I.E. TÉCNICA COMERCIAL MARÍA INMACULADA FECHA : 10 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2017 ASUNTO : PLAN DE NIVELACIÓN GRADO : UNDÉCIMO ÁREA : INGLÉS PARA : ESTUDIANTES CON NIVEL BAJO PERIODO: SEGUNDO NAME ____________________________________ DATE _____________________ 11 ( ) _____ OBJETIVO : Determinar las estrategias pedagógicas que permitan que los estudiantes con desempeño académico bajo al terminar los cuatro periodos superen las debilidades mostradas en el área de Inglés. ESTÁNDARES: 7. Utilizo estrategias adecuadas al propósito y al tipo de texto (activación de conocimientos previos, apoyo en el lenguaje corporal y gestual, uso de imágenes) para comprender lo que escucho. 8. Comprendo el sentido general del texto oral aunque no entienda todas sus palabras. 9. Me apoyo en el lenguaje corporal y gestual del hablante para comprender mejor lo que dice. 21. Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos formales del lenguaje como la puntuación, la ortografía, la sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión. 27. Valoro la escritura como un medio de expresión de mis ideas y pensamientos, quién soy yo y qué sé del mundo. 28. Escribo textos a través de los cuales explico mis preferencias, decisiones o actuaciones. 31. Hago presentaciones orales sobre temas de mi interés y relacionados con el currículo escolar. DBA a. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con temas de interés general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con otros. b. Explica tanto en forma oral como escrita las causas y los efectos, así como el problema y la solución de una situación. c. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con temas de interés general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con otros. COMPETENCIAS: - Expresa el deseo de que las cosas sean o hubieran sido diferentes a través de I wish. - Canta con ritmo y entonación la canción asignada. - Es hábil para usar el condicional if. - Comprende e identifica la estructura de los verbos regulares e irregulares. Nota: El presente plan de nivelación debe ser diligenciado por el estudiante. Responder a mano y a lápiz. Orden y buena letra, no debe presentar tachones. Éste es requisito para presentar el examen. Las guías deben tener registrados los ejercicios de clase. (En hoja de block cuadriculado), fotocopias de actividades de refuerzo y subrayadas y traducidas todas las palabras nuevas. Cualquier inquietud al respecto diríjase al titular del área. La realización y sustentación del taller es de carácter individual. A continuación se especifica lo que el estudiante debe estudiar y lo que debe presentar. Es importante aclarar que para el éxito de la nivelación debe estudiar los conceptos, reglas, ejemplos, lecturas, fotocopias, exámenes… TEMAS 1. Wishes 1.2. Different verbal tense. 1.3. Different auxiliaries and modal. 2. Song Sing Interpret biographies 3. Conditional if First and second conditional if. 3.1. Different verbal tense. 3.2. Different auxiliaries and modal. 4. Regular and irregular verbs


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DATE _____________________ 11 ( ) _____


Determinar las estrategias pedagógicas que permitan que los estudiantes con desempeño académico bajo al terminar los cuatro periodos superen las debilidades mostradas en el área de Inglés.


7. Utilizo estrategias adecuadas al propósito y al tipo de

texto (activación de conocimientos previos, apoyo en el

lenguaje corporal y gestual, uso de imágenes) para

comprender lo que escucho.

8. Comprendo el sentido general del texto oral aunque

no entienda todas sus palabras.

9. Me apoyo en el lenguaje corporal y gestual del

hablante para comprender mejor lo que dice.

21. Estructuro mis textos teniendo en cuenta elementos

formales del lenguaje como la puntuación, la ortografía, la

sintaxis, la coherencia y la cohesión.

27. Valoro la escritura como un medio de expresión de

mis ideas y pensamientos, quién soy yo y qué sé del


28. Escribo textos a través de los cuales explico mis

preferencias, decisiones o actuaciones.

31. Hago presentaciones orales sobre temas de mi

interés y relacionados con el currículo escolar.


a. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de

mediana longitud relacionados con temas de interés

general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con


b. Explica tanto en forma oral como escrita las causas y

los efectos, así como el problema y la solución de una


c. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de

mediana longitud relacionados con temas de interés

general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con



- Expresa el deseo de que las cosas sean o hubieran sido

diferentes a través de I wish.

- Canta con ritmo y entonación la canción asignada.

- Es hábil para usar el condicional if.

- Comprende e identifica la estructura de los verbos

regulares e irregulares.


El presente plan de nivelación debe ser

diligenciado por el estudiante. Responder a mano y a lápiz. Orden y buena letra, no debe presentar

tachones. Éste es requisito para presentar el examen. Las guías deben tener registrados los

ejercicios de clase. (En hoja de block cuadriculado), fotocopias de actividades de refuerzo y subrayadas y traducidas todas las palabras nuevas.

