.1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK,...

- -- r.j : y:: -. v.- - -- - i.i.inii k.i v kj:ki.v ;;v UK.MtV AI. Uilll NKt. SIX IXII.bAKS I'KK ANNUM. 27. 1S(5(j. VOI X. .No. :il. IIOI.K No. .'(.'!. TIIS FACiriC .Ul'o lor the l!ml. I. Lit the ar.g N t ike hr : lu n.l"s acre. Dut to lU-if- Can we thu'-- forsake her ? Ay, must '. w. urn-i- t Hts n ii.uii.! will w:ik 1it ; II. re we lay Uod'a truU. J I. litre's the M-t- a tender ! Earth, Kf nd her , Gentle rest Uu thy 's.-n- i i l..r ; an.l ur,cr-rcs- f , Mnc ut ui-.r- c wtil !:i.i hr iauilx rs t.ft ati.l Meat. III. Thi- i our n Lvath is 8tr.iig- - r T!t:u o r luve : Vi!t the stranger wr.n lirr H- -r why, sh atovi-- , Vhrf? I1' 5rraj.h tlr'i. her: ?f, ur hu h. II Jove ! IV. Tii "ir h m' Bi.l"in;, '. (he r iiu '. V't, w:'rr iluni' j F'T - Ifr W' in- TfiitlitT m t- - .w; FtiJ!, ' i;r I..-- S Bcrruin. rMt r h th ura ! V. I! k li ff Crrat'-r- , It w vn-ate- r Thjt hf V, T' that wait Iht, Than j'Ifi Ah, no! Ivvv r a l.ttl- - l.if. r. W fhlil it so. SrlrrtrJ. VAICIKTV. The mo-- t iiUcn-- c :!! eT known in Ion loii w.-- - fn iK'trinifx-- r i;-r- . 1719. The liltcst tl.ty in July. Iri. Krnnre, his jiist !ui!t a nfw fiiij a new Rut market; viio to lA-- the cttu-- r to kef p f til I in Fcaialo c!trks at a paliry cf per iinnum, are aotror-lc- J the rcfereice in rmphtjmctit in Wash-iugto- n. ForiMKn letters etite that Ft. Petersburg in xery Hal Id atouaJ, aoJ Italian oj.frii is ia full ewa7- - (Sccrl Foster cunipl.um of a Jetfaing Lone iu L'n Io. whicfi inc iacituted Liiu fur active hcricc An hilariOM-- i tmtntiiia ia Nottingham, Kuj?., is nn-- r arrest f-- r whipping Lcr chiU with a roj hot puker ! Prentice says : We don't wear enr-rin- gs n9 the WMfueu do, Ltit our car a arc more LoreJ thin theirs.' The character of tLe r ersou who cotnnenJs id to l considered, before you set a value on his esteem. The ie n in ap.!ni'Id hioi whom he thinks most virtuous, tLe rest of the World, him who id tut wealthy. A good roan will love himself too well to loe mil Lid neighbor too well to win. nn e-t- ly g itniii. The love of .iiuinj vviit corrupt tio Lest trincipied in the world. Fk:LF.criNd ru a Newspaper. Most people think the selection of suitable matter for a newspaper id an eaay p:irt of the bustneid. How great an error, ft id by all menu the most difficult. To look over a hundred of exchange papers every week from which to select enough for one. e.f."ci t!ly when the j itstion id not what shall but what phall not be l, is r.o easy t.a-- k If every person who reads a new-pap- er ct.uM c lit it we would Lear loss com- plaint. Not un frequently is it the case that an editor looks over his exchange papers for something i.terrti:i', and can absolutely find nothing. Kvery paper i- - drier than a contribution box. yet something must be had hid paper mu- -t coniv out with some- thing in if, and he dves the best he can. Ir Vf sun N , pay No When a man has made up hid mind to do or not to do a thiog. he should have the pluck to sy o plainly and decisively. It i a mistaken kin dricys to meet a request you have driertiiirie 1 n:t lo rmt, wilh " I'll ee about it." or I can tut pive you a posiiite answer now; cad in a fw dayand I'll let you know." It may be said, pcr-baj- s, th it the fbj vt tf these ambiguous expressions i.s to let th Applicant lown esy;' but their ten- dency id to give him useless trouble and anxiety, tii 1 p!ibly , to pi event hid what he acquires iu a mor prr piin.ud qu. trier until after the golden cppcrtuiiiiy has pa-- el. Moreover, it is questional Ll whether tlse luotivt-- s f.r such ejiii vocation are as philanthropic a.s sonn- - people suppose. Geuernlly Hrtikin. the individual who thus avoids a direct refusal, doet tto lo nveid himel( pain Men with- out lec:si' n of character have au indescribable aversion lo say No. They can IKi'ik no sometimes when it wi-ul- l? mire crelltaMe to their courtesy and benevolence to think Yes but they dislike to lepre-e- nt their thoughts. They prefer to mislead and deceive. It is true that these bland ami consid- erate pei p!e are often spoken of as very gentle- manly." I'ut m it gent'euiauly to keep a mau in fu.-pu- e fr d.ys, and perhaps wetrks. merely tecau.-- e you do not ch iose to put hiui out of it by a straightforward declaration ? He is only a gentleman who tre:i(9 his fi!i..w meii in a manly straightforward way. Never seem by any ambiguous word to sanc- tion botes you do not intend to gratiry. If jou mean No, cut wi'.h ir. Wellington am Napollox no Smokiibs. On the rvening of bid first return from the I'enitisula. Wel- lington was induced toj .in the circle of smokers at the hotel in Portsmouth at which be put up f r the iiight, and at which the lake of Cumberland and some CeId- - Ticers wete a!so stayine. In after life, the Iron Duke described the scene hini-el- f. lie eat." be sai l, " behind the pipe, w hilling away with a feeling tf wonder, an I warchingr with interest the counlen ances of the rest ct the cornf.iny." There were other notices there besides Lord Wellington. One by one tTiese left the room, and did not return, lie saw the old stinkers were on the look-o- ut for hid turn t foll.iw the seecders. As be continued to putf away, he .wd to himself, Well, it must come to an ml, 1 siipp";" and it did come to au end before tte p'pe wad CnisheJ, and that, too, iu such a way that he never attempted to smoke again. Na. !eoiis iiir-!i- was even more rapidly and yet Lc vy.ts the most inveterate suuiT-- t ker,f his day. I'l.nstant says the Persian A had presented to the Kmjert r a magnili-er- il Orii'iifal pipe After being shown how to oe-rat- e. h.r de-ir- ed Constant to iight the pipe. t Constant tell the rest. "I obeyed, and returned it to him in order. IJut scarcely had lie drawn a mouthful when the smoke, which he ktiew not h:nv to expel from his mouth, turned back into his pilate, p.'n:tr.ted into his throat, and came out by th- - n.-.-- and biin led him. As s.ton as he recovered breath, be ciid, 'Take that away from me wh it an abomi- nation ! Oh, the brutes ! My stomach is quite up. set !' In fie:." a.I Is C.r.stant, " be felt him-e- lf so much annoyed for more than an hour that he then and there renounced forever all desire to try the Again." Tubttcro ; Hi I7.e unl .lliue. V.ii'aiu'55 earDs. if. m:vi:i:a.ci:, AXIt COMMISSIOX MHIK'UAXT, l'irp-uo- of Store, Kobiiisonv Huiltliii, Ui iii iim hii-inc- .- .it ili im-- stin l. 4T7-l- y J. II. :oi,i:, TO A. T. tVK:U.TT.) At his late ro.u:s.C!uct n Mrwt. 470-l- y E. O. HALL & SON, anil r ia lHr.lwar.-- , Pry 0oN, HainUi, Oils, ar.d Mr-ti.iiili-.- c.i :u-- r of Fort and Killer s:r-l- d 4Ta-l- y iioxoid'idj sti:a3i i born MII.I,. Fl-O- I ::. LKAS ASl SlIor.T:-- . Fur sa t.y ly Si. SAVIIjOK, rroj rletor. II. IIACKl'Cldi At- at. ljt.ii. ral C'.iJin.ii:.in A?eut4, Il.itiolulu, U!.o, I. 47s-l- y 0. VoS UuI.T. TH. C. HII CC Vn HOLT .V 1I1M CK. .;. n-r- jl C.iiirui.j,;..u M. r lr.l.', !! l iha. t". I. 4TS-l- y A MIX. J. A KTU'KICIIT, l'..iriii-.- i !i M. r )i:mt a'nl 0- - i. rtl s'!ii.iiitr Agff.t, Honolulu Mil.il, II. I 47Vly J ANION. CKCKN V 'jiiirxii-.'..-!- ! Fiit-l'i'-- .f l!;iil l.i.L-4- , tueen str."-- . Ii .fi..!alu, A.nl 1, ll.''J. 47S-l- y r. ii. i.f.vm:s. $. . wcassos. I.i:Vi:!IS At DICKSO.V, IhI-t- j in l.mi.l..-- r aii'l llullilin M:itrti:t!j.Fijt S. )I.i. liiIj. 47 ! D. F. EHLERS, ill Iiy ;mxIn. isllks, V. 40-l- F.,rt Plr.-- - t, II .ii..Uilu,i;ihn, II. I. C. FRED'K PFLUCER, I'.-ft- r in Sta-1- ' ai..l K.iin v lry ti.MN, Mail's Clothing, II.h.H and fli"-- . and Yiirk"- - N . sot.? f.n Frt sim-t- , i.i- - irly p;M.it.r M-.- ,r.i. von lb !i V Ibuik. 474dy. V. N. LADD, Iinjrfrt. r nod !! r in IIjik.dwai-.k- , Citi.i p.t, Mk:ii a mcs T...LS drid AORlOfLTtnAL 1.MPLKHKSTS, For tltrrft, II .t.o lulu. 47S-1- V CEOnCE C. HOWE, I.-ntt- in .l : N' I.aiiihi'r, shinghs, Iiix.rs harli, I;:::ni4, NaiN, ruin's, A.C., Jkc, c. At IiIh (lid St;intl am I In- - I'npln iimle. 4S7 ly hTyT LU D I NCTON, to r. s. utarT .V Co.) Iraicrtr and h I.-;i- r in Win-- s an I Spirits, and Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK, Iuijrtrt'-r.'i- , Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al- - r in ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct- - re in Nuinmu Slreit. ui..l. r the I'ubiic llalh 4J4-I- y J. AVOKTII, li...i!-- r in ilenera llilo, Hawaii. Fhi.s t.nli?d with r.craits at the shurteat nolice, on reaionahl tenus. Hilld of wanted. 47S-l- y ii. r. snow, IMI'OUTLK AND UKALKU IX .; EN Kit A L M KltCIIANDISK, Honolulu, (Inliii. II. I. 47d--Iy E. C. M VaSHLKcK. J.HS fATY. & CO., I ii. rs i:i ill;.. iiUK, HuKAli ai:d (JfcNi.HAl. M tucii ASPl.St. X. K. corner of Furt :uiU Kiiiij Streets. Honolulu, II. I. 40i-l- y A. S. CRINEAUM & CO., Iii;xrt.TS ami !nh'iil- - in F:ishi"liahlc C'I( tliiiip, Jlu:, I'.ij.s. l!.:s and Sln-.- , an.l every variety of (Jentle-ni.-n- 's Sni-ri- or Kurni-liii- i' jjl.. Sti.r.r, formerly wcu-jiio- d ly W. A. Alilrich, Ksi., in Makee's lilm-k- . tjueen hlrevt. Honolulu, Oahu. 4?0-l- y E. P. SHIP CSAMlLEU AD I'EALLIl l. GE.NEUAL flECCUAMHSE. IjAIIAINA, MAUI. Irish and l''.tatoe, with other constintly on hainl and fur at low tales. 4'.ej-ou- i H. A. Y. CAKTtR C. BREWER 6c CO., Commission & Shipping Merchants, Honolulu. On tin, II. I. Aiikxrs Of flit- - lhi.lun iiikI Honolulu I'mlitl I.iue. Al'.KXTs I'orllu MiiUrr. Wiiilul.u X lliuni IMiiuliilionn AoKXTS For the I'urcliaor uml Siile of ImIuikI I'roilure. UF.FEi: TO J ins M. Il'i"i, ....Xcw York. t h as. KRi.wm, C). n..Nt,.i. J 1VI.S III SNKW.LI . l.5. J 3. C. MrhRiLL Ac Co. f U. Ii. Mtin Ac I n. ?:n Fr:inrieo. t HAS. MoL. oTT IlK.x.K. K.. 4J.' ty CUA. H. BISH'iP. w 4. A ALoaicn BISHOP & CO., "smkfrs, 0:Eee in the rai corner M.iW.-'- 9 Itlook," on Kaahu- - umaou ;r- - t, ll i. jluhj. I'raw i:.IN l Kc!i3iil" .n The lusit oi t'ALiri.KSiA. - - S"ni Franeieo. Mossrs obinnem., Mivti KS Ac Co., NrwYork. !:.-- : 6r W.Mi.Kii, - - New Y'lTfc, llishv A. 1kikcr, Ac Co., - - l:..ton. TnkMosT Xauoxai. Uask, - - r..toii, Mas. Ol II NTAt. IASK I.'OKI-ORATI- - IUlilon. U'iTI receive .1 p.:ts,.lisc-..;in- t t;rt-rl- a hasi:ess .nper, and att.-n- to C"ll. rtiti-.- . rle. 7s-ly MELCHERS & CO., Iiiinorlcrs ;jitd Commission Jit ri liants, AUKXTS Full T UK llirn'-.- s V.Kri' Fikk IsiaANtK C."xrA!T, KAtwikl m :a:a I'LantattoM, ToBKV SII.AK I'LASrArl. S. Olstav C. Mkmhku.s. J. Ii. Waaf, F A. Hi Horn, Hremen. Honolulu. Honolulu. 4U-l- y BOLLES & CO., Ship Chandlers and Commission ! Iart:enl.ir atteiition paid to th' purcl.a.-- o and sah of Hawaiian l efers hv permission to I:. F. Snow '.. M s.rs. Walker AH.-n- . A: Co., Messrs. C. A. Wiili or.. ,v Co. M rs. C. Prewi r Ac Co.. M-- -r. t'a:'e A; l . oke Messrs. II. li.irkfeld Ac Co.. Mer. Ii. C. U'.it. rnvi-i...- . Misrs. C. b. Uii h.ird A. Co. 4V,-l- y a i- - ffi e: A aV VO A IV A V , K WAUI K. II WAII. Will con. in.le the iSiIi- - ra Merch:n.li-- e and Slrfpii'ff hiu:?..s at theal'ov.- - por'. where they ;ir prrpar.-i- l to furnish li.e justly relel.raf -.- 1 Kawaihae 1'otat'-s- . and i:ch other re rruit.4 a are reouireii hy wh i!e ships at tie- - rh.Tt.--- t ''.. and on i!ie iu..t r- - asoii'atd- - t'.n.i. 47S-l- y FJRE WOOD ON HAND. Tiaos. sii-:Arz:i.- , SHIP Dtiilrf in ft't-nfru- l AlTchtinJi?, IInnl Proittrc, eif., Co.HHiiy.iio-- i Alt rcfii nl. Byron's Bay, Hiio, S. I., VVid ke.-- constantly on l:.l- - I an extensive assortment of des. ripf ion of eo-fcl- s re.ohre I hips aad other?. 'I i.c hh'.hei-- c price piven f.-- Inland Pr.ni.ice. adv meed for I'.'.lls .f Evch in 'c i,t re ison.i' le rat. . II. .. F.i.i airy ". l- -:i 4.'3 ly .1 XiUSIHfSS (L;:ris. DR. J. Mi)TT S.MITII, OT.ee rorner of Fort a::. I 1 i t 1 Streete. 4o!J-l- y Y. II. IIK IIAKDS, DI'.NT'lKT. Fort ?tre. t, Honolulu. OHjce over the Oi5 :e of lr. 5. I'orter K,'J1 . 46S-l- y K. IIOITMANX, 31. I Phydieian aod Surgeon. Makee's 1!1 vk, corner Quoen and Kaa huiaana tre ts. 47S-l- y A. F. JUDD Attorney and Counsellor lit T.uw. COUXF1C FUliTaul MERCHANT S'r., HOXOLirLf. OAHC 4J0dy JOHN H. PATY, Honolulu, II. I. Olhee at the H.mk of Hishoi Ac Co. 453 Cm C. L. RICHARDS & CO., ?hii Ch. in. Il.-r- s and Commissi' n ile:i!i-- s In Oeneral Merchandise. Kl-- j. eonsiantly on hand a full assortment of merchandise, tor t!ie suj.nly of Whah-r- s and Merehant 40O-l- y A. S. L ah'r in General Mereliainlio, lire-j.nH- if store corner of Ka-ahu- ai tnu ind Queen sire.-ti- , uj.posite Makee's lilock. AIo, ail i siahli.-liiiie- nt on Xuilanil street, ahove Kin,?. 1 r l"o:ml l'r.dU(;e hourht and Sold. Isiaod orders carefully nti. i. lcl to 4l4-l- y CUl'SO UooV. YOfSQ 6UKON0 CHUNG HOON & CO., Commission ui.il arei.fs Agents for the I'aukaa and Aniauula s'u. ir I'Un'.itions Importers of te.-i- and other Chines.- - and foi.-L-- 'l.s im.i wholesale tlealers in Hawaiian at the new r'.oin; Store, Xuuanu Street, Vh Iomt Kim,'. I). FLIT.VKU, Continue.! hid old s in the fireproof l uildinpr Kaahuma nu street. Chronometers rated hy ohservations of the sun and utars with a transit instrinnent accurately adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to fine watch repairiti'. s'cxt.mt an i i(undrant glasses silvereil and adjusted I'hat tH and naatical instruments ennstnnily on hand and for sale. 47$-l- y 11 rs ii i ri- - .5 Pkai.kr is AYINKs, S 11 HITS. ALK ami I'OKTKIt II oiiol 111 II, 4S4-l- y l t'. WATI'.R.MAX A: CO., CO M M .V.sO.V M F.UCI.ty TS. KsjHTial atfention paid to ihe intereyts of the M'halinf? Fleet, hy the furnishir.fr of funds, jiun hase and salv of Kxeh.-me- , Oil, la.ne, (jciieral Merchandi:V, and the procuring of Freight KEFEUKNCKS. Messrs. Isaac Howlanp, Jk., Ac Co., New liedfjrd W. . K. I'oi-k- , Ksu., do. m Mohoas, tTiSE Ac Co. Pan Francisco. J. C Mkhkiil Ac Co, do 478-l- y A H I.. X. CASTOR. J. B. ATHKUToX. AMOS S. CO. IKE. CASTLE & COOKE, Uenf-ra- l M rehauta in the Firej.ruof Store, King S'treet, oppo-&i!- e the Seamen's Chapel. ALSO ACKXTS FOIl Ir. Jaynes C'lehratel Family Medicines, Vhceer ( 'Wilson's sewing Machines, The K"hl Sutar Company, The New KniMand Mutintl Life Insurance Company, The New York l'henix Marine Insurance Couipany, The New York Security Marine Insurance Company. Oo:;-l- y S. NOW I'KKI'AKKI) TO F IT 1 1 N' IS II ISCILI-in- g fS Material of every description at the lowest Marke' rates. Orders from the country, and other islands solicited. Lumher Yard on corner of Queen and Fort streets. 4?5-G- HAWAIIAN rACKET S.-A- fi: FOR SAN FIIANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. AXU l'OKTLAMl, OUIU.'ON. FIltST CLASS CI.IIIi:R l'ACKKTS w.g4t in this line will le dispatched regularly for the ya-a- ' aOov- - ports. Have Mip'-rio- r calmi and sfer.iS1 accoiniiiil:itions fitted up expressly for the comfort ami convenience oi passengers, l'uase-ner- and freight taken ut the lowest current rates. Apply to WALKER. ALLEN Ac Co. A.ir"iit of tlie Jjiit Messrs. CI1AS. V. I:UHKS .V Co., San Francisco. 4iIJ ly Mi Or.ACKKX, MEKRILL A: Co., Portland. THE IlAVa: OA IIAAD imiJA JRlT ! JJ1 1 o in A SPLENlrtI) ASSORTMENT OF i:i:st ise:st mi: ii:oa i Which they will s'lj.ply in quantities f One Ton or more at Vry Low K:ih. A IO, A ROUT CiJOO II f X NINO F E ET 1'ron, 1. 3-4x1- -4: Which will he delivered DI:1I.I.EI at a Low Price per pound ALSO About SOOO Hiinuiii Fi't't T KAILS 1J. found-- ; to the Foot. l.S INCH SIIF.KT IKO.V, all hizr; 1IIIILKR PLATES, IIOMOGF.NKtHS I It OV. very -- upeiioi-: AMd.K IKON', aorli-i- l uirvf HALF IlOlM IKON', IKON SIIAFTINO up to S 1- -2 Inch, IKON" nOILKR Tl'liES 3 A. '.I 1- -2 Iim Ii; Aorttt POILEi; ,V COOPEU'S RIVETS, 1 SETTS l.--i Iiu'i RAILWAY WHEELS. Janion, Green 6c Co. 4.i'-"i- a Sailor's Home Cellar to be Let FOIl STdKACl'. fMI E F.LL K AT Til E IIO.M E i LA It (J E, 1 and CONVENIENT. Ft t. rms :iy ly to MR. MILI.EK. Manner. T:sx 3TIice ! FOIl THE District of HonoIiiSu, Kona, Oahu. flllF. OFFICE FOIl THE COLLECTION E of r.I S j., t!,.. n'.vc wnl - i.p.--n.- everv V F.HX El V and A T I ' li I A V fr-- this date at the 4lOAi Ot fU f., "Ai.nui," Marine S:r. et, oppj-i:.- . :t.e I.u-o!ui- lr.-- Wrrks. il.Li. H. 1.1'CK. Tax Collector, . X 'V'lnler 1!'h. lo.. 4'.ij Hawaiian Marriage Certificates. JKicE i . im:k uo.en. l l t y 11. M WHITNEY x5nsur;mcc Claris. flMIE I XDEUSIGXEI) HAVE KEEN' Al- - thoriz..-.- ! t i.-- s Fire ! ox Store. I wolliiig: Houses. Furniture ttiul CuoiU in Stores, IX UOXOLULU AXD VIC1XJTY. Losses adjusted and paid here by U9 in U. S. gold coin. For rutes of Premiums and particulars apply to 4sJ Tia H. I1ACKFELD Ac Co., agents. SAPJ of fgMIE rXDKKSinM'D HAVING keen B appointed agents for the San I rtneiseo Hoard ol I nder-writor- s, representing The California Insurance Company, The Merchants Mutual Marine Insurance, The Pacific Insurance Company, The Caliioruiu Lloyd, and The Home Mutual I usiiraiice C'ompany. lit-i- r h'.ive to inform Masters of Vessels and the put. lie centr- ally that all losses sustained on VESSELS and CAKUUES, insured I y eithtr of the ahoyo Ci iiipanie;-- . ne.iinst perils of the seas and other risks, at or near the Sand v. ieli Il inds, w ill have to I verified hy theia. 4 . -- liii II. HACKFELI) & Co. JONATHAN HCXT, rresi.l.-nt- . A. J. KAITCX, Secretary. j. C I 3 I O CAPITAL. STOCK, $750,000, 1 r ( Cali lo mia Street, SAN FUANCISCO. rjtlMSCO.MPAXV WILL TAKE MAKIN'E 3 KISivS ON Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In vessels raiinu' not lower than A 2, either in the Fori-i'i- i or I ii ler-- 1 l:i ul Truile. on favorahle terms and the inideriL'iied are the authorized agents of the Company for llonol i.hi. tor rites of premium, A.C., c, apply to 4Jj-:;- lilSlMP & Co., Agents. MERCHANTS' MUTUAL 1 ill tin in 11.1 111.1 U JJIJl ll.l.UIJ lUl Of FraiiflstH), rsiiiE cnteksh;nei havincj keen jl apiKiiute.1 asjents for the alnive Company, he leave to iuh rin the public that they are row prepared to issue AIAKINE INSURANCE POLICIES ON' Ciiroi'i, Frcis' aI Treaure. 44-l- y WALK Ell, ALLEN fic CO. CALIFORNIA LLOYDS. 1XA"RIjSTE Ol-TIC'I- : Southvvot corner of Washing- ton and liattery streets. fIIIE INTEKSIG NEI AKE PHEI'A RED fl to issue Marine Insurance policies," each Oeinvj reap..n-si- i k- - for the sum written on the Policies against his own name only, and for himself and not for others or any of them. JollS I'AliUOTT, JAMKS IIONAMtK, iKoK'iK C John-son- , William E. Hahkom, N. I.rsiNO, Jamus Otis, Jamks PlIKI.AN, '.TAMK3 15. llACGIV, LAI'AYhTTK MaVN'AKD, J. Mol'.A MoiS. WALK Kit, ALLEN .c CO. Agents. 470-l- y Honolulu. 11. I rrillE I'XDEKSK.'XEI) A fl EN'TS OF THE m. above Compary, have be n authorised to insure risk"? on CAIICO, rilKICHT and 7.' UK AS II It K. by CHASTEKS from Honolulu to all ports of the Hawaiian Group, and vice versa. 471-l- y II. HACKFELD CALIFORNIA CORI PAN Y. SAN FKANCISCO. ffiiiE i:nieksh;nei ha vino keen 1 appointed Agents r the above company, Imv leave to "nf rm the the public, that they are now prepared to iFsue M A U I XK INS V K A N' E 1" O L 1 C I E S on Car'o, Freight and Treasure., to and frota all parts of the Wull I. H. HACK FEED & CO. Honolulu, April 2 1S2. 4o4-l- y ii a i nn n: ii-- u it n m i: n FIRE COMPANY. l" XDERSIG XEIh Agents or the above Coru 1 puny, are prepared to insure risks against fire in and nin nt Honolulu. For particulars apply at the office. MELCHERS A: CO. Oct. 11.1357. 47S-l- y Tin: hkitisii and roitr.mx xM.lKLM-- : INSlRANCi: COMPANY, 'TiiiItl." Capital OriO Million Pounds. Head Otbce, Manchester UulldiiiL-s- , Liverpool. Agents at Honoluai, iTr.lNTX03NT. cC? Co. N. I!. This Company takes risks on goods only and not on vessel,. 4V2 Cm The iYorllicrn OF LONDON. Fr-III- E LXDERSKJXED. A EN'TS FOIl THE al ve Company, have recently receive.l instriietioua to re- duce tl.e Kate of Premium on tone and brick Buil.ii:i2S ar.d on storl therein, and are now j to issue poli-c- it s on uu re favorable terms than heretofore. iiU taken n Buildit.gb, Maehinerv. .Vc. on Su,:.ir Planta-i,.n- s. JANIUN, GKEEN 6f Co.. 42-l- y . Agents. & 4 I'POINTEI) F.Vin'ELOV& UKOTHEK. j '( ?;in Frinciscn. Aceats for the well known MARINE I Nr I RACE COMPANIES Tlie N'. V. I'heuix. n el 1 .OOO.I )Of And N'. V. Soi-iiril- n-- et- $2,O0O,OOO. An- - prepared to taV ri.-k- s upon CAP.KO.TK E A Sl'KE :u:d FKF.K'HTS. to and from all parts of the wor'd a: aio.--t partial or total !"ss fro;u War or Marine hazards, upD the most favorable terras. ALSO Af'.ENTS FK THE N"ev Ell ",lii ml I.il'e I ii.ii rnnce Coiupniir, A.i4 2.;:to.ooo. L fe risks taken upon the most favorable terms. 470-G- T.UMOCA, F.lil. ami Of Superior Quality. 'IS AN'FFACTIKEO AT KOLOA, K A I' A I ; I rr.n-tantl- v " on ha"d H'..i f r in fjU.intitiesto suit ly 4 : oia MEI.CHEP.si i Co llrillWflWr li'rrmn urtml i! 'YYY' TIONrOLUJ,U, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. JANUARY Commemal Advertiser. TJCTI01JJ233n, M'CANDLESS ADAMS, MEKClTA.NrrS CHANDLER! CLECHORN, H.DOWSETT, LUiiTBlIR MERCHANT! UNDERSIGNED IS.AIVIS Liverpool. Tramwav Cot!cc.ors (.uiFomiA i.snsA.(x (omim.w. Policies FRAWCISCO Board Underwriters INSURANCE COMPANY insurances. CALIFORNIA Ift3SURANCECOfVIPANY. INSURANCE INSURANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY, INSURANCE AGENCY! CASTLE COOKE, ARROWROOT ilUtbaninl. DUFFIN'S MARKET, Wm. WILSON, Proprietor. yf.VG STIiF.r.r. HO.Ol.l I.U. 47i-l- y W A I M AN ALO MARKET IIONOLL LI', II. I., K;p? ?trH't, oppisite the F.ethel. 47-l- J . K. PKICE, Manager. FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. KOIl'T I). MOUCIAN. Choicest Meats frvm finest herds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetables, 4 c. furnished to order. 41i-l- y W. BENNETT, $ Boot and Shoe Maker, Has removed to the North side of NuuanuPt.," above Love's Kakery. All Orders entrusted to us will be atteuded to with neatness and dispatch. 4'J7-l- y FISCIIKU, Cabinet. Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, near the Drug. Store of J . Mott Smith if Co. 47'.-l- y C. E. WILLIAMS, Manufacturer, Importer and dealer in Furniture of every Furniture Wareroom on Fort street, opposite Messrs. Lew rs & Dickson's otfice ; Workshop at the old Stand, Hotel street, near Fort. N. P. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 475 ly HI. FIS CHE7?T TAILOIt Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of fine Hroadeloth, C.issinieres and buckskin, Nuuanu St., King St. 4ii0-- l v C.KOUC.E CLAItK, HOOT md SIIOEMJKEK. Hotel street, between Nuuanu ami Maunakea streets. 473-l- y J. II. WICKK, ALAKt.'A STKEirr BKLOW TBK TntATKR. Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 462-l- Tiri IMl'OIMER&MAM'FAC. 47:,3KJ Tt: K Kit of all kiul of Saddlery, Car- - CTJSft' vy-- 5 riage Trimming, Mattress making A. r aiiil repairing done wilh neatuess and dispatch All orders promptly attended to. Corner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu 4S5-l- y .i.i7raiLoi?irsOi, General Blacksmith! HONOLULU, HAS CONSTANTLY OX HAND AXD for sale, a good assortment of viz i-- j. ii...I I I-- ..,, i m'Sl m'iincu nar-iru- ii : Also, best Blacksmith's Coal ! At the Loiccst Market Prices. 4si-i- y FURM1TURE SHOPi z THE UXDERSIRXED having taken the building ad- - ffljstf$Uaga fl, joining the Drugstore of J. M. VVJ tiiiij Smith ; Co.. on Hotel Street, offers for sale a complete assortment of SCFEKIOK. FURXITl K. E, made from KOA, KOU, anoothkk Fisk Woods. Is pp'pared to manufacture and fill Orders for Sidk BoakDS, Ckxths Tablks, Arm Chairs, Loc.voks, Waiiokobks. Sokas, Ladiks Work Tahi.ks, ISoxk.s, and other articles in his line of business wilh promptness and dispatch. 4SS-I- y WM. FISCHER. l7l3TT A: FITXITIUCK, Root and Shoe Makers ! HOTEL STREET, BELOW UNION, THE STOKE FOKMEKLV fIN by J. STEWARD. -- 4 ISoots mid Shoes Male and repaired in a workmanlike manner. 430 ly SOAP FACTORY! P.Y Win. II. HUDDY ! RECEIVED A LARGE AND FCLL OAVIXC material, is prepared to supply his customers and the pu'lic, wilh the liml Iironu nl While SOAP. ALSO -; rV A.I OIL KOAP, In large or small quantities to suit. P. S. Soap grease always wanted. 494-l- y MWlUliS t jOAP WORKS I vj. j. nk.vjx.iNB. 11IIE PIIOPRI ETO K OF THE ATIOVE Works is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub- lic in general, with the best quality Y EL LOW SO A l. SOFT SOAP ultvuy- - on hand, The Hiohfst Pkipk paiii nm Soap Urease. 4S9 ly J. L. LKWfS, CoopeiT VI N't: lTltCIIASF.I) THE INTER ESI HA Mr. Norton in the Cooperage, will rarry on the busi- ness at the old stand. Thankful lor part favors, he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. 3000 BARRELS NEW OILSIIOOKS. OIL CASKS AM) SHOOKS, Constantly on hand and for sale. Cooperate on Kinu: St., Corner of Relhel St., Honolulu. BRASS FOUNDRY' THE EXDEKSIOXEI) WOL'LO RE- - Fec:fully inloriii then ::; ; hat he is prepared to east and finish ail kinds if i 1 i i nd composition work with dispatch and at reasonabb.- - ates. XT All kinds of ship an.lp: i i:i:iou work furnished on short notice. XJ" Constantly on hand, i couplings of the following sizes : i. 1, li, 2 and 2i. 11 so. oil cups nd gauge cocks. JAMES A. HOPPER, 451-l- y Kingstiwt. o oi'i:Rix(i : .j. v. i3tjriricK, IN REMOVING II IS BL'SI N'ESS rpj5 to his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade l1 -- .! il r ort sir. ft. t: kr-- s t hrs nnruirtimifu t,f r.iifrn- - Ii.T.ii in his sincere thanks to his friends and the LJr?iS5fj public in general, for the support and patron k 1 l ii.,. ivI'irOi titAV Ii'. W Vl i.f r. ,.l.'.Qrl to f.i--t him f-- r the past ten years, and hopes tliat by attention to busi- ness and pr.aiiptr.es.s in the execution of all orders Intrusted to hiia, he will merit a continuance of their favors. ' 4.'5-l- y O 1 IX 1 o THE L'N'IEKSH; EO. OllVr- - l for sale .is place at KEAWKVVAI, contain- - ing "0 acres of land well enc'.osPd, admira- - J , , bly watered, heavily Wooded, within 5 miles of K iWH l.ae and 15 miles of K h li t plantation; together with one hundred h.d taihe V.il-- c Cattle r.n 1 aii the appurtenances for carrying cn the dairy business a? at pr Title I'vrlVvt. For further inf. rmatin apple to l'. P.. LINCOLN, Kawaihae AM-Zl-- i r W. F. ALLEN, E. p, He,, aj. 1)1 tstcl Inn ecus. siivirvi ii veil 1 1 us . IOKEf lh. WILLI AMS 5c VFEW ineiensive, simple and effective SI'.WINC MAC'IIIXKS Will do any kind of work, stroug stich. and not liable to get out of order. X r 1 c o O S O . f.(H Stu For Sal by C. UUKWER ii Co. rirjirs UPPER SINK I'l .MPS, c Engine Mell 1'umpi, Lartiug fump. For Pale by 5C0 3m C. 1IRKW1-- At Co. (mm)li:i:s, cooi.iius 'wo,,,:us, 7 fkkt ,iv VVN l'UK'i:, tB35 EACH. For Sale by 500 6m C. BREWER & Co. COTTOiV SUKD. EX CINE SKA ISI.tXD OTTOV SEKI. C"i Just Received from ItK.M FORT, S. C, Bud fer sale at Cost ia ice, 5 Ceil l w r J'uiiikI. H. M. WHITNKV. laxki:ts Heavy White, Scarlet atul lilue blankets. 74 anJ 02 inches. 11)11 SAI.K II V tOO-.'iu- i C. PKEWr.lt Jt Co. Anchors and Cables. STOCK ANCHORS, TOO, 800, WO, 1000, IKON KtOO pounds. CHAIN CAULE.-.- , and I nidi. For Sale by 500-3i- ii C. BREW Ell Co. SUTTA 1I2ECIIV IIOSK. O ILV 1- -2 INCH HOSK. jmd 3 ily i inch Hos, 3 ply inch Hone, 3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply 11 inch Hose. CUTTA IMMICIIA PACKING , 6, 4, and iocb. For Sale by 600 3 in C. BREWER & Co. SKJXAL LANTERNS AXD GKEEX LKJIITS. REH For by 503 2rc C. BREWER Jfc Co. GARDEN SEEDS McCANDLESS 8l Co., OFFER THE FOLLOWING LIST O F JS JE GIJS ! FOIl SALE. SIX WEEKS HEAXS, EARLY Mohawk Bean, Large white Lima Beaiis, Long Blood Beans, Ing Blood Beet, Blood Turnip Beet. Farly York Cabbage. lruuihead Cabbage, Flat Dutch Cabbage, Early Ox Heart Cabbage, favory Cabbuge. Long Orange Carrot, Phort Horn Carrot, Early lndon CauliMower, Early Frame Cucuinber, Early Green Cucumber, Long Green Cucuml r, Sweet Corn. F:gg Plant Leek, curb J ?il sia IPttuce, Ice Drumhead lyttuce. Fine Nutmeg Musk Melon, Yellow Cantclopp Melon, . lied Onionp, A hite Onions, Yellow Onions, Parsnip. Early Prince Albert Peas. Ex Prince Mieheaux Pea, Champion of England Peas, Dwarf NurrowOtt Peas, Pumpkin Heed. Long Pcarlet Radish, Long Salmon Itadish, Scarlet Turnip Radish. Boston Narrowfat Equanti, AVhitc Scollop I'.Uhh Squash, White Flat English Turnip, Red Top Turnip, Rulabaga, (for Feed). Kohlrald, Okra, Switch Kail, Water CreH, Rhubarb, Salsify, Tomato. Sixty Choice Flower Seeds. ORDERS SOLICITED. V will procure all kinds of Seeds from San FraneiHco, that uiay lx dtired. ri00-2- n a c,o. JUST RECEIVED AND FOK SALE HY THE XJ D E R S I G 1ST 13 ! At their Store in the PUBLIC HALL BUILDING, Corner of King ami Xiiunnii Street, A SI'LEXDID ASSORTMENT OF PORCELAIN, CUT GLASS AND AVIiiic CjriTinito Wai'e ! Consisting of the following art ir lex pULT CAM) DECORATED TEA AM) Coffee J.ett, Plain White Tea and S.-tl- (iit Band and Decorafd Toilet Setts, Plain White and Deeotated Dinner Setti, White Granite Break rast Sett, White Granite Dinner S. tt., White Granite Tea Setta, White Granite Toilet Setts, Cut Glass Decanter', Cut Gla.x Tumblers, Cut Glass Wine Glaase., Cut Glass Finger L..w!, Cut Glua Pickle Jars. ALSO Setts Joseph Rogers $ .Son' Iitilance Handle ICnivtt Sitccr Plated Forks, Silver Vlatfd Tea and Tuhle Spoons, Silver Plated Castors, cut fatties. Stiver Plated Cake Baskets. ALSO, OX HAND A Full Assortment of PRI.SS CJL.ASS IVAKi: ! 0 GOOD QUALITY. AAI CUOCIiEI-- Y WAKE ! OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CUT AM) PRESS CLASS KEROSENE LAMPS. A ineri. ..ii sim.I Hiiwjiiinu Flux. FOR SALE Al REASONABLE PRICE. 49'J-Z- T. MOSSMAX A. SOX.

