Llorona A

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Transcript of Llorona A

  • 8/16/2019 Llorona A




  • 8/16/2019 Llorona A



    SYNOPSIS: All peoples have several legends. Especially legend tells the story of a

    beautiful young woan who falls in love and arries! years of love are rewardedwith the arrival of three children. One day the doctor coes hoe and tells her that

    her husband has an incurable disease! which will decide the order of her husband.

    "he death of the husband! the wife can not accept it and #ills his three children

    drowning in a river. "his begrudge hi inside causing the urder of the child in her 

    wob and her suicide.

    Since that day the widow was terrori$ing the village near the river with its terrifying

    cries in which only regret again and again! %Oh! y children &&%.


    "he woan at first is a cheerful! very huble and happy with her life person. "he

    tragic death of her husband becoes silent! with a character alost always angry

    with hiself! he is a ysterious woan who ay even be scary.

    *is physical appearance is the type of a pregnant woan! whose dar# eye color is

    green. After her husband,s death turns white as death and when his ghost

    becoes alost pale face is white with very showy dar# circles.

    "hree children: You have a three year old son! and another seven years- another of 

    years and the latter is what is in the wob and yet unborn. As there are very

    iportant people will not be able to describe his character as it has an iportant

    role! but they are the victis of their other.

    /ario: it appears when young and when he dies in his bed.

    0hen young has a healthy appearance! it is as happy as his wife and is copletely

    in love with her- is thin! brown hair and blue eyes. *is passion is the piano and

    ideal to travel around the world with his wife- and create a faily.

    0hen the disease causes should be resting in bed! his appearance changes! his

    face turns white! her hair disappears! can not see the color of his eyes because the

    iris brightens while turns white- his body no longer as#s for food or go outside and

    reain dry lips #issed by his wife who still hope to see the young old with thatcase.

    1( 2 S)ENE 0*EN 3NO0N

    *aving described above! begins the part of narrador.4ientras begins to tell the

    story the displayed iage as the doors of the ansion open to show bac# to the

    village with a general plane and repeats the sae previous tour but in this case it

    stands in the s5uare.

  • 8/16/2019 Llorona A


    Narrator:  6voiceover! type of voice as a storyteller7 In every village there is a

    legend! this is the case of a village in 4e8ico where it happened several years ago

    the terrible tragedy of a faily that began its decline with the death of father and

    husband and ended with the death of the woan! his wife. 0ell! I really did not end

    well but do not want to tell the end because it is better to see hi.

    4e8ico in a village near one of the ost iportant rivers for this country! there lived

    a young woan who life had given hi the pleasure of #nowing love ...

    6In the s5uare two characters /ario and a woan appear! we are in a plane to the

    edian general principle that changes to stand in a idplane! an is behind the


    • /ario: *ello

    • 0oen: aaa 6scare7! 4r. scared e 6the woan with the shoc# drops the

    fruit bas#et wearing7

    6Started using fro now on a plane against the foreground has no special angle7

    • /ario: I forgive not want to scare so beautiful lady

    • 0oan: Your coplient a#es you forgive! but tell e who is so what are

    you doing here9

    • /ario: oh! sorry has not subitted /ario I a! I, here because I brought the

    scent of your perfue.

    • 0oan: 0hat perfue9 If the only perfue that I wear is this bas#et of 

    fruits 6fruits teaches7

    • /ario: I do not thin# have been the fruits! have been you but tell e you

    have not told e your nae yet.• 0oan: 4y nae is not iportant because they forget to loo# in your eyes

    you give e to see. 6"he two are deeply loo# to understand that they are

    echos to each other7.

    'N S)ENE! "*E ;A4I

  • 8/16/2019 Llorona A


    itself was coing to hi! but it is. "he woan coes to the aid of her husband and

    hugs hi and #isses hi! at first there is a general plane with an angle of 

    sallness of the an and then a plane note the suffering of both ie foreground7

    One day he cae hoe! he was away fro the village and near a river with that

    sall had played with hi! had not arrived as usual running hugging their children

    and giving a salute to his wife as usual! had coe on a stretcher carried by four en! their appearance was not li#e that he had before ...

    • 0oan: 0hat happens to y husband9

    • 4an: 6One of the en who carried /ario answers7 4ada! we are very

    sorry her husband has a disease that not even the doctor hiself #nows

    what it is! but it is a very coon case in any parts of Africa. o not worry

    recovers sure! but I would call the best doctor you have so you can see or 

    diagnose what you have.

    • 0oan: "han# you! sir 6you will see her husband7 0hat happened to you9

    • /ario: I do not #now! but when I saw you I felt uch better.

    • 0oan: o not worry sure it will happen soon will coe the best doctor in

    the world to see

    Narrator : 0hen the doctor arrived! he could only report that her husband was

    going fro bad to worse than if there were a bit of luc# and pray a lot to =od! their 

    final destination is already she said. "he woan did not want to assue the truth

    of the situation and did everything possible to /ario not die. ?ntil one day ... 6start a

    contraplano between two people! but with respect to an is one of contrapicado

    and woan sharply! giving an iage of life and death7

    • 0oan: *ello dear! *ow are you today9

    • /ario: 6responds with a faint sound! his face is unrecogni$able! is no longer 

    the old /ario7

    • 0oan: I had to fire all the service because we have no oney

    • /ario: 6again a#e the sae sound as before7

    • 0oan: 0hen you get well your children are constantly as#ing about you

    and I love you finally put an well9. I love /ario.

    6No answer her husband! and oves his lips if you want7

    • 0oan: 6"oca to /ario her white face7 /ario9 "hese ice crea 6it ta#es the

    pulse7 /ario not not die! still has not reached your end. 6*e begins to ourn!she focuses on the woan7

  • 8/16/2019 Llorona A


    Narrator : 6pictures of the house in general plane and is changing over tie that

    passes! the environent becoes dar#er than it was and winter is ahead in this

    area of town! shouting and usic chills hear7 "he wife /ario could not bear his

    death! after his funeral hoe he did not return to be the sae as the woan

    herself screaing at night and the #ids were scared! until I cae a tie when the

    widow too# the decision to bring the river 6the narrator begins to count ore curtlyor slower. "here is a traveling since the woan is oving fro a perspective

    against chopped as away. the scene of death of children is not seen as a tree

    obscures isfortune! but their cries for help are heard her other. 0e,re going

    away fro the scene to coplete the landscape is interrupted by the cries for help

    of children7! there said goodbye forever! the drowning #illed on the river they #new

    not to swi.

    6"he picture turns blac# but still telling the story the narrator7 Its three deaths

    detracted uch to the widow! in her desolate house constantly screaing and

    crying all the tie repeating again and again %Oh y children &&&%. 6"he laent is


    One day he saw that he could not #eep her unborn baby when born! and she was

    lifeless and lived a life of suffering! he wanted to end his suffering breathlessness!

    #illing her unborn child that was never born.

    6@iewed fro a id(plane iage of the widow wal#ing towards the river! there is

    also traveling.7 "he widow never the death of her children and her husband forgive

    you! 6in the iddle of the town s5uare when it touches the twelve bells appears the

    widow sobbed his otto that invades fear of all those who inhabit it! it oves

    through the path through the ghost! until her last laent for the last tie! it eans

    the end of the short with a cry that you shudder of hearing7 after his death hereturned to life as a ghost dressed in her last gown! with pale and s#eletal s#in! ran

    through the town in search of their children and never was and always repeated

    the phrase %Oh! y children&&&%. Never had a nae until then because who was put

    all the people! his nae was "he