Cualquier inquietud al respecto diríjase al

titular del área.

La realización y sustentación del taller es de

carácter individual.

A continuación se especifica lo que el estudiante

debe estudiar y lo que debe presentar. Es

importante aclarar que para el éxito de la

nivelación debe estudiar los conceptos, reglas,

ejemplos, lecturas, fotocopias, exámenes…


1. Wishes

1.2. Different verbal tense.

1.3. Different auxiliaries and modal.

2. Song


Interpret biographies

3. Conditional if

First and second conditional if.

3.1. Different verbal tense.

3.2. Different auxiliaries and modal.

4. Regular and irregular verbs

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GRADE: Eleventh ( )

TIME: 6 hours

DATE: __________________


TEACHER: Amanda Sossa Castañeda

NOTE: Underline and translate all the new

words. Follow the instructions.


Write sentences and paragraphs expressing

the desire that the reality to be or had been

different through wish.


When the speaker expresses the desire that

the reality was different. Wish is used to say

that we would like things to be or have been


The structures with the verb wish are used to

express wishes about present, future or past

situations. In general, it is a question of

imagining situations different from those we

have today or those that have occurred or will

occur. In all cases they are constructions in

the first person singular.


I wish + Subject + Would / Could / Were going

to + Simple verb.

I wish I would graduate this semester.

I wish I could study on weekend.

I wish I were going to dance at night.





I wish + Subject + Past Tense Verb.

I wish I had a fast car.

I wish I didn´t have to ride a bicycle.

I wish I didn´t have to work today.

I wish I were (or was) handsome.

I wish I weren´t still in school.





I wish + Had / Could have + Past Participle

I wish I had heard you.

I wish I hadn´t said that.

I wish I had studied harder in school.

I wish I could have gone.




Present Continuous

I wish + Subject + Were + Verb ing

I wish I were living in London.

I wish I weren´t making so many mistakes.

Look at the rule and write three examples more.

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I wish I were studying Medicine.





1. Write 5 wishes of your own.
















2. Write what the speaker wishes

a. I didn´t go to the party last week.

I wish, I had gone to the party last week.

b. I am not going to the beach next weekend.


c. I don´t speak English.


d. The sun isn´t shinning right now.


e. Today it´s hot.


f. My mom is crying in the church.


g. I couldn´t solve the puzzle.


h. The kids were playing in the roof.


3. Write a short paragraph about your wishes.










4. Translate the information and write

the wish.

a. Mi hermano no puede trabajar en la




b. Esa niña no pudo ir al hospital en la





c. El bombero está muy enfermo.



d. El beisbolista tiene un entrenamiento duro.



e. Yo no vivo en un barrio cerca de la ciudad.



f. Ella tuvo un accidente automovilístico.



g. El señor Juan compró ese portátil azul.



h. Ella cayó de ese árbol ayer.



i. Los niños están cortando las flores.



j. Ellos estuvieron nadando en el río anoche.


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k. El loro no repitió la palabra.



l. Mi primo está viviendo en una pequeña





m. El profesor no asistió a la reunión.



n. El ingeniero no viajó en avión.



ñ. El periodista no escribió esta noticia.



o. Ella se siente decepcionada.



5. These people feel bad about some things.

Feel their regrets.

a. I scolded my best friend. I wasn´t nice at


I wish I hadn´t scolded my best friend.

I wish I had been nice at him.

b. I didn´t do an errant for my mom. I feel




c. I don´t live with my parents. I am alone.



d. I have to walk all day long. I feel really




e. I am not satisfied with my school average. I

feel disappointed.




6. Listen the dialogue, ask 5 questions (behind

the paper) and answer.

Family rules

CATHY : Hi Nancy! Where are your kids?

NANCY : They're at home cleaning their


CATHY : Really? Wow. I wish my kids would

clean their rooms.

NANCY : We made a new list of rules for the

kids. If they obey all of the rules they get a

$5.00 allowance on Sunday.

CATHY : What are the rules?

NANCY : They have to clean their rooms once

a week, do their homework every day, and

they have a different housecleaning job each

week. One week they clean the bathrooms,

another week they vacuum the living room,

each week it's a different chore.

CATHY : That's great. I wish my kids would

help me around the house.

NANCY : Oh, and they have to wash dishes

once a week too.

CATHY : How's it working so far?

NANCY : So far it's working out pretty well.

They complained a lot at first about the work

but they like the allowance. It really helps me

a lot because I used to do all of the

housework myself.