Transcript of .1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK,...

Page 1: .1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK, Iuijrtrt'-r.'i-, Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al--r in ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct--re in Nuinmu

- --r.j : y:: -.v.- - - - -

i.i.inii k.i v kj:ki.v ;;vUK.MtV AI. Uilll NKt. SIX IXII.bAKS I'KK ANNUM.27. 1S(5(j. VOI X. .No. :il. IIOI.K No. .'(.'!.


.Ul'o lor the l!ml.I.

Lit the ar.g N t ike hr :

lu n.l"s acre.Dut to lU-if-

Can we thu'-- forsake her ?

Ay, must '. w. urn-i- t

Hts n ii.uii.! will w:ik 1it ;

II. re we lay Uod'a truU.J I.

litre's the M-t-a tender !

Earth, Kf nd her ,

Gentle restUu thy 's.-n-i i l..r ;

an.l ur,cr-rcs- f ,

Mnc ut ui-.r- c wtil !:i.i hriauilx rs t.ft ati.l Meat.

III.Thi- i our n

Lvath is 8tr.iig- - rT!t:u o r luve :

Vi!t the stranger wr.n lirrH- -r why, sh atovi--,

Vhrf? I1' 5rraj.h tlr'i. her:?f, ur hu h. II Jove !

IV.Tii "ir h m' Bi.l"in;,

'. (he r iiu '.

V't, w:'rr iluni' jF'T - Ifr W' in-

TfiitlitT m t-- .w;FtiJ!, ' i;r I..-- S Bcrruin.

rMt r h th ura !

V.I! k li ff Crrat'-r- ,

It w vn-ate- r

Thjt hf V,T' that wait Iht,

Than j'Ifi Ah, no!Ivvv r a l.ttl- - l.if. r.

W fhlil it so. SrlrrtrJ.

VAICIKTV.The mo-- t iiUcn-- c :!! eT known in Ion loii w.-- -

fn iK'trinifx-- r i;-r- . 1719. The liltcst tl.ty inJuly.Iri. Krnnre, his jiist !ui!t a nfw

fiiij a new Rut market; viio to lA-- the cttu-- r tokef p f til I in

Fcaialo c!trks at a paliry cf per iinnum,are aotror-lc- J the rcfereice in rmphtjmctit in Wash-iugto- n.

ForiMKn letters etite that Ft. Petersburg in xeryHal Id atouaJ, aoJ Italian oj.frii is ia full

ewa7- -

(Sccrl Foster cunipl.um of a Jetfaing Lone iuL'n Io. whicfi inc iacituted Liiu fur active hcricc

An hilariOM-- i tmtntiiia ia Nottingham, Kuj?., isnn-- r arrest f--r whipping Lcr chiU with a roj hotpuker !

Prentice says : We don't wear enr-rin- gs n9 theWMfueu do, Ltit our cara arc more LoreJ thin theirs.'

The character of tLe r ersou who cotnnenJs id tol considered, before you set a value on his esteem.The ie n in ap.!ni'Id hioi whom he thinks mostvirtuous, tLe rest of the World, him who id tutwealthy.

A good roan will love himself too well to loe milLid neighbor too well to win. nn e-t- ly g itniii.The love of .iiuinj vviit corrupt tio Lest trincipiedin the world.

Fk:LF.criNd ru a Newspaper. Most people thinkthe selection of suitable matter for a newspaper idan eaay p:irt of the bustneid. How great an error,ft id by all menu the most difficult. To look over ahundred of exchange papers every week fromwhich to select enough for one. e.f."ci t!ly when thej itstion id not what shall but what phall not be

l, is r.o easy t.a-- k If every person who readsa new-pap- er ct.uM c lit it we would Lear loss com-plaint. Not un frequently is it the case that aneditor looks over his exchange papers for somethingi.terrti:i', and can absolutely find nothing. Kverypaper i- - drier than a contribution box. yet somethingmust be had hid paper mu- -t coniv out with some-thing in if, and he dves the best he can.

Ir Vf sun N , pay No When a man has madeup hid mind to do or not to do a thiog. he shouldhave the pluck to s y o plainly and decisively. Iti a mistaken kin dricys to meet a request you havedriertiiirie 1 n:t lo rmt, wilh " I'll ee about it." or

I can tut pive you a posiiite answer now; cad in afw dayand I'll let you know." It may be said, pcr-baj- s,

th it the fbj vt tf these ambiguous expressionsi.s to let th Applicant lown esy;' but their ten-

dency id to give him useless trouble and anxiety,tii 1 p!ibly , to pi event hid what he acquiresiu a mor prr piin.ud qu. trier until after the goldencppcrtuiiiiy has pa-- el. Moreover, it is questionalLl whether tlse luotivt-- s f.r such ejiii vocation are asphilanthropic a.s sonn-- people suppose. GeuernllyHrtikin. the individual who thus avoids a directrefusal, doet tto lo nveid himel( pain Men with-out lec:si' n of character have au indescribableaversion lo say No. They can IKi'ik no sometimeswhen it wi-ul- l? mire crelltaMe to their courtesyand benevolence to think Yes but they dislike tolepre-e- nt their thoughts. They prefer to misleadand deceive. It is true that these bland ami consid-erate pei p!e are often spoken of as very gentle-manly." I'ut m it gent'euiauly to keep a mau infu.-pu- e fr d.ys, and perhaps wetrks. merelytecau.--e you do not ch iose to put hiui out of it by astraightforward declaration ? He is only a gentlemanwho tre:i(9 his fi!i..w meii in a manly straightforwardway. Never seem by any ambiguous word to sanc-tion botes you do not intend to gratiry. If joumean No, cut wi'.h ir.

Wellington am Napollox no Smokiibs. On thervening of bid first return from the I'enitisula. Wel-

lington was induced toj .in the circle of smokers atthe hotel in Portsmouth at which be put up f r theiiight, and at which the lake of Cumberland andsome CeId- - Ticers wete a!so stayine. In after life,the Iron Duke described the scene hini-el- f. lieeat." be sai l, " behind the pipe, w hilling away witha feeling tf wonder, an I warchingr with interest thecounlen ances of the rest ct the cornf.iny." Therewere other notices there besides Lord Wellington.One by one tTiese left the room, and did not return,lie saw the old stinkers were on the look-o- ut for hidturn t foll.iw the seecders. As be continued to putfaway, he .wd to himself, Well, it must come to anml, 1 siipp";" and it did come to au end beforette p'pe wad CnisheJ, and that, too, iu such a waythat he never attempted to smoke again.

Na. !eoiis iiir-!i- was even more rapidlyand yet Lc vy.ts the most inveterate suuiT-- t

ker,f his day. I'l.nstant says the Persian A

had presented to the Kmjert r a magnili-er- il

Orii'iifal pipe After being shown how to oe-rat- e.

h.r de-ir- ed Constant to iight the pipe. t

Constant tell the rest. "I obeyed, and returned itto him in order. IJut scarcely had lie drawn amouthful when the smoke, which he ktiew not h:nvto expel from his mouth, turned back into his pilate,p.'n:tr.ted into his throat, and came out by th- - n.-.--

and biin led him. As s.ton as he recovered breath,be ciid, 'Take that away from me wh it an abomi-nation ! Oh, the brutes ! My stomach is quite up.set !' In fie:." a.I Is C.r.stant, " be felt him-e- lf somuch annoyed for more than an hour that he thenand there renounced forever all desire to try the

Again." Tubttcro ; Hi I7.e unl .lliue.

V.ii'aiu'55 earDs.

if. m:vi:i:a.ci:,AXIt COMMISSIOX MHIK'UAXT,

l'irp-uo- of Store, Kobiiisonv Huiltliii,Ui iii iim hii-inc- .- .it ili im-- stin l. 4T7-l- y

J. II. :oi,i:,TO A. T. tVK:U.TT.)

At his late ro.u:s.C!uct n Mrwt. 470-l- y

E. O. HALL & SON,anil r ia lHr.lwar.-- , Pry 0oN, HainUi, Oils, ar.d

Mr-ti.iiili-.- c.i :u-- r of Fort and Killer s:r-l- d 4Ta-l- y

iioxoid'idj sti:a3i i born MII.I,.Fl-O-

I ::. LKAS ASl SlIor.T:-- . Fur sa t.yly Si. SAVIIjOK, rroj rletor.

II. IIACKl'Cldi At- at.ljt.ii. ral C'.iJin.ii:.in A?eut4, Il.itiolulu,

U!.o, I. 47s-l- y

0. VoS UuI.T. TH. C. HII CC

Vn HOLT .V 1I1M CK..;. n-r- jl C.iiirui.j,;..u M. r lr.l.', !! l iha. t". I. 4TS-l- y

A MIX. J. A KTU'KICIIT,l'..iriii-.- i !i M. r )i:mt a'nl 0- - i. rtl s'!ii.iiitr Agff.t, Honolulu

Mil.il, II. I 47Vly

J ANION. CKCKN V'jiiirxii-.'..-!- ! Fiit-l'i'-- .f l!;iil l.i.L-4-, tueen str."-- .

Ii .fi..!alu, A.nl 1, ll.''J. 47S-l- y

r. ii. i.f.vm:s. $. . wcassos.I.i:Vi:!IS At DICKSO.V,

IhI-t- j in l.mi.l..-- r aii'l llullilin M:itrti:t!j.Fijt S. )I.i. liiIj.47 !

D. F. EHLERS,ill Iiy ;mxIn. isllks, V.

40-l- F.,rt Plr.-- - t, II .ii..Uilu,i;ihn, II. I.

C. FRED'K PFLUCER,I'.-ft- r in Sta-1- ' ai..l K.iin v lry ti.MN, Mail's Clothing, II.h.H

and fli"-- . and Yiirk"- - N . sot.? f.n Frt sim-t- ,

i.i- - irly p;M.it.r M-.- ,r.i. von lb !i V Ibuik. 474dy.

V. N. LADD,Iinjrfrt. r nod !! r in IIjik.dwai-.k- , Citi.i p.t, Mk:ii a mcs

T...LS drid AORlOfLTtnAL 1.MPLKHKSTS, For tltrrft, II .t.olulu. 47S-1- V

CEOnCE C. HOWE,I.-ntt- in .l : N' I.aiiihi'r, shinghs, Iiix.rs

harli, I;:::ni4, NaiN, ruin's, A.C., Jkc, c.

At IiIh (lid St;intl am I In- - I'npln iimle. 4S7 ly

hTyT LU D I NCTON,to r. s. utarT .V Co.)

Iraicrtr and h I.-;i- r in Win-- s an I Spirits, andMalt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y

AFONC & ACMUCK,Iuijrtrt'-r.'i- , Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al- - r in

ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct- - re in Nuinmu Slreit.ui..l. r the I'ubiic llalh 4J4-I- y

J. AVOKTII,li...i!-- r in ilenera llilo, Hawaii. Fhi.s t.nli?d

with r.craits at the shurteat nolice, on reaionahl tenus.Hilld of wanted. 47S-l- y


Honolulu, (Inliii. II. I. 47d--Iy


& CO.,I ii. rs i:i ill;.. iiUK, HuKAli ai:d (JfcNi.HAl. M tucii ASPl.St.

X. K. corner of Furt :uiU Kiiiij Streets. Honolulu, II. I.40i-l- y

A. S. CRINEAUM & CO.,Iii;xrt.TS ami !nh'iil- - in F:ishi"liahlc C'I( tliiiip,

Jlu:, I'.ij.s. l!.:s and Sln-.- , an.l every variety of (Jentle-ni.-n- 's

Sni-ri- or Kurni-liii- i' jjl.. Sti.r.r, formerly wcu-jiio- d

ly W. A. Alilrich, Ksi., in Makee's lilm-k- . tjueenhlrevt. Honolulu, Oahu. 4?0-l- y


IjAIIAINA, MAUI.Irish and l''.tatoe, with other constintly on

hainl and fur at low tales. 4'.ej-ou- i


C. BREWER 6c CO.,Commission & Shipping Merchants,

Honolulu. On tin, II. I.Aiikxrs

Of flit- - lhi.lun iiikI Honolulu I'mlitl I.iue.Al'.KXTs

I'orllu MiiUrr. Wiiilul.u X lliuni IMiiuliilionnAoKXTS

For the I'urcliaor uml Siile of ImIuikI I'roilure.UF.FEi: TO

J ins M. Il'i"i, ....Xcw York.t h as. KRi.wm, C). n..Nt,.i.J 1VI.S III SNKW.LI . l.5. J3. C. MrhRiLL Ac Co. fU. Ii. Mtin Ac I n. ?:n Fr:inrieo.t HAS. MoL. oTT IlK.x.K. K.. 4J.' ty

CUA. H. BISH'iP. w 4. A ALoaicn

BISHOP & CO., "smkfrs,0:Eee in the rai corner M.iW.-'-9 Itlook," on Kaahu- -

umaou ;r- - t, ll i. jluhj.I'raw i:.IN l Kc!i3iil" .n

The lusit oi t'ALiri.KSiA. - - S"ni Franeieo.Mossrs obinnem., Mivti KS Ac Co., NrwYork.

!:.--: 6r W.Mi.Kii, - - New Y'lTfc,

llishv A. 1kikcr, Ac Co., - - l:..ton.TnkMosT Xauoxai. Uask, - - r..toii, Mas.Ol II NTAt. IASK I.'OKI-ORATI- - IUlilon.

