Tema 5 - Los Menus del GCS.ppt

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Transcript of Tema 5 - Los Menus del GCS.ppt



  • 5.2 .- CONFIGURACIN DE ESPEED GCS (ESPEED GCS SETUP)La opcin GCS Setup es un grupo de men que contiene la mayora de los parmetros necesarios para la programacin y monitoreo de una instalacin bsica

  • 5.2.1 .- CONFIGURACIN 1 DEL GCS (GCS SETUP 1)En este men se encuentran la mayora de parmetros especficos que deben ser programadas.Existen valores por defecto de acuerdo al modelo del controlador.

  • 5.2.2 .- CONFIGURACIN 2 DEL GCS (GCS SETUP 2)Es la segunda pantalla se puede accesar presionando la tecla de flecha IZQUIERDA o DERECHA desde el GCS SETUP 1.Presionando la tecla de flecha ABAJO son mostrados otros parmetros.

  • .- CONFIGURACIN 2 DEL GCS (GCS SETUP 2)Submen Frecuencias a Evitar (Frequency Avoidance).

  • 5.2.3 .- CONFIGURACIN 3 DEL GCS (GCS SETUP 3)Programacin de parmetros de control de torque.Solo visible con PCM 8.xx o superior.Programacin de corriente de placa y corriente de magnetizacin.Torque = (5,52 x HP)/ RPM

  • 5.2.4 .- ARRANQUES (STARTS)Es la cuarta pantalla del grupo de men GCS DRIVE STEUP.Se programa los re-arranques automticos y los tiempos de retardo.

  • 5.3 .- REGISTRO E HISTORIA (DATALOG & HISTORY)Permite el acceso al registro histrico almacenado por el controlador GCS.

  • 5.3.1 .- HISTORIA DE PARADAS (SHUTDOWN HISTORY)Almacena la causa, fecha y hora de las ultimas 99 paradas de motor.Presione ENTER para ver detalles de la parada.

  • Muestra el registro fotografico de las medidas de voltaje, amperaje y seales analogas al momento que ocurrio la falla. .- DETALLE DE PARADAS (SHUTDOWN DETAIL)

  • Registra y despliega los ltimos 255 eventos ocurridos en el controlador.Estos eventos incluyen:- Arranques.- Cambios de parmetros de programacin.- Paradas.5.3.2 .- REGISTROS DE EVENTOS (EVENT RECORDS)

  • Registra y acumula estadsticas de corrida del controlador y del motor que este controlando.5.3.3 .- HISTORIA DE FUNCIONAMIENTO (RUN HISTORY)

  • 5.3.4 .- REGISTRO DE DATOS EN TARJETA DE PCHabilita o deshabilita el registro de data en la PC Card.Permite el ingreso a las pantallas de configuracin de registro de data.

  • .- CONFIGURAR REGISTRO DE DATOS (DATALOG SETUP)Presionando ENTER seleccionamos la data a ser registrada.El registro comienza inmediatamente una vez habilitado el registro.

  • .- DATOS HISTRICOS (HISTORICAL DATA)Guarda el Histrico de Paradas (Shutdown History), el Histrico de Eventos (Event History) y el Grfico de Amperaje Fase B (Phase B Ampchart) en la tarjeta PC Card.

  • Presionando ENTER seleccionamos guardar la data en la PC Card. .- GUARDAR/CARGAR CONFIGURACIN (SAVE/LOAD SETUP)

  • Seleccione cual(es) de los parmetros desea almacenar en la PC Card. .- GUARDAR CONFIGURACIN (SAVE SETUP)

  • Presionando ENTER seleccionamos cargar la data desde la PC Card.Seleccionamos el archivo de programacin (xxxx setup.txt) desde la PC Card. .- GUARDAR/CARGAR CONFIGURACIN (SAVE/LOAD SETUP)

  • 5.3.4 .- REGISTRO DE DATOS EN TARJETA DE PCHabilita o deshabilita el registro de data en la PC Card.Permite el ingreso a las pantallas de configuracin de registro de data.

