gioversrille, T. T23SE waated at oace. Apply ia a w&ite Boaae Bostammat. tAK to do general hoaseworx. M eentesh. Phoae T4W. ti$ to do hoaMworfc. Bra Good- Ciarchui Saildiag. ! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 0 S7 A*ABTBBXT, S Phoae 122S-K. rooatSy Can tvta iaga APARTBSXTS—Flats. »W. Bimar I» Thompooa. SM to ABTBUB ATB* Phoae 1?1?»J. »^* hoase. UX for general boasewerk. Bra. isea ASea, 37 Norm Charea, St. H ttt. Ssks People Wi TA CBXTBAi AVB, ?»—4 rooms aad hath, oak floors aad finish, heat, lights aad hot water. Call S*»-B. - CBXTBAXt AVB* 1S1—TTpper flat asodera. Garage. Phone 1747-J. AB Fall or part time t Old established hoase. Good; Sxperteas* aaaeeesaary. T. {CBCBCBZLIU BUILPIXG— Oesiraole apartmeata saaay aad seders im- proveaea^. BAST ATB, t—Bodera Cat. Phoae 1333-W. S room upper. iFOCR BOOBS. day,} moath. Ada&a Phone aeahoase, «7t-7: us JFLAT—4 rooms, ia fine eoadttiOB, 33d. Xacalre « Xorth 2Cata» SERVICES OFFERED ;BOBBS ATB, W—f rooms aad bath, .asodera. Oarage. Phone 30S-B. BOUSX, six rooms, P h o a e XW4--W «lil7-J. BBAWB : BADISOX, 143—Pleaaaat, modsra heat- ' tdrdasr stewad. • efi-apartsseat, S rooaa, bath. Garage. CaU or phoae 153S-*. gardems ptewed. I BaPISOX ST. i niltower flat. Call 14S4-W. AH im-' snfefcWX.— Piewlag, Fhsae-jBAPl* ATB. 33—Cpper Sat. Bay tea Phone 7tf>J. TfIM% 44—• room apper Sat. aew mm SjaOS ATB. tU rs« ham WM. - TlT^ff4ff Fi WAl-SS Seal. Bstate aad tassraaoe Phaaa'SMUr NHt Sat, wBS 1'STr WViJ-T. PAPEB—18,000 rolls for sale at close ost prices. SdaHea'a 23 Main, Cortlaad, Badio aad Bo^dpmeot SKA BdlBO OCT OF THXZ7—I caa pat it ia perteet working order. Xo pay If X fan. JBBealt jobs are the kiaft 2 SSBy Faaae «ST«7 evaaiaaa tor ag- apiatmenta" OfSce Boaipaaeat COgXTBBS—3, Sfteaa feet, for sale at Oace. Cheap. WlSiaasoa*Htmsoa Co. rss-sc acrs. Parker. George Wetherell, 42 AUTOMOBILES AateaBOljuea Bar Si i « IX PfKSCAXCE of aa stGmt of Boa. George M. Chaaplin, sarregate of the Coaaty of Cortlaad, aotic* is hereby I gives tc all persons havlag etasssf against the estate of Sssa 8. Xore- ! hoase late of the City of Cortlaad, de- ! ceased, that they afe required to ex- hlhlt the same, with vouchers thereof; B A X V E L L COACH. 1»28. right Xiver, 34 Xapie. See esJesewea/assi ssss sasgpsjsjj XBW aad rebailt Barley SaTissea so- toreyelea, solo aad side oar ssttts, Cortlaad Sffttoreycle Garage. 31% Xorth j£ala*«t to the subscriber, the Executor of the It £ k e e I ****** °? said deceased, at his rest* ) denes at No. 14» Homer Avenue, ta the M u iCitv of Cortlaad. New Tors* oa or before the 24th day of September, 1S2S. Dated, March Uth, 1928. N. daytoa Ssita^ Lush. Back Ames 4b Coos. Attorneys for Executor. *7-27t-tae* S2 GeUSeJ^CS F ® xLCStt TACCT31 CT.EANBB, Begina. 6 months old. 2<ess thaa half price. Crocker & Ogdea. Phoae US. IX PUBSUANCS of aa order of Hoa. rr~~r~7ZZ ,. *Z1 „ . L. . u I George K. Chsmplia. Surrogate of the G£Drr0N £T*~ ^^J" **** *°* ble : <***& OI Cortland, notice is hereby garage. Phone iTll-at jglvea to all persons having claiajs against the estate of Etta A. Wheeloca EVEBGREEN ST, 13S3. 23—Garage. Phoae jEsceHaaeooa snsr sele dZA KOXBB AYE, f—Oarage for reat BATHTUB, toilet, also quantity -Sag stone. B» H. Beard 4b Sons. of BOT*S BICTCLB, 37. White Iron crib, 37. laquire 10 Garfield. SMiT.T. SABX for sale, 14x24. Also gas engine, saw table aad oak heater. Phone 1215-B. MADISOX ST, 40—Garage for rent. _ FIKANCiAL Bagfaesa i^jxgfawftiirs J 57 Wearias Apparel 45 TTPBrVBITBBS—For sale or taatv 0B> aerwdoe. Caroaa, U C Szmta. Xew; , tttaB sad taeoad ftaad. KaUaa'a Ir^rj-rs SUBBBB COAT, browa, six* f?*^^ f-- -'• t 38. 33. Phoae Homer 131-J. SaSdlSig jfataataj S7 SAXTf. STOXB AND GBAVBXi—C A. CBriea. Telephone 37C. 14 Qraat. &ADZBS' AXS etothiag sold. BBX*8 Sseoad-haad CaU ISS*. SO Church. Machinery aad Tools SS TBACTOB PLOWS—Nearly aew, Hc- Cornrfck Deerlng, two bottom, suit- able for Fordson. Price 33S. Season for seUlag, have sold my tractor. Ernest Stafford, Bledgett Bills. Phone t*F»28. SECOND-HAND clothing bought aad I sold. Phone 1695-S. 133 Port Watsoa. I SPRING COAT—Lady's, light brown, aaatft embroidered, size 38. Excellent t condition, $5. Phone 433-M. } Wanted To Bay 48 GABAGE sad gas station for reat Good location. Inquire B. Ftakelsteia. Phoae »19 or 1434-W. BLACKSMITH SHOP—Located ia good . community and sa good road. House, barn, henhouse and fruit on land. All in good repair. Because of im- paired eyesight, it is necessary for me to sell. A. D. Van Marter, Rare! i, Locke. 