U'iTI receive .1 p.:ts,.lisc-..;in- t t;rt-rl- a hasi:ess .nper, andatt.-n- to C"ll. rtiti-.- . rle. 7s-ly

MELCHERS & CO.,Iiiinorlcrs ;jitd Commission

Jit ri liants,AUKXTS Full T UK

llirn'-.-s V.Kri' Fikk IsiaANtK C."xrA!T,KAtwikl m :a:a I'LantattoM,ToBKV SII.AK I'LASrArl. S.

Olstav C. Mkmhku.s. J. Ii. Waaf, F A. Hi Horn,Hremen. Honolulu. Honolulu.

4U-l- y

BOLLES & CO.,Ship Chandlers and Commission


Iart:enl.ir atteiition paid to th' purcl.a.--o and sah of Hawaiian

l efers hv permission toI:. F. Snow '.. M s.rs. Walker AH.-n- . A: Co.,Messrs. C. A. Wiili or.. ,v Co. M rs. C. Prewi r Ac Co..M-- -r. t'a:'e A; l . oke Messrs. II. li.irkfeld Ac Co..Mer. Ii. C. U'.it. rnvi-i...- . Misrs. C. b. Uii h.ird A. Co.

4V,-l- y

a i- - ffi e: A aV V O A IV A V ,K WAUI K. II WAII.

Will con. in.le the iSiIi- - ra Merch:n.li-- e and Slrfpii'ff hiu:?..sat theal'ov.- - por'. where they ;ir prrpar.-i- l to furnish li.ejustly relel.raf -.- 1 Kawaihae 1'otat'-s- . and i:ch other rerruit.4 a are reouireii hy wh i!e ships at tie- - rh.Tt.--- t ''..and on i!ie iu..t r- - asoii'atd- - t'.n.i. 47S-l- y

FJRE WOOD ON HAND.Tiaos. sii-:Arz:i.- ,

SHIPDtiilrf in ft't-nfru- l AlTchtinJi?, IInnl Proittrc,

eif., Co.HHiiy.iio-- i Alt rcfii nl.Byron's Bay, Hiio, S. I.,

VVid ke.-- constantly on l:.l- - I an extensive assortment ofdes. ripf ion of eo-fcl- s re.ohre I hips aad other?. 'I i.chh'.hei-- c price piven f.-- Inland Pr.ni.ice.

adv meed for I'.'.lls .f Evch in 'c i,t re ison.i' le rat. .

II. .. F.i.i airy ". l- -:i 4.'3 ly


XiUSIHfSS (L;:ris.


OT.ee rorner of Fort a::. I 1 i t 1 Streete. 4o!J-l- y


Fort ?tre. t, Honolulu. OHjce over the Oi5 :e of lr. 5. I'orterK,'J1 .

46S-l- y

K. IIOITMANX, 31. IPhydieian aod Surgeon. Makee's 1!1 vk, corner Quoen and Kaa

huiaana tre ts. 47S-l- y

A. F. JUDDAttorney and Counsellor lit T.uw.



Honolulu, II. I. Olhee at the H.mk of Hishoi Ac Co. 453 Cm

C. L. RICHARDS & CO.,?hii Ch. in. Il.-r- s and Commissi' n ile:i!i-- s In Oeneral

Merchandise. Kl-- j. eonsiantly on hand a full assortmentof merchandise, tor t!ie suj.nly of Whah-r- s and Merehant

40O-l- y

A. S.L ah'r in General Mereliainlio, lire-j.nH- if store corner of Ka-ahu- ai

tnu ind Queen sire.-ti- , uj.posite Makee's lilock.AIo, ail i siahli.-liiiie- nt on Xuilanil street, ahove Kin,?.1 r l"o:ml l'r.dU(;e hourht and Sold. Isiaod orders carefully

nti. i. lcl to 4l4-l- y


CHUNG HOON & CO.,Commission ui.il arei.fs Agents for the

I'aukaa and Aniauula s'u. ir I'Un'.itions Importers of te.-i-

and other Chines.- - and foi.-L-- 'l.s im.i wholesale tlealersin Hawaiian at the new r'.oin; Store, Xuuanu Street,Vh Iomt Kim,'.

I). FLIT.VKU,Continue.! hid old s in the fireproof l uildinpr Kaahuma

nu street.Chronometers rated hy ohservations of the sun and utars

with a transit instrinnent accurately adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to finewatch repairiti'. s'cxt.mt an i i(undrant glasses silvereiland adjusted I'hat tH and naatical instruments ennstnnilyon hand and for sale. 47$-l- y

1 1 rs ii i ri- -.5 Pkai.kr is


II oiiol 111 II, 4S4-l- y

l t'. WATI'.R.MAX A: CO.,CO M M .V.sO.V M F.UCI.ty TS.

KsjHTial atfention paid to ihe intereyts of the M'halinf? Fleet, hythe furnishir.fr of funds, jiun hase and salv of Kxeh.-me-, Oil,la.ne, (jciieral Merchandi:V, and the procuring of Freight

KEFEUKNCKS.Messrs. Isaac Howlanp, Jk., Ac Co., New liedfjrd

W. . K. I'oi-k- , Ksu., do.m Mohoas, tTiSE Ac Co. Pan Francisco.

J. C Mkhkiil Ac Co, do 478-l- y


CASTLE & COOKE,Uenf-ra- l M rehauta in the Firej.ruof Store, King S'treet, oppo-&i!- e

the Seamen's Chapel.ALSO ACKXTS FOIl

Ir. Jaynes C'lehratel Family Medicines,Vhceer ( 'Wilson's sewing Machines,

The K"hl Sutar Company,The New KniMand Mutintl Life Insurance Company,The New York l'henix Marine Insurance Couipany,The New York Security Marine Insurance Company.

Oo:;-l- y



fS Material of every description at the lowest Marke'rates.

Orders from the country, and other islands solicited.Lumher Yard on corner of Queen and Fort streets. 4?5-G-





FIltST CLASS CI.IIIi:R l'ACKKTSw.g4t in this line will le dispatched regularly for the

ya-a- ' aOov- - ports.Have Mip'-rio- r calmi and sfer.iS1 accoiniiiil:itions fitted

up expressly for the comfort ami convenience oi passengers,l'uase-ner- and freight taken ut the lowest current rates.

Apply toWALKER. ALLEN Ac Co.

A.ir"iit of tlie JjiitMessrs. CI1AS. V. I:UHKS .V Co., San Francisco.

4iIJ ly Mi Or.ACKKX, MEKRILL A: Co., Portland.


imiJA JRlT !


i:i:st ise:st mi: ii:oa iWhich they will s'lj.ply in quantities f One Ton or more at


1'ron, 1. 3-4x1- -4:

Which will he delivered DI:1I.I.EI at a Low Price per pound


About SOOO Hiinuiii Fi't't T KAILS1J. found-- ; to the Foot.

l.S INCH SIIF.KT IKO.V, all hizr;1IIIILKR PLATES,IIOMOGF.NKtHS I It OV. very -- upeiioi-:AMd.K IKON', aorli-i- l uirvfHALF IlOlM IKON',IKON SIIAFTINO up to S 1- -2 Inch,IKON" nOILKR Tl'liES 3 A. '.I 1- -2 Iim Ii;Aorttt POILEi; ,V COOPEU'S RIVETS,1 SETTS l.--i Iiu'i RAILWAY WHEELS.

Janion, Green 6c Co.4.i'-"i- a

Sailor's Home Cellar to be LetFOIl STdKACl'.

fMI E F.LL K AT Til E IIO.M E i LA It (J E,1 and CONVENIENT.Ft t. rms :iy ly to

MR. MILI.EK. Manner.

T:sx 3TIice !FOIl THE

District of HonoIiiSu, Kona, Oahu.flllF. OFFICE FOIl THE COLLECTIONE of r.I S j., t!,.. n'.vc wnl - i.p.--n.- everv

V F.HX El V and A T I ' li I A V fr-- this date atthe 4lOAi Ot fU f., "Ai.nui," MarineS:r. et, oppj-i:.- . :t.e I.u-o!ui- lr.-- Wrrks.

il.Li. H. 1.1'CK. Tax Collector, .

X 'V'lnler 1!'h. lo.. 4'.ij

Hawaiian Marriage Certificates.JKicE i . im:k uo.en.

l l t y11. M WHITNEY

x5nsur;mcc Claris.

flMIE I XDEUSIGXEI) HAVE KEEN' Al- -thoriz..-.- ! t i.--s

Fire !ox

Store. I wolliiig: Houses. Furniture ttiulCuoiU in Stores,

IX UOXOLULU AXD VIC1XJTY.Losses adjusted and paid here by U9 in U. S. gold coin.

For rutes of Premiums and particulars apply to4sJ Tia H. I1ACKFELD Ac Co., agents.


fgMIE rXDKKSinM'D HAVING keenB appointed agents for the San I rtneiseo Hoard ol I nder-writor- s,


The California Insurance Company,The Merchants Mutual Marine Insurance,The Pacific Insurance Company,The Caliioruiu Lloyd, andThe Home Mutual I usiiraiice C'ompany.

lit-i- r h'.ive to inform Masters of Vessels and the put. lie centr-ally that all losses sustained on VESSELS and CAKUUES,insured I y eithtr of the ahoyo Ci iiipanie;-- . ne.iinst perils of theseas and other risks, at or near the Sand v. ieli Il inds, w ill haveto I verified hy theia.

4 . -- liii II. HACKFELI) & Co.

JONATHAN HCXT, rresi.l.-nt- . A. J. KAITCX, Secretary.

j. C I 3 I O

CAPITAL. STOCK, $750,000,1 r ( Cali lo mia Street,



Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In vessels raiinu' not lower than A 2, either in the Fori-i'i- i

or I ii ler-- 1 l:i ul Truile. on favorahle terms and theinideriL'iied are the authorized agents of the Company forllonol i.hi.

tor rites of premium, A.C., c, apply to4Jj-:;- lilSlMP & Co., Agents.


ill tin in11.1 111.1 U JJIJl ll.l.UIJ lUlOf FraiiflstH),

rsiiiE cnteksh;nei havincj keenjl apiKiiute.1 asjents for the alnive Company, he leave toiuh rin the public that they are row prepared to issue


44-l- y WALK Ell, ALLEN fic CO.


Ol-TIC'I- : Southvvot corner of Washing-ton and liattery streets.

fIIIE INTEKSIG NEI AKE PHEI'A REDfl to issue Marine Insurance policies," each Oeinvj reap..n-si- i

k-- for the sum written on the Policies against his own nameonly, and for himself and not for others or any of them.JollS I'AliUOTT, JAMKS IIONAMtK,

iKoK'iK C John-son-, William E. Hahkom,

N. I.rsiNO, Jamus Otis,Jamks PlIKI.AN, '.TAMK3 15. llACGIV,LAI'AYhTTK MaVN'AKD, J. Mol'.A MoiS.

WALK Kit, ALLEN .c CO. Agents.470-l- y Honolulu. 11. I

rrillE I'XDEKSK.'XEI) A fl EN'TS OF THEm. above Compary, have be n authorised to insure risk"? on

CAIICO, rilKICHT and 7.' UK AS II It K.by CHASTEKS from Honolulu to all ports of the HawaiianGroup, and vice versa.

471-l- y II. HACKFELD


SAN FKANCISCO.ffiiiE i:nieksh;nei ha vino keen1 appointed Agents r the above company, Imv leave to"nf rm the the public, that they are now prepared to iFsue

M A U I X K INS V K A N' E 1" O L 1 C I E Son Car'o, Freight and Treasure., to and frota all parts of theWull I.

H. HACK FEED & CO.Honolulu, April 2 1S2. 4o4-l- y

ii a i n n n: ii-- u it n m i: nFIRE COMPANY.

l" XDERSIG XEIh Agents or the above Coru1 puny, are prepared to insure risks against fire in and

nin nt Honolulu.For particulars apply at the office.

MELCHERS A: CO.Oct. 11.1357. 47S-l- y

Tin: hkitisii and roitr.mxxM.lKLM-- : INSlRANCi: COMPANY,

'TiiiItl."Capital OriO Million Pounds.

Head Otbce, Manchester UulldiiiL-s- , Liverpool.Agents at Honoluai,

iTr.lNTX03NT. cC? Co.N. I!. This Company takes risks on goods only and not on

vessel,. 4V2 Cm

The iYorllicrn


al ve Company, have recently receive.l instriietioua to re-

duce tl.e Kate of Premium on tone and brick Buil.ii:i2S ar.d onstorl therein, and are now j to issue poli-c- it

s on uu re favorable terms than heretofore.iiU taken n Buildit.gb, Maehinerv. .Vc. on Su,:.ir Planta-i,.n- s.

JANIUN, GKEEN 6f Co..42-l- y . Agents.


j '( ?;in Frinciscn. Aceats for the well known MARINEI Nr I RACE COMPANIES

Tlie N'. V. I'heuix. n el 1 .OOO.I )Of

And N'. V. Soi-iiril- n-- et- $2,O0O,OOO.An- - prepared to taV ri.-k- s upon CAP.KO.TK E A Sl'KE:u:d FKF.K'HTS. to and from all parts of the wor'da: aio.--t partial or total !"ss fro;u War or Marine hazards, upDthe most favorable terras.

ALSO Af'.ENTS FK THEN"ev Ell ",lii ml I.il'e I ii.ii rnnce Coiupniir,

A.i4 2.;:to.ooo.L fe risks taken upon the most favorable terms. 470-G-

T.UMOCA, F.lil. amiOf Superior Quality.

'IS AN'FFACTIKEO AT KOLOA, K A I' A I ;I rr.n-tantl- v

"on ha"d H'..i f r in fjU.intitiesto suit ly

4 : oia MEI.CHEP.si i Co

llrillWflWrli'rrmnurtmli! 'YYY'


Commemal Advertiser.












(.uiFomiA i.snsA.(x (omim.w.


FRAWCISCOBoard Underwriters











yf.VG STIiF.r.r. HO.Ol.l I.U. 47i-l- y


K;p? ?trH't, oppisite the F.ethel.47-l- J . K. PKICE, Manager.


Choicest Meats frvm finest herds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetables,4 c. furnished to order. 41i-l- y

W. BENNETT,$ Boot and Shoe Maker,

Has removed to the North side of NuuanuPt.,"above Love's Kakery.

All Orders entrusted to us will be atteuded to with neatnessand dispatch. 4'J7-l- y

FISCIIKU,Cabinet. Maker and French Polisher, Hotel Street, near the

Drug. Store of J . Mott Smith if Co. 47'.-l- y

C. E. WILLIAMS,Manufacturer, Importer and dealer in Furniture of every

Furniture Wareroom on Fort street, oppositeMessrs. Lew rs & Dickson's otfice ; Workshop at the oldStand, Hotel street, near Fort.

N. P. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. 475 ly

HI. FIS CHE7?TTAILOIt Keeps constantly on hand an assortment of fine

Hroadeloth, C.issinieres and buckskin, Nuuanu St.,King St. 4ii0-- l v

C.KOUC.E CLAItK,HOOT md SIIOEMJKEK. Hotel street, between Nuuanu

ami Maunakea streets. 473-l- y


ALAKt.'A STKEirr BKLOW TBK TntATKR.Furniture made and repaired at reasonable prices. 462-l-

Tiri IMl'OIMER&MAM'FAC.47:,3KJ Tt: K Kit of all kiul of Saddlery, Car-- CTJSft'vy-- 5 riage Trimming, Mattress making A. r

aiiil repairing done wilh neatuess and dispatchAll orders promptly attended to.

Corner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu 4S5-l- y

.i.i7raiLoi?irsOi,General Blacksmith!

HONOLULU,HAS CONSTANTLY OX HAND AXDfor sale, a good assortment of

viz i-- j. ii...I I I-- ..,, im'Sl m'iincu nar-iru- ii :

Also, best Blacksmith's Coal !

At the Loiccst Market Prices. 4si-i- y


having taken the building ad- - ffljstf$Uagafl, joining the Drugstore of J. M. VVJtiiiij Smith ; Co.. on Hotel Street, offers for sale acomplete assortment of SCFEKIOK. FURXITl K. E,made from KOA, KOU, anoothkk Fisk Woods.

Is pp'pared to manufacture and fill Orders for Sidk BoakDS,Ckxths Tablks, Arm Chairs, Loc.voks, Waiiokobks. Sokas,Ladiks Work Tahi.ks, ISoxk.s, and other articles in his line ofbusiness wilh promptness and dispatch.


l7l3TT A: FITXITIUCK,Root and Shoe Makers !


-- 4 ISoots mid ShoesMale and repaired in a workmanlike manner. 430 ly


Win. II. HUDDY !

RECEIVED A LARGE AND FCLLOAVIXC material, is prepared to supply his customersand the pu'lic, wilh the liml Iironu nlWhile SOAP. ALSO

-; rV A.I OIL KOAP,In large or small quantities to suit.P. S. Soap grease always wanted. 494-l- y



Works is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub-lic in general, with the best quality Y EL LOW SO A l.

SOFT SOAP ultvuy- - on hand,The Hiohfst Pkipk paiii nm Soap Urease. 4S9 ly

J. L. LKWfS, CoopeiTVI N't: lTltCIIASF.I) THE INTER ESIHA Mr. Norton in the Cooperage, will rarry on the busi-

ness at the old stand. Thankful lor part favors, he hopes tomerit a continuance of the same.


and for sale.

Cooperate on Kinu: St., Corner ofRelhel St., Honolulu.

BRASS FOUNDRY'THE EXDEKSIOXEI) WOL'LO RE- -Fec:fully inloriii then ::; ; hat he is prepared to eastand finish ail kinds if i 1 i i nd composition work withdispatch and at reasonabb.- - ates.

XT All kinds of ship an.lp: i i:i:iou work furnished on shortnotice.

XJ" Constantly on hand, i couplings of the followingsizes : i. 1, li, 2 and 2i. 11 so. oil cups nd gauge cocks.

JAMES A. HOPPER,451-l- y Kingstiwt.

o oi'i:Rix(i :

.j. v. i3tjriricK,IN REMOVING II IS BL'SI N'ESSrpj5 to his new COOPERAGE on the Esplanade

l1 --.! il r ort sir. ft. t: kr-- s t hrs nnruirtimifu t,f r.iifrn- -

Ii.T.ii in his sincere thanks to his friends and theLJr?iS5fj public in general, for the support and patron

k 1 l ii.,. ivI'irOi titAV Ii'. W Vl i.f r. ,.l.'.Qrl to f.i--t

him f-- r the past ten years, and hopes tliat by attention to busi-ness and pr.aiiptr.es.s in the execution of all orders Intrusted tohiia, he will merit a continuance of their favors. ' 4.'5-l- y

O 1 IX 1 oTHE L'N'IEKSH; EO. OllVr- -

l for sale .is place at KEAWKVVAI, contain- -ing "0 acres of land well enc'.osPd, admira- - J , ,

bly watered, heavily Wooded, within 5 miles of K iWH l.ae and15 miles of K h li t plantation; together with one hundred h.dtaihe V.il-- c Cattle r.n 1 aii the appurtenances for carrying cn thedairy business a? at pr Title I'vrlVvt.

For further inf. rmatin apple tol'. P.. LINCOLN, Kawaihae

AM-Zl-- i r W. F. ALLEN, E. p, He,, aj.

1)1 tstcl Inn ecus.

siivirvi ii veil 1 1 us .

IOKEf lh. WILLI AMS 5cVFEW ineiensive, simple and effective

SI'.WINC MAC'IIIXKSWill do any kind of work, stroug stich. and not liable to getout of order.

X r 1 c o O S O .f.(H Stu For Sal by C. UUKWER ii Co.

rirjirsUPPER SINK I'l .MPS,c Engine Mell 1'umpi,

Lartiug fump.For Pale by

5C0 3m C. 1IRKW1-- At Co.

(mm)li:i:s, cooi.iius'wo,,,:us, 7 fkkt ,ivVVN

l'UK'i:, tB35 EACH.For Sale by

500 6m C. BREWER & Co.

COTTOiV SUKD.EX CINE SKA ISI.tXD OTTOV SEKI.C"i Just Received from ItK.M FORT, S. C, Bud fer sale at

Cost ia ice, 5 Ceil l w r J'uiiikI.H. M. WHITNKV.

laxki:tsHeavy White, Scarlet atul lilue blankets.

74 anJ 02 inches.11)11 SAI.K II V

tOO-.'iu- i C. PKEWr.lt Jt Co.

Anchors and Cables.STOCK ANCHORS, TOO, 800, WO, 1000,IKON KtOO pounds.

CHAIN CAULE.-.-, and I nidi.For Sale by

500-3i- ii C. BREW Ell Co.

SUTTA 1I2ECIIV IIOSK.O ILV 1- -2 INCH HOSK.jmd 3 ily i inch Hos, 3 ply inch Hone,

3 ply 1 inch Hose, 3 ply 11 inch Hose.


For Sale by600 3 in C. BREWER & Co.


503 2rc C. BREWER Jfc Co.




FOIl SALE.SIX WEEKS HEAXS,EARLY Mohawk Bean, Large white Lima Beaiis,

Long Blood Beans, Ing Blood Beet,Blood Turnip Beet.

Farly York Cabbage.lruuihead Cabbage,

Flat Dutch Cabbage,Early Ox Heart Cabbage,

favory Cabbuge.Long Orange Carrot, Phort Horn Carrot,Early lndon CauliMower,Early Frame Cucuinber, Early Green Cucumber,Long Green Cucuml r, Sweet Corn.F:gg Plant Leek, curb J ?il sia IPttuce,Ice Drumhead lyttuce. Fine Nutmeg Musk Melon,Yellow Cantclopp Melon, .

lied Onionp, A hite Onions, Yellow Onions, Parsnip.Early Prince Albert Peas.

Ex Prince Mieheaux Pea,Champion of England Peas,

Dwarf NurrowOtt Peas,Pumpkin Heed.

Long Pcarlet Radish,Long Salmon Itadish,

Scarlet Turnip Radish.Boston Narrowfat Equanti,

AVhitc Scollop I'.Uhh Squash,White Flat English Turnip,

Red Top Turnip,Rulabaga, (for Feed).

Kohlrald, Okra, Switch Kail,Water CreH, Rhubarb, Salsify, Tomato.

Sixty Choice Flower Seeds.ORDERS SOLICITED.

V will procure all kinds of Seeds from SanFraneiHco, that uiay lx dtired.

ri00-2- n a c,o.


XJ D E R S I G 1ST 13 !

At their Store in thePUBLIC HALL BUILDING,Corner of King ami Xiiunnii Street,



AVIiiic CjriTinito Wai'e !

Consisting of the following art ir lex


Plain White Tea and S.-tl-

(iit Band and Decorafd Toilet Setts,Plain White and Deeotated Dinner Setti,

White Granite Break rast Sett,White Granite Dinner S. tt.,

White Granite Tea Setta,White Granite Toilet Setts,

Cut Glass Decanter',Cut Gla.x Tumblers,Cut Glass Wine Glaase.,Cut Glass Finger L..w!, Cut Glua Pickle Jars.


Setts Joseph Rogers $ .Son' Iitilance Handle ICnivttSitccr Plated Forks,

Silver Vlatfd Tea and Tuhle Spoons,Silver Plated Castors, cut fatties.

Stiver Plated Cake Baskets.ALSO, OX HAND

A Full Assortment ofPRI.SS CJL.ASS IVAKi: !





KEROSENE LAMPS.A ineri. ..ii sim.I Hiiwjiiinu Flux.



Page 2: .1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK, Iuijrtrt'-r.'i-, Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al--r in ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct--re in Nuinmu


V, i o i i ny j. trt rf t'. w ..: !. :T - it th-- I t. f

,: " c t.;i.: h-- j.r ! : :.-- . o --.try. The war! '. - ' aia ar. I Chi:- - h i r.i - 1 i r.e in C' ; ; i".

..f !.:! f r Earj-e- !r..i. ar: or:.,. r.t- -I (

. ,, , . I., Tr :.: ..!.:.- -. h- -r c .ur.fr, r ,1 t. .S ..- -

!";;;:-'w-'- fr'!":,- -: TOU- - T

ir. a! il'Ji i- -r l,r:. ! u! illuU-- n

.i:,;.!.:.;:!,,.!.--':.: '.;(..:.!":.... ,i,r- - . r !.., k-- m Ni I

.1 a i '.r--f i : t? Sta:- - :h- - t':.: n ti.I: - I : C' l r

j ... v! .!:?i-.-re- 4 k,ut fi --. on I ir.--

"r y J .. I!ar!y, . a t r iL- -r . f J Ilarty. f nsrriy

.u !r.:v.-- - aV.at c- - ;;-- r j

'. . . , ., .....

