CAPM Prep Presentation

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  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Importance of Project Management

    Projects represent change and allow organizations toeffectively introduce new products, new

    process, new programs

    Projects are becoming globalized making them moredifficult to manage without a formal methodology

    Project management helps cross-functional teams tobe more effective

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation



    n Was developed from different disciplinesengineering, construction, management

    n Forefather of project management is Henry

    Ganttn 1950s mared the !eginning of project


    19"9 #as the development of the projectmanagement institute

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    Management of Projects

    More than $!" billion is spent in the # each year onappro%imately &'!,""" information technology projects(

    )nly * percent of these projects are completed on time andwithin budget(

    +he average cost for a development project for a large companyis more than $ million(

    Project management is an $!" million industry and is e%pected

    to grow by as much as " percent per year(ounds, .ene( /+he 0ast 1ord on Project

    Management2IIE Solutions, 3ovember, &44(

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation



    $rojects %perations

    temporary ongoing

    &ni'ue ( )pecific *ot uni'ue

    +uilding a house in threemonths

    )elling soft#are

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Delayed Openings are a Fact of Life in the Foodservice,

    Hospitality Industry

    Disney's shipbuilder was six months late in delivering its new cruise ships,and thousands of customers who had purchased tickets were stranded.

    Even with that experience, their second ship was also delivered well after

    the published schedules. Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla. had been

    building a new restaurant and entertainment complex for more than two

    years. They advertised a December opening, only to announce in late

    November that it would be two or three months late.

    Even when facilities do open close to schedule, they are rarely finished

    completely and are often missing key components. Why do those things

    happen? With all of the sophisticated computers and project management

    software, why aren't projects completed on schedule?

    Frable, F. Nation's Restaurant News(April 12, 1999)

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    !" #o Projects Fa$%&

    St'#$es !a(e s!o)n t!at t!e fo%%o)$ng factorscontr$*'te s$gn$f$cant%" to project fa$%'re+

    5mproper focus of the project management system

    1rong level of detail

    0ack of understanding about project management tools6 too much

    reliance on project management software

    +oo many people

    Poor communication

    7ewarding the wrong actions

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    !" #o Projects Fa$%&

    , I%%-#ef$ne# or c!ang$ng re.'$rements

    , Poor project p%ann$ng/management

    , 0ncontro%%e# .'a%$t" pro*%ems

    , 0nrea%$st$c e1pectat$ons/$nacc'rate est$mates

    , Na$(e a#opt$on of ne) tec!no%og"

    ource8 ( Mc9onnell, 9onstru% oftware uilders, 5nc(

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    Not a%% Projects Are A%$2e3

    /:in 5+ projects;, if you ask people what

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    Project 4$fe C"c%e

    T$meP!ase 5 P!ase 6 P!ase 7 P!ase 8>ormation ? Planning cheduling ? @valuation ?election 9ontrol +ermination



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    9es$gn: Cost: T$me Tra#e-offs






    Eor each task j, we must make three estimates8

    most optimistic time

    most pessimistic time

    most likely time

    Est$mat$ng Tas2 9'rat$ons+ Pa$nt$ng a RoomTas28 Paint I rooms each is appro%imately &"< % "< #se flat paint on walls

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Tas28 Paint I rooms, each is appro%imately &" % " ( #se flat paint on walls,

    semi-gloss paint on trim and woodwork( @ach room has two doors and four

    windows( Nou must apply masking tape before painting woodwork around the

    doors and windows( Preparation consists of washing all walls and woodworkFsome sanding and other prep work will be neededD( )nly one coat of paint is

    necessary to cover e%isting paint( Jll supplies will be provided at the start of the

    task( Previous times on similar painting jobs are indicated in the table below(

    1hat is your estimate of the average time you will

    needL 1hat is your estimate of the varianceL

    Est$mat$ng Tas2 9'rat$ons )$t! Incent$(es

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    Tas2+ Cons$#er t!e pa$nt$ng jo* t!at "o' !a(ej'st est$mate#? No): !o)e(er: t!ere aree1p%$c$t $ncent$(es for meet$ng "o'r est$mate#

    t$mes? If "o' f$n$s! pa$nt$ng t!e room *efore

    "o'r spec$f$e# t$me: "o' )$%% rece$(e a 5*on's pa"ment? HOEVER: $f "o' f$n$s!

    t!e pa$nt$ng jo* after "o'r spec$f$e# t$me: "o'

    )$%% *e f$ne# 5?

    Re($se# est$mate# t$me K

    Est$mat$ng Tas2 9'rat$ons )$t! Incent$(es

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    Tas2+ Cons$#er t!e pa$nt$ng jo* t!at "o' !a(ej'st est$mate#? No): !o)e(er: t!ere aree1p%$c$t $ncent$(es for meet$ng "o'r est$mate#

    t$mes? If "o' f$n$s! pa$nt$ng t!e room *efore

    "o'r spec$f$e# t$me: "o' )$%% rece$(e a 5*on's pa"ment? If "o' f$n$s! t!e pa$nt$ng jo*

    after "o'r spec$f$e# t$me: t!ere $s no pena%t"?