1 ' I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beasts For Sale SI Blasts, Fertilizers 40 POTATOES, 300 bushels wanted. Write ! or phone what you have. Syracuse Produce Co., 14 Port Watson St,' the time I Cortland, X. T. BDLBS of aH kinds. Now. is _____.________^__._ to plant them. Preston. Phone 1348-M. {^ATOS^-TraaS 3rNSALCW—New, complete la STery detail. Reasonable price and tenna Phone 583-/. LAWN GRASS to Syracuse market. Will pay highest price and come to your plaee after tbem. Also buy your apples and small potatoes. Phone Homer 310. Z. X. Harmon. CHESTNUT ST, Call l»-F-t. -House for sale. GRASS will produce an emerald green lawn where little or no sua penetrates. Lb., 3.60; 10 Lba, 3S.00; 29 Lbs* S».» , v- f ~m" FCBRBST SEED C©, INC.-: '^-^\ I CORTLAND, N. Y. ,'%• LAWN GRASS FOBRESTS GOLD STANDARD LAWN Grass. A pure mixture of the finest grasses that produces a lawn which will retain its rich deep velvety ap- pearance right through the •season. Lb. 3-50; 10 Lbs, $4.25, 20 Lbs. 37.50. FORREST SEED COMPANY" CORTLAND, N. Y. LIVE STOCK •• Eggs>~ Boaitry,/ a M ZJ ELM ST.—8 large rooms, fire place, 2 oaths, electricity, gas. Fine location. Small payment down for quick sale. Phone 134<*B. late of the Village of McGraw, Cert- | land County. N. Y, deceased, that they ! are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub- scriber, the Executor of the estate of ] said deceased, at 129 Caithrop Avenue. Syracuse. X. Y, on or before the 6th day of August 1328. Dated, January 30th. 192s. Ancil D. Brown, Executor Estate of Etta A. Wheelock 129 Caithrop Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. • 25-2?t tues i ' m- • - i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate sealed proposals covering repainting the exterior of the Cortland State Normal School in accordance with specification No. S102, will be re- ceived by the Commissioner of Edu- cation, Education Department. State Education Building, Albany, N, Y, until 3:00 o'clock p. m. (Eastern Standard : Time), Thursday, April 19, 132$. Pro- posals shall be accompanied by a cer- tified check or money deposit for S per cent of the amount of tne bid. : Successful bidders will be required to give a bond in the sum of SO per cent of the amount of contract Specifica- tions are on file at the Cortland State Normal SciocC. CertSaad, X. Y, and at the offices of the Dept of Public I Works, Division of Architecture, 9*9 Broadway, New York City, and 353 Broadway. Albany. N. Y. Specifications, : proposal blanks and envelopes may be : obtained at the discretion of aad from the State Architect. SSS Broadway, Albany. N. Y. Dated: March 2S. 1928. Sl-4t-tue A thur. * Eggs — Steady; reeeipta^St^ Fresh gathered extra first 29@SSe;i first. 2 7 H © 2 3 H e ; s e c o n d s , t e « x s H * j 1 storage packed, ^mt marks, SI X ®8Xci! extra ant. SOXSSier first **H+i SC&e; nearby hennery white, closely - selected extra, 34#SSe; aearby aad nearby western hennery white, first to average extra, 30$33e; nearby hen- nory brown extra, 33#34«; Paeifis coast white extra. 35#37j4c; first ta e x t r a first, S S S S S ^ e - Cheese — Receipts. 84,4*0. Stats' whole milk fiats, fresh, fancy. 22H 3% 2Sc; do., held, fancy to fancy special 2»#*Oc. Ltee) Poultry — Irregular; chick- eas by freight S4«>33c; broilers, by freight, SO#55c; by express, 45&60c; fowls, freight 25®2Sc; express, 2S® 2Sc; roosters, freight 14c; turkeys, freight SS; express, 34$35c. Pleased Poultry'— Irregular; eSteS> ess, frosen, 24 @3Sc; fowls, fresh, i£% 3Sc; froaea, 21#2ls; old roosters. 17^24c; tSiTkeys, fresh, 3C#40c; fro- aea. S0@45c Potatoes—2>uil aad weak; receipts SS cars. Maine. Green moSiatsia. ia bulk. i>er 180 lbs.. [email protected]; Long Island do.. [email protected]; New York. do., not quoted; Bermuda aew, bbl.. $11.00 ©12.50; Florida, Sll.00. Cabbages — irregular; old New York Danish white. 90 to 100 lb. sack. 5©c@$1.00; red. do., [email protected]; Florida, new, white. 