.r ;t.:' .u .f c:i ly- - .,t, aj'-- i io . j itI: ii r . " l.'.t : j ir th- - cr; i ' f svrr r: ' f

. - w r ;r..I to Ui l;r(j-.;- r 'nic:.t '- ; rt-r- t et.ritl,r n.r juvrr. :...r y:!..:.i- -

i ; c i t'.r Kuf, a y :.r a rc.-f-. 1:1

t ; ,r r c.::. ! 1 fTO'llcj1). tlii .aui it,f u illy mi 1

- ' . i. ! n ivr, K-- i, f thv " C r K.r:." M': .. 1! r v. J- -.. u:i -r i, .lir-rrtr-- ii.i iv wus

1;.-- : .a. viac f in!:.-.- r:.;t7 tt.tr-f- - r- - j rr-- -.. , '. . . t.c t.i'.l a.Ua..ii. I; j ru .i w::;i.-u- t i':. :

: ..: ; X a i.i.i-- i a 1 i ja a !lu. r,ir. w- r. . -. 1 :.t t.wr-- t lir.r: is -t f.".;u the tarfAce. at

f . ! ;f.'i l.'.-- r i rv i.. as r. li -- r.i a'-u- ! r.t ai :a i ::.ti ,v- -. .til ait aci " ure cvi.La:i.ii.rr i'J

C r : ... . r iii'Tc .f m-- . ta!. Tt.e v- - iiis r rati:.:. tr.-i- ;

. r f-- !. " i ,r ir.?;;irc-- v siys th-- wra.-r- , "iu lh - t.i1 . i i ill f ;i'..ut S"l f tt. I !.avs nira5ar--- l a v. iritf

..J :. U wiaca was co:.c-:.tntr- .l '.rr, esiiii.at-.-i- t I ); i. i W'. !.; J. r a t f c.:j r.'' Ti e jifcll of t!.;s :u::.i

t.i-- t t t: aui:"l oriiy l.y t.'ie Licltif, !'r n,

: 1 r.'i-r- . wiale t anil in freely, ti.- - St.;j.iue:.t ii aboutl'.'i ii.-.- - .1 i;'y. The re ei!s f. r aut J r ton, efjal j a

1 ; 1,0" jo IKX.I ':, r .i.r .tli r L..i'i.- - of creter or iii.;.rtaric? in tt.e

v; ..:'. I is f.-iu- l in f.fli-- r cai-iti- erjn-e-- i i:iy iui .iv- - r I, A:ua I'.r, Kt Ll.,ril i, I 1 Inorte. fu .uuiiir urnl .Mari- -

.i i: t ;. t.'iat f.i in tt.'-s- - ;x .u:.ti. toi'4a r- - fi. :r:t.-ir.- ? l' r cviit t f :rr.i.-t.e- J t- - the siielt. r''

.;.;-- . 1:- - iornrnr t' ; t .,rl!i S.'.'.' jr ta:, t!.e J.ttMi . r r... iit t'i- - isuia ..f ;j1.'Oj,uj"J as a iiioderale

: la- - v!a-- . ..f i:.e aii!.a.l r -- ij-t f t!.U tatal whichl:. y l: - s;.-i;f-.-- or, at leart, M ik; aUa.acd.

LOCAL COMMERCIAL EH'S.Ih-- ! ,.-- H'Airt.'tr sail-- .l oa JLai-Ii- la-- f, a carjo

- .r, l. .: j ari.1 ? uivirlei , Lich iil he f.nai report-- . 1

v.. '

I',.-- n.'-tu'- ra bark I)o l, ei r"u:-.- i .'C i.-l-!c with a;. . 1 aiie l o:. the Cjt. Lialri nij.te, Lite cf the

.J :rrni. h i.ri' u enajje-- l ai ca;.(ia iii J hsce f h-- r l ite:u -- r. r. h . tft ' sulci 1 at this '.rt.

r..e hark .VaAin'T sailel era the Ci:h fr S.tla with? a'.-- l ".Tiri-I- . k--.

i h - b'hrinj leave to-J.i- y f,r .m l'raric:s,o. with a fulli a f r, la .!a.---- -i ar,i tther J rodii.:-.-- . fh: wilt t,e f.I-- I

1 th-- f tri h't f.furiy. in the sme lii.'-- .

ti. the In.--i ateh L;t.e, the I r!ir Win. V. Tallht has-- ti !ui ! is f r the iaine j'yrt.1 :t--- t rj ,. i:i Near Ivc c.Ur lit,

i n i: a i'i i--r winle. il. Jl Ci. ai.'l Ua.e ,lAi.....'.1 .U at 1 t i'i Irt. KlV.f jj.

COMMERCIAL ITEM.. a r. ( h 1 ia L-- froit. iut I .riJ iisee, to

. ; r- - i ,.' ln::.c ..a the b-.-r r. ett.iu.it ri were uia-l-e ll. itI. i ; I'j u j jIO j"jt tt'-r'.- tjS g ioii ere Si.iU.'.'1'.-.- l every

. .i

:..: t:. U'..r..l l..(rrr'f, f a hue l.-- -Ii h:i'-- J J

t- - v j-- r f I.r't'kJ rt. N. j . the sew II. Th-- y

1 lea .i:rcr.je.l ar atr..r of t r turret.T i,--.- r ie clear-- j I. c. It at N--- V. rk,

f i. . i rr..y ot.e w f' r i.ur --e. I'J vr.oa- tuti...ra; rt . ! t:. r- - u.aii.iT f three Ivr Kt-te- ru j- - r:.

r. n' f.rn. in lari.a:;i.-har.-.-. Kr .. have ! i!! aI i.:.!, - ia U.k:,l . alheu .in t hi;-l-:- thei.1 I t IliUai.

f .cf..ry t.'i h cnr. f.c-z- .l :: is t - err. t..l in.'. a ). wi.h a rk::. ca;at.al of a ia-la- n ' i .l..;Ur. a:..J aa-- i:y wh.cU ilifn it t.kialtj i:U :.y

r ir. tl.et.,y I.to ju-- t : i:.t jr-:i-- n at t'iii.-r.ri.-i-- .i a

thih i!ra. from the oti river iir.l Ji.- -'.ari.-- . a v.r-rar- a of e f..--t in .t.a-i- -; r. It ii tl.e

!.re-- l ii.a.h.r.e of the kin.l sa the l aa.l U inI. . - r- - ah-- r cr.i.k i, r t!y 1. 1.

1 r '.'.,7i Tr-mi:- r ivrrcr .i'.. jch a cot ;ihue. cm urrha:.el in i..-tr-a-l. cf the ir.jjt f.i-h- io ...IIt.l. : r iS-- . A Sat r ii,i.::g tf c jt ai..l u:iti-i.4- , ifI'.- - t.:.- - -- ', K J ca imr- -. ran l oucht there f r ;i-- ur

t i t ;. r. uia thar.-- e Jloj. t.lk g li at--J othtr articUsa: .r r.a..-- ri.n. r th re than here.

li.e N.it rial lt.uik.r-- iVfprc C.ir.itiy haj male arran-e- -

I 'h New V. rk - r.:.I Ua.ir.u.1, f r to cars a ilay:, way . r that r l. 1'a. k' art be c..rii.-.- l fr ia l'H ..n

a .a N-.- - i.r t. ( .i..:in::ali an.l 1 h:i-.- . J n.u.iry. Il.ec i ..;..:. Ui I rijiLiI ..f io m.laua i!..i.r. ami iJt have ai Ci, .t il of Oi.e u.hion il .Ilars.

I n liiviM K hjc-T- he Coua:iis; .rier f Intern itI: a :.a h itrci'j. tl t- - the air.-.ur.- t f o:;nnp Iufy on a iler.l

f !iu t r m .r:jfa(,-- e .av-- ti l.y the Atlautic n i lireat Westerni:i..v..iy C i.iy t u J,h:i K. I'- - r.n, trut--e- . ot the ci'y tfN w V Tii. ar.krr. in an.tr to an i airy if in ir.fernalr . !..- .- s! iiiij.-- i mSr.-n- l to evvrr the tl.e eatirea .. u- t of the einir io w)A(i). tint it ou! l r- - uir-.-.-.- :

r;. rv.et.ue r.iu. Vt the au.ouat of S A) OoO, ar..l if u.lst.ii.j-- ne not a:h'-- a theret., the bnas of SaiJ railaay

a.j ai.y Kouhl be iiiVaiai.

EASTLRX UHALIXU ITEMS.s,r . -r f New Lotalon. li.ii teen fAl to dpt.

i'e-i..:.- , f r Ji.wJ ca.h.T! - s:..:; CtarJi . U'i9. f. ri::.-r!- euij.l yr l in the

'. ST .nr. ton ai.-- l n.cei!t:y us a re shi inl!i . I o S:.:.. --erv.ee. I..15 Iwn purchae.l by Wilii.ir.i O.

. th t N. It. on rivat terra. rsh will tlur .ugli-ly r 1 ..re !. sn.t titta l- r the .rl.ii:. ; Lu3i:.c- -, an.l r.:l s-- meta;-- . o- - : r .z.

T'-- ...I ?a.k i. recer.t'y tmptovr.! ir. the wtaaiI iu llolmes Hole, pureh-t-e.- ! by

. . no . I.r .wi.rl!. t X. I:.. 14 nnir un.l-'r.-oi- th.-- tro-re- -.

I Lrjien u; !:.. i.,; kia c. as iui.-ti--

SIi .Vlitil..Irs" IN Vrinci.-c- h Jn r LhTirj.', tMj liay.

r K !. n 1 I;.'...uia. th: .l..y.1 r L.m: i:-- : j- -r Nettie Mon lay.


J .::. M.iry la ten, Wi:.;r..tu Khuiui.J Rri N..I h 11 raa, fruiu iiilo.

s.;Lr Ni tti-- : Merr.it. Fountain, Lahaina.

1) KIM it I F II KS.J iri. oul'rf wh trk Julian. LublK-r-.- fr a cruise.

-- I Sehr Erueime, Crane, f..r Kan. nr.l Kau..1 .".t.r aarl. tor K..nl.ac.it Ka ioi. lU.ur, I t Ka.'.u.ui.-- 1 Aetivr. f r loihaiua.

-- chr I'ritio-- . It.ita. '. I, fi,r Hai-.a- i.Via bark VM.i'-.t- - r, e"tn. Pity, f r an Fran,:;c.

z : l'rrui'-r- i Iktrtc lK.l . Djlrv 1: j le, f.r rSaii IranciiCO.,hr M i W at.ir . f r K.'l- - .1.

m Uie bark Wm R .uh. Patver.-- t --ehr Kat Letr. Cha lwiok. f r Makiv'i L.iniLng.

?. hr Mary l h. n. West, for Wa.l.e- - Lan.lu.t;.'.a iiu'-u- u b.--k Njb.LrT, Arohat-Uriaa- , wr New

Arclin-- . I. Saka.


A..: yti'v Ftae Ja. ton. P.lh:r,-- t 3ia.Ii , a I.i'..-- W. C. .t. I'a'.iDl .n.A a. f'.irk Pt:yri.i '. Liv.-.t- , l.a.!.i: fr San I'rauc'.sco..vi.. i ... k e'.Moet. 1 uller.Ami . ...k I'.i.er.: Lii.e. uj tf .i. Fra'iei--a-

' r ko.:u. ij. W .'..i.tan, f r S m 1 lauoicj soon.V:a i. r;T.--

. llvus-.i-- .

!ii ':. ! i a I, ... u, (v.r .Ni Devi: ol.i'- - . ..i-'j- rk- Jil i twui. e.It ia ,rk K1..1. I. iit.c!a V.1. :i 1 I'titt, i.v a.Lirt

HltfR..t t - h .'1 Or-'.- .n. t in.a.e:: Haw. .k liao Hawaii, II. ppin;-I- I

l . r.. K la. Cotm. st-n- e.

II 1 t r - V et t o, F.sh.

y. pouts.!

ir r s l,Mi-.-..-;K- r whr-tt-- r. Jin. uo.'.s.-- j it-j.uUi ;? l.rf dy;

bV-- e'r r;;;; ;

.a...-- ;!.. V trai.,h..,-.- l. .j.st..o N - J Ah. .it. tr Na..;:,!. Jan. Uj t i.i

. t t,j p.-- , , Ai.tr. , f .1 oi...aw. L.wO i's r:ce. 4 c I

. ir ! :. .t 4 b'- -' t.Vo .. 1 t,,b- - . t.tc ..:..! z alma- - J

"t', o1 ;",r. .1 r, r l.r.:,!y. lcyh.iry .I.n a.c.ho.. 1 x ,

: . r--rr j

paskx;krs.l'.r."iUti.a-tWl.;.',- ,r. J.r.. ZZ Henry Hajar,

W: ..ir I, J.i VV n. C II K:r.i.--. J Wr-- :. sh t; irt-:i- . u. o.F.,r Nh Ar.. k. i..!. N..!.a C. J .u. --

. o.- - IEit..ti::;:i: 1,a.-.sa:.s- . S-- me .:i ha- - 1 . n

1 td oti the stit t respecting the b tigth of pa-s.- .t s

of ": - between San Iianci-c- o and t!:i- - put.Atib-r- the arrivals during the pa-- t twelve yearswe tin. I the following:

JiTy ZZ. it PiorItet Pj'yti.aian. R..e-r- -. d -- .

' t I .. rt Si b-- he.l -- tearr.er Sen B.rl. 1 2 .!...J i y 4. ls:'.-ia-. -- l..T t steamer Au.er:c Ila.t-.r- .. 13 J ij .

V.".:r -a::i rs Lav- - L n g. i.erally 12 to 1 5 .!a- - :

so. ::! .. were the ,.7. IV.., t'-i.- i and .

n.-o- r ir.." ot v.?.: li were !..-- .-:i bv ..?ir

o . , . I

Commercial Advertiser.SATVVDAY. JAXf'AHY '27.

ll:r'.::v u- -' t!.at v!.ui Williuai the( .r.'i'.-- r, J!i t!. .!vv.-:t!- i cvnturv, l.al ;;.v.-:a- -

tU' c u'l""?t of K,,-";lllJ-


, ,

ki:."i m t- utrvv. J ai.-- I a tirvf:;l r r--

7 , ,I r rini! , T at Jt, c.,IXi, j Ktr'Wtl ill

1 1 .ii.c.-lav-l-.... .!;." T! .o :. i -- r t i.i nHurr.'.- - iii.ik- -- the fMlv.vIrs r rvi.c- - to this

.' : It was a g.-:scr- furwv t

all t'.-- - laiics. in th'.-- kii..j...ia, their (.stent inea.-'- i

di.-triv- t, tri'.n-- vaiu..-- ;

quantity d' la-- a lw. jasturc, w..od, andara:-!- ' land wh;.-:- i th.-- c r.ta.n-- ; and mcout:ti..-.-a th'J i.:ih.h'.-- r - I t- - r.ants. andftlavn ;f ail who licd uj-t--

ti.. in. II-.- - api" 'int'.-- LV.::.Mii.-.- i ;i...rs I'r thisj'tirr.'.'r-:- , nt-.r-- jarticular in th-i- r

roi.st'T, ''V the verdict of jv.ri-.-- s ; and alVr ala'., r of sis year?, l r. uht him an exact ac-- c

i:i;t i.f all the la.:. led r..j.erty of his kin J.im.This monument, eali- -l ' Io:ae.l.iy-bo--- k them--- t aiuaMe of anti'.uity 2.....-s.-s.-- hyany r.ativn is tiu i r.s .rved m tae hxcla-fju- . r ;

and ahhoutrh onlv seme extiacfs have hithertoj auMida-d- , it to il!u;trat-- j to us, in

lnaiiv particulars, the ancivnt state of Knland.The great Alfred liad uish.--J a like survey of ;

the kind Jin in his time, which was Ijr kept ;

at Winchester, and which pruhal.ly asa ta'.J-- l t "William in this undei taking."

During the rei-- of Kaiae: am-h- a HI, sucha surv. y and record were made of the HawaiianKin-dci- a. It farin-- j one of the m..-- t ii.t..rcstintransactions of the wie and good Kauikeaouli's

ccr-i.'a'-ni.rah- le rci-zn- . It forms a jaud mon--

ument to the lahors jf a few n .hle-miiid-ed men,

who v.-- re instrumental in manain'T the landedy.-te- ia of this kin-dv- iu durin- -; tlie critical

je;riod while the old feudal was grad- - j

v T,:-r... M,M ': t..,l l.v t!.r i.r nt svst. n,.D - - j j - - j x J 7

in-r- conformable to the ideas cf mod.rn ciil- -!

ic-- d nation.-?- . Tine hu'e fdio vItim-:s- , -i

tlaii.ir- .- over eleven thousand rarato surveys j

iiilthe cntir-recor- ds of the IindCommis-ion- , ;

. ,i..vvi.

are depo-ite- d at the Covivnmont House, j aji m::c' it set in on the c-- ii;-t- ",

at.d ar-- i:nd-- r the l.:ial char-- e of J. II. Iuay have been even more consent and.Smith. Il-.-p, who has officiated with so much w.-- i o:f the coa.-- t. W Ii. pe to -.r t!.,- - .!;'.;.r o-t- .

p.iti. i.. and lidelitv, I'.r aVe.it tv.vntv v.-ar-!

, At.t. Ai:rr a I.a;:;:;:i A inmor wasa- bvcr-tar- v ol the md Lommis.-- i .n. Could j .


' , . . m town a lew t.avs aico. tloit aru- -l.c have foreseen tlie which he Las ox- - ,,.'

! i- - had lio.ited ahun at Waiahia .n this l.dand.ecuted, ne think he would haw shrunk fnau hi, t,v 1:ire v,.c- - wrt.,!;i.a i:1the ut.d-- . rtaking. 'Ihe mere ca-u- al infection j I:,.;j.:.j,..,-i;ood- The rei-or- t as giwn by t:.e ea-- .r

of these volumes is .juite tiioit.--h to convince j na-.- i . - who i r..nht it to t..wn. inclml'.-- abai r.-- l

tiny on- - that it has been an herculean labor . ,4 onuses, two of oil. and a heavy trawl --

to r. di: -- the old of land-tenur- es to tl.e ! ir.' trunk, with a lonnd toi. wrv much like are-e- n t f.nn. All honor to the men who toiled j .ara-.- a trunk. '.".u'-iI- kt v. It ii a lot of clothing

in this Work. i u.nr-- v all sortsAt the head of the li-- t stands, by jnetr.i- - !

w--- "i: ";lt nl. re all the-- e anul.-- , could... r. ...... I' .r- - w:i !:.,.,. lt.-l..,v..- -

! f'-'ta- trom th- - b irn-- of oraii-- es indicated aII' ilV. j " II k ii t ACVa I Wl.tlll iIV llitt '4


The annuity prantcd to 1..is avi.'.uv.--, and the;

su"-- ' n-i'- -ii of his portrait in toe lalace. Were j

comparatiw ly mea-- re testimcnials for his in- - ;

valuable :,cr ifi to tlie Hawaiian : ati n. The j

late Mr. Wvllie ever accompanied the m..-n- - :

ti.-- of the name of Mr. Ilichards with tl.e j

warmest txj of .raise, and on a certainoecasioii, when the id-a- i was jurp.sted that tlieannuitv be discontinued, he was per- - i

boll ..oht. Mr. II .tL-ii.s-. th- - Haw.iil-i-i.Tl., tr. If.,.,?..r. 1 t T.i-,.r- i- of !,. T.l-in.-


appears to haw trave-Ici- l out of his sphere asan imj4trtial historian, to rsorve in the capa-city of a calumniator, and hettp "obloijuy upon

of Admiral'sremarks II' arrived,

ViKathp.e- c-




itieal ,

part for this nation was eLnc bytlie Ilichard?, he may upona r from tlie of Consul inLondon.'

Anion,; tho.--e laboring; in the of theLand may Ik? honorablysuch as John llic-r- d. Lee. JudeIb.bi John Ii, and others. Mr. andMr. Armstrong were not formally, we believe,

.iiiuctod with the Commission, but theircounsel and advice often

for. Mr. Andifws also did ofinterpreting. The of writing, trans-lating and patient investitzatiuii thc.--e

nun ruicd is inconceivable, except by thoseintimately acjuainted with tlie undertakin-g;- .

Most of the copying was j crformed by natives,and tl.e manner in it is executed is inthe highc.--t decree creditable to theirscholarship and The survey. too.

1.- - i Iw uara ana pr:. rmea i.hcir mostcr-ditu- That e.ce.uMonally lo ;

in their surveys is no more than j

might bo expected. In reference to the building !

of Home, there is an saving, JJ.-- cf

opt:. f.. 4 Thi.-- is work" this is labor."Wi:h it w ill apply to the i

1ov:li.ay-Imk.i?- ;' the Hawaiian Kingdom, j

This is one of the rcuit, of the Ameri-- 1

can to the.-- c islands, and yet, Mr.kins Las the to publish to the i

that tills has been a failure," ;

the Oxl ri a j rears tj be itinerating' '

England and mJeavoring to j rove the same

in :h- - c.::-i'l-i-t!.- at M'-- :-u, ..,,; . 1 it ' .. -- !',

th- - le:l.l-- ;- t' n.'t only as t.iihng to repte.--. :;ttn.lv th- - !. ;rch . :' E: '..in.l. but ab . .,s hot ir. ;

.1. ;, ... .. : .' 1 : .:. . :. ti.ui..'.. lh.' ii. .i ....ui i ,i .."ii ii.- - ..rt -1 t bv a.b'.a.-- -.: a': . ed t. ..

This f. eli-t- f.un.l . t n on Th;:r-.ia- v

at Chelm-h'-r- d. The Li-h- --. oj R- did Tservice i th- - tan : !ru:h. lb- - iudiriai.tl v . v.p..-- -d tl.e 'utility d e:::..;. m . f the' argutfi.t t- -

...v.iiin ::.te n. i ireij :;; y i.;--.

I It j this Mi

"e are confident however that, duethe truth will prevail and the c. of larti.s

To sh-- w the cs'i:uati..:i in whi.k th- - w. rk .',this auth r is . w. will a. id tha'. at th- - ::ucti..-- i

of Mr. Wyiiie's b. ...I,--- , a c t v ..f .; k::i'lEst .rv . f th

at th- - !::-- . gre . f r an.ft.-.-

- .. was kti''. k- -d h".w.i a: halfwhi'e i - i i ?': -- . ...hi t .:

try . nTit-- H miiiiwwwnwiitiii'! rrrr

"1.. i. ..!-- . i r..t..-- r i.-l 'I!.,. !ri, !.,!



Ol of

Mi.-sio- n


i4,f t r k i 1 1 7'ii sl, .Ii tl.f II Ul ii; ,i. i.v.l.b- -

to and the right and willtliiall v trium j !i.

notes or Tin: vi:i;k.t

A.IAX tr. Kvcs l.uW tia- -


v.ino l..r: j.a.'t ton ,!avs l...,kin - f,r tia-ar- -

rival 4 ... -I i::ivr. a;.:. .u;. I t

.: ,j . ,, ,f .. ... , , . ... t r i - , l . .

;..,. i.;.t s.t;;:i.!;i i;; r:i:.!n!i:h: anv ..:l.i-- r L.a.r a I'-'-


va.s ulvti-.- ' :1a-- rt-.-f- . and h-- w hi-:- !.'

ua.-hear-.l and that :a-- t hv tla- - Aj---- . aa-- i

i... A j...ki-- r a.!; ar-.ta- i!' t:.oooca-- i .n. :..-x- i tht- - stcaa-- r l.av- -ia-- ' arriv.-- d al.uitt ::iidaidit.a!.d thatsa to th- - v.d.ar' ia ui.ir.f .f 'aj.:. .v. a. Iti l l"i 1 .ait : h.' t!:' J't'r. l!.:n H.-ad- .

-- h.- had U-t-- to take th..' Kin.' t- - his w...;l.-h!- .' ra-.ch-.

I: u- - t a sturv v.v oiu-- . L.-ar- d while livingia itik. many cars ag... whi a there wastriea anxiety ahuat tia- - nun-arriv- : a iair.-aU-

Meam.-r- . An ii.vetcrut.' wa.z a wdM-.-.:..w!- i

harl.er in Ann or s..a:- - uth.-- r str. : i.:at:. rl!a-- . :lnd in a state of j. , n.l

t l. - V.'.-ll- . th-- - s hi : -- !.,- a v. h.-- r

j.il..t and earil.-- away l.r pip.-s- . She had a vr.e.vdr,i v.z rs two hundred ..r nd tlie

- t tins ii:..!ar.' a .h-z.-- r.i -- r !;.-w-

111 '" to catch iu-- vi the la:.- -t

121 v,- - hvn one i:i'l"ire.l. - What is if.'- -Oh. 1 l'-- s in.'." th waj. - it ,,idv the

Ur.a.klyn -- lj..ot : she came over cruw.'.-d- . andcarried hack her pilot as w-- il as Ler stack pipes.'"A hearty l.ui;ih l,ur.--t out fn.in the out.-id-r- s. whiieth- - 'yo'. fi'ncs iliraj'peared.

Th- - mo.--t plausible -- cluthin of th- - no:i-arriv-

of the Aj"X is. that the st um had s.-- t in iaCalifornia prior to the day set f.,rand that it detained her. 1 e it set in ..n ihe Otii.and it is not unlikely that it c.i:iiiieuc-- u?new!iat

ari;.-r there. Ti..- -e y....,-,- ,v-


acros the ocean, and are mole seven- - nearer te c a-r. Now. a had a h.r- -- numh-- r of pas- -

'l. and al-- o is expected to have acouMcraiih' fi.-ih- t f..r th- - r , atid

i the:-- , it is not iniprohable that the 1 . i j 1 m:Lave i ii so s-- wre ;.s t. it i!nn..iJilc t- -

n,.iJit ;iI11 .,t ,,r as adverti-ed- . We hawLul h,.lv SC;tlVt.Iv U!1V cessation in th- - uihe.lv

coa.-lin- .r choo!ier lost, the casks of oil aLiandeted. and loivij'u trunk, not a,.,.. . here, told of some oa-se:!- i-. r!;!; wr,.,..U, ,ip,.rhaps a a r. A m. ::,-- r

Wa' despatched to learn the truth, and f--nnd thatti,.. r,.M.t ..initiated from the 5iiid:n:-- r of a ham-- l ofr..;tL-- n .rai:2-- s on the b-:- uh at AVaialaa. in whichwas a sniall loll of clothits": and some money,which probably wa- - thtf-w- overboard from theA -- '" her last tri? down frma Kena.It as a fair illustration how v. illtloW a.S they WW eh

TiiE Lancaster. This fin- - war steamer will leavein a f.-- days or as soon as her stores arrive, whichhave be-- u ordered from .aii Tranci-co- . to which

.t t i.iu'.i it. iM'.if.. tiii 0 :..r .ti r f 11


naval men. of beitiy-- ; tlie ino-- t plea-a- nt place in tinworld to visit, oxceptiujr only Constantin...1.- -. tinclimate of is very similar.

Winter in Lvrnest. .Save only in th. tempera-ture, our weather durinjr the mentii of January1: is had a perfect res-tnbhit- tce t the st riayweather of the Mi. Idle .States ia America, thrillwinds whistling the and

tlie trees, the house, tearing upgrass and shingled roofs, and rendering it aluio.-- timpossible to accustomed sleep, dark nicloud:- - that look heavy with snow. Lidding us lookout for rough weather, while ihey n to rain,

every one of the eld and di-m- al in. .nth ofDecember tit home. The blighting rtfects of the

wind can b- - ecn now to a degree -- eld-ni

wittie.-s.-- d, in the stripped and loilora look of thel'lid- - of India proves town. As s..;i asthe trad- - wind- - return, however, ta-- y will be againcovered with Ldiage ti'.m -- t immediately.