  • .- INFORMACIN AVANZADA (ADVANCED PCC INFO)Informacin avanzada de la PC Card

  • .- INFORMACIN DEL SITIO (SITE INFORMATION)Se puede colocar el nombre del sitio y cinco lneas para cualquier comentario.Cada lnea tiene 21 caracteres de longitud.

  • .- GRFICOS (GRAPHING)El controlador GCS registra la corriente de salida por periodos de siete das.La corriente mnima, mxima y promedio es registrada cada 1 minutoPuede graficar intervalos desde 3 horas hasta 1 semana.Seleccione Comienzo o final del grafico o referencia de sitio.

  • .- GRFICOS (GRAPHING)Ajuste del eje y.Fecha y hora tanto de inicio como de ubicacin del cursor en la grafica y valores de corriente registrada.

  • Permite acceder a la programacin de los parmetros de proteccin del sistema, umbrales y demoras.Contiene mens variados dependiendo del tipo de controlador GCS.5.4 .- FALLAS Y ALARMAS (FAULTS & ALARMS)

  • Se programa el valor mximo permitido que puede alcanzar la corriente.El valor mas alto de las corrientes es mostrado como referencia.5.4.1 .- SOBRECARGA (OVERLOAD)


  • 5.4.2 .- BAJA CARGA (UNDERLOAD)Se programa el valor inferior permitido que puede bajar la corriente.

  • 5.4.3 .- SOBREVOLTAJE DE ENTRADA (INPUT OVRVLT)Monitorea el valor de voltaje mximo permitido en la entrada del controlador.Estos valores pueden ser ajustados.

  • Monitorea el valor de voltaje mnimo permitido en la entrada del controlador.Estos valores pueden ser ajustados.5.4.4 .- BAJO VOLTAJE DE ENTRADA (INPUT UNDVLT)

  • Monitorea el des-balance del voltaje de entrada entre cada una de las tres fases del controlador.Se ajusta entre 0-100%5.4.5 .- DESBALANCE DE VOLTAJE DE ENTRADA (INPUT VUNBAL)

  • Protege al motor o sistema de bombeo de las operaciones por debajo de las frecuencias seguras.5.4.6 .- PARADA POR BAJA VELOCIDAD (LOW SPEED TRIP)

  • El Electrospeed GCS tiene siete entradas para los sensores de temperatura.5.4.7 .- SENSORES DE TEMPERATURA (TEMP SENSORS)El sensor de temperatura auxiliar puede ser usado para medir la temperatura que el usuario requiera.

  • Cuando es habilitada monitorea las perdidas de comunicacin serial.5.4.8 .- FALLA DE TELEMETRA (TELEMETRY FAIL)

  • Provee una va conveniente para determinar cual de las alarmas se encuentran habilitadas.Utilice las pantallas de alarma individuales para editar otros parmetros.5.4.9 .- CONFIGURACIN DE ALARMAS (ALARM SETUP)

  • 5.5 .- FUNCIONES DE LGICA PROGRAMABLE (PROG LOGIC FUNCT)Este men provee el acceso a cualquiera de las funciones programables disponibles.Las funciones programables estn divididas en dos: las construidas por algoritmos y las creadas por un usuario.

  • 5.5.1 .- CONFIGURACIN DE FUNCIONES PROGRAMABLES (PROG FUNCT SETUP)El controlador incluye cuatro algoritmos de control de salida: Modo Valor de Frecuencia, Modo PID (Proporcional, Integrativa, Derivativa), Modo Anlogo Seguidor y Modo Frecuencia de Barrido.

  • .- CONTROL DE FRECUENCIA DE SALIDA (OUTPUT FREQUENCY CONTROL)Modo de Control (Control Mode) El Modo de Control determina el algoritmo que controlar la velocidad de salida del controlador.Modo de Control: Valor de Frecuencia (FR SET) Cuando el Electrospeed GCS est operando en modo de valor de Frecuencia, intentar operar a la frecuencia establecida programada por el usuario.