1H bu. hamper, [email protected]; red do., $2.00$2.50. MEATS Country Dressed Calves—Fresh re- ceipts light, moderate demand, market steady on ail but small, which moved lower; fresh receipts per pound, choice 20@2lc; fair tc good, 18 919c; com- mon 14C&15; small to medium 12c® 13; small 10c911. Hothouse Lambs Carryovers liberal, deamad slow, market steady; fancy 30-35 lbs. each $12.00 #13.0C; poor t© good, [email protected]. GRAIN MARKETS New York. April 10. (AP)—Flour, steady; spring patents, 37.55©7.35; hard winter straights, $7.30 ©7.65. Cornmeai Quiet; fine white granulated, $2.75©2.85; fine yellow granulated, $2.75 ©2 80. Wheat,— Spot irregular: No. 1 dark northern'spring. e. i. f. New York, all rail, $1.59J<; No. 2 hard winter t o. b. New York, all raC, $1-1615$; No. i mixed durum, do., nominal; No. 2 Manitoba do., to arrive, $1.71 X in bond. Com—Spot firm; No. 2 yellow e. i. f. New York, all rail, $1.19Ji; No. 3 yellow do., $1.IS H- Oats—Spot firm; So, 2 white 70 %. BABY CHICKS—White Leghorns Rhode Island Reds. Call 6-F-S. CHICKS—From pare bred White Leg- horns, carefully culled as to size. Color and egg production. Approved I by Poultry Improvement Association, i Reduced prices in large quantities. I Hatches each week. Phone or write | Mrs. N. B. Foster, Marathon.. HATCHING EGGS—Buy your Barred Rock hatching eggs from a Culled and inspected flock. $1.50 for 15, 38.00 per hundred. Mrs. Clarence Giveas, Drydea. N. Y. Gee Hill Road. ITHACA; 301 WILLIAMS ST.—Boom- -teg house with student furniture. 14 •47"" v^ooms, hardwood floors aad trim. 2 complete baths, toilet aad lavatory, good heat. Splendid location, always .Sited. Bakes a One income. Very easy terms. For sale on account of iickaesa. W. 3. Ramsey. and lets For Sale 82 CEDAR ST, 12—Valuable lot S. Rosen- berg. 102 Main St. SAXDS-ST, 23—Desirable bailding lot! Inquire 43 Graham-ave. Phoae 259-J. Farms For Sale «5 SEBD POTATOES, Certified Irish Cob- ; PCLLETS—IS thoroughbred bter. Beeeonable prices. G. B. Alex-! a fine flock. Call 1S33-W. eadee ... . * f- m^*~— \ •« Aaconas, SSBCBS of all kinds. Order before the sappft'' te gone.' Preston. Phoae 2S4S-B. •! STURDY BABY CHICKS—A.U. varieties. V^*. Mrs. M. D. Roe. WHITE DUTCH CLOVER for lawns. Makes aa Excellent turf. Poand, $.65, io Lba; is.;:. FORREST SEED CO. IXC. * .:/ CORTLAND, X T. Poaltry SappUes and Bqalpmeat, 47A BROODER for sale. Call 22-F-13. 114 ACRE FARM, with or without equipment. Between Cortlaad and Groton. Address "A. X." care Stand- ard. NEW HOUSE—3 rooms, large annex,; cculd be used for rummer kitchen, Henhouse, 3 horse barn, 2 acres of good land, many apple trees. Two miles out en South Pendleton St. road. Martin Perquln, rural 3, Cort- j land. District Maaager Hstionauy knows mvestzaeat security hooae of eleven years' sta-ding is loTking for a man •viik execative amnty and se- curity t^^iTTig experience, pref- esabiy is pabHe at!2?iea He masf have good appearance, sddebas and edacation. Here is an oppertaafty to develop sad operate a sales orgasfzs- tlon m -seven! coanttea adja- cent to Cortland. Coas peasaCMO: LsDeral coss- mssssonwttn sver wr-rir^ w tucit will afford right maa hand- some income. -- Write F. K. Saater 475 Fifth ATS^^ ew York Chy. P, Bennett Co. successor to Geo. A. Adait Real Estate Insurance Investments I Houses for Safe Bosses and Apartments for Rent Lots m all parts of City for Sale Safe Investments Paying 8% Ihssrance •*• Antomobite, Fire, AccJ^S^t ZJs"biIit^% * t c II P. Bennett Co. 40 Main St. Psone 564 STANDARD WANT ADS PAZ. Just Among Us !. *ci~r^ Ms ihe wiomesn not. door $bft \evff^ her u^3 apd dovra?•/ ammng up wife and running I i i AM sBEw AUCTIONS aCCnOX EHiLi PR2XTBO PROMPTLY COBTLAXD STAXBABS Jeb Departaeaa Phoae 2000 Answers to Grab 1. T h e o d o r e B a r t o a ; TT. sentatlvs; Ohio. », Coastantiaa 3. Jane Adama. 4. St. Lawreaee. . S. Sarah Bernhardt 5. Isaiah XXX, 20. SjSJSJBJSi S. repre- ALSMTwal Reduction To setSe sa sstste, &• wrice of tfe& pro|>4Hiy so Grotca Avtaus ats bwea ptdticed to s vsry sttrse- tirs fiffare. Witaia $cm blocks from Ksia Strsst aad dots to NoratL Kewly saiatie)d, pspcrsd sad p*intod; asw floors sad fur uses. Stat S6200 wita smtii pay- ment down wCl bay tak property. Beajamia Baktx- &. Co INVESTMENT BONDS MTNieiPAL BAJLHOAD PTTBXJCC UTILFPZ UrarSTRIAL AXT> REAL ESTATE BAMaUMet SECURITIES PART1CIPAT1HS 30NBS 20S ^aiiMgs Bass BicLg. Corti&nG ? i Saleswom^i With Personality *. Here is aa opportuaitr for a saleswomaa of and good persoaality to secure % desirable po^tioa carrying an attractive salary. Experience- ia Women's Beady-to-woar woold bt aa advantage, but is not of so mnca importance ss ability to meet and bold attention of biga-elass trads. Address at oaee* fiTtsg M l particalars, } Bex 300 standard OfSss , s«SS2 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of RESTATE rO»RE»f] feOOO 21/Cortland NY... · fdephms Your feOOO oasts* U ta* a** tri«pfcoo»...