The V. S. S.vn:taky Commission. An a-- .

cunt of tl.e atid e.vt.enditr.res of t!.N organiati-- u. ir.g a j.eriod of f.-- tr year-- , fromJune 1'7. lfrtl. to July 1. lrrtjo, at which date thenpei ati ,a of the Society elo.- -. d. It was organizedto the sick and woiirided in tin" war. andform- - one of tlie examples on record ofbo ged 'in i- -ti m c':.u ity in warfare. Ti e lolha-.vin-

ih- - tals of the as pubii-h-- d :

1 1 1 1 : . 1 1 ; i 'St

Cash cu Juty 1 03.

Sinoim;. Dr. Ha'.l. iu his i ;"-- .

stysa g.-e- many choice things, but Lone moret u.- - than the f.dh.uir.g about which

l Ai-- t -- f a l.,rk.. hcaUh.K.r. the roie- -. the f the thrvnt an 1 Iu:- :-. an 1

l.vkxe.Jr, Cl..t:,:0-m....t--;


,- .- An entertar.-.ta- . tit. or ptctu: :. wa.- - given to

"!:i,-vr-'- s ": -.-s on urh. r Excellency. Mrs. b.arir, r Dominis. at Wai- -

p.: ,i ,. ih.-r- W.-l- e pfe-.-- nt aj. 1 ,.,.;:!v ladies and :;.-- !:. t. shl-::- :, andsli a::,.-r-

'N. thing has lo-:- : frm th- -

- there h..s been no arrival fr--- K.r.ha- - dating the week. The .I.'Ot ar.d Ar'.'Lav.' b- :h been th-- :e t:...- - p -t week, at.d o:e ofthem v.iii j arriv- - to-u.i- T or

t Tv.-.u:-:. The ;.,' .'. will -- all

t th- - Aiii-rL-- att a..d European mails. File-- ?

i th- - Ai-v- i 1. -r i; c.sa be pi., ur.-d- . as l. atdin i i"i mailing.

tho memory of this benefactor the Hawaiian j port he will proceed. It was the hivn-p--.jl-- ?.

"Alas! ambition," Mr. p- - j tioii. when he to spend several monthskins, dwells unstarched j

h-- re. but the Lreakir.c: out of the war betweenwhite cravats and suits of alpae-ca.-

'''-i.e- . c-- Liai t as it is

Newr w.is there off.rcd a gratuitous in- - v.sary l- -r Lim to be nearer the scene of troublet!!:i: this:he m ,t rem te part of his station.the memory of u man, who would


Mr. retireduties

workCoiami--sion- , liuntioU'-.- l

men JudeJudd


fluence, calleda





jr-jric- ty



effrontery worldmi.v-i..- n and





st.trt-- .l th-- u;:;i.,p:-,-

Hill'- -




iiu-tak- ...

Lr.-urh- t




hate.-hi- n








relieveeti- -

reportv.vr. j.v.v




futther heard



Mack leave,



fotit;J what

wait, truth



tioble.-- i


j..mt ! all the g. ed of Kn-h- uid are '"' tanght in L. .1-- land :

n- -t astray by his fl., rid aHoals is manife.t X. tllt;:the following paragraph from a Church 7. 'X? rXt .ITc t , b.. r wil; ern as i:.u.-- no a c r ho -i- v-s1 1 ... a..v to I ir:.s a-- , i :rid -- s::"n. ..:....,men -

A o-r- i. -iai-nt ot the l.- -. .! s.r. - : . .-- 4.' , -- : . a nt tl -

Th- - .;t-- .lt mai-li- tv f !;.- .-. V1... .;-.- 'later. ,"t.d i.'.'". I . f v. an 1 if h-- "c Zll. rob J ar.e of i. ro-- -j

i ..:?:; .'..r;:r. An important... . . , , ;.,...CI '.ii'i! i .. . : r,.i, - ..: I e i; e.ue

i . .

Ram-.-- , dating a uajo.ity of this wee... .: seem-- -;

:!:ai th. (Vm::. a- - !

. Mr-- . I. .i!:: i n t'.i ; ;

J..::.t l'iik.i-.-:..':i-l.:t!:-- hw.uUvi . '


'" ''::-- ' tL"' ,,,lU'it: I

i:: :! - I..:, i-- Mrs. Ivaa.akau i!a;: u j

I.v a !.;.::.! C a Awav.i. ovtiti to her i

Hi : K.-'.- a'.. m:..,.. Ti.- - l....;::.'.at . t:.tt.1. i::- - la-It- :N- - lh:::s !' Koua'o ih

la--.-:- - v . !' : ii:i a: t! i-- I!.'."., lu'.a

k:: a a- - V.'aik'.kt '.ai:. at:.', rali.-- Kulakahnaj ia hi-.-!- , an- - . mo ivty l.-t- .' whh-- ha .'... . -.- Id

t v. :. ; j - hy th- - ;.v.-tT.nu-nt- . 1H. .

: 'v:i. it..- - .,..:;.!.:.' i - viua .w...

( th- - Mta;-;.-- ;- .; t:.o I ::!: i .. r ti:-- - ' ... . rn:::-:u- .

I :- - .d.-- tr.-a- i s .i.v::.-:- i t tao i u:ajary i ,.ai- -

a::d tho ca-- o has I..-- . a i::v 't:.cat-- andv it. u; . a' i:..;.i-.r- y and al.iiity ! .

I !..:-.:-- . M v.t-ir- ry and Th. ;.;- -. :i f..r tho a'.!.-l-- i

,! ! '.'.-- t. - r;.. :.i.t..-l!,-,- . The! ..... r .!.::.:. .:i .n.'..:i thf .a.-.--, ii.vi.lv- -

it ih-.- -. - .:ia- - imjM'rtant and utlllctdt iacs- -

ti".:-- .I ii-r.- n: r-.- Sv:::. lrs i;- - ia h . t a' I '.ocaSity t'.T a -- raz;:;:: r d.i:ry ranch, are re- -

red to th.- - adveitis-na-- nt in to-da- y f.-- r

! the of ih.- - farm of the late C..i. Kin-- - on j

i Md-.kai- . w l av.- - n. a r v;m d it. int have Ire- -

li'ientlv h.-ar- it :v.kea of wry eal- ,

I it v. dav ill - wh.-- a th--- e cl...i states, j

. i ? miMiit.i:-'- - t..r .taz.i! or suirar plantations wm notI..- - r. aiiiiy obtained.

mast ii-- : ad :i.Assr.s.A FKW (HOICK M AST 1 1 !' A 1 CJ I..A SS KS

J ..'us; ai:-- lor sate I y; t C. K. lnil.KKS.

I'tiit ki:xt.THAT DKSIKAItl.K IIOl.'SROX r.I- -

r'f? A A K, c"i. t.iit.iui; ix rw'ics ami serv-ar.t-

balh-tious- t.i;,.n!.-- ,

13 J. W. Al'STIN.Ii :.olal J in. 27. 1C6. ao.j-l-

I'fS OT( It A 1 1 1


It KTO l"C" II I X (i loue in Ihc !( maiiiivr, 'Hill on th- - iuot reasonable

.A'... f..r - ile i"h' l .era oh if ll." Cralcx K i I : licit anI 1 1 si Kn In. an.l :!i.-- r l.-'- I rkvij. the KIMIS li.U

11 km x.-.- . si-- .

At the Gallery on Fort Street.111. !.. CMA.-- K.

1'. s Havois: i.archas- -l the Portrait --!fr.-- Mr.

W' .lu) he.ite cp:-.-- can lo ha.l by tho.--e .. in wishing1. r t!i - - ,::.e.

COO Jin 11. I.. C.



ii IVOaliea," Oil XTlOlokai !Ij ofT r1 f. r f'T th- - nr...?e of closing the estate f thehit a; tain TIloM AS KINO.

Ti.'- - Ian : - smiat.-.- I on tl.e Eastern ph.I of ;..!okai amic.:,-.:- . ablU .W arre.wf which arees - e.j.t C :: l. ei l. Th- - la:. ! ext-- ml f..-- the mnui.laia toth- - s a. n ....:-!- ! -- i a.- -l . tf the Ca-- t , to tl.e lan.l. an.llb-- re is a lai-lin- u- f..r boats an-- a fishing r: line streamof water run thn-.- h the I m.l an.l there U an abunJance (.fW i lb ori tlie estate.

'1 h - is or- .- of the t n the proap. pivin a- i.-- i view of t b ch nai-- 's :i:: l the oji-- n ij the

1 i.ti.l is i iV re.l for sale to close the estate.For pui ticulai'a aj'i '.y to

FRANK MOI.TENO,Execut.-- an.l A lia:n!-- f rat' r,

5.;.-S- Or t a PETER II. TREADWAY, Lahaina.

just iii::i:ivi:d ruo..i'

FEW KECJS OF KXTliA No. 1 Sl t. AIl.t'ta. I', r sale in all lots by


'.s Kaaiaea Plaritati n.

The Foundry Business, j

WJKUKTOFOIiK FAltltIKO () LXDERS. th- - tiat.ie TuoMAS 11L GH1.S, will fiom this .late

be can k-- 0:1 uu-K- the name if i

Tlie II0110I tilii Iron Works Company j

All or apt.'i.'ation for n for temb ra, j

coi tracts, or for information connected with the busintss, may ;

1 ac.iressed to I


ir to J ANION, CKEEN .V Co., Aar-i.- t-.


II .iiolulu.Jail. 1st. 100 ::'--

J 111 Ii u l.iin.l"4 lf PUll UlVii.l'' !


g MtOVI TIIK AllOVK PLAXTATIOX FOItm s lie ai u iantr.i'.- - to Suit b.y

5j5 am WALKER, ALI EN A: Co.

CALIFORNIA FLOUR.Per Last iVoni San Fi ancisco.4 t ll"AltTi;i: SATKS (.(ILDEX GATK:99 lnKER EXTltA.

4'JO Quait'-- r satki Ooldcii eiate Extra Family,la barrels ei jijen Gate Extra Family.

For Sale by:05-O- t BOLLIX A: Co.

oui-:;o- sa l.mx"FX llAIlilKLS AM) HALF IIAItUKLS, A

Sfuperi'.r qaaii-.y-.

F- -r Sale byJJJ...t BOLLES i, Co.

sircAit-- TIMTK Clll SHED ind lir.OWX Sl'tJ A ItV For sale by

l J kit BoLLES A: C...

c oiidaci:B AXILLA FOIiIAiK. SIZF.s FliO.VI 1- -2

k'i moii t- 0 Miches. San Fran.-isc- ai, I Boston mauutuclur-- .

.MAXILLA ('OKI)A('K, China manufacture, TomI inch 10 1

li KM I FOIl D.lft K. bt P.ussia abort-ed :..i!.

S'.;a:'.s-- , Mariii..', Jioa--i.ii- -. Spunyarn. 4c, 4rc.

i.'. i: For sa'.e by Bo ELKS 4' Co.

CANVAS, from No. 1 to No. 1.

f A LKS OF SCOTCH FLAX CANVAS, AJt Jt v. ry supvri.r :n:ici.-- . and w.irra..t-.- a fr-.-- fr..:a Jute.

.Vii-S- t For r by P.oLLES 4 C ..

K;.viis.OKI. XOIITE. AM)2CKOOO id'-J'.-

c M.iioia. Fru.t r.::-l-

F- r aie I v I'ijI-Li-.- - C .


J .J a:, i oi.oN'.h.o.F r S.o- - by BOLLES 4-- C

3IATCH ES.BOSTON CARD MATCHES.1 F.T I v th- - e .i-- e ..r or

BoLl.ES .t C.'Li' J- it

ki:rosi:xi:rOIt SALE BYL l o hi I: r.L!.S 4 C)

AND ROSEXDAI.E CK.MKXT.rt. fays a !y on hi:. ! f r -- a:e i ar t

S 4 Co.



S 4 CO.



Si-Ill-3 STOEES !

Constantly r n 1. vr.d d F'-- ?. at l..v Prices.

!.r. r.t ;: .t.!.::- - c ...

. t .... . .t. t:...:. :..,...! . i;I ..m n- -. I ' .... ....w.. ...... ............. iCk





A Corrcrliuiii. - . ... -. . . . .. i .. .,., til lie 1

the Liih int.. that the Board.. in fnnn- -:, -- raat of j

t!iiv t',-- tla- - r...atIinL: tr -;- rl-. U-- i.t

bv K,.v. o. 11. Culivk. at Oalat" ,

" This Iha- - um.Io ii.. ai'i-licaiio- lor any ai-l- .

ti-a- !.r fun.iiur.'."s 1 a;i t'..o rrhu-iual- . t'.a- - Tr.-aMircr- . and th

, , - .1,.mv dl.:::.-s:- : ' Ai.t ot t:a- - s. iu.o.. i .tm.ii...Mut i, a: .i f..r tin- - '.:; tiaio thi-.-a-- th.- r, that 1'".' turuitun- - i r iw ch..lha- - t.o- - ii mad. t!a' V aid i'f IMaoaiioii. an.li,.avn that :o l:a hw-.- irratiti-- ly them tor thatj.p-j,,..-



- i... . !;as to 'nako -

t..-- i. f..'- - i:d t.-'- - f'O I shall most r'.-'t.'clt-ail l .: aoclino to ;u-o-.- 't tho grant

Vours. truly. O. II. tlri.K'K.

Waialua. Oalm. Jan. IS. length



1 t.avi::; Ut-- rtCeiuiy uiuc'a t'tt'uiged auj wiih ascomj-le- a

Ht of rioi :As i to be frutnt on the l'.u ilio Coail, are ireiatv.l to exeouto

V. XCS I X V. V. K 1 X WO It KS of a II K I Ms:

At very iiioiUraie rates. j

STF.AM F..VCIXF.S,lioii.KKs, nmiiKiis.

T A X KS. S ti A It MILLS,'

( KM UIi rG AL M ArillVF.S,.c, A:.. iVc.

Exeeut-- .l on !nrt ii' tice.

Fatterns of several sizes Sugar Mills are on hand'

For 5a!e, !i!Ter.-n- t ti.-s- , are on lian.l an.l in iirr-pre?-

Tl.e C.Ei.:ny tcouI.1 call th-- - attention of to thernot reoei.t ana f Tin if

Vaccuum Pan,Of whii-- .let lil.- - l are to -.- in the oftice, an.luu., to t he of .loiii; a ay with Air fumjis. an.l tla" motive! r r tl.-t- n. in th- se staation.- w h- - re a suilk-L-i.- t ;ii in:ity;.:..l l,.-:- i 1 water thus reii.b-rin- tl.e VACCld.MI'AX at the s .::.e time the in. t eltieient, eo.n..mi,al. ami

!c evai-o- at. r- -. Xiae;:j-:- s iiiital a short witlioutcharge.

They wuu'.'.l also ca'.l atte'itioii to their large stock of


mh as :

SIIAI'TIXC, of nil usual elzes up to S

LUASi COCKS and VALVES of Sl'l'EUIOK make.

Iron Piping,Kihows and Tees,

India llub!ier Packing,Injectors,' Steam Gauges,

liT.ST UIlsT UAK IROXXUoiler Sheet Iron. Angle Iron.

loi;er lubes, tec, czs.

A l'ran!it-ina:- i f e"-rier:e- e in Pairnr Maehin.'ry N cru- -, : ',e,l. whow.lp.t u;. pl.ivs a:.-- ,lraw,r,gs of works or uia- -

c!..n.-r- to s ia tl.e v,es of

'v l"'s'lVIVrV... V a- -' l' llY, It M4 1 1 IVLlt, ,.:iu-r.- i- I r Machinery can be iunnshe.1 withproini'lituile aiul economy.

Apply toTII0S. IIt"iIIES, Manager.

Or to JANION. GRKEN A: Co., Aij(i:t'.

rJT3ac UnIesipriicI lisavcFOR- - SAJL1? ! .



Composition for Coppered Vessels.



One 12 Horse IVvver Horizontal

st i: a.ii i:x(;ixi: and uoilerComplete.

S03 ha JANION. GREEN 4 Co.- -




Ltrj: . meduan and small patterns. ;


Fine Cobor.rgs J

High nnd low cost Black Alpaca, figured patterns

White Tarltons, Fancy French Prints,

Ar i" y 1 ino Linens !Assorted Qaalitiej.

Will T E I. I X E X SHIRTS.i' a' Very l ine hlid N- - W Style '

Black Trimmed Silk Mantles! j

Children do. do. do. j

India Kubb.-- r Tig r lings fr Carriag-- s.


Blue WiHi.1 Ueii"aU.While AVrllr.1 BciinU.

Trimmel Felt Hiding Hats,

27 Inch Silfi Pongee. J


i' a x c v c; a u p i: T i x c:I

bolts canvas.

Fenchihr Wire, ZSTo. --1 find 0.I

London and Colonial Co. POUTER,IN lit ARTS.


I3 lil Ti, IP TJ ZVI 11 Y !

Which will be Sold Very Low.Co!i;.s.t:::? cf

Far cy and Br vrn V.'Ia.'.s rLirire r..sor'.::;-.-n- t or i.u!,;i,'a. -.-

or.-h'. and Price's Best !

F'.r:vCr.-am- . T ,.fr. Past?-- .

C..!:-po;i'..- for C! v.h-- s ia drawersG Hueii's l Ap-r- iti.; K.iu Coloi-ri..-. I



HAIR HI.S AND POMADES. 4c, kcr.c'.-r.-

f from the ca-t- . It is se'.d .1:1 that a naval ve--. l ; S Jnft 5feSr5l? ,b c 'imiiit: the and Aiiiba.stdor . .,. 4JJ&a aWwwi . itTait fthas been here the whose rs ' 111! I'll,. ...... I

1 J

r t"t. !':lulu, r",". tl'.t '"lk:,,ir',,,T Sug-ai-- & Molasses ! JIM 1J, MIM k lO.,

t-- r-l nr- -n his ohil and career only dtifi.i,,

to t!i(. f.irniealtho,!! it lias bee, i

iron, the in-- st sense of duty. hen O.i .Ta Si. V 1 iA, i c8vimj'Crious t,.c vml,.t t..t!..i:1 (lf xh,. Vt..ir. Mie of th. m re- - 1""? I01 rs'' FManly Hot-kin- , of London, .has done one bun- -1:l;-k,.- ,at nuoPal,, Las 'th-- ataoi' filtOP NOV COMlX IXAX1) FOR SAI.K j


thatlamentedn.-ion lif--

weregreat amount





indirectILp- -




n.w-ekN- l

cl.-st- .-r




si:;rl- -




ab-.u- t

her det.artui.



hue-corner- s



Mwi-s- .

That .jle ia theled

7 ::pv aL-e- : n




a::: tr--::- i

aTh- -





lit. A















of vi-t- ,



Sn-- w



- , ,r c Ey tin schooner .!; letters In. r.i HifJ

wen' received . only two week- - l. lint t i

ot so l.a.l as t!n- - want r t'.iiiii..i:n- ;ii. n wiUi

L.ll)ama Si,lco tho last arrival of ihe ,,7,.,,,M.,1.,rr,-,u-- . ther.- - was no i,ai! r...

tV.n i ..haiuu until vt-ttn- lv. ami i,as.M-n- .

p.rs who Wt.nt up ia tiu. couM ut.W K,.t

.lck iv ;.,., ;lrun.l to Kal.ulni.

J- - S. WALKBK, S. C. ALLiS.w on

IinjKirtors an.l C. inm u t. re.', intn iu (ionTlMerchi lii-- , au.t Ap'UlJ f r the ale ( IshmJ prtAuc.

ALSOpeit for tlie I.ihue, Mtioalf, iu.l rrinrevill Tl iDtMict!.

50t-lj- r

. n. ,.si:;i:i.Zvs:,fnyfuanu Str,,t. near thr h'harf STJ Kc an.1 LKAP I'lffalways on tiand. Ji.ljOiiip ..I all kia.ls atten.K-.- l to. ioi-l- j

ON DET k. 3NT X) !

C. BREWER & CO.!Have Just Received

HT'roiTT. Smi lrmioi.sco !


l!l ltMI IJ AC;S. CofT.-- UaSS.

II A I.F.S Ui:sT IIF.MP ll ('K.


:joo cass:s coalSTATIC) M'.KV



i5,()oo i:asti:kx im:d iskicksA M I'KltlOIt AKTICLK.

ITtOR SAI.K 15VL ioa tin V. 11 RK WKIt 4-- Co.

DA I It V SALT7MR SAI.K 11 VI OuS-l- C. CREW Kit i Cn.

Sugar and Molasses Containers.XO S tiill. P I X Ii S I H X) K S. clean an.l brit'hfj

J 'u(;4r,. .VOOAN, clean aiiJ bright;14 HALL. CHEXTMCT .SlJOOh.s, clean k biitl,t;01 iJ.il.L. i'.Vf.' SHOCKS,

(i ALL CIESTML'T MOOA.S.PIXF. HO X KS in .sh-.ks- , to h.ll about HQ

It Hl O A K , 4U h oks, for Molass- s cr yru..For p ile l.y

M5-n,- n C. LHl.WKi: if Co.

iioitsi: iowi:iisf TWO IIOKSK I'OWni M.4CIIIXFS.



S05-3- n C. LREU t- -

l.ouisiAXA cam: kxivi:s,With Extra Steel Dicks.

v I.K 11 VVtV,,37t'ii C. DREW EH"L


Fi-- rs.it? byau51:ii C. LREWr.R Co.


tia-- VICES Blacksmiths and Cuoiers.For Sale by

Soa lm C. BREWER 4 Co.



And For Sale at Low Eates !

FLOWSA (l I'O WS, X.. 2, 1 - 20. Gi

m. AliUi'.r?!-- . rujtif, l.acl'? A, Eaj'.' U, I.al.- - II.

SIDE HILL PLOWS, A No. 2, A No. 3. A No. 4;

STEEL PLOW?, U. G. Ci; X 1. X V. ti.

Itxtra Teeth for above Pattern--- .

l'LOWS, with and without W. 4 C.





Hay Cutters, No. 'J, No. No. 4

II m CuttersVery large with pully and bihincc whel

For Cutting Sorghum Cane Tops, w. Ac.FAN MILLS.



OX YOKES, various sizes.

OX ROWS, assorted size?.



l'LANTEirs IIOES, assorted sizes.


LEATIIF.lt BELTIXC. 2, 4, an 1 5 inch

RFIIIIER IJKI.TI XO, h, J. 4 4 ii.uhei, 4 4 j.y

And a Variety of Smaller Articles..G.i-ta- n

CHA!. WOI.roTT HHO..K-- , W. KKANK I.AI.P, HlWAhfl f. l!AIt-,.'- .


(loiMiiission jScrcfaanls.Af.F.XTS FOR 11 1 3


lllO.OltllSA.FIl.lflStflOFFICE. 1 1 Sa I'orni'r VI 1'i rliu n I

S TiIiVrClSSCO.A It T I C F L A 11 A T T E XT I O X V, I V E X T OS the Purchase. Shipment and Sale of Merchandise ; to

Transhij-meii- t f.f eio.'.ii ; the Chartering :.nd Saleof Vessels ; the Supplying cf Wha'.eships , and the NcL'otiati'.no;

Exchange on Honolulu in surns to suit.ADVANCES MADE OX CO XSKJ X'M EXT'S.

REFER TOWalker. Allkx A-- Co , J as. Ht ssKTTKLi. Esr., Bo.-to-

Honolulu. IlKSKT A. Pkip.ck .V-- Co. "Ben j. F. Sno-- . E.., liCTLP-R- , Sl-- K .V C(t.. 'C. Bkkw fr .i Co., .V Co.. New Yrr'.;.

Co., WM. If. F.m.s Co.. "Thus. Spi.scia:, Es.(., II'Io. I tl. l i t..: A: Co.. Shan-ti- a.

At i.mani. .V Co , li mair i'va. M'e'r-AK- i N. Mram.l. A:. Co.iVlS-l- v P-- rtt i il, 0."T'i'



Page 3: .1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK, Iuijrtrt'-r.'i-, Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al--r in ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct--re in Nuinmu

i: v ii. u . si: i:it a MT..

On WIncM!;y, - - Jan. 3!1,At III 0Im-L-. A. M.. nl Sulrm I'.oom.

H'ill 1. '...' :



M ir.lir. ru.l, l kro, K'T'V.'illiibg, l'ryt.xlv, ,

Mi-r- , AW. WrU-r-.



w . C. TAIiBOT.KU. IIAIX.MA.V. Mii-le- r.

Will hive, fjni'-- k dispateh for t!ir :i?H,ve rt.

tor rr-K- t r lVi.vu;' :l toII. IIACKfKLD '

For New Bedford Direct !

The A 1 Clipper Sjhip

Blue Jacket!J. S. IIII.M NC II A l. Jr M-i- .i.

Will .Sail t'jr the above iort al.ut February 1st.--r HIV KKKlilIlT, luch Wl, lli'I'S, UiNiim, tc,

io-i-i.- t C. L. lUCHAKI).-- C;.. ni.t-- .

For lJXffTHI STATIC.The Am. Clipper .Ship

Greorges !C V. IIKC'STIS. Sfn-r-.


A fly tr.i.t. iiixstis,

Sua ::t Or ti C. I.. RICH A !'.!: & C.

Kt'niiir 5isp:iicla E,iaicFOK.



O o Hi et,capt. AXi)Ui:' fiillkr.

WILL HAVE tJl.'ICIC Mil'ATCH,F'T ffll.t or j.a-.-':i- :JJ'!y toOOl II. HACKKKLD 4 CO.

rJho Schoonersvr. ' ' x-5-L 2 G 2 2"


"3101 KEIKI!"IV ill ran regular ami with (1'iirk Difpul'h,

Between Honolulu and Kahului.S'liii'ii'-r- t an ! can rely on th: regularity of th--

7;A,,,,'yt,, jim."..-- .


iOl Cro l;ol. EES A: CV

Fresh Znnle Currants and Raisins.t . c:lass j Aits For ? il-- ' I'V

50O5 l;ol.l.KS & CO.