Work hard, dream big!

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CATHY : I think it's a great idea. I remember

when I was little I had to help my parents with


NANCY : Me too. I had to do my homework

right when I got home from school. After that

I had to help my mom get dinner ready.

CATHY : I grew up on a farm so we had to

feed the chickens every morning before

school. We helped my parents a lot on the

farm. When I was older I had to help milk the

cows too.

NANCY : I think it's important for kids to help

around the house. It teaches them


CATHY : Yeah, and they learn how to do

housework. When Bill and I got married he

didn't know how to do anything. He didn't

have to help his mom with housework when

he was little so he never learned how to wash

clothes or clean the house. I had to teach him

so that he could help me.

Taken from http://www.inglesmundial.com/Avanzado/Le


6.1 We can infer that the text wants:

a. to make laughing

b. to teach good manners at home

c. to show problems of life.

d. to show a good mother.

6.2 You can say Nancy is:

a. a creative mother

b. a rude mother

c. a successful mother

d. a happy mother

6.3 One of these sentences is false.

a. When Cathy got married she didn't know

how to do anything.

b. Cathy´s sons don’t collaborate at home.

c. Homework teaches them responsibilities.

d. Cathy´s husband had to teach about


6.4 A successful family…

a. works hard

b. travels around the world .

c. educate for life.

d. don´t know to do.

7. Exercise in class to obtain points (from 1 to


Date __________________________________

COMMENTS (About your attitude in this







Book Goal International 9, page 83







Written evaluation

Date _______________________

God blesses your life



Amanda Sossa Castañeda

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TOPIC: Song Feel the light.

GRADE: Eleventh ( )

TIME: 4 hours

DATE: __________________

STUDENT: _________________________________

TEACHER: Amanda Sossa Castañeda

NOTE: Underline and translate all the new

words. Follow the instructions.


Sing with rhythm and intonation the assigned song.

Activity 1. Underline and translate the new words. 2. Translate the song. 3. Investigate about Jenifer López. 4. Listen and practice. Welcome

Jennifer López

Here I go. Here I go

Feel better now. Feel better now

Here I go. Here I go

It's better now. Feel better now.

Do you remember when we fell under?

Did you expect me to reason with thunder?

I still remember when time was frozen

What seemed forever was just a moment

Hurry up, hurry up

There's no more waiting

We're still worth saving

Feel the light

Shining in the dark of night

Remember what we forgot

I know it's a long shot

But we're bringing it all back

We're bringing it all back

Feel the light

Shining like the stars tonight

Remember what we forgot

I know it's a long shot

But we're bringing it all back

We're bringing it all back.

Here I go. Here I go

Feel better now. Feel better now

Here I go. Here I go

It's better now Feel better now.

I still remember when things were broken

But put together the cracks were closing

Hurry up, hurry up

There's no more waiting

We're still worth saving.

Feel the light

Shining in the dark of night

Remember what we forgot

I know it's a long shot

But we're bringing it all back

We're bringing it all back.

You and I can have it all tonight

So let's bring it back to life

Now we have another chance to fly

Another chance to make you right.


2. Translate the song






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Jennifer López

She was born on July 24, 1969, in the Bronx,

New York, Jennifer Lopez danced on the TV

show In Living Color before her starring role in

the film Selena. She turned to music and

found major success on the pop and dance

charts with hits like "Get Right" and "Play"

while continuing to garner Hollywood film

work. She married salsa icon Marc Anthony in

2006 and had twins; the couple split a few

years later. Her recent projects

include American Idol and Shades of Blue.




- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fdAt


COMMENTS (About your work in class) ______________________________________





Sing the song – new vocabulary

Date __________________________________

If music be the food of love, play on.

William Shakespeare


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TOPIC: Song Maybe

GRADE: Eleventh ( )

TIME: 4 hours

DATE: ____________________

STUDENT: _________________________________

TEACHER: Amanda Sossa Castañeda

NOTE: Underline and translate all the new

words. Follow the instructions.


Sing with rhythm and intonation the assigned song.

Activity 1. Underline and translate the new words. 2. Translate the song. 3. Investigate about Enrique Iglesias. 4. Listen and practice. Welcome

Enrique Iglesias

If I had one single wish

I'd go back to the moment I kissed.

You goodbye

No matter how hard I try.

I can't live

without you in my life.

Maybe you'll say you still want me.

Maybe you'll say that you don't

Maybe we said it was over.

But baby I can't let you go.

I walk around try to understand.

Where we went wrong

and I can't pretend

it wasn't me.