Page 1: RESTATE rO»RE»f] feOOO 21/Cortland NY... · fdephms Your feOOO oasts* U ta* a** tri«pfcoo» stnnber of tfas Cordnd Al* life far a dai$ifu& g^ioa and -The StejUar** *•«*-dyt»

fdephms Your

feOOO o a s t s *

U ta* a * * tri«pfcoo» stnnber of tfas


A l *

life far a dai$ifu&

g ^ i o a and -The S te jUar** * • « * -

dyt» of Q!9*-w a s ' l ' M -"

» f eoBseeetivs iaeertteasy So * B a a inserticav- -,-'«.-:-

« eeaseesi lve iaaertiea* a e k insertion, -. --- ,-- -^*': Trerage word* to a * Bee . orier taken tor tan tJma^Sbe. . .

_, Mt- an ia eapttal tetters, d i t f * l i M I t rat*. ^wTl? hits W*»» *•* PefjSaca, . ,. ZSasaTaot 4*»eeeB*tve take t h e S * rate, w i t h a o twdnetioa after

I * a

i-ert-semeais for t h e s e e e l a j m a hereceived before 1 P- a* a s * « n

daring Jane, W « * A * .

S e r v e ' the r ight t o reject a a y ftitsaeate under this h a s d f f .


lost soft VenA UOt BEAGLE PCP, l o s t Whita,

and t a s . C*n 1057-J or Inquire Eabbard.



to cover :-2raI territory-diatKbaV : Beanedx. Products, a a d t a k e

of dea»h*freto» t w a w - -our Baking Powder and ether

direct to the home. Good sad rapid advancement t o m a n

to wi»k hajrd.toeetabiteh t h e 'Writ* tee appointment B e a ­

dy Products 1-a , Oloversvifie, % Ti


3CA3RJS I r a s * U B I M

- t»*» comply w t t *


Oaiefc Serrice--Right Pries

- orde* aariy

• • • *


OB i U L sards, tetter phists, vatelsgaed.

U w o l a o ! tie -TBI*. . M U * « U «

W s a s Z X O IKYTTASSOXS ViaWia* ***** en­

graved or printed. Mullen's, SS Hair .

4*—Kitcheastts a p a r t m s a t

J w Bent

_ dry* ..... Cell I* Liaoeln-eve,

4tt*ra fjjgJBggjjg a t ffla|.

For Reus

f r V S ; BOOBS la. Biodgett BHla Oarage, gardes, furnace aad atectnc agate, inquire Peek, Biodgttt Bin*.

PfeOB* US9-B. iroo©-^artiir sis**

B A S S WOOD—Fred U7S-W,

HAT—Si first qsality. si fttear


T r o a * t o 13 isoatx* o!4. j a r S y ftroJMs. JWoxaa— of • t e a I t U IfeMd S O B . thowatea 2 « a a l a r o r a a t . Chaaftatea Ub* t, May * ^ . PaUaoaa aad o o w r £aaMM t o s a 3 . W. Caapxaaa. Xlaaoy dvli road. Cojctlaad X. T.

CatSa, T ^ i e k a i t

S S ' . ' S M O L S fUXMITUItX tor 2a«airo £5 Wliocter.

[HOL8MHS StlXLS—•. par* bred. C 3d. a t t o a . Clacteaataa K T.

f t K O S T S 2CAQa-^%o Dr. roaUaaoo. Ia«.a&« B . Tia-

awtrtota. X%oao sis.

Wasted To Beat S4

A P A B T J O B S T S? Cat, s ioely ftir=i»5j«d. WMto.«M«rlp toa> !oeauo& aad prie* t o B o x 252, -car? Standard.

TABac B B aaaroa B a r s stock aad toote. Atar—s B'eatcr" cars Cortlaad t taadard .


HOUSSHOLC f tJSKITt 'RS for iale ia« I W a s s e o , M*s s t e s k

fif^TtnURXABCX o2 aa ordor of Baa . lOOOrsjo 3d. CaampUa. Surrogate of tite iCoastx of Cortlaad, aotise Is aorabr

• S I gtvaa to s B persons ^txltig elaisss against t i e estate or ZXIen F. PJiilips,

t 3 a » of the TUXags of Homer, New iTork, dsecased. t a s t tasy-are repaired {to exaibit the same, wi ta t&e Toncaers

tEersot t* t i e sa&scri&ersj t i » ^E-sca-< tors of t i e estato of "said deceased, a t *tae reel estate office .of 'William G, craadali . Xo, x P a r k Pteca, ia tfte VH-laga of Romer, Xear Tork, o a or before t i e Jtd day of October! 1 H L

Dated, Karca ,26th, ISJt. James TL Osdee aad

WUIiam G. Craadan Sxscnstors. ?Ji»7t*tae

. B « w Tork, April 10. (AP) -s t e a d y ; receipts, 4,d2C. C r s i n i s i y t h igasr thaa extras, dd^" * * ? t ; j-tt»* .35 score) , 4 5 ^ » 4 6 e ; t n t (SS I t flTJ score;, * * ^ » 4 i > j « ; aaekteg. eurreat m s k e . S s . 1, S S ® 3 * e ; 3fo.

c l s d i s g Smerson piano. Can erefi iags! t M i ' « « « » . < - . . * . » * » . S S bsfsrs W«da*«dayat t ? C U a ^ a A l a . i K f ^ ^ g ? £ I A * • 9?Se^- ? a s"*

HEX CABTXET in good cond12ea. Call K Paaraa A r e , after C


BITCH1SX BANGS, smsai. i a good coa-dttioa. iBOAllr* IS Railway Aye.