    Re($se# est$mate# t$me K

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    I design user interfaces to please an audience of one.

    I write them for me. If Im happy, I know some cool

    people will like it. Designing user interfaces by

    committee does not work very well; they need to be

    coherent. As for schedule, Im not interested inschedules; did anyone care when War and Peacecame


    Developer, Microsoft CorporationAs reported by MacCormack and Herman, HBR Case 9-600-097:

    Microsoft Office 2000

    I design user interfaces to please an audience of one.

    I write them for me. If Im happy, I know some cool

    people will like it. Designing user interfaces by

    committee does not work very well; they need to be

    coherent. As for schedule, Im not interested inschedules; did anyone care when War and Peacecame


    Developer, Microsoft CorporationAs reported by MacCormack and Herman, HBR Case 9-600-097:

    Microsoft Office 2000

    Intra-team Comm'n$cat$on

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    M K N'm*er of project team mem*ers

    4 K N'm*er of %$n2s *et)een pa$rs of team mem*ers

    5f M O, then 0 O &

    5f M OE, then 0 O E

    N'm*er of Intra-team 4$n2s

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    Importance of Comm'n$cat$on

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    On t!e occas$on of a m$grat$on from t!e east: men #$sco(ere# a

    p%a$n $n t!e %an# of S!$nar: an# 3 sa$# to one anot!er: >Come: %et

    's *'$%# o'rse%(es a c$t" )$t! a to)er )!ose top s!a%% reac! t!e

    !ea(ens3?@ T!e 4or# sa$#: 3>Come: %et 's go #o)n: an# t!ere

    ma2e s'c! a *a**%e of t!e$r %ang'age t!at t!e" )$%% not

    'n#erstan# one anot!ers speec!?@ T!'s: t!e 4or# #$sperse#

    t!em from t!ere a%% o(er t!e eart!: so t!at t!e" !a# to stop

    *'$%#$ng t!e c$t"?

    Genesis 11: 1-8

    Project Performance an# Gro'p Harmon"

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    T)o sc!oo%s of t!o'g!t+

    &D /Kumanistic school2 -- groups that have positive

    characteristics will perform well

    D /+ask oriented2 school -- positive group

    characteristics detract from group performance

    1hat is the relationship between the design of

    multidisciplinary project teams and project successL

    Project Performance an# Gro'p Harmon" ;cont#i%ed Price 9ontractu 9lient pays a fi%ed price to the contractor irrespective of actual audited

    cost of project

    n 9ost Plus 9ontractu 9lient reimburses contractor for all audited costs of project Flabor, plant,

    ? materialsD plus additional fee Fthat may be fi%ed sum or percent of costs


    n #nits 9ontractu 9lient commits to a fi%ed price for a pre-specified unit of work6 final

    payment is based on number of units produced

    Incent$(e ;R$s2 S!ar$ng< Contracts

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Genera% Form+Pa"ment to S'*contractor K F$1e# Fee ;5 - =< ;Project Costi%ed Price 9ontract

    0inear ? ignalling


    !" 0se Incent$(e Contracts&

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    E1pecte# Cost of Project K 5M

    T)o f$rms *$# on s'*contract

    F$rm 5 F$rm 6

    F$1e# Fee ;*$#< L M M

    Project Cost 5L M L M

    ;$neff$c$ent pro#'cer8 Minimum FtotalD slack per successor

    n 4D J9+5Mj8 F.reatestD time from start of task j to end of project O 9P - 0j

    n &"D J9+7@j8 Fma%D FJ9+5MjD

    n &&D .@37@j8 w J9+5MjS F&-wD J9+7@j where " X w X &

    Reso'rce A%%ocat$on Pro*%em 6

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Ho) to sc!e#'%e tas2s to m$n$m$e project ma2espan&

    Pr$or$t" sc!eme+ sc!e#'%e tas2s 's$ng tota% s%ac2 ;$?e?: tas2s )$t!

    sma%%er tota% s%ac2 !a(e !$g!er pr$or$t"

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Reso'rce A%%ocat$on E1amp%e ;cont#team@ t)o or more

    )or2ers (ers's %ett$ng t!em )or2 separate%"&

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    , Ha(e 6 )or2ers: =o* an# =ar*: an# 8 tas2s+ A: =: C: 9

    , =o* an# =ar* can )or2 as a team: or t!e" can )or2 separate%"

    , !en s!o'%# )or2ers *e ass$gne# to tas2s& !$c! conf$g'rat$on

    #o "o' prefer&

    Ho) to Ass$gn Project Teams&

    J 9

    t t

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Conf$g'rat$on 5

    =o* an# =ar* )or2 jo$nt%" on a%% fo'r tas2sX ass'me t!at t!e" can comp%ete eac!