And it wasn't you

But I'm convinced

We gave up to soon.

Maybe you'll say you still want me

Maybe you'll say that you don't.

Maybe we said it was over.

But baby I can't let you go.

Nothing left to lose

After losing you

There's nothing I can't take

When I run to you

When I come for you

Don't tell me I'm too late.

Maybe you'll say you still want me

Maybe you'll say that you don't

Maybe we said it was over

But baby I can't let you go.

2. Translate the song






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Enrique Iglesias

Enrique Miguel Iglesias

Preysler was born in

Madrid, Spain, on May 8, in 1975. The

youngest of three children is the son of

popular Spanish singer Julio Iglesias. Iglesias

grew up largely in Miami and began singing as

a teenager. He released his self-titled debut

album in 1995 and, like his subsequent studio

works, proved to be a huge success. By early

2012, Iglesias had sold more than 60 million

records worldwide. His most successful songs

include "Bailamos," "Rhythm Divine," "Be

with you," "Escape," "Maybe," "Don't Turn

Off The Lights" and "Hero."


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTw0jGP mGvY - http://www.musica.com/letras.asp?letra=3095

COMMENTS (About your work in class) ______________________________________






Sing the song – new vocabulary

Date __________________________________

If music be the food of love, play on.

William Shakespeare


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TOPIC: Conditional if

GRADE: Eleventh ( )

TIME: 8 hours

DATE: ____________________

STUDENT: _________________________________

TEACHER: Amanda Sossa Castañeda

NOTE: Underline and translate all the new

words. Follow the instructions.

Objective Use the conditional if to express possible situations and its consequences.

If clauses

Type 0 If + Simple Present Tense + Simple

Present Tense: To express general truths and


If a person stops beating, he/she dies.

- Plants die if you don´t water them.

- What happens if you don´t eat meat?




If + Simple Present + Will: To express

real conditions.

Those that have the possibility to happen.

- I haven´t seen your book, but if I see it, I will

tell you.

- We will have to go without Jerry if he

doesn´t arrive soon.

- What will you do if you have to travel this





If + Simple Past + Would: To express

unreal conditions, those you don´t really think

can happen.

- If he had a car he would take us.

- She wouldn´t work so much if she didn´t

have to.

- Where would you live if you could choose?




If + Past Perfect + Would have: To

speculate about conditions of the past that

can´t be changed anymore.

If I had studied a little more seriously, I

would have passed the test.

- She would have helped you if you had asked


- What would have happened if Charlie had

been elected president?




The first conditional

We use the first in these situations.

a. To express possible situation and its


What will they do if they win the game?

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If they win the game they´ll have the party.

They´ll be very sad if they don´t win.

If they don´t win the game, they won´t finish

in first place.






b. To warn or to threaten

If you arrive late, we´ll leave without you.



2.The second conditional

This structure is used

a. To talk about hypothetical situations that

are possible.

If I had a lot of money, I´d travel around the




b. To talk about imaginary or impossible


If I were a king, I´d live in a palace.



c. To give advice

If I were you, I´d go to the doctor.



Note: Were is normally used after if.

Would is used for all persons.

I´d = I would

You´d = ________________

He´d / she´d = ________________

We´d = ________________

They´d = ________________


1. Listen the video “English conditional how to

use if clauses by OXFORD”

2. Answer

a. What would you do if you had a lot of



b. If you could travel, where would you go?


c. If you could be a famous actor / actress,

who would you like to be?


d. If you could be an animal, what animal

would you like to be? Why?



e. If you could make three wishes, what

would you ask for?




f. What would you do if you won a million



3. Look and write a short paragraph about you

If you lived on an island, what would you do?

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4. Look at and complete the hypothetical


5. About the poem

5.1 Read and memorize


If you were a shining star And I were your midnight, I’d let you shine above me,

You’d be my only light.

If you were a scoop of ice cream And I were an ice cream cone, I’d put you on my shoulders And hold you for my own.

If you were a grand piano And I were a sweet love song,

I’d let your keys tickle and tease My melody all day long.

If you were the pages of my book And I were reading you,

I’d read as slow as I could go So I never would get through.

Kristian Stephen Crow

Taken from



5.2 Extract from the text

Nouns Verbs Prepositions

6. Practice in class to add points. Date _________


Book Advanced Easy English, page 53

Dos Santos C.R. Manuel. Goal International Student Book 4. Page 74-77



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Written evaluation Date


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If you can dream it, you can do it!



Look the example and complete the table.


Verb Infinitive Past P.Participle

Actuar to act acted acted


Verb Infinitive Past P.Participle

Ser-estar to be was/were been

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