OIL 8T0VB—t baraer, for s a l a la^air* 1S5 Madisos.

BAXGX, cheap. CaU 10S7-B. T 1 '. . * ' * ' ' '•*»»• 1 »

B B S S STSOliuSS—Good, price low. i t S r s w a A T S .

• B B B B BABT CABBIAGE, ia A- l coa> ditioa. s s Maple A r a

ftgsjesqs S sa te RJBB& B A S T CARRIAG3i— P i o = e

TBSXCB B A S C X I i r S G w i t h special atethed of rirteiTng w a r e s that stay. WakeSJeld Seaa ty Shtppe la the aa2y placet t h a t g i r a s thte apedal atethcd. FBoaa 1213-J. ios asasa st.


W l t a ' B o a M

HOMER—AVB. J4—Tarris ied r o e a s , w i t h or without board. .

S» wahoat Baaed G B B B X S r s B , U — B o o m s , reasonabla

R B T X g L n s . S—Sleepiag rooav w i t h or wl thoot board. Phoae 583-

in. i i a — e a t s s a i i • Tar

ABTHCB A T B , ST—-S l ight bxmsekeep-l a c rooau turalshed o r aafimtished.

<SKXTBAL» Voratehad hoaaekeepteg rooms. Oarage. 16 Prospect.

OBBBXSCSB ST., U — i destrahte ^43tt hoasekeaatas; rooms. AU iasproye-

- aielBte. ;- &

GBOTOX A T & . 53—4 tBTBiahed l ight I honsekeepiag rootts ~zstt. -hath, also

3 fsraished l ight hoasekeepisg rooms aad bath . Ia^nire_t Boater A y a

S3-> VTAS* to work aa. t a n a .

2 3 S J E A X raBahle.. far. gaaera: rk s= certified dairy -iaKB. Apply person at Tally Farms, Tally, X. T.

KWMKsttBTOtO B O O B B " ! *mMlH*~ J O B B B g T B SHADT PLACJS 1U.WX Adalta Call U S l - B eyeaiagai . . .

XOETK CHtmCB. 34—Three famished hoaaeiteepiag rooms a a t bath, h e a t ­ed. K r t t floor, s r l y a t s satraace. Call *«phoae m-fd i ter snc. - - -

fBdttWAT A*m, 3S--Faralshe€ hoase-3iAX oa M-F-U.

by moaih . keepiag rooms. CaU S3i*3.

Be^ Wanted Female, t


CXZOX ST, *<—Foar aicely xaraished rooms, private entrance. Adatts only. Phoae 23*-J. Stafford's.

m W & M<cGrmw ^t^SSSS^tl **®* 8 0 - B o * » t k e e p l a g rooma far-V. g . McGraw. 34 Tompkias S t . } B l < J i e 4 ^ 7 ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ca is-F-2.

te geaerar aaasswork. Phoae L c j n Q S , 2 5 _ 2 J ^ J . ^ ^ housekeeping ™ * 2 -^:- •• rooraa Phoae ttt-W. ~ ^>.

WOXSX » dettoastrate mad dsa. | ate a aew hraad of Be king P o w -

r. Steady work, six hoars per day. " pay. Also wssaaa from aearby

to cover their respective com* mittea Write tar appoiataeat . naedy Prcdacts Znc^ Gioversrille, T.

T23SE waated at oace. Apply ia a w&ite Boaae Bostammat.

tAK to do general hoaseworx. M eentesh. Phoae T4W.

ti$ to do hoaMworfc. B r a Good-Ciarchui Sai ldiag.


A*ABTBBXT, S Phoae 122S-K.

rooatSy Can tvta iaga

APARTBSXTS—Flats . »W. Bimar I» Thompooa.

SM to

A B T B U B A T B * Phoae 1?1?»J.

» ^ * hoase.

UX for general boasewerk. Bra . isea ASea, 37 N o r m Charea, St . H t t t .

S sks People Wi TA

CBXTBAi A V B , ?»—4 rooms aad hath, oak floors a a d finish, heat, l ights aad hot water. Call S*»-B. -

CBXTBAXt AVB* 1S1—TTpper flat asodera. Garage. Phone 1747-J.


Fal l or part t ime t Old established hoase. Good;

Sxperteas* aaaeeesaary. T.

{CBCBCBZLIU BUILPIXG— Oesiraole apartmeata saaay aad seders im-proveaea^.

BAST ATB, t—Bodera Cat. Phoae 1333-W.

S room upper.

iFOCR BOOBS. day,} moath. Ada&a Phone

aeahoase, «7t-7:

u s

JFLAT—4 rooms, i a fine eoadttiOB, 33d. Xacalre « Xorth 2Cata»

SERVICES OFFERED ; B O B B S A T B , W—f rooms aad bath,

.asodera. Oarage. Phone 30S-B.

BOUSX, s ix rooms, Phoae XW4--W « l i l 7 - J .