Ilfiwaiian Stoam midGENERAL INTER-ISLAN- D HAV. CO.

w niNSFiirKNCE or tiik acciiiext1 "t. tl,.: tTK VMt.i: - MI.Al E," th- - -. !i- -.- r

aSi O 11 7L I' Cl ,LAMRERT, Mast-r- .

Will run Kogularly to KA W A ISA IS,

T. IION'OII'I' a o.jnrtur.ity off.-r- .

At 7ettie Merrill I

Will run Kiularly to IjABIAI.VA !


i ;o Tuu.Will run Kularly to MilA.



N. If tli- - Klt.Al'F.A li"u!l r..v- - t.i Im- - ti.t.illy lot.EV SI Kl.MEUSMi.tlj nli.t.-- l t. tlf w.iiti of

tti.- l!.nU wM t' i.l.l. I l tli rar'.n -- l :Mo

k'.r furth- - r rli-uU- ai-l'l- toC...t. FRANK MoETENO.

Or JAXItiN. OREEX A: Co.,Acent II. 5. auJ O. I. I. X. Cn.

'ii!)!iini sum niiFixtuv

rjKail VI MtlMSES I'UOM TIMSri-- i nt f..r itl qalu'iti- - to fur.-,-

, r l.y,r....t WALKER. AI.LEX X Ct.

lUXiI.L"EI', JsiiRT lt, lv:.riHK rMr.irsif:xKi havi: this divI i'-- t rtuerlii f r tin? tr.ii.u :i.ii of a lfn-r-- il

lfra i:i I -h uii.l. r the liriu tianie au.l tyle vlAf.ni? .vl Acfiii..

A rL&Z it ACIU'CK.

lilcloilcoii For Sale I

sri'EUIIlK MKI.OIIKO.V,fX? rTl 4 fmitli Jt II inirin, m.lr. iiiirii!n-n- t

'fHrV u,,,,? " r a!"1I - i 1 ci:.:i:m.h. F r i arti.t:!ir rcft r t Iir. J.

1. P. FOP.D.

House to Rent !

.t i.v xri'.ixr VAi.i.EV. two amhili ii.j'j fi'.ni t.vn. F .r jar:i.-ul:i- r apply tma C. E. WILUAVi, li,,i-...!u!-

ji.l 4-- . Of J. II. Wi !.

To H.cl.rpuit: m.i;!i:i.K kuo nt or eke. ovkr

C ti;f I'.j:-tc- o. p .i-.- -- i.,:! iv. n i.i.ui'-.li:it- f .y."Ot. Ai i ly t . li. M. WHITNEY.


2 X!-'- in tfi u: unii--r I ho n.i:ne 1 ty leA I.IIKK'II. WAMiElt N. C'... uu .!:-..- !v.l ontl.. .W- -t nl;., Iy liruit tiu:. E.:!i-- r of I'.f .tr:i- - will si-- n inl..'.ul.tt'n. W. A. AI.'-RTCH- ,

.t. s. wai.:;er.A M"I. C. AI.I.EN.

Co-P- a ft iio3.liil- -

'AMit: i:OKiisif: ki ii r.f: to xhtifvfi !l..' j.u .ii.- - t5.:it tii"V W'H C rry .n th huiil'--a i I hv Al.l'UH'll, WALKER .V C., uii.l. r

.. t .t, if f i W ii I U-- A ll'it A. o- -


ii . .i i i i ic"-"- . :.o. ii.i

iiv J. ii. on:.On Tiicm!;i, - - - - Jan. 30,

A I HI oc-lo-!i-. A, t.. itl S;m Room,

Wii! ; ,!J

A f2fii-ra- l Aorluiont if

o i e li a i i cl i o !

ami ;

i.wokii: or statio.i:rv.si .os tii:!

1MAXOS Ti VKIIauil REI'AIK- -f' &- .1 l... I III- -

II i I Liloik oil I'iiil.u . fJuilillMr,lrr I.-- kt thr E kl"ir wi.! m- - t w.l'i j r 'ii.j.t :tt'i-nti.ji- i.

Col .''ill

17 Rlark 4 lolli


At 7VI 1 o ii ii il".TJl Ira Fort St., rj.p-.Mt- Iiickscn.

Real Estate For Sale!AT l I'll I. I' Al I'TMIX. I!V f-t-march next, if n- - t .f tfS

LXX. at i,riv:tt.r A fill' NT It V It I SI JLil-,'('- at :i. n-- ar the li lui'.i- - fr.-- Iloii- -

liilu. a cu.it;il t;m I l- -r :i M-.r- aii.lI'-.- r Mi-- full ;. 1" t-

roM-i- t J W. AUSTIN.


1 A J:iiu.-- Riv.-- r Siii-.kni- - , In 1 iiu I i It.. I:i- - ka'i-3- .

3I:tyllv'r, Oroiioko,An.! a vari'-- t y .f l!i- r Praml-i- . A small l"t nf

II A V A sT A o- - A II s .F.r s.il- - hy

ED. H.FK.Ci;LEtiKU STA PENH RT.4'j7-"- iii

)A('KLII IIV Mli. K. KKI I.L, KALAI,an.l 'I I ' i:,u- - ''Y


ri:ir hatsATEST STVI.ES.

F- -r Palo Ly .... ... .Sin - i.iir. r--

KITXCS AM STOIMM'.KSJ. 1 , 1 A , 1 mi l 2 inches.



l.vi-- i :"' 'iV. a . . ' V

r r ri 4 i," - ' . 1 '




Above named Extreme Clipper Barksow, .ii.sTi:n.

Irom Boston.Sis ii dries,


'ill Earrci-- i Kaolin, "0 IVirrrN Fii' Sam!,r.O I'.irf-- !

.j N'-s-- Trunk.l:.nl.-- i

i' i.M wi.;t ' TI.1.-.1I- ,

Oalvaniz il Ir-- li .K'-ir-- Hivt-ti-,

Ca.--" t'l 'ks,C.k. s Maiimicry,Si - S i l.ll-'- 'IVniit,-- ? S.i 1 ,

C.i. s Fo'.l llat-i- , C.i a .M it' ll'--- ',

Y. ll.m-- M.-ta- l SI.. atl.i:i',Y. li.uv M. t 1 XaiK

M'-- t tl ?'iko.Casks Fn.-- . Wlr--- , R Ir..u, Rmi.i:.-- s Iron.

Fni'iiiiiireCawi Arm .Chair,

Cav;3 Rjki:ij; ChairsCases C"nnin-:- i V."v.l Chair.

B:5iiiisln"!' C. ..il Vari.i.li.

i.k I'airit, Eitup F.'.i U.

MovesX . 7 1 11 C.-'- k St..v.No. 7 C!i-- !. i C.H.k Stov.-H- ,

N.. S Ci.f.j. a C- k

iJrot!rsVit:P-ar- , Co.lfih,M.irkrcl, Xiitnj'-j.'- ,

Va-- t P:.wJ.-r- I'.-ar- l l!.u !',TaM- S lit, Ct."olat'.

Cr.m Starch,T'.! i"f,C I:, 111 4. l 1 ili.HU'",S liui '11, K"at I'' '"f.

r. Ctii.Saii-H- .' l.ut. AiJirto.l M-.;-

Tumat Kt :. .nj.Ear 1, S il. r 1I1H,Cr-m- i Tiri.,r,S ii 1. Gin.-r- ,

Ca--i:- i, i

Agricultural ImplementsL".ui-iiar- a Can-- " Kniv.-- . M i'-- ii lt.t.

I Pin. .--I. V. li,i:.!,.!" l'i vr, SjnK',

K.-j.- l .vr.iJKTJ, L-- Ch iiu.Cultivator, Ox Wo-xf-

, Vx Y.k. .


(AVAL IIAUKOWS.Ca.-- k' L.iTir- - rn.

Xt--ti P..::-- ,

C"v.-r.--- l

INVOICE MAMU foltl) t:i:.Al

200 Cases Downer' Kerosene Oil.;'lHM"t


FOR SALE.'1 ! I'ulili-li- t r (.fi r.' fr tins in'jiai"-- r j

44 The l'.(inc (.'.uMKi:r ial AiVKitnnt" an-- j

tin- - jTintin tta''li.-!iim--ut voiiin-t-t.H- l witli it, j

inrlii-li- tli cin;j l.-t- st k oT lji'k, news anl j

ji.f tyj-- , pwir an-- li;tinl-j.n-..-- s, t ''-tln.- rj

with the ill til' the ofiice and nowspaj-tT- ,


which has l-- cnn of the iu st fiicoesslul en- - jj


ttrpris-- s of tlii; kind in the Rioitfe. Vt

si.)ii will !. frivi-- n at the close of the currvntuluin.', Juii. 2o, 1SG0.

II. M. Whitxev, Tul.lishr.I

THE PACIFICCommercial Advertiser.

N. 1 TL 11 J) A V. JA A I 'A l: Y 27.Inti'i'-lslai- ul IVii t in.

On our la.- -t ja; we r jrint the CharterAct nl" the I iiti-r-idaii- tuu Na irati. ei m-i:ii- iy,

:s it jiossi'ssts interest ut this time, now

tlr.it we are dej rived of st--ai- a C 'luiimnieationin any form. We ftated last week that Mr.(Jn-eii- . tlie reident t of the Coinj any, ro-juis- ed

to obtain two new steanurs, :is soonas the same can j roeured; but at the sametime we understand that the interests of thepresent Company can be j urchased, should anycai'Itali-t- s here or in foreign parts lie desirousof taking uj the monopoly grantt.-- by theHawaiian Juvernment and carrying out itspro The jrant has eight years to runfrom the 2-lt- of ,hily, 1SGG. With two sub-

stantial vessels of the right class, well managed,we have no doubt that it will prove ti good

from the outset.'J'lie history of steam navigation among the

inlands up to this date, Avould be an interesting j

one, were it fully told We have not all the ;i

data and statistics at hand relating to it, andCan Ollly give S..I00 of the prineir.al iteilld. The I

4 old .l.o;(o, a side-whe- el river-boa- t, i

Wllie-- arrived lien? November 14, lSoo, after at,:iis itri. iif t) d.ivs: froni San FvaiieiscM. vv:H thej. .0 -- j -first siteri'iier ever 1 1 ri id neei 1 :isi :i CiiMsfpr. S.une

wondered how she managed to get across from.San Francisco to this port ; but it is not nt allsurprising when it is remembered that smallcovered boats of live or eight tons have severaltine s made the same passage. After le-- r camethe .Sm Btnl and West Point, but little betteradapted fur the service, the former being toolarge, though a strong sea-boa- t, while the latterwas an old and, on that account, a poor craft,fitted with weal: machinery. The S'U Birdarrived Oct. 11, 1801, in charge of ('apt.Lovett, now of the Siiiyrn'mtc, and, after makinga few trips, returned to San Francisco in April,1S55. She was afterwards engaged in the Ore-

gon and 1'uget Sound trade. The W'tsl Paintcontinued to run to Kauai, and was engagedin a paying trade, when she unfortunately wentashore at Ivoloa in a southerly blow, her en-

gines being too weak for her. With her loss,the Company which had been engaged in thesteam enterprise withdrew, and made no fur-ther off irts to establish inter-islan- d steam nav-

igation.From the date of the loss of the Vcsl Point

to the arrival of the Kilauca, June 23, 1800,we were without a steamer. This vessel wasi...:n :.. v t i ... r . t..., n . w:i,,ouui ill iji'iiii'in, ii .'le.-ci.--

.. j ..i. ii- - ;

liaui.s & Co., and was staunchly constructed ofthe best material. During the lirst two years,she generally undo good time, would Fteam sixknots readily, and, under favorable eireuin-- itan cos, up to eight knots. The main fault in

her construction was her being too high out ofwater. Had her dock been four or five feet i

lower, ami her arrangements to correspond,rating between 2o0 and COO tons burthen, shewould probably have been a more serviceableboat, and certainly far less expensive.

With the experience that we have had insteamers, the next effort ought to secure us boatsof the right class and size, and we hope it willnot be long that we shall have to wait for them.Hut the lt and the ri-ajti- way to obtainthem is to send a capable person, who is compe-

tent to judge of vessels, as to size and construc-tion, as well as of their machinery. We havethe fullest faith in the ultimate success andprofit of inter-islan- d steam navigation, and ifit has not y-- t proved so, it is to be attributedmore to that ill-luc-

k that attaches to all pioneernterpries in every new country, than to any

lack in the dements: necessary for success. Intlii as in all other enterprises, it must be re-

membered tliat 44 perseverenee w ill surmount allol istaclcs."

I I:i-v:iiiii- Inlernat lonal Taw.It may not be generally known that there

is a decision of the late Chief Justice hee, onthe maritime jurisdiction of the Hawaiian (Jov- -

rmnent. It was delivered by him in May, i

lSl'J, in the case of the King vs. D. 1. l'arrishit al., and will be found in the lirst volume(f Hawaiian Reports, published in pp.o7 and 33. As the only published decisionon this subject that has been made in thisKingdom, that we are aware of, it is importantIt chiirly sustains the position taken by us, thatour jurisdiction at sea only extends one marineleague, or three miles, and adds that 44 theLegislature of this Kingdom, in claiming ajurisdiction over the seas surrounding our coasts,to the distance of one marine league, has donen more than simply declare the universal lawof nations."

It will be remembered that a claim was sot upby the Ministers, during the late Hanham affair,to all tiie channels between the various islands,regardless of extent a claim so ridiculouslyabsiird that the wonder is any sane man couldprint it. As the decision of Judge Lee will beinteresting in this connection, we republish itbore : -

The Chief .bt-- ii then proceeded to the exam-ination ail'l le(ii.'U of till' second question,nam lv : Whether tie i.lVetiee was Commit e-l on1'ie Li.:!: - is. or w phi Hawaiian territi-r- and the

j jurisdiction of the Poliee Ju.-iic- e. lie said it wasI

admitted that the verr-el- . at the time of tl theft.... ,w.i- - riding at aricii iu tie ruud of Lahaina. aHawaiian port of entry an 1 departure by express

enactment, abreast of the town, withinthree miles distance of. and id coiwatit communi-cation with the horc. This being the ease, therecoubl be !; question b'U tLe otl'ense w;ts com- -

mi't'-- w't'dn II iw.tiian territorv and tin- - iuris.lie- -P. 1 Justice ol Lahaina. That i was

the lins'i ik.-!- ! doctrine f the law of nations, thatthe mai Lime ot ever.' .":a.e eX'e ,7 tothe ports, harbors, bays, mouths of rivet adjacent

s ot the ea e.u d bv headland-- . belongingto the s I!' I It. The usage of nations.superadds to t!.i- - xteiit of territorial juia distance of a marine le.iguo. or as far as a eau-it- .

ti -- hot v. ill ti.e-l- i ftora the . !: i e abmr nil the

Will. in i!.i-t- lihtii.- - li- - iii:ht.-i- t'

ii i'j.t'1 m.i jui ; .li. ti'iti .:n- - :ili--i.li- iti ;fi.l x v I i . I '

tlm-- .' . .tll- -r I.ali..:;.- - 'I h it tlif Ii-

i.t tLN k i : ! u 1 r 1 1 iri i l.tiinitir ;i jui ili 1 i .t i'i-- ' i

sim siirri'Uiiiihiir our i ai.i-i- s t tin- - uu i l n:inririiK' li.i'l iln-i- n. tlrin iinjly ih'-- ihitf t!if mmt-rsu- l law 1" n:it:..:i. i


ok J'liter. Tlii articl.- - !uis. a .il

in iL wiutiT ln wry mmw. thai J


fainilit-- s ha' nut ln-ei- i a'-I.- ' t- - u t a ji.mml for j

Wf-ks- . Mr. Lollr. w- - ii"tio. rovil- Lis res-tau- - j

IuLc:i hatt'T."" a tVcsh and weft as ;


uLen it haes ,,mv York. II- w lie trets it out in '

such fine order, is a puzzle. The a:ne eareity ofI

'lit ler has existed throughout the Western States i

the pa.-- t fall, which event has furni-he- il a theme f..rsome poet to practice Lis muse, and the result othis et!',.rls are (ual!y applii-abl- here jul now :


!! iV k:m no - an-- airy,t'.iHi.ly cl.cwii.ir at t!.t !r i'UiI ;

l'a-ta- rc prrrii uroiin-- l tht in crowine,A flu-- lui.'..niif in thf w

Tvil thi'in th.it yuu Uiio.v ih'-i- r ui.swt-r- ,

A ycu (U''4tion evvryMuily, tt-l- me, tfll iiu- - truly,

here can 1 tlu.l buttf r now

Cnoia s Aroun.l the m&rkrt I am niirohin;'.Aikiii who wi'.! t.'ll tin' li.iw,

la th-.- - i.ali!-- ' i f all ill it's foarfal,W iio c;m far;lill tu;:i r m w '.

Th fansirr u, to cur rrowr.That the cows aiv dkv thi .

Hut who fri in tlii.-- c:m r. i:.f it borrow,While t'Utl. r's w i .1 ar?

Shi'uli! you otTt-- th-ii- i ut iVriy,Thfj'J kick up a jirttious iu :

?o I mist on li u.liy bawlingWhere can I tin 1 butter now ?

CuoKl'S Around the market I am niarehinir,Asking who will tell me i.ow.

In the. name of all Ui it' fearful,Who can furnish bulitr now ?

A Wokthy Tkiiutk. We find the following inone of our California exchanges, written 1 y a eiit

who was on board the steamshipon the f.i- -t trip in which Capt. Cavarly took

coiuniaiid of her. It will be remembered that hewas here in the .l.'o-o.ro- ( some years ago. andhad his ship burned by the pirate Semmes. He isa son-irida- w of Mr. I'.oll of this citv. and all whoknow him or have vovaired with him will endorsethe fnllowino; eomplinifiiiary notice of li'mi :

,1ur ''l,,t;,j." M- - Cavar'.y, was for about eii:hteri ir.onlhifirst r the lu$titntim ana this is hi lirst trijiith

ni'.-r- . in coinnian.l ot a vessel, havaii; ju-- t liev'ii i.roinotea.1... l.I.i .....I 1. .iii-- i ,r ...i.l wFr.r t t .. r .f i . .Tl

to' his dulien and to the rt of tho-- e on board he ha Kainedthe re.ijH-c- t of all. It is highly couijiiiniclit.iry to him thatiyiem- - all the larje number o jiassengL-i-- s uIi-- m.' teinner are

4Teied and fault li:ul liiMinit ioiim lire mcre.ised bv the discomfort. necessarily incident to u sea voyage, especially thruuehtr. .jtie.tl no one has yet been heard to coiujihiin of him.He: can be safely reconin.eii.led as a rudelit, reliable audobliging commander.

I'll i i". n : ii a ru Mr. Chase has removed from hisold stand, over the ('mnint vchd A'lrirliser office,and taken that vacated by the Messrs. Weed. nFort street, above M r. Savidge's grocery store. Thebuildings have been enlarged and fitted up, withoutregard to expense, for the comfort of his patrons.Iu his reception room are some very choice photo-graphs and paintings of the Crater and Ilaleakala.which are well worth a visit. Mr. Chase has takenconsiderable pains to obtain the best light forpictures--, and assures us that it surpasses any-

thing of the kind ever seen here before. With theexperience he has had. no doubt he will be able toplease all, and take pictures so life-lik- e that one" can't tell them from the original.""

Rakk Sale. The auction sale of books, on Tues-

day evening last, comprising the library of the lateMr. Wyllie, drew together an unusually large at-

tendance, and occupied nearly live hours. TheCollection was said to be the most valuable oil theseislands, consisting of rare works relating to thispart of the world, as well as Hie best authorities onpolitical economy, commercial statisiies, ,Vc.f ,Vc.

such as are seldom found Lere unless specially or- -

.b red for the naiti. s desiiing them. Thei

realized were in some eases extravagant, and theresult of tin- - sale was probably very satisfactory.It shows that sterling publications are at a pre-

mium here, as we hope they always will be.

JTiS-- Win. C. Parke. Esq.. the Marshal, took passage in the schooner Kiiufinc. which sailed on Sun- -

day last, for Koiia. Hawaii. He went to settlethe estate of the late Preston Cumings.

Whether the Ajux comes or not, the barkOiiirufil, of the Hawaiian Packet Line, will be dueabout the 1st o February. We suppose she leftSan Francisco between the pjfh and loth inst.

T:ilc Xcws lUenas.The estimates cf Secretary Welle9 for the Navy

Department for the ensuing year amount to only23,000,000.Thirteen clercrymen are elected to the Massachu-

setts House of Representatives and two to the Seuate.Four huudrdrt and thirty 44 shooting stars" were

counted by the New Haven professors, in the spacecf two hours, on some morning recently.

The Fenian Head Centre of Quebec has left forparts unknown, carrying with him the money ob-

tained from the dupes in that city.The Methodists, iu Committee, at New Voik, have

decided to establish a Missiou among the Chinese onthe Pacific Coast.

Of the four Members of Congress elected in SouthCarolina, two were members of the rebel Congressand two were officers in Jell Davis army.

The census of Massachusetts shows a population of1, 'J57, 3- -9 this year, an increase of 3G,2o3 since lbCO.The present number of voters is U4G.037.

The captain aud driver of the canal-boa- t --WeeClark were brutally murdered recently near Bradt'sTavern or Basin, on the Erie Canal. The captain'sbody was rifled of between !?2oO aud 300. Bothbodies were thrown into the canal.

Another surprising frog story is going the rounds.It is stated that a live frog was found iu the centreof a hard-burne- d brick at a brickyard iu Gardiner,Me. A tough story, that.

Tom Brown says a woman may learn one usefullessou from the game of back-gammo- n, which is notto take up her man uutil she is sure of him.

A youngster four years old being asked by hisparents if be had said his prayers every night duringhis absence from home, replied, 44 No, but I counteda hundred."

After all the tioi?e in California about purchasinga homestead Mrs. John Brown, but if 420 havebeen raised for the purpose.

A Colonel Warmouth was elected by 10,000 ormore colored votes in Louisiana during the last elec-tion to represent their interests at Washington dur-ing the coming Congress.

General BurnsiJe is building a railroad in the oilregions, ten miles and a half long, which is to becompleted in ninety days. Seven hundred men areemployed in the construction.

Governor Brownlow, of Tennessee, recently saidthat within two weeks he had received twenty-on- e

letters from parties in the North, asking informationabout East Tennessee, where they proposed to settle.Some of them represented neighborhoods who wishedto-g-d there in a body.

A Canadian paper srys that the Company whichowns the steamer St. JJin, of New York, acted mostgenerously in the case of the late Councillor Archani-baul- t,

of Montreal. It defrayed all the funeral ex-

penses, and settled $4,000 ou the little daughter cfdeceased.

At an auction sale of two estates in Staunton, inthe Valley of the Shenandoah, a short time ago. thewhite population were horrified to find that the high-est bidder was a colored man, who thus entered intothe ranks of the landed aristocracy cf Virginia.

Ti-- c attorney? of the South are reaping abundantpecuniary harvests by their charges in drawing uppetitions in behalf of Southern applicants for pardon.One attorney of South Carolina has forwarded up-

wards of one thousand petitions to the Attorney-General- 's

office, Washington, for each cf which hereceived the fee of .

; I'i BLic -- mini n Mi xiFicr er liio l'acifie M il

Steamship (Vm piny leive vote 1 to give five thou-sand iljilirs, in gulJ Coin, to a Library of the College cf CaoLri.it. It is a itulle gift, andrnale.

PiNGn.AU AnvtRTisKMENT -- The f lowing adver- -iisnictit appears in a lite lllchuu tij piper :

A 1 " NT.1 A i:uit.on as a son-i- n Ihw in a resect-i- t !.

1 f.i:n;iy. !":.K1 .t:nl breed. n;: no object, alreadym: plied ; cap.tal ! titUI. N objection to going a sdimtd;l.i'.ie.- - .a the c ui.trv.

Ad.lres- - i . V. V., Kxehane Hotel.A niiii nt rrcvilence, 11 I., recently deposited

t l ,000 f.T safe-keepir- iti an unused stove. He wasCillol out cf tiiwn UDespicteJiy, and the cold sn-i-

cour.ng cn. a tire wis kindled in the stove, and thebar ! taming of years were reduced to ashes in asingle moment.

The ucw Lridce about to Le suspended over theOhio Uivc-r-, at Cincinc iti, will be the longest struot- -

ure cf the kin! in the world, being more thau twothousand feet longer than that over the Niagaralover, and five hundred and forty feet longer thauthe Menat Dridge, Kng!an J.

An Old Uplic The skeleton of a great grandsonof Pt. Louis has been discovered in leveling the sitecf the ancient abbey of Vat Dieu at Longty, France,the said great grandson of Louis IX., having beeuno less a personage than IVter II., l'uke cf Alencon,eurn ime l 4 The Loyal." Near his tomb was foundthe bone cf Lis daughter, Jane cf Valois, who ditdin 1401, three yeirs previous to her father.

At the recent Church Congress at Norwich, Eng-land, lr. Fusey advocated the claims cf the 44 OpenChurch Association," as it is called, which has torits object to give free p?ws in the churches to rich andpoor alike. This movement is attracting much at-tention in England.

44 Artemud Ward" has at last found somethingeven more remunerative thau 44 wax figgera" orMormon lectures. A rich old uncle hau lately diedin London as iu the fifth act of an old comedyand has left the popular showtnau a fortuue of forty I

, ll f, u- ti 1 1 j t i .v A 1. ..-.- . 1... j !., Itnn.ireceived from Euglaud, it is said, announcing theintelligence.

Thk L.vtk I'kksipfnt. Mrs. Lincoln has ordered,in Zwickau, Germany, a monument for the grave ofher liusban J, the lamented Freaideut. It is cut outcf serieutine stone, of an obscure green color, in theform af a large die, and bears the simple inscription,44 Abraham Lincoln." In the middle cf October itwas to be forwarded by rail to Bremen, where it willbe shipped to this country. The quarries of Zwickauare celebrated for their stones.

Waterfalls. The New York Observer publishesa letter, written more than thirty years ago by theltev. Dr. Julson, on the vanity cf the heathenwomen, in which he cites, as one proof of their heathenis'a customs, that the Karen women wore fancifully-c-

onstructed bags, enclosing the hair and sus-pended from the back part of the head. The originof 44 waterfalls" is now explained.