    tas2 $n one-!a%f t!e t$me nee#e# $f e$t!er #$# t!e tas2s $n#$($#'a%%"

    tart @nd

    Conf$g'rat$on 6

    =o* an# =ar* )or2 $n#epen#ent%"? =o* $s ass$gne# to tas2s A an# CX =ar* $s

    ass$gne# to tas2s = an# 9

    =o* an# =ar*+ Conf$g'rat$on 5

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    Conf$g'rat$on 5

    =o* an# =ar* )or2 jo$nt%" on a%% fo'r tas2s?!at $s t!e e1pecte# project ma2espan&

    =o* an# =ar*+ Conf$g'rat$on 6=o* an# =ar* )or2 $n#epen#ent%"? =o* $s ass$gne# to tas2s A an# CX =ar* $s

    ass$gne# to tas2s = an# 9

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    =o* an# =ar*+ Conf$g'rat$on 6

    =o* an# =ar* )or2 $n#epen#ent%"? =o* $s ass$gne# to tas2s A an# CX =ar* $s

    ass$gne# to tas2s = an# 9

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    E1pecte# Project Ma2espan+ 5?86

    Para%%e% Tas2s )$t! Ran#om 9'rat$ons


    Tas2 A

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    Tas2 =

    Jssume that both +asks J and have possible durations8

    days with probability O "(!

    &" days with probability O "(!

    1hat is e%pected duration of projectL F5s it 4 daysLD

    Stat's Report$ng&

    One day my Boss asked me to submit a statusreport to him concerning a project I was working

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    One day my Boss asked me to submit a statusreport to him concerning a project I was working

    on. I asked him if tomorrow would be soon enough.

    He said, "If I wanted it tomorrow, I would have

    waited until tomorrow to ask for it!"

    New business manager, Hallmark Greeting Cards

    Contro% S"stem Iss'es

    n 1hat are appropriate performance metricsL

    1h d h ld b d i h l f h

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    n 1hat data should be used to estimate the value of each

    performance metricL

    n Kow should data be collectedL >rom which sourcesL Jt

    what freCuencyL

    n Kow should data be analyzed to detect current and future


    n Kow should results of the analysis be reportedL +o whomLKow oftenL

    Contro%%$ng Project R$s2s

    Key issues to control risk during projecct:

    (1) what is optimal review frequency, and

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    (1) what is optimal review frequency, and

    (2) what are appropriate review acceptance levels

    at each stage?

    Both over-managed and under-managed

    development processes result in lengthy design

    lead time and high development costs.

    Ahmadi & Wang. Managing Development Risk inProduct Design Processes, 1999

    Project Contro% S"stem Var$at$on

    Common cause variation: in-control or normal


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    Special cause variation: variation caused by forces

    that are outside of the system

    Jccording to eming8

    +reating common cause variation as if it were special cause variation

    is called /tampering2

    +ampering always degrades the performance of a system

    Contro% S"stem E1amp%e 5

    n Project p%an+ e est$mate t!at a tas2

    )$%% ta2e 8 )ee2s an# re.'$re

  • 7/23/2019 CAPM Prep Presentation


    )$%% ta2e 8 )ee2s an# re.'$ren 5 )or2er-!o'rs

    At t!e en# of ee2 5: 86 )or2er-!o'rs!a(e *een 'se#

    Is t!e tas2 >o't of contro%@&

    Contro% S"stem E1amp%e ;cont#*est

    pract$ce@ #ata*ase as )e%% as p%an for $mpro($ng PM process

    , Process of $mpro(ement #escr$*es t!e PM process from

    >$neffect$(e@ to >opt$m$e#@

    , A%so 2no)n as >Capa*$%$t" Mat'r$t" Mo#e%s@

    PM Mat'r$t" Mo#e% E1amp%e[5< A#-Hoc T!e project management process $s #escr$*e# as #$sorgan$e#: an# occas$ona%%" e(en

    c!aot$c? S"stems an# processes are not #ef$ne#? Project s'ccess #epen#s on $n#$($#'a% effort?

    C!ron$c cost an# sc!e#'%e pro*%ems?

    6< A**re($ate#+ Some project management processes are esta*%$s!e# to trac2 cost: sc!e#'%e:

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    an# performance? 0n#er%"$ng #$sc$p%$nes: !o)e(er: are not )e%% 'n#erstoo# or cons$stent%"

    fo%%o)e#? Project s'ccess $s %arge%" 'npre#$cta*%e an# cost an# sc!e#'%e pro*%ems are t!e norm?

    7< Organ$e#+ Project management processes an# s"stems are #oc'mente#: stan#ar#$e#: an#

    $ntegrate# $nto an en#-to-en# process for t!e compan"? Project s'ccess $s more pre#$cta*%e?

    Cost an# sc!e#'%e performance $s $mpro(e#?

    8< Manage#+ 9eta$%e# meas'res of t!e effect$(eness of project management are co%%ecte# an# 'se#