: BADISOX, 143—Pleaaaat, modsra heat-' t d r d a s r stewad. • efi-apartsseat, S rooaa , bath. Garage.

CaU or phoae 153S-*.

gardems ptewed. I BaPISOX S T . i niltower f lat . Call 14S4-W.

AH im-'

snfefcWX.— Piewlag, Fhsae-jBAPl* ATB. 33—Cpper Sat. Bay tea Phone 7tf>J.

TfIM% 44—• room apper Sat.

aew mm S j a O S ATB. t U rs«

h a m WM. -TlT^ff4ff Fi W A l - S S

S e a l . Bstate aad tassraaoe Phaaa'SMUr • N H t

S a t , w B S

1'STr WViJ-T. PAPEB—18,000 rol ls for sale a t c lose o s t prices. SdaHea'a 23 Main, Cortlaad,

Badio aad Bo^dpmeot SKA

B d l B O OCT OF THXZ7—I c a a pat i t ia perteet working order. Xo pay If X f a n . JBBealt jobs are the kiaft 2 SSBy Faaae «ST«7 evaaiaaa tor ag-apiatmenta"

O f S c e Boaipaaeat

COgXTBBS—3, S f teaa feet, for sale at Oace. Cheap. WlSiaasoa*Htmsoa Co.

rss-sc acrs. Parker.

George Wetherell, 42


AateaBOljuea Bar Si



IX PfKSCAXCE of aa stGmt of B o a . George M. Chaaplin, sarregate of the Coaaty of Cortlaad, aotic* is hereby

I g ives tc all persons havlag etasssf against the estate of S s s a 8. Xore-

! hoase late of the City of Cortlaad, de-! ceased, that they afe required t o ex-hlhlt the same, with vouchers thereof;

B A X V E L L COACH. 1»28. r i g h t Xiver, 34 Xapie.


esJesewea/assi ssss sasgpsjsjj

XBW aad rebailt Bar ley S a T i s s e a s o -toreyelea, solo aad side oar s s t t t s , Cortlaad Sffttoreycle Garage. 31% Xorth j£ala*«t

to the subscriber, the Executor of the It £ k e e I ****** °? said deceased, a t his rest*

) denes at No. 14» Homer Avenue, ta the M u iCitv of Cortlaad. New Tors* oa or

before the 24th day of September, 1S2S. Dated, March Uth , 1928.

N. d a y t o a Ssita^ Lush. Back Ames 4b Coos.

Attorneys for Executor. *7-27t-tae*


GeUSeJ CS F ® xLCStt 5£

TACCT31 CT.EANBB, Begina. 6 months old. 2<ess t h a a half price. Crocker & Ogdea. Phoae US.

IX PUBSUANCS of aa order of Hoa. r r ~ ~ r ~ 7 Z Z , . *Z1 „ . L. . u I George K. Chsmplia. Surrogate of the

G £ D r r 0 N £T*~ ^ ^ J " **** * ° * b l e : <***& O I Cortland, notice is hereby garage. Phone i T l l - a t jg lvea to all persons having claiajs

against the estate of Etta A. Wheeloca EVEBGREEN ST,

13S3. 23—Garage. Phoae

jEsceHaaeooa snsr s e l e dZA KOXBB A Y E , f—Oarage for r e a t

BATHTUB, toilet, also quantity -Sag stone. B» H. Beard 4b Sons.


BOT*S BICTCLB, 37. White Iron crib, 37. laquire 10 Garfield.

SMiT.T. S A B X for sale, 14x24. Also gas engine, s a w table aad oak heater. Phone 1215-B.

MADISOX S T , 40—Garage for rent.


Bagfaesa i^jxgfawftiirs

J 57

Wearias Apparel 45 TTPBrVBITBBS—For sa le or taatv 0 B > aerwdoe. Caroaa, U C Szmta. Xew; , t t t a B s a d taeoad ftaad. KaUaa'a I r ^ r j - r s S U B B B B COAT, browa, six* f ? * ^ ^ f-- -'• t 38. 33. Phoae Homer 131-J.

SaSdlSig jfataataj S7

SAXTf. STOXB AND GBAVBXi—C A. C B r i e a . Telephone 37C. 14 Qraat.

&ADZBS' A X S etothiag sold.

BBX*8 Sseoad-haad CaU ISS*. SO Church.

Machinery a a d Tools SS

TBACTOB PLOWS—Nearly aew, H c -Cornrfck Deerlng, two bottom, suit­able for Fordson. Price 33S. Season for seUlag, have sold my tractor. Ernest Stafford, Bledgett B i l l s . P h o n e t*F»28.

SECOND-HAND clothing bought aad I sold. Phone 1695-S. 133 Port Watsoa.

I SPRING COAT—Lady's, l ight brown, aaatft embroidered, size 38. Excellent t condition, $5. Phone 433-M. }

Wanted To Bay 48

GABAGE s a d gas station for r e a t Good location. Inquire B. Ftakelsteia. Phoae »19 or 1434-W.

BLACKSMITH SHOP—Located ia good . community and sa good road. House,

barn, henhouse and fruit on land. All in good repair. Because of im­paired eyesight, it i s necessary for me to sell. A. D. Van Marter, Rare! i, Locke.


B e a s t s For Sale SI

B l a s t s , Ferti l izers 40 POTATOES, 300 bushels wanted. Write !

or phone what you have. Syracuse Produce Co., 14 Port Watson S t , '

the t ime I Cortland, X. T. BDLBS of aH kinds. Now. i s _____.________^__._ t o plant them. Preston. Phone 1348-M. { ^ A T O S ^ - T r a a S

3rNSALCW—New, complete la STery detail. Reasonable price and t e n n a Phone 583-/ .


t o Syracuse market. Will pay highest price and come to your plaee after tbem. Also buy your apples and small potatoes. P h o n e Homer 310. Z. X . Harmon.