44 How do you like the character of St. Paul?"asked a person of his landlady one day. 44 Ah ! hewas a good, clever old soul, I know; for he oncesaid, you know, that we must cat what is set beforeus--, and ask no questions for conscience sake. I al-ways thought I should like him for a boarder."

A London tradesman told a youth in his shop towrite iu large letters on a sheet of paper, 44 Warned,a stout lad as light porter." The next day he wasastonished to see the legend displayed: 44 Wanted,a stout lal as likes porter." lie had many applica-tions.

The editor of the Memphis Granada Jackscn-At-- 1

$)eal, who once more printshis paper iu Memphis, gives a good-nature- accountof his wanderings to and fro in the South. He sayshe had great trouble in avoiding our armies, andthinks General Spencer is 44 a gentleman of a veryrestless temperament." Luckily for the Jlppeal, headds, the war ended, and the Appeal 44 being pier-fe- et

ly iron-cla- d with paroles, amnesties and pardons,it is on its feet again iu robust and vigorous life."

The Richmond Times opens cn Mr. Wendell Phil-lips after this manner: 44 Mr. Wendell Phillips, thatexceedingly clever lunatic and radical, who has moreoratory and less common sense than any man iu NewEngland, is agaiu on the rampage. He is a sort cfPuritauical Malay, who, without the excuse of opium,runs a muck every six months, cutting, stabbingand slashing the reputation of every great man with-i- u

teach of that double-edge- d dagger, his untram-melled tongue."

c Ct"tor ot ine Montgomery iaia.) meager.who ha:? been a large slaveholder, publishes in hispi per an estimate ot the production of his plantationunder free labor. lie has made a bargain withthirty negroes, who are to cultivate his land. Theypay half of the expense for retit, and take half of thecrop. His calculations show that on five hundredacres he will make $13,000, which is more thancould be made on the old plan.

We see it stated that the prolific English author,Wilkie Collins, has takcu to eating opium, and thatthe style of some portions of his novel, Armadale,corroborates the impression. Judge by that stand-ard, wc should suppose that nearly the whole tribeof modern writers of fiction were in the habit ofeating hasheesh, or something else calculated to de-

prive a man of his tenses.Information had beeu received at the Freclmen'a

Bureau, from Alabama, that small-po- x is raging allj through that State. Although every precaution had' beeu taken to prevent its spreading, new cases were

appearing daily.Over sixty-nin- e millions of dollars were raised in

j the United States during the four years of thei great war, by voluntary contributions, for beuevo-- i

lent purposes on its account. It is a huge sum, andwhile the greater part of it was given by men, thewomen of the country gathered the whole of it bytheir personal efforts, their influence, their persist-ence, and their public spirit.

S r Morton Peto made a speech at an entertain-ment in New York lately, in which he said : 44 Imade a visit to the large printing establishment ofCharles Wilson, in Chicago, and I assure you I neverfelt so truly the manner in which Americans hadgone into the war before. In walking throughthe office, Mr. Wilson pointed out some thirty orforty compositors who had been four years away tothe war. One had been a captain, another a major,others lieutenants, sergeants and privates Vetthere they were setting type as quietly as though a

I war had never been. I saw afterwards farmerssons, in uniform, peace tbly feeling a threshing

! machine. 1 hey went into the struggle to save thej Union, and having done it, now go back to the ways

of peace aud industry."i Not Woirni Much. Odd stories of the war arcj constantly coniiug to light. It is stated that whenj General Bragg was iu command at Augusta, Georgia,

last winter, Jeff. Davis telegraphed to him 44 to holdthe State at all hazirds, stop up the reads, destroythe supplies, aud crush Sherman." At the close ofthe dispatch the rebel President inquired, 44 What isyour available force for this purpose ?" GeneralBragg promptly replied 44 Five proclamations andone brigade."

Singular Powder Explosion. An explosion tookplace in a stove in which a fire had been newlykindled, in a house belonging to Mr. Criger andfamily, near Timber Swamp, Warren County. Theexplosion broke the windows and doors, tore downthe ceiling and did other mischief. It seems thatsome powder had been placed in the stove for safe-keeping by one of the family, and had been forgot-ten. At the time of the catastrophe, ten personswere in the room, but 6trange to say no one wasrauc'a injured.

The papers are circulating a proposed amendmentto the United States Constitution, which contem-plates the constant succession of the Visa Presidentto the Presidency. A President and Vice Presidentare elected. At the end of four years the former re-

tires and the latter takes his place. Of course, ateach subsequent election only a Vice President ischesen. In this way the one-ter- rule is adopted ;the Vice President is selected with special referenceto his fitness for the first position, and for four yearshe is being educated for the vast responsibilities heis to assume.

Rebel Colont in Mexico. There ii a colonygrowiuz up in Mexico, near Cordova, a town be-

tween Vera Cruz and the City of Mexico. It con-sists of about a dozen large tracts of laud, adaptedto the production cf cotton, cocoa, coffee and tobac-co. This land is given out by the Government of.Maximilian to the settlers in parcels of six hundredand forty acres to families, and smaller parcels tosingle men. Among those who have gathered thereare Sterling Price, Gen. J. Shelby, Ex-Go- Harris,of Teniies-.ee- , and Judge Perkins, of Louisiana, withother settlers cf less note. Lieut. Maury, formerlyof the Naval Observatory, at Washington, is alsothere, and actively engaged in furthering the schemeby drawing up a report to be circulated in theSouthern States, with a view of inducing parties ofcolonists t Coin." over and join them.

A German scientifi-- r paper give u Iho followingstatistical cvmfort ai to the cholera: From thefoundation of Rjme up to the time of Auutm, in73- - years, there appeared thirty-thre- e epidemic;from the birth of Christ up to ItlSO, ninety seven ;in the seventeenth century, fourteen; in the eight-eenth century, eight ; and since the beginning of thenineteeuth century, the cholera has appeared threetimes. It is evident from these figure, that epidem-ics are decreasing in numbers as well as in intensi-ty, which pleasant fact is to Le ascribed to incie ax-

ing cleanliness in dwellings and clothing ; to theimprovement in siuitary regulations; to the speedyremoval of miasm .mile substances, and to the pro-gress cf medical scietice in general.

Governor Andrew has accepted the Presidency ofthe American Lund Company and EmigrationAgency, the object of which is to mix a large,amount of the 44 New England element" into therenovated Suth, and to develep its agricultural andmineral resources. Heavy capitalists are engaged inthe enterprise, and it will be conducted on a liberaland comprehensive scale. The Company has uenlean admirable selection of President, for no manbetter than Governor Andrew knows how to keep athing before the people and make it attractive byrhetorical embellishment. The headquarters of theCompany are iu New York, but Governor Andrewwill retain his residence iu Poston and spend a partof his time there.

A Parallel. The Charlottevillo Virginian says:There is apparently the same will about AndrewJohnson that characterized Andrew Jackson. IJothcf them have made themselves conspicuous for theirnational seutiment. Both were Lorn in North Caro-lina. Both removed lo Tennessee. The one distin-guished himself by his hostility to nullification, theother by bis hostility to secession. Neither has amiddle name, and their Christian name, Andrew,being the same, their surnames are also substantiallythe same one being Johnson and the other Jack-son and John and Jack amount to the same thing.

The John Williams. The new missionary shipJohn ll'illiains was launched on the 5th of October,at Aberdeen, Scotland. She is a clipper bark cf 300tons. Her figure head is a bust of the Martyr ofErronianga, modeled after his likeness when in hisprime. Along with the figure head is the text ingilt letters, 44 Peace on earth aud good will to men."The mission of this vessel, and the fact of its havingbeen paid for by the children, gave great interest tothe occasion. There was a large gathering of Sab-bath School pupils and others to witness the launch;not less than 10.000 is the estimate of the assem-blage. The children marched abreast, under theguidance of their teachers, with innumerable gaybonnets waving in the sunshine. The ships in theharbor were general'y dressed in colors in honor ofthe occasion. A young lady performed the usualceremony of naming the ship 44 The John M'illiiiins

may she have a prosperous voyage by the will ofGod." When the ship struck the water the voicesof six thousand children, ou the opposite bank,rose in sweetest notes

41 From Cireenland's icy mountains."Three cheers followed when the company adjournedto a banquet, at which 00 ladies nod gentlemenwere treated to refreshments of cake, Sic. One ofthe speakers on this occasion said that 30 years ago,and within 200 yards cf this spot, that very mouth,lie assisted in sending abroad to the South Seas de-

voted men and women for the propagation of Chris-tianity. Another speaker mentioned that the captainand wife of the old John ll'illiains were membersof his church, ss was the present master uud hiswife of the new John ll'illiains.

Boccs Babies Employed at Wiiiskkv Smcqclino.The Commissioner of Customs, says a Washingtoncorrespondent, who has receutly been making everyeffort to suppress the extensive smuggling operationswhich, for a long tit e, have been going on along thoCanada frontier, has received intelligence from thorevenue detectives stationed there that they havejust detected an ingenious scheme for conveyingwhiskey from Canada to the United States.

The attention of the officers was first attracted bythe extraordinary number of women and babies ona railroad train bound to the United States, andtheir suspicions were aroused from the fact that outof thirty-tw- o 44 blessed babies" but two gave evidenceof the irrepressible animation peculiar to juveniles.The 44 mothers," likewise, seemed especially anxiousto screen their little innocents' heads from pryingcuriosity, folding them closely to their breasts, andpermitting only the neat little feet and legs, encasediu tiny shoes and stockings, to be exposed to thogaze of the passengers.

The detectives were on the alert, aud nt the firststation this side of the river where several of thepossessors of the passive juveniles left the train, oneof the officers politely requested permission of a lalyto hold her 44 baby" while sho alighted. Struckwith the unusual weight of the infant, and the ex-

cessive solicitude of the mother, the officer com,menced an investigation, and on removing thowrappings discovered that the interior was a tincase, fishioned after the similitude of a veritablebaby, filled with from three to five gallons of whiskey.

A general descent was at once made on the begunmammas, resulting in the arrebt of about thirty andthe securing ot over one hundred gallons of old rye.


DINNER, TEA and DESSERT SETS,Ueautifully decorated, gold band, and plain

white. From 30 to $800.

AMERICAN CUT GLASSWARE,A variety of New and Novel Patterns ele-

gantly engraved, and plain Cut Sets, mado

up of any required size.


A large assortment of rare and beautifulgoods, comprising J'arian Statuary, Iftsqve,Porcelain and Parian Vusix, Bureau &ts.Punch Bou-fs- , Cologne Boltex, 'life a TcttSc7s, Gilt Cups and Saucers, fc,

CLOCKS,Parlor, Office, (with calendar) Regulators,and a large assortment euited to tho Jobbingand Retail trade.






A full stock of very superior goods, vith ovrmen stamp, warranted good.


American Pressed Glassware,A very heavy stock constantly on hand, which

we are JolJanj at the hnctst rates.


OUTFITS.To which wc give Especial Attention, and are

prepared to furnish in theBEST STYLE.



filCf Sansorne Street corner Merchant



Page 4: .1 urtml · Malt I.i.UTS, t'harlton M'harf, IIuh!uIj. II. I. 47il-1- y AFONC & ACMUCK, Iuijrtrt'-r.'i-, Wi.i!ct.i'.c uu.I l I.-al--r in ami t'hincyo CixU, f.je j.r.Hf ct--re in Nuinmu

PAcincCommercial Advertiser.

Charter of the Hawaiian Steamand General Inter-Islan- tI

Navigation Company.AN A CI


i'.r. tr Lv u, 7y the Ktwj, 'Jit A".'''t i and!.' fi . ; .t.i!i ' x iJ' the n Iilan'!, itl.'i until ('vim' il itti't ;

Akvi- - 1. That VA-t- l C Jani-in- WillhuuI., :til tifir a..ei it , mivi,jr!' tail:i !r.' h . r'.-'i- r.m-titut.- -i a b-J- rr-nt- to

iii.-i- - r t!i: n.irji'; of tio 1 l.v.vaii.in .St-- ma ami icn-- !Iir l N.ivi tti n C' .mrun;. , f r uiri

in if :t 'f t'.V'-Iv- frjiu tli tlattf .f. .i-- - t?:I- - A t. u!l the rifiH j.riv- -

il ami itnrjiitniti'M scnvl t ine .r.r:ttel' . hy tii; Act rvlatin t Ctrirati r.,

an ! u;.j t all th- - jrovi-iji- n t!;iTnt.Aki . LI Th; I 'jini-nii- li.it; tJi? ox- -

!u i - j t uil-- ; f runniti :t tt.-nrii'- r! ru.-- . u th" wVcTal J'.rt- - aiil oi'

11 i'.v.iii..; Kin-JT'- l ,ln, fr t!;r t'-r- of tvh- - Var-- J

ti-n.- i itr, with th'i x iiij tini-- . anl j rivilt-.- s

--;i 1 1 1. r which umj n: iif r:ft.r rantcl, !

l.tti :: il In' Ti Jtdnt .li.

A,:r. TiiC Coin f.any shall Iiav; thej rivi!.-- ; of .?;tainin w:itT l'rm tlie fJoV-rn-i.;-

i.: t iiik-i- . .!: of c!ar'.', f r t!.o u o of tfi'.iror lor t!i-- - Utih or twelve

'..n-:-' afrcs.iM.Ai:r. I. Th'i eall Coinj-an- shall have the

jri. il--- f;r the t"rm of txv?lvr years from date:i. :rof, of having the :xe!uit; right, fr o ofririr--- , i.f a ; crnii-n- t wharf on the H--j la--n

i' hi'.-- f.hall h; kcj t in r air at their x- -i:-', an-- Si-- t aiirt by the .Minister of the Iri-t-- ri

r f r th'i u.--? of tJit-i- r or htoamer.j,I.tri liie isenT aii-- frt-ih- t, an-- J a!.-- fr a

il- -r ot ; arnl their or ttfii:ierd hhall! t jiy coa ting lict.-i-i -- , or )rt charge-- , nuj nytae.-- hall hi l.iU on such "oiii for suchsre-itt.- - r .r taIi.r. a.--j they may tmj l y luriigtii! tiiii.; af re-a- or for their wharf i roj-rty-


r.al, or other material employed by the KiiJCiuipir-- in j.ro- - (itiii the enter ri.s? (f .steam..i iati n. Uat it is exj-iv.-sl- nacte.l tliat tin?

j rhi! v; hy t!;s Act granted tu tlie aid Steamacl l Intcr-I.slan- d Navigation Comanv,m ail i. el eiuin; tj their l iieht. nor tliall thisAct ''f. :!u.; a law, until the Hawaii in SteamN'avitt; n Cinj.any iu:iy have surrendered th'irelurter t tii. Minister of the Interior and can- -

I'll'-'- l th'i fi.ini?.At:r. .". All C'iIm or other materii!.- - for the

j.ro'lM'-ti.'i- i ,f fitearu, and all machfriCTV!.r tli'i ti of any of the si id shall

be iii rt'd fre? of duty, and tlie ve.-M-- ls in wlu'chI c il or other mat. rial aro imi-ortcd- . shall

I, free from barb n. s, provide I tlay d.j nott ike on lx::rd any other article of traffic or com-isier- ee

r any n rs.Akt. 0. Tin? siid ft anier or .earners shall be

regi-o-re- j under the Hawaiian tfa, on the ap-jfiiati-

,f tt,i A.nt of said Company, whosiiall b' a resident of tli" Kingdom, and saidst'Miuer or steamer shall i njay all tin; j.rivih-e- s

and ! subject to all the laws alfectin courtingTw.-hd- this Ivindo-ru- , with such exception asnr heviri ; imd it is hereby expresslynn I. T'to-.-- l and declared that the rilit (.f towing:rid tnin i- - not included in the foreoinartieh s.

Ai:t. 7. In order t secure the fjreoinprivi! . s, tlie said Company shall have employedin said inter-islan- d navigation n ind and su?i-sranti-


st'-nme- f not le.--s than 1IU0 tons bur-d-- n,

within liitecn month from the date of theof tlii Act, and which said Cnnjsiny

shall keep employed for the said purjMjsc cu-t- iin 1

1 it d in thi cliarter.Art. S. It "h ill h the duty of tli Agont r.f

.iid Company t. a iptarterly exhibit of thestatfot ibe C'oUMaiiya allair t the Minister ofthe Interior; and when it shall appear that they

enabled t p iy quarterly iliv i.len I.--t of thretp. r cent., or at the rate of twelve per tint.jr annum on the stuck, then s-i-id Com-pany shall introduce and maintain a secondL.imT. t i be employed a in this Act provided.

Art. y. In im' the sal-- ' steamtr sfiall be1 -- t. (r if, in consequence of the jrovisions ofArticle .S they may have placed two steamer ontheir route, either of the said steamer shall 'J1 st uurln the term of this monopoly, the Agentof the said Company shall, within four monthait, r such loss, give notice t the Minister of theInt ri r that it is the intention of the said Com-pany shall replace the boat within lilteen monthIr.e.ii the date of said 1 ?s, and in default thereofthi' grant shall It: void.

A:;". Said CompKiny fliall carry the pub--lie !u;.ils Ix tween all the port and place theirves- - Is vi.-i-t. free of charge, and safely deliverthe same to the person directed, and always sub-- j

't t all postal laws, alwav giving seasonablenotice rf the time and place of departure.

Aitr. 11. The slid Company may own sailingves.-I- under the Hawaiian Hag, and run theai int!:e e lasting trade, but said Vessels are to haven priv;h'.-.- s or exemptions not possessed byotle-- r Hawaiian sailing vessels.

Aui. 1'2. Tliat whenever the word steameror steamer are used in this Act, they shall bede.-me- to mean vowels propelled ly steam, hotair. or machinery of any kind other than sails.

Alt. 13. It is hereby expressly understoodand that the Supreme Judicial Court oftnis Kingdom shall have lull jNwer to examineand a.ljudi-at- e on the fulfillment of the terman I c at !iti n and obligations of this charter bysii ! Company, and on having due notice of timeami place fixed by said Supreme Judicial Courtfor said examination, and on proof satisfactoryt t!n said Court that the terms, conditi n andbliati in have not been complied with, said

Curt shall have power, at their discretion, toabridge or modify the privileges of this grant, orh el. ire the same forfeit.

Apj roved t lis 2oth day of Julv. A. I. ISG2.KAMKHAMKHA.

K l llt l AM'.


onhi;min Tt tin: 4iiivxrKV.s the ruivii.Eiw:wi a-- i:y iiis. u r kmi ri.i:i - Ai r io

l : . 'IE ITEi:i-L- D NAVIGATION," PAssU.M I.V .ir.r.

Wj;; . f.y an Act entitled " an Act to j remotei .T. ; -' ii.d couim.iiiication." approved on theL'":'i tlay of July, lo-J- , it vvi-- , among other ltVu ei,actcl. to wit : i:i the Article Ttii ofthe ..ill Act, that in r.I r to secure the fre-- '

i. g iriviieg's. the s,ii I compu.y shall havea.;! oy.-- iis:itd int' t.avig.ri. n. a g d

:n ! l ?r.-..iuc- r of not less than twoi.uii h i tons b irth ti. within fttecn m-'iitl- .

w- - tii iliedateof t!:e jassa-j- i f the said Act ; toand by the 1th Article, that the jtivilee i v1 Is Aet. granted to the said Steam and (ten. nill'if. ris'. itid Navigation Company, shall i ti;ur ? to their n r shall this Act be- -

w a law i:n:i! t!ie Hawaiia:i ::t.'.ii. Navia-t- .n Cojursariy m iy hav. surrt-n- d red their

! i! ir' r t the Minister of the Interior, ande ii.. d tie same; and win reas, furth r. itha- - u i.ia.Je appanr.t to tiie l gl-!at- ie

A-- -i iuby tliat the grant-- . - in the mu.I Act ben

in-ni- t n, d UMc, at the termination of the ! sililt , n month- in the said 7th Article s t b rth.ami have since b.-.-- n inn to complywi:h the re.ui-itioi- :s of the said Article, biftthat the rs joiremnf s of the 4th Article havenot be. ri complied with, through misipj rehcii--- i

in and inadvertency; therefore.lb: it Kvaoti, by t?; King and t!i in

Ass- - m'-I- of tlie Hawaiian Islands, in theI.'gl-hvtur- e of the Kingdom assembled:That the grantv mentioned in the Act of in-eo- r-

ration, entitled An Act to promotel:.r'r-i!:'n- d Communication." passed onthe2"thd iy JmIv, s!:a!l e. m;Iy with all t!;eeon-li- ions of the .said Act, before the 1st day ofI . bruary, l.o, all the privileges by the said iiiiA' t "Tiiiti'lto the af.r -- ai l u-i- Inter bl ind

Nav ;g it i n "i injtii v si' ill 1 r- - to th--i- b.-- I'.:,th - i l A'-- "s!,;dl bee. iie a law in lihe

lii .mn'T a- - it an in .nuiii' n- - "i ne- - mhi .i ibid !..- - n boble l ff't.'ii ni'iiiba from th.- - date.f th- - ; ..f the sail Aet, a- - in the 7thArt: : the.-ai--I Act J r .vi . 1.

Aj proved this 10th day of January, A. I.I -.- ,-. KAMKHAMKHA 11.

1 : ti lopc.'t l Ht'lllS.All tlie towers of Kuro-.- - have accej ted the

invitation ot France 1 r a miAtj.ry c .iih.rci.ee :itC (t.stantin' 'l !e.

The Ki.glish Lords of the Admiralty havethat Admiral- - shall retire from active ser-

vice at the age of seventy.. tain taking g'.nias ha discovered that

there are 1S baciielors and -- 7 wid-Ave-r- in tienew Krigii-- h H.jUs i of Commons.

Among the student wiio have just taken theoaths on being called to the bar of 1'aris is M.Nathan James KdwarJ Kothschild.

A great question has arisen at Shaiighae withregard t- - the scprr --- i- n of j iraey in the ChinaSea--- , which is daily becoming m .re dang rous.

A tter from Kan.-.-le-IJ.ai- rg states that thepi-.-ag-

cs of the Alps ie.ar .MjUtit Ceiiis aredangerous fioin the snow which has

alien.Loi 1 I'almtrstoii was the f;r-- t vho ititrodaeed

tlie waltz in KnglanJ. Hi- - dancing with theI'line.-- s Ki' Ven, lli'ty yars ago, was the admira-tion of Aliiiaek" ex lu-ive- s.

At a meeting id masters and workmen of thecabinet-makin- g trade's, held at London-wal- l, thema-tel- . s agreed t j advance the wages of the mentn j r cent.

A monument to Mtl.incthon, the lieformer,and friend of Luther, ha just been inauguratedat Wittemberg, in SaXoiiy, in the presence of theKing ol I'russia.

A much larger number of iievvsjiajiers havepas-e-d through the Knglish l'ost 1 HFice siiiceLord Pahne-rston'- s death than has be mi knownsine; the death of tlie Duke of Wellington.

The Lord Mayor of London recently presidedover a meeting to promote miuJle-cla- s educa-tion a much-ne'-de- d reform the Cockneys be-

ing noted for their ignorance und supercilious-ness.

The great work which wiil be played at theopening of the new op- - ra in I'aris in 107, will,it ; said, be e. ui ros'.-- by Mae.-tr- o Verdi. Thesubject is " King Lear," and the libretto will bewritten by Mery.

The I'loteaant Kpise pal lb'Ctory of Klvedon,near Thctf nl, Kngland, vaeunt by the death i fArchdeacon 11 irpi r, is sai'l to b; in the gift ofMaharajah DhuLcp Singh, a wealthy nativeIndi in nabob.

A St. Petersburg Ltt.-- states that the S- - nateacting as ;i Court of law, has just held its firstI'ublie sitting. This is the mmeiieemcnt ofth. judicial reform not long since decreed by theKus.-ia-n iovcrniiivtit.

The Kmperor Maximilian has written to Paris,requesting that the statutes of the Theatre I'ran-eai- s

may be i uvvarth d to him, probably with aview of applying them to tin! organization of agreat th-atr- o in hi capital.

A grand histoiieal drama on the subject ofJoan of Are is about to be produced at theTheatre Kraneais of Ibmon. A singular fact isthat the funeral pile of the Maid of Orleans wasrai.-j-d on the spot where the theatre now stand.

The Knvoy Kxtraordinary of the I'-!gia- (. ov-

erturn nt arrived at Pekin in the beginning ofAugust last, to arrange for a treaty of commerce,and the Chinese (ioveinment immediately ap-pointed a Plenipotentiary to treat with him.

A decree from the Prince of Ibjumania, Wal-I.ieh- ia

and Moldavia has conceded to the Catho-lic Hishops of that country the light of commu-nicating gratis with their cLrgy by the PostOflice or clectro-tch-grap- h on all religious ma-tte:.

M. Cham ptieury, Director of the opera at Paris,received within the week ending November 'J,id less than 177 manuscripts of comedies, oper-ettas, farces, ite., which fact would go far toprove that tlie cholera ha not attacked dramaticauthors.

A Corsiean machinist, Smitter by name, isnow constructing in Pari an aerial ship of pecu-- li

ir shape, which he maintains I e can direct bypropulseuis. Tills new hallo, n will possess theadvantage of rising and descending without theuse of ballast.

The freemasons of Chambery have addressedto Pius IX. a letter in reply to the PontificalAllocution of the 2"th of September. They re-

proach the lb-a- of the Cath'-li- Church withcondemning those whom it is hi mission to en-

lighten, and insist on the accordance of .Masonicideas with the tenet of the Uihle.

Prince Sehibata, Commissioner of the Japan(lovernment. accompanied by hi suite, and byM. Verny, Naval laigin cr, has arrived at Ihvst.It is known that the Japanese envoys have amis-ie- :i to collect all the information necessaryfor the creation of an ur.-cu- al near Yokahama intheir own country.

The rumors of an approaching reconciliationbetween the Kmperor ot the French ami PrinceNapoleon are acquiring consistency. The initia-tive was taken by the Km press, who ha writtento the Princes Clothilde. inviting her to Com-p.ieg- ue

with her husband. It is not stated howthese overture have been received.

