The momo maker (castellano) preview

Post on 31-Jul-2016

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Transcript of The momo maker (castellano) preview


Prologue by Jordan Seiler


Previous spread: decorated building found in Jamaica in 2013.


All images on this spread: decorated buildings found in Jamaica in 2013.

Next spread: Seoul, 2007.


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Momo: Both the slide-show script that randomly animates the images and the gif format were very clunky and out of date, even in 2006.

This was exciting partially because it was within the reach of my aging laptop that needed an external desk fan to keep from overheating.


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Next spread, and all following illustrations with white background: screen captures of the first Momo Maker, 2007.

Above: html code of the first Momo Maker. The code was publicly accessible since the start of the project. It can be downloaded from Momo’s website.







Momo: Milton Carter had a t-shirt industry in our studio, so the first posters were made with ink he’d donated. These fabric inks needed heat setting, so I’d bake the posters in an oven before going out.

Typically to get the image on the screen you use a positive that is a photo image on clear acetate. I was able to make my positives directly with cut paper, because my forms were so simple. I enjoyed knowing the printed forms were shadows cast directly from real collage.





The design makes all attempts to center the weight forward to avoid wheelies. Improvements would be a drain at the botom. Currently I pick up the whole bicycle with the bucket attached, in order to drain the paste.

Momo: The fiberglass paste container is narrow to stay balanced and receive a double wide roller. The bike can hold ten gallons of paste without sloshing out the top, but six gallons is all I can pedal over bridges. 96


Momo: A center-stand made form a folding chair keeps the rig stable while pasting. A three-feet-wide push-broom cut to a third of its weight and size1 embeds paper in textured walls such as brick, though I rarely bother with brick. Sometimes I prepare areas with a scraper. I use detachable fittings for the broom and scraper. A laundry bag holds posters, and fits onto the bike handle bars and front rack with velcro.

I’d been trying various systems for two years before the bike came along.2 Dreaming up the equipment is extremely fun, but sticking posters all night is surprisingly boring.

1. A previous version of this shown on page 8. 2 . See page 138.

Momo: By attaching the roller to a telescopic pole I can deliver paste up high where I like to work. An adapter snaps on and off the roller instantly and holds wide posters neatly while sending them aloft.





Facing page: London, 2008 (detail).Next spread: New York, 2007 photographed in 2008.

Letf to right and top to bottom:Brooklyn, 2009.Brooklyn, 2009.New York, 2010 and detail.London, 2008.


New Orleans, 2010.




Momo: In time, the possibilities I had discovered with the online Maker spawned work in other formats besides screen printing. The cardboard wall hanging, Trash Island, the drawings zine, and eventually MOMO Maker Models, all represent the same serial strategy plus familiar vocabulary of shapes, filling in all remaining directions.

I constructed the 3d models in order to see their interplay of shadows in real space. The variables were new and enormous. MOMO Maker Models collects results I was partial to because they revealed new directions while not straying too far from the previous two dimensional work.

The depiction of these shapes with an isometric perspective and limited rendering of shadows had been slowly creeping into the 2d work for a while. You can see it first with the two tone ring and diamond 1 shapes in the second Maker, and in prints after 2008.

1 See page 6, bottom left.


Following spreads: images from Momo Maker Models, 2011.

Images on this spread: Momo Maker Models, 2011. 5.5 × 8.5 inches, 38 pages. Run of 200 photocopies, home-distributed.