  • .- CONTROL DE FRECUENCIA DE SALIDA (OUTPUT FREQUENCY CONTROL)Modo de Control: PID Cuando opera en modo PID, el controlador intentar variar su frecuencia de salida de manera de mantener una seal de entrada analgica dada.

  • .- CONTROL DE FRECUENCIA DE SALIDA (OUTPUT FREQUENCY CONTROL)Modo de Control: AN FOL Seguidor Analgico. Cuando se opera en modo de Control Seguidor Analgico, el controlador intentar variar su frecuencia de salida entre el Bloqueo de Baja Velocidad y el Bloqueo de Alta Velocidad en proporcin 0-100% de la seal de entrada analgica seleccionada.

  • .- CONTROL DE FRECUENCIA DE SALIDA (OUTPUT FREQUENCY CONTROL)Modo de Control: FR SWP Modo Barrido de Frecuencia. Este modo de control de frecuencia se usa para hacer que el controlador de velocidad variable GCS aumente o disminuya automticamente su frecuencia de salida entre los valores de los Bloqueos de Alta Velocidad y de Baja Velocidad, en intervalos de 0,1 a 15,0 Hz durante un perodo de tiempo de 1 minuto a 96 horas. Al final del cambio o barrido de frecuencia programado, el controlador GCS revertir automticamente a su modo de Valor de Frecuencia. Mantendr luego la salida en la ltima frecuencia alcanzada.

  • 5.5.2 .- BLOQUE PLC DE USUARIO (USER PLC BLOCK)El men Bloque PLC de usuario brinda al usuario acceso al bloque de control de ejecucin que impulsa al controlador de la funcin de lgica programable. Usando las funciones suministradas, el usuario puede crear algoritmos exclusivos y a medida que no estn disponibles como parte del controlador estndar. El documento titulado Gua de Aplicacin de Funciones Programables de GCS (GCS Programmable Functions Application Guide) provee ms detalles.Hay 48 Bloques PLC de Usuario disponibles, numerados del 1 al 48. Cuando se los nombra dentro de un punto PLC de usuario, los bloques se identifican con su nmero de direccin de base de datos, siendo el bloque nmero uno igual a la direccin 99, el bloque nmero dos igual a la direccin 98, y as sucesivamente. El ltimo bloque PLC disponible es el bloque nmero 48, en la direccin 52.

  • El men Modificar Punto de Usuario, en conjunto con los mens de Bloque PLC de Usuario, brindan acceso a los puntos de base de datos del usuario usados para realizar clculos y funciones lgicas. El controlador GCS tiene 256 puntos de Base de Datos de Usuario disponibles.5.5.3 .- MODIFICAR PUNTO DE USUARIO (EDIT USER POINT)

  • El men Alarmas Definidas por el Usuario brinda acceso a ocho alarmas configurables. Cualquier nmero de alarmas pueden ser activadas y usadas para hacer que el motor pare si existen las condiciones definidas.En la actualidad, las fuentes de datos de entrada incluyen el sensor de fondo Centinel y las lecturas de la unidad Mdulo de Comunicacin Remota de Datos (RDCM).5.5.4 .- ALARMAS DEFINIDAS POR EL USUARIO (USER DEFINED ALARMS)

  • 5.6 .- PANTALLA DEL USUARIO (CUSTOM USER SCREEN)El men Pantalla del Usuario brinda una pantalla configurable por el usuario. Los parmetros de otras pantallas de despliegue pueden copiarse a sta, permitiendo al usuario crear una pantalla de datos personalizada.

  • 5.6.1 .- MEN DEL USUARIO (CUSTOM USER MENU)El Men del Usuario despliega once variables. Cada una de las once lneas puede ser configurada para desplegar cualquier dato encontrado en el controlador. La configuracin original de fbrica muestra el valor de los once primeros Puntos de Dato del Usuario. Para reemplazar estos puntos de dato con otros, use la funcin del Men de Utilitarios Agregar al Men del Usuario.