CHESTNUT ST, Call l » -F- t .

-House for sale.

GRASS wi l l produce an emerald green l a w n where l ittle or n o sua penetrates. Lb., 3.60; 10 Lba, 3S.00; 29 Lbs* S » . » , v -

• f ~m" FCBRBST SEED C©, INC.-: '^-^\

I CORTLAND, N. Y. ,'%•


F O B R E S T S GOLD STANDARD LAWN Grass. A pure mixture of the finest grasses that produces a lawn which wi l l retain its rich deep ve lvety ap­pearance right through the •season. Lb. 3-50; 10 L b s , $4.25, 20 Lbs. 37.50.



•• Eggs>~ Boaitry,/ a M

ZJ ELM ST.—8 large rooms, fire place, 2

oaths, electricity, gas. Fine location. Small payment down for quick sale. Phone 134<*B.

late of the Village of McGraw, Cert- | land County. N. Y , deceased, that they ! are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the sub­scriber, the Executor of the estate of ] said deceased, a t 129 Caithrop Avenue. Syracuse. X. Y , on or before the 6th day of A u g u s t 1328.

Dated, January 30th. 192s. Ancil D. Brown, Executor

Estate of Etta A. Wheelock 129 Caithrop Avenue,

Syracuse, N. Y. • 25-2?t tues

i ' m- • - — • i

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Separate sealed proposals covering

repainting the exterior of the Cortland State Normal School in accordance with specification No. S102, will be re­ceived by the Commissioner of Edu­cation, Education Department. State Education Building, Albany, N, Y , until 3:00 o'clock p. m. (Eastern Standard : Time), Thursday, April 19, 132$. Pro­posals shall be accompanied by a cer­tified check or money deposit for S per cent of the amount of tne bid. : Successful bidders will be required to give a bond in the sum of SO per cent of the amount of contract Specifica­tions are on file at the Cortland State Normal SciocC. CertSaad, X. Y , and at the offices of the D e p t of Public I Works, Division of Architecture, 9*9 Broadway, New York City, and 353 Broadway. Albany. N. Y. Specifications, : proposal blanks and envelopes may be : obtained at the discretion of aad from the State Architect. SSS Broadway, Albany. N. Y.

Dated: March 2S. 1928. Sl-4t-tue A thur. *

E g g s — S t e a d y ; r e e e i p t a ^ S t ^ Fresh gathered extra first 2 9 @ S S e ; i first. 2 7 H © 2 3 H e ; seconds, t e « x s H * j 1 storage packed, ^mt marks, SI X ® 8 X c i ! extra a n t . S O X S S i e r first * * H + i SC&e; nearby hennery white, c losely -selected extra, 3 4 # S S e ; aearby a a d nearby western hennery white, first t o average extra, 3 0 $ 3 3 e ; nearby hen-nory brown extra, 3 3 # 3 4 « ; Paeifis coast whi te extra. 3 5 # 3 7 j 4 c ; first ta extra first, S S S S S ^ e -

Cheese — Rece ipts . 84,4*0. S t a t s ' whole milk fiats, fresh, fancy. 22H 3% 2Sc; do . , he ld , fancy t o fancy s p e c i a l 2 » # * O c .

Ltee) P o u l t r y — Irregular; chick-eas b y f r e i g h t S4«>33c; broilers, by freight, S O # 5 5 c ; by express, 4 5 & 6 0 c ; fowls, f r e i g h t 2 5 ® 2 S c ; express, 2 S ® 2Sc; roosters, f r e i g h t 14c; turkeys, f r e i g h t SS; express, 3 4 $ 3 5 c .

P l e a s e d P o u l t r y ' — Irregular; eSteS> e s s , frosen, 24 @3Sc; fowls, fresh, i£% 3Sc; froaea, 2 1 # 2 l s ; old roosters. 1 7 ^ 2 4 c ; tSiTkeys, fresh, 3 C # 4 0 c ; fro­aea. S 0 @ 4 5 c

Potatoes—2>uil aad weak; receipts SS cars. M a i n e . Green moSiatsia. ia bulk. i>er 180 lbs . . $ 4 . 5 0 @ 5 . 0 0 ; Long Island do. . $3 [email protected]; N e w York. do. , n o t q u o t e d ; B e r m u d a aew, bbl. . $11.00 © 1 2 . 5 0 ; Florida, S l l . 0 0 .

Cabbages — irregular; old N e w York D a n i s h white . 9 0 to 100 lb. sack. 5©c@$1.00; red. do . , g l . 0 0 @ 2 . 0 0 ; Florida, new, whi te . 1 H bu. hamper, [email protected]; red do . , $ 2 . 0 0 $ 2 . 5 0 .

M E A T S Country Dressed Calves—Fresh re­

ceipts l ight, moderate demand, market s t eady on ail but smal l , which moved lower; fresh receipts per pound, choice 2 0 @ 2 l c ; fair tc good , 18 9 1 9 c ; com­mon 14C&15; smal l to medium 1 2 c ® 13; small 1 0 c 9 1 1 .

Hothouse L a m b s — Carryovers liberal, d e a m a d slow, market s t eady; fancy 30-35 lbs. each $12.00 # 1 3 . 0 C ; poor t© good, S 7 0 0 @ l l . 0 0 .

G R A I N M A R K E T S New York. April 10. (AP)—Flour,

s teady; spring patents , 3 7 . 5 5 © 7 . 3 5 ; hard winter straights, $7.30 ©7 .65 .