Some of the canons of Westminster assistedwith their own bands in filling up the grave ofLord Palnu-rsto- with mingled charcoal andeand. I: is also said that the diamond and goldrings thrown in by the chief mourners were pre-viously removed, in order to obviate the ri-- k ofthe violatijn of the grave.

Ib-r- r ITex, a chemist of Hamburg, ha re-

cently discovered trace ed' copper, and in somecases of h ad, in the remains of animals. He hafound copier and lead in human flesh, and cop-per in the intestines ol K-ast- s of prey, in Ix-ef- , inpoultry, in hens eggs, in ll-- li

T crustacca, insects,id- - rs and snails.The death of the fattest man in the world, M.

Helm, i recorded by the I,ris papers. He wasi man by origin, and was employed as trans-

lator of t reign correspondence. His age wasfifty-tw- o ; he Weighed live hundred pounds, anditurlv was unable to pass through doors of or-

dinary J!r.iv Iisiol;.The Mini.-:-, r i f Public Works in Spain has

adir.-.-- d a circular tj the (Jovcrnors of ther vii.e s iu reference to the eattle.pbgue. The

iii- -. d.'cs iv. t s.:c;u to have made its appear-ance in pain yet, 'ait the ''Vernors are uvg--

c;ie:-ci- the utm -- t watchfulness in prevent-ing the importation of cattle, hiiLs or horns,which may carry the infection.

M ::'.y railway travel. rs in Knghuul imw carrykeys to lock and unlock railway carriages, sothev may let litems. Iv. s out in cases great

m- - rg- - la v, and 1 .ck t'a ins lv.s in. T kevscarri.d by sme roblemiii and g. sal-ine:- i aiemade of silver. The common reoi b-- . who are

.t able t afford silver K-- ' and still liable to:.i;tii.ed to death, are h.ckc-t-l in ti'hur than

p in a slatighr p. n.

The cotton culture i:i Italy N irogrrssing orapidly and so favi rably that the home manu-factories are no l.mg- - r obliged to end monthlyfour millions of francs t- - l.iverj 1 to buy cottonwith. Several rich .ns have been formed

Italy, who. during the m xt year, will extendCott.-- plantations all over Naphs aiM Sicily.

The Neilgherry .'" ..r, an Indian newspa--'T- ,dr:iw? a strange jicture of the li!-- - h d by

the llajah . f My-r- e. Ili-Tabi- co is flh-- withupward of .ight hundred pej !e. "There aresoaie II 1 iv wives cd' Ijis JIighies. with about fuirattend.. lit upon i:n h,and the remainder is made

of night watcln rs prophesying Knihmins.oftie. ;'? of th- nana. 've."

The Prine.si Anna Murat. whose hand hasbeen di-j-.- s. d of almost as often as that of Laifand Mademoiselle, is r- - p rted to Lave finally

it on tie young Duke de Mouchy,whose equijsiges, high-stepj-in- g horses and si!. rbanes, . vrire the admiration of the gaper cfthe Chump Klysee and the liois de-- II u! gne.

Two fls'dng villag. on the Sc..itch Northa.t iire iigain the scenes of lam-.ntatio!- i and

Woe. JJy the rec-ii- t st.-r- the s:'j.ill village ofInver has to uiourti the h of e:g!;t n.eii, andthat of ioi-- f ie five ; in all, thirteen abie-bodie- d

fishermen. I;y this sad eahi'iiity, eight widowsand thirty fatherless children, beside seven

are left all but entirely d stitute.Th; property of the late Lord Palm. rste-ti ha

bis.-- thii- - awarded : Kroadh.n is has b. n hit t-- .

Iidy Palmerst'.n during her lile, then tj rev rttj the II. n. W. Cuwper. and in ease J... hasno si n t the Hon. Kvelvn Ashhy. Irishestates have 1 ecu left to hi- - lordship's ownfamily, the SuIIivans, and the Wei-- h slatequarri-'.- s have 1 n divided between Ltvdy sliaftes- -

bury, ft Jy Jocelyn, are! htr son.A stratam of graphite (blaekb-a- lbr jeia il-- ).

has just be.-- dise.,ercd n ar the sa of Aequal in quality to that of Sibeli i. A p.;tr..'le.imsj ring luis ;ilso ljen foand in tlie iov. riniit ntof Archangel, near a srteam falling into theliiver JJetchora. The oil obtained can easily beenveyed into the interior of the empire by theordinary roads a far ti5 the Kama, i;nd tliet.eeto all the governments through which the Volgapa-- es.

A steel vessel, which has just arrived in theMersey, is the object of much curiosity andscientific calculation. The bhip weathered thefrightful cyclone at Calcutta, last year, andalthough she received twenty concussions, eachone of which would have sunk a wood en vessel,came out of the war of the elements with onlyhonorable wound. Her plates were twisted andindented, but not one of them cracked.

At the recent burial of a soldier and a younglady in a town near Paris, the funeral authoritiesmade the singular mistake of confounding thetwo. The lady was interred with military honors,a dragoon regiment following her to the grave,while the Soldier" coffin was covered with whitedrapery and flovveis, as the symbols of virginpurity, and wu carried to the grave by fourladies, a whole galaxy of fair damsels escortingthe trouper's remains, and chanting funeralhymns.

The Italian-America- n Steamship Company hasbeen organized in Florence. The capital of theCompany amounts to twenty million francs.Kvery fortnight a steamer will sail between New-Yor-k

and Cenoa, and every month one to llioJaneiro and the ports of La Plata. The shipswill carry the Italian Hag. In time of war theyhave to be used in the service of tlie (Jovernment,which allow the company an annual contribu-tion of eight hundred thousand francs.

Wo read in the new number of Blackn-oor- f :

Lord Clarendon (the new Secretary of ForeignAffairs), i a gentleman in every sense of theterm, but he labors under a defect of character,which, unsatisfactory in common men, is fatal toa statesman he cannot say no. Whether thisbe the re.-ulf- c of a life spent ehielly in diplomacy,or is natural to him, or be superinduced by tliebad praetice of smoking incessantly, we cannottell ; but the fact is as we have stilted it.

CjiWitrd of .L'O.dtH) has been subscribed towardthe erection of the cathedral which is proposedto erect in Loudon to the memory of the lireCardinal Wiseman. The Pope ha contributedtoward the memorial a magnificent silver-gil- t

monstrance, of large size, set with three preciousstones, and with. medallions in mosaic of impro-priate and exquisite taste.

Another frghtful disaster has occurred at theAlpine Tunnel. A powder magazine at theMont Cenis side exploded. Pour men who wereworking at the moment of the accident werehurhd to a considerable distance, and theircorjsi when found were shapeless mas.". .V

great number of workmen have also been wound-ed. At Fourneaux and Modane, nearly a miledistant, scarcely a single window in the housesremained unshuttered, and much damage wasdone to other constructions.

A recent meeting in Paris in aid of the en-

franchised slave of America was crowded tosuch excess that above 1.0UO persons went away,Hot h. i ing b.eeii able to find scats. M. Lab.ailayepresided. Mr. Leigh and Dr. Sunderland gavethe meeting several interesting fact as to thepresent condition of liberated negroes. M. dePressense, M. N. de Saint llilaire, and the well-know- n

member of tlie Provisional (iovermuent,the veteran barrister M. Cremieu, made eloquentappeals to the audience, rcpronching their coun-

trymen with having d ne little as yet in thecause for which the meeting had been called.

Among the charitable institutions founded byprivate enterprise in France, one of the mostremarkable i that set on foot by the schoolmas-ters in the department of the Loint. Almostall engaged in education in that district havesubscribed to it, and it now comprises 7(i"

of whom U2 are lioiiorai'. It ha- - b.-.--

bet four years in existence, and, though duringthat time" it distributed 3.01'Of. a year to old andinlirm membeis, its capital bus increased to1 ,!.; 'Of. The founders of the Society, findingthe capital increasing fn rapidly, have now re-

solved to extend their fe Id of action by provid-ing for the orphans of the members.

At a recent Cre in Westminister, ilugland,the Karl and Countess of Caithness wore amongthe spectator watching its progress. After itwas subdued, the Countess expressed a desire tohave a ride on one of the steam lire engines,which was readily acceded to by Captain Shaw,the chief of the brigade. The Countess was thennssisttd up to a seat, the Karl sitting by herside, and th? horses being attached to the engine,Ci'ptain Shaw took the leins and drove them tothe Kali's residence, in the vicinity of Il. lgraveSquare, where the Countess and her husbandalighted, apparently pleased at the dashing ratethey were driven through the streets of London.

A ifirtr Patti has t an album to her Majestythe Kmpres Kugonie containing twenty-tou- r

portraits of herself in the twenty-fou- r charac-ters she has personified since the commencementof her brilliant career. The Kmpr- - ss acceptedthis offering, and immediately sent Mdlle. Pattia magnificent j'arure in diamond. It is impos-sible not to contrast this gracious a-- t with theconduct of another crowned head (Queen Vic-

toria), to whom a poor lady sent f rom Ih st-.- :.nalbum containing a collection of the brillianttinted leaves of the American forest trees, whichwas certainly acknowledged by the words, HerMaj sty graciously accepts the album sent byMrs. , but wishes it to be distinctly un-

derstood that no similar offering will in futurehe received."

The vintage of Johannisbo g has not longcommenced. This valuable estate, at present theproperty of tie-- Mettcrnieh family, bel ng- d in1710 to the Prince Abbe of Fuhhis. One oftho-- e Princes forgot in 174 to give orders f rthe vintage to be commenced. The grapes rottedbefore they vv. re g ith-- r d. and, to the gr atsurprise- of the vine-dr- - rs, the fruitp ro. hiecd the most delicious wine. Since thatp.eri 1 the vintage at Johannisberg ha beencommenced a late as possible, and the owr-rip- e

grapes are carefully separated from those not sofir advanced. The grapes slightly tainted pro-duce wine of the first quality, which is calledPotentat. because it is reserved for the e- liars ofcrowm-- Inad. A b .ttle of the wine of Pot. n-t- at

sells readily at tie vineyard fur fifteen shi-lling, and even twenty shillings.

For Sugar Boilers.. ecu. i it o.i i i"r Micnoscni'r.s,

4 i r.r.r m::t.il ritiiKMOMtirt t:.i. . I J. I W J II .V r.


S. C. WILDI'.Ib pkoimii rroit.wii.nr.it, ii.v vi x.J iuh cii i tiikS;. iiC.tr : i:i t!.e ;il'--.i- I'l.ii-'- . U: i:. ! i t'TV vii

l!,e l.ii.-eii- " as 'ef.-p- lien, r it A JfnisWALKi:U, ALI.!:X 4 '..

Sjj-C.!- )

VfniknjH! BMnnlaliou!11. ( OUNWIILL, Proprietor.


in I. ti to sua j.arcl.as.r-- . Aj j :

:J.J Jui uK.O. 0. K Li:AN. At.-t.t- .


OW t O.M I NlJ IN".l r S.i!e

C. f.!!KVKK& Co., .

1886. 5n nn

mm m) molassesI rom I'lONKi:!! MILLS, LAII IIM !

COMIXK IV AM) FOR SAI.F. INCltOI io sua jiurcl. users iv;.03-:.i- ii WALKEK. AI.I.KX ,t CO.



C'OMINCJ IN" AXD FOU SALE INC1KO!' to su.t l;v6!j:5-3i- n VVALKKH, AI.LKX A-- CO.


From L.ihue Plantation !

KOI' ro.MIXG IV AND FOK SALi: INCI ipiur.tai. s to suit purrh; l.y6,i?.--- , - UALKKU, AI.LKX & CO.


OrS-OI2- 5 1SG6.YOV COMIMJ IN' AM) FOR SALF. INi. iuiiiitilit-- to suit, l.y

4S1 Oiu MKLCIIKItS & C.PI at Maul Plantation.

S iisirs :3Bi5il Molasses,NOW OMlNG IN, AND oilciitlCiRO: a!- - in iiiiantili. s i l.y

II. IIACKKKI.lt A.-- CO.,1 :l ''-

Sugar & Molassesof Tin:

IIOK SALF IX ir.lNTITir.STO SlIT V. V41 4US-:'.- n CASTLi: .V l't..lKK.

HAT7AWArmTWlW.Nsisir ;anl 2o2:asses,

TfTUl TIIF A 1 1 0 V F I'LAXTATION FORin mi.mlitics to suit liy

4 WALKKK, ALT.I'.X : Co.


rsmi V. IIONdLI'LF RFFIXFRV YVILFAViL lit )iii:!i. st t j i tee l'r

HARD SUGARS, ANDFirst and Secontl Molasses !

'.urn on without coxtjisiius.WALIvKU, AI.LKX A: CO.,


!Osi. 1886.


WiLIKBE PliAKTATIOIT.IROF NOW COMIXC I X A X I FOR SALF' in 'imii.titl. s t uit I'lin Lv

4.:j-v.i- ii VVA1.KKK, AI.LKX & Co.


Sugar and Molasses !

s li: li VH.oi: ).:;,,! c. i ui:vv::r, & c... tc.


Xew C's'op ofSimar & Molasses !

37L"t)V ( OMIXfi IN".i9 F..r sile l.y

Is.VGm C. I'.KIIWI!!: ,V C.'i , :ii?. iits.

Sugar & Molassesfrom Tin:

Plantation of T. H. Hobron.roi now coMixr: in a n i I'OR s v lf

.J ..in iiM titi s to tu t tiuix-l- i isi'i's l.y

.I.S VI. C.llKKN. BL'f-n- t

c e. i -- 1 ri vi

fcs. T





1866!CT.OI COMING IN. F-.-- s ile l.y


rrll T INVAhl A ELE. I I R A HI.E, FLFX!!, i ant. c: r..s;ve

.METALLIC PAINTF. r '.: , r-.-il. r- -. R U. St .0:1 Ca t Pj.,w., II .u- -- ,F Si;!.. .!. ! -- , rs,


;.i.ii-.l.- '. EI'.E'.V f !L .V Co.

IH TF.'I'.K AM) I'KODI'Ci: WAGONSh.ti'ii '' n v a ss i ops. roi: ( 01 vti: v

V 7 SEE ICE.I', v S t v

".I. ) li!. . I 'll 1 It

foreign IDbcrltstmcnts.

l'T.onENCJh-- iOl'V OF Till: KF.FOKT OF TIIF.






1st. It.- siirj Vx'? an-- pre:it ra:.s:e if work.1 Its uiakina f ur .HflVrent M itches, viz: The L.vk, Knot,

iK.ut.!.; 1...0V. en t I.UIe Knot.

31 Tii0 it !.' ftv.l motion. .ier;t.l I'.V siini'Iy tuinlnjr aT!iuir.!i S..Tt-v- fji:.M:rsi the iJt:iUt to run Ih workto th.. Ki-- ht r to the Left, and convenience ofSk lf MMeniui; the eiiili cf SejiiiS.

4:h. The pirf vt Finish ami ulsUutial manner in which the!.!.!. Ine is in. tie.

5th. Tlie ni;.i.Iuy of its working, an,l Quality of tlie VVcik

ilvi.e.6th. Its tension.


8l:Blel?siir orCailifornia,

LO R F N V K S E W TsV. --M A V II I X K- -A fiera careful inveti?ation of this XE'.V nn.l UEAl'TIKl'L

MACHINE, vicwinsr it as we Jo in a mechanical point of view,

we consider that it is in iu;my resp-x-t- s worthy of much jraisetparticularly of its mechanical arrangement hy which thehKVKRABl.K motion is obtained, which is simplicity itself, andin our opinion worthy of special consideration; also, theCOMI'LICTK and POSITIVE COXIUOL OVEU THE TEN-

SION, as exhihiied in this Machine, along with the mechanical

arrangement for taking up the slack of the thread, as was

shown in without any alteration, and without any stop-pat- re


Your Committee, therefore, after a cl .se and carerul investi-pntio- n,


TANT LM PROVED M ACI1IN ES now in use. We, therefore, iuview of the ahove ficts. award it the FIRST and II I G II-IC- ST


SA.lII'lil IZII.l,, General" Agent,Xo. 11 MOXTGOMEUV STIlEKT,




Pioneer Lumber Dealer!UNION LIT-Mm:-

it VAK1).Corner Califi.ruia anl Jlavis Sf reds, ami No. 12-- .Market Street

fjiaxcisco.sro'au i'inf, fastkiix imxk. wiiitkci:ia r,AND Aid. KIXDS OK HI ILDINU MATERIAIi CONSTANT

l.V OX HAND. 4SS-l- y



OXrTI CI .'VTS" JS .Im jo T- - of Opli(:il. In I :i I icn I iilid

IMii!osolii-- a I I nsl r il tut-i- l t.B'risl illOSCOPlC GOODS,




XoS. 3! 7 and 1 O Montj-r.nier- y street, lielween C;iliforni.-- i

a::d Piac streets, San Francisco, and No. 4UMaiden Lane, New York.

A V K FOR S.l LF TIIF LA RGKST STOCKon tin; Pacific Coat, coiwistinjr in part an follows :

710 dozen SPECTACLES, iu Gold, Silver, Steel and TlaledEram.-s- .

'Mo dozen EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver, Steel, Horn,Shell ami Kuhlier Frames.


PEI'.ILES.::.r)0 di.zeii SPECTACLE arid EYE GLASS CASEo.u0o Ojii r.i and Marine IJ'.nsses.

75 Telescopes and Spy Glasses.UJi tl"Z-- ti Manifyitii,' Gla-si- s.

SO il Pi.eket Cotnpa.sie.-i-CJj Hand Stereoscopes.

74 Revolving Stereoseni.es.500 doz-- ii Mer.-i.si;- . pic ievs.

Draiviiii.' l:i-- ti uu.t ills, iu German Silver and Lrass.l:ox.Vi...d and Ivory Seal- - s.Mier..seopes in every Si ie.

2C0 Magnetic Maehines for Medical purpose?.Aneroid .

20,500 C:,idt'.O.) Ail. urn Pi. 'tares in . il e..l..rs.

OJ dozen Cnii.ii CardJoseph llod us Sou's CCTLEKY

DiO ii..zi ii Tahle Knives.".U0 ilo.-'i- i Po. ki-- t Knives.1 jo .lozvii Raz .rs.

50 dozen Ua.or Strops.1U0 do-- , n Scissors.

S('ISS"KS in cases.Ion dozen G ro.sc.ipe Topsl.'.O d..z n Tiieriiiuiii. ters

th z.-i- i II ydiotn- - rs.

ialvai:io I.atteries.

irr ColMUY TKAIiER.S will consult their own interestl.y exainir.ini; our Stock and Prices Lefure purchasiiij; elseivhero.

OKUERS KK I THE Col'MKY promptly executedX 7 CATALOGL'ES sent to any address Fiikk. .CI


lawki-:nc- a-- iioi!si:woimr,OI'Tiri A NS,

No. :t I 7 iiikI 3 1 J) .MoiiltMiii i y Sirr-(- .

S A N" F U A X C I S Ct. 400-l- y

W. A. AI.IiKK.il. J. C. JuIIN M'CICACttN.


CoiiutiissioiK MerchiUil.sAN1

AiKiiioiicors,: l tinl :.l)s Oiillfoi'iiin Street.


San rrantisco iV Honolulu rackets.Part attention riven to the sale and purchase ol inerthandise, ship-:- ' business, supil-.in- whaleship, ngotiatinjexchaiii'e. "e.I r All Height arriviri" :.t San Francisco, l.y .r to the Ho

nohllu Line ol Packet--- , Will be forvar.led KKKKur COM il.ssn is.FT E.h.ir.;;- - ,n Honolulu bought and sold. ri

1' KKKKKNCKSM.-sr- C. L. Rrriji,:.,.s . (.'..., Honolulu" li IIai kki.ii , Cn.j "" c i:k; ki: v ; ..,

r.i-H- c, i.!r. R. V. M ...n, ". "...I'.."!"."".'. "lion K. II. At i.i v.. .. . ."

1 ('. Vat.-:i:Ma- Rs.,., i.4.(0 ly


lk'..-' " Js.A

31 0 L 0 ft A I 15 U T rF fi H .

IIA,VIX(;IHK NOLI-- f'O N'T It A C 'T FORi!;..r,Mi,rt ..flWlV,,

I r.o-- a n'.:.:ii.a,M and t

ll Cents por Iotnul !A. I). E.U1TU RIGHT.

FAMILY liEOCERY Xb F E E I SToRE. )I . . i V.i :.m

orcifiit tiijcrtiscmnl.:.



. I 4--,


13 J A. jS2 ID Y.020 MOTC()3!ri:Y STHKKT,

(P.HSenu ut Montgomery Mock.)

San TFaiioiFsCo. 497-C- m





California Pails, Tubs, Brooms, frc.

217 .AND 219 SACRAMENTO STREET.PetR-eei- i Front and Davis,


JACOK Il7lRIiitrsixFss at 20s rfsiist.saxDoixo offers Lis services to his friends at t),

Hawaiian Islands, as uu

V O E 1ST TFor transacting business, filling orders, and forwarding anydeseriptioti of .'.xids; and will es eute any coinuiissiuiu in.trusted to hiiu with judgment und promptness.

liis will le moderate and propoi tinned to the amountof service rendered. 491-ti-

LOWE, BROTHERS"Commission Merchants !

Victoria, Vancouver Island.r.EFEIt TO

Tbk Hon. IIi dsos's Ray Cj Victoria, V. I.Messrs Dasi.. Uibb & Co.... . ...Sun Francisco.Messrs. Walkkk, Ali.km t Co ....Honolulu.Mr. J AMKS 1. Dowsktt. .............. . . . . . do.

402-- 1 y


MORGAN, STONB & CO.Com in i ssion and Forwarding Merchants, San Francisco, Cal

Ukfkrkm'ksT. S. Hathaway Esq 'w l

Messrs T. .V A. U. Nye, "l,..;tl X- - IVrrv 11 "

tlrinnell Minium V Co.,. .............. .New York,John M. Forbes E..j.,. ......... Eoston,

Messrs Perkins & Smith,. ..................... New loiulon,Daniel C. Waterman Esj Honolulu.

4Si)-l- y

MNI0N7 GREEN & RHODES,Commission Merchants,

X icloi-i.i- , ViiiroiivrrM ImIiiikI.

N. li. Particular nttention paid tuconsitjninr-nt- s ofSanilwii kIsland Produce.

Victoria. V. I., January 1, 1S03. 4G0-- y


C. KING Sl Co.Shipping and Coiuniisioii


w ssssAV s S?3 HSS

v W W AV SS- -l

w AV SS--SAV w v AV ssssAV AV AV SSSSSW AV ssssss

V AV sssssv w AV AV sssAVW AVW FSSS SSfS


Warrl's Pm-fpr-- .t Pittino-'Shirt- s I

'BMIESH SHIRTS Alti: too wi ll Known inneed any coimii.-nt- , l.otli tur perfect fit and quality. A

full supply on hand. Alo, the largest stock of pentV finefiirnirdiiiij; pomls on the Pacific coast. Try one of his Shirtsand you ivill never wear any others.

S. W. 82. WAR I &, SOi,323 Montgomery Street,

Odtl tVlloiv'11 Hull, Sun Fruiirii.ro.New York House, 387 Eroadway. 4K2-6-

Thus. J. PoLLiniKit, V:4. M. IUsdix, JI. C. Duwsiso.


Wholesale CrociT 'Auction House!ESTABLISHED IN 1S50.

Siilrkrnoiu, Finpinof IJi it-- ICiiil.li 114;. Xo."ml 2!) CiiliU'oi-iii- Sli I, two doorO-- o in Front.


OA-J- t I. irr Cii.h AilvaneiHiH'iloi ii Merehan-ilis- e

to our consignment for put-li- or private bale, and alltiiercaiitile tacilities rendered con jigrori.

Kef-.-- l y p.Messrs. C. L. En iiarus Jt Co Honolului. P. .li nn, Esy

Mes.srs. Machuhay ,t Co Sa'i Frfincisco" Kalknkk. Hh.i. .v Co "" MollliAX, .V C( "" iHCKMIS, I'hWt LF if Co r

IlAXK OF P.llITIU CoLfMHIA "" 477-l- y

BlcCraken. Merrill & Co.,FORWARDING AND

Commission .Merchants,lftl:tii1, r-g- n.

nAVixc ijff.x i:xf:AOi:i ix oiritfor upwai.ls .t m v.-i- i years, and heiug

located in a lire proof t.rirk building, w: are to reeeTv--

and dispose of Island ttaplt.-s- Mien as Suttar, Kiee, S rups, Pulu,CofTee, tie-- , to a IvMi.trfL'e. Consignments solirite.1for the Oiv;.rou mark-- t, to which personal nttc-n-l nm will l paidiand upon which cn.-d-i advances will he made when r. ipiired.

San-- Fkanci.sco IUmiusi'i-s- :

Cha. V. P.ror.ks 'i Co., Ihul.'.:r Jc LindriiUi frer,Ja.s. P.itriek Co., Fred. Iken,AV. T. Col. inan & Co., Stev.-n.- , Eak r & Co.

Portland IU fkhkxcks:Allen .t Lewis. 1,1,1 .v T.iton. ly r.n ird Jk (Jrcen.

Hi.Nol.t I.C Kh KKl.NCKS;AValker, All.n.N; Co., s. Savid.e.


miizwiutv FOK SA ILK

A Kan; Opport unity to Vm chase a

Splendid Kusiness.

Tf XTFXDIXf: TO I.KA VUTI2 IS KINGDOM.B. the uii.l. c.lV rs ..r s.ile the

In con.pli te order, and iu full and' !ueer-- stnl operation. Far-tie- s

wishing to. ii- - -- in tliii husinc-s.- s will tiii l this uu f'H,ir'tinity Lifer- - I.Ti e purch:. r will he entitled to full instruction in the art

f.f P.rewiii".AVILLAUIt II. FltANCIS.

A'j 1 2ni Nini.iuu Valley- -


'Tni, Xveceivecl4T Tin: aciivi: kstaiji.isii.aif.xt a

N.-- and Ear;.- -- A-- s .rtn.ent of

Best Rciincd Bar Iron !

-- AI.SO-

On TTnnd every dc-oriptio-u of


Ami llvnythi lit; a )lir n Itlr lo n n:csf VT-Hf




I- -