  • 5.7 .- SCADA Y SEGURIDAD Y SISTEMA (SCADA & SECURITY & SYSTEM)El grupo de pantallas SCADA y Seguridad y Sistema brinda acceso a varias opciones de mantenimiento del sistema, seguridad, y comunicacin incluidas en el Electrospeed GCS.

  • 5.7.1 .- SISTEMA (SYSTEM)Esta pantalla brinda acceso a varios parmetros relativos al mantenimiento global del sistema.Reinicia los valores programados y prepara al controlador para un reinicio.Revisin de Software.

  • 5.7.2 .- CONFIGURACIN DE SCADA (SCADA SETUP)Este men agrupa los parmetros relacionados que controlan las comunicaciones con los sistemas de computadoras externas y los dispositivos de telemetra.

  • Este men accede a las funciones de seguridad del sistema del Electrospeed GCS.Esta provisto de tres niveles de seguridad: - Contrasea de Usuario (User Password) Contiene la contrasea de seguridad del usuario.- Contrasea de Nivel 1 (Level 1 Pswd) La contrasea de nivel uno es el valor que debe ser ingresado para obtener acceso de modificacin a la mayora de los valores de configuracin.- Contrasea de Nivel 2 (Level 2 Pswd) La contrasea de nivel dos es el valor que debe ser ingresado para obtener acceso de modificacin a todos los valores y variables de configuracin del sistema.Si la contrasea del usuario no es correcta, estas variables desplegarn XXXXX.5.7.3 .- SEGURIDAD (SECURITY)

  • 5.7.4 .- HORA ACTUAL (CURRENT TIME)Esta pantalla despliega los valores actuales del reloj en tiempo real con respaldo de batera que opera en el sistema GCS. El objetivo primario del reloj es poder registrar las fechas y horas del Histrico de Paradas y las funciones de registro de datos.

  • 5.7.5 .- DEFINIR HORA (SET TIME)Esta pantalla brinda acceso a los valores de hora y fecha del reloj en tiempo real del sistema GCS. Este reloj debera ser cambiado a la hora y fecha actuales si la batera incorporada ha sido cambiada o desconectada por cualquier motivo.

  • 5.8 .- CONFIGURACIN Y DESPLIEGUE ANALGICOS (ANALOG SETUP & DISPLAY)La pantalla de Configuracin Analgica permite desplegar las lecturas de corriente y voltaje de salida as como tambin ajustar los voltajes de entrada.

  • 5.8.1 .- CONFIGURACIN ANALGICA (ANALOG SETUP)Esta pantalla permite desplegar las lecturas de corriente y voltaje de salida, as como tambin ajustar los voltajes de entrada.

  • 5.9 .- MDULOS GCS (GCS MODULES)La pantalla MDULOS GCS brinda acceso a los submens que proveen control de los parmetros de configuracin relacionados con todos los Mdulos de Entrada/ Salida, ya sean incorporados (sobre la SCB) o tarjetas de expansin opcionales montadas en forma externa.

  • 5.9.1 .- E/S INCORPORADA (ONBOARD I/O)El men Entrada/ Salida Incorporada brinda acceso a las pantallas de configuracin para la E/S incorporada. stas consisten de dos entradas analgicas de 0-10 voltios CC y tres entradas digitales.

  • 5.9.2 .- ESTADO DE MDULOS (MODULES STATUS)Esta pantalla de men muestra cules mdulos de expansin disponibles estn habilitados para comunicar en la red CITIBus. Moviendo el cursor de realce a los renglones disponibles y oprimiendo ENTER podr habilitar dicho mdulo.

  • 5.9.3 .- ESTADO DE CENTINEL (CENTINEL STATUS)El mdulo Centinel GCS est disponible como una unidad independiente compatible con GCS o como mdulo de expansin opcional para el controlador Electrospeed GCS. Cuando se lo utiliza como dispositivo de expansin, este ser configurado y sus datos sern desplegados en la misma GDI usada para el controlador. La unidad de sistema Centinel se instala en el gabinete del Electrospeed y se integra al GCS simplemente conectando el cable de datos CITIBus desde el controlador al Centinel y finalmente a la GDI. De esta manera, el controlador es capaz de leer los datos de fondo de pozo desde el sensor Centinel.

  • 5.9.4 .- MDULO DE COMUNICACIN REMOTA DE DATOS (RDCM)El Mdulo de Comunicacin Remota de Datos es un mdulo de expansin para el controlador GCS que brinda una interfaz entre el controlador y dispositivos de terceros compatibles con Modbus. El RDCM est configurado para pedir (poll) a los esclavos MODBUS los datos especificados por el usuario y a su vez pone esos datos a disposicin del sistema de control GCS. Puesto que los datos recuperados se mantienen en formato digital durante todo el proceso, no hay prdida de fidelidad y no hay necesidad de entradas analgicas y digitales adicionales.

    The GCS Drive Setup screen gathers together most of the parameters that need setup of adjustment during routine start-ups and operations.Most of these parameters can also be accessed via other menus.Many of the parameters found under this group are specific to each application. The values programmed into these setpoints must be determined by field service personnel based on well information provided by the customer. Most of the parameters do have factory default values programmed into them based on the model number of the drive.Some of these parameters also limit maximum or minimum values that can be set, again based on drive model numbers. This second screen is accessed by pressing the left or right arrow s while viewing the GCS setup 1 screen.The user password entry location is here.Note that the last three parameters are read only and cannot be user modified.Pressing enter with the Freq Avoid Cfg highlighted causes the Frequency Avoidance setup screen to be displayed. You can set up to 5 frequencies to be avoided and the deadband around themThis Screen sets up the Torque Control Software. It is only visible when using PCM8rXX or higher. The only two parameters that are critical to drive operation are Motor Nameplate Current (scaled to drive output) and Motor Magnetizing Current (also scaled to drive output) Using 30% of Motor Nameplate Current for the magnetizing current is a good approximation.Setting the Rated Motor RPM and Number of Poles will allow the drive to display correct motor shaft RPM.If a gear (or pulley) ratio is entered, then scaled pump torque and RPM will be available.This STARTS menu screen is the third and last linked menu grouped under the GCS DRIVE SETUP main menu selection. Access it by pressing the left or right arrows from the GCS SETUP 1 or 2 menus.This screen holds most of the global restart parametersInternal Automatic Restart parameter controls the restart mode of the GCS when an external HOA switch is not present. When set to yes, the GCS drive will assume its automatic restart mode of operation.Strts Cntr Starts Counter records the number of starts that the motor has attempted within the start counter reset delay period. If the starts counter reaches the value set in Max Alowd Strts, the controller will assume a lockout condition and prevent any further restarts until it is reset.Max Alowd Strts The GCS controller will only permit this many restart attempts when the motor is started but does not run as long as the Starts Counter Reset delay period.Strts Counter reset delay When the GCS controller accumulates start attempts, it watches to see how long the motor runs after that attempt. If it does not run as long as the value of this parameter, the GCS will only allow as many starts as the value of the Max Alowd Starts parameter. If the motor does run as long as this reset delay, the GCS will change the Strts Cntr back to zero and therefore allow the GCS to attempt the whole Max Alowd number of start attempts.