Cornmeai — Quiet; fine white granulated, $ 2 . 7 5 © 2 . 8 5 ; fine yellow granulated, $2.75 © 2 80.

W h e a t , — Spot irregular: No . 1 dark northern'spring. e. i. f. New York, all rail, $1.59J<; N o . 2 hard winter t o. b. N e w York, all raC, $1-1615$; N o . i mixed durum, do. , nominal; N o . 2 Mani toba do. , to arrive, $1.71 X in bond.

C o m — S p o t firm; N o . 2 yel low e. i. f. N e w York, all rail, $ 1 . 1 9 J i ; No . 3 yellow do. , $1 . ISH-

Oats—Spot firm; S o , 2 white 70 %.

BABY CHICKS—White Leghorns Rhode Island Reds. Call 6-F-S.

CHICKS—From pare bred White L e g ­horns, carefully culled as to size. Color and e g g production. Approved I by Poultry Improvement Association, i Reduced prices in large quantities. I Hatches each week. Phone or write | Mrs. N. B. Foster, Marathon..

HATCHING EGGS—Buy your Barred Rock hatching eggs from a Culled and inspected flock. $1.50 for 15, 38.00 per hundred. Mrs. Clarence Giveas, Drydea. N. Y. Gee Hill Road.

ITHACA; 301 WILLIAMS ST.—Boom-- t e g house with student furniture. 14

•47"" • v^ooms, hardwood floors aad trim. 2 complete baths, toilet aad lavatory, good heat. Splendid location, a lways .Sited. B a k e s a One income. Very easy terms. For sale on account of i ickaesa. W. 3. Ramsey.


l e t s F o r Sale 82

CEDAR S T , 12—Valuable l o t S. Rosen­berg. 102 Main St.

SAXDS-ST, 23—Desirable bailding l o t ! Inquire 43 Graham-ave. Phoae 259-J.

Farms F o r Sale «5

S E B D POTATOES, Certified Irish Cob- ; PCLLETS—IS thoroughbred bter. Beeeonable prices. G. B . A l e x - ! a fine flock. Call 1S33-W. eadee... . * f- m^*~— \ • •«


S S B C B S of al l kinds. Order before the sappft'' te gone. ' Preston. Phoae


•! STURDY BABY CHICKS—A.U. varieties. V ^ * . Mrs. M. D. Roe .

WHITE DUTCH CLOVER for lawns . Makes a a Excellent turf. Poand, $.65, i o Lba; i s . ; : .


Poaltry SappUes and Bqa lpmeat , 47A

BROODER for sale. Call 22-F-13.

114 ACRE FARM, with or without equipment. Between Cortlaad and Groton. Address "A. X." care Stand­ard.

NEW HOUSE—3 rooms, large annex,; cculd be used for rummer kitchen, Henhouse, 3 horse barn, 2 acres of good land, many apple trees. Two miles out en South Pendleton St. road. Martin Perquln, rural 3, Cort- j land.

District Maaager Hstionauy k n o w s mvestzaeat security hooae of eleven years' sta-ding is loTking for a man •viik execative amnty and se-curity t iTTig experience, pref-esabiy i s pabHe at!2?iea H e masf have good appearance, sddebas and edacation. Here is an oppertaafty to develop s a d operate a sales orgasfzs-tlon m - s e v e n ! coanttea adja­cent to Cortland.

Coas peasaCMO: LsDeral coss-mssssonwttn sver wr-rir^ w tucit will afford right maa hand­some income. --

W r i t e F. K. S a a t e r 475 Fifth A T S ^ ^ e w York Chy.

P, Bennett Co. successor t o

Geo. A . Adait

Real Estate Insurance Investments I

Houses for Safe B o s s e s and Apartments for R e n t Lots m al l parts of City for Sale Safe Investments Paying 8%

Ihssrance •*• Antomobite, Fire, AccJ^S^t ZJs"biIit % * t c

II P. Bennett Co. 40 Main St. P s o n e 5 6 4


Just Among Us

!. *ci~r^ M s ihe wiomesn not. door $bft \evff her u^3 apd dovra?•/

ammng up wife and running

I i i






Phoae 2000

Answers t o Grab 1. Theodore Bartoa; TT.

sentat lvs; Ohio. », Coastant iaa 3. Jane Adama. 4 . St. Lawreaee.

. S. Sarah Bernhardt 5. Isaiah XXX, 20.


S. repre-

ALSMTwal Reduction

T o setSe s a s s t s t e , & • wrice of tfe& pro|>4Hiy s o Grotca A v t a u s a t s bwea ptdticed to s vsry s t t r se -tirs fiffare.

Wita ia $cm b locks from K s i a S tr s s t aad d o t s to N o r a t L Kewly saiatie)d, p s p c r s d s a d p*intod; a s w floors s a d fur u s e s .

S t a t S6200 wi ta s m t i i pay­ment down wCl b a y t a k property.

Beajamia Baktx- &. Co INVESTMENT BONDS


U r a r S T R I A L AXT> R E A L E S T A T E


20S ^aiiMgs Bass BicLg. Corti&nG? w« i •

Saleswom i With Personality *. Here is aa opportuaitr for a sa leswomaa of

and good persoaality t o secure % desirable po^t ioa carrying an attractive salary.

Experience- ia Women's Beady-to-woar w o o l d b t a a advantage , but is not of so m n c a importance s s ability to mee t and bold attention of biga-elass trads.

Address at oaee* f iTtsg M l particalars, }

Bex 300 s tandard O f S s s ,


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069