    The GCS controller gathers several types of data relating to the operation of the motor. The menu screens for this data are accessed through this menu group. 7 days of amp charts, 1 min resolution, high, low, avg10,080 min/weekLast 255 eventsLast 100 shutdownsThe GCS motor controllers record the time, date and cause of the last 99 shutdown occurrences.The Vortex GCS controller additionally records a snapshot value of the three voltages, three currents and two analog inputs just before the shutdown occurred. This data can be useful in troubleshooting problems with the installation. These readings are taken and stored within 1/10 of a second before shutdown. This information is stored in non-volatile memory and is preserved through power outages. The event history records everything that occurs to the controller. These events include start-ups and shutdowns as well as setpoints changes. The bottom part of this screen shows the expanded abbreviations as well as the before and after values of any setpoint changes.This buffer holds 256 events, before re-starting at the beginning and over writing the oldest record. This screen accumulates running history. When a parameter lists both a days value and a HH:MM:SS value, the two values are linked. When the HH:MM:SS reading exceeds 24:00:00, the days value is incremented by one and the HH:MM:SS value reverts to zero.Run time days/hours/minutes/secs. These two parameters record how long the motor has been running since the last time it was started. Rstbl Run time days/hours/minutes/seconds The Resettable run timers record the length of time the motor has run since the last time the user reset this counter.Ttl Run Time days/hrs/min/sec records the total run time of the motor since it was installed. (or at least since the GCS controller was reset to factory defaults.)Down Tm records the amount of time that the motor has been shutdown since the last shutdown.Ttl Down Time records the total amount of time the motor has been shut off.

    This screen gives access to the setup for logging data to the memory card inserted into the PC card slot of the display unit.This screen gives access to the setup for logging data to the memory card inserted into the PC card slot of the display unit.To ensure that files from each site would be distinguished from each other, we added a menu to the system, appearing between the PC Card and graphing menus in the datalog and history menu chain. This menu is used to set a unique name or id for each drive in the field. We generally expect this to reflect the location of the drive, so that data saved from each location can be identified once the card is returned to a PC in the office for data retrieval. The new menu appears here with a preset site name. One added facility on this menu is two lines of notes which can be used to enter other information about the site, or other alerts for operators. Each line can be up to 21 characters in length.When any new file in the system is created, the display will check to see if a unique site Id has been defined. If a unique ID has NOT been defined, the system will create a simple file name based on the data type using the unique date code and data type descriptor. If a unique Site ID has been found, the system will first create a subdirectory of the same name as the site name. Then the file will be saved inside the newly created directory, using the site Id name along with the unique date code and date type suffixes. The result should be an organized set of subdirectories that contain site specific data for each site that has been named in the field.This recording function of the GCS controllers mirrors the information recorded to the Bristol paper amp chart recorder. If the memory card is installed it will write a week of data to the card at midnight SundayThis recording function of the GCS controllers mirrors the information recorded to the Bristol paper amp chart recorder. If the memory card is installed it will write a week of data to the card at midnight SundayThis menu group gathers the alarm threshold and setup screens. Via these menus the user selects which alarms will be enabled and what their start bypass and normal time delays will be.

    The actual contents of these menus varies depending upon which GCS controller is installed.Since the Electrospeed GCS VSD uses the overload threshold to protect its internal electronics as well as the motor the overload alarm thresholds are limited to the factory default maximums and cannot be completely disabled.

    Overload is calculated upon the highest current on any one phaseDelay Sets the number of seconds that the controller will ignore an overload alarm condition that exists while the motor is running, but only after the Overload Bypass Delay timer has expired. The shutdown delay is defined as the delay, in seconds, before the controller shuts the motor off when the current draw exceeds 150% or 1.5 times the overload current setpoint. If the motor current exceeds the overload setpoint, but is either greater than or less than 150% or 1.5 times the setpoint, the controller will either lengthen or shorten the time delay by a mathematical function that simulates motor heating effects. The relationship between current and time delay is established by the constant I2T, and simply stated, the greater the overload current is, the shorter the time delay will be. In a typical submersible installation the overload time delay might be set for 2 seconds when the current reaches 150% (or 1.5 times) of the overload setpoint. The I2T constant would be (1.5)2 * 2 = 4.5 and the time delay before shut down is expressed as:I2T CONSTANT/(MULTIPLE OF OVERLOAD CURRENT)2 =4.5 / (1.5)2 = 4.5 / 2.25 = 2 secondsIf the overload current was to reach 200%, or 2 times the overload setpoint, the time delay to shut down would be 4.5/(2.0)2 = 4.5 / 4 = 1.125 seconds. However, if the VSD is heavily loaded, the controller will protect itself by causing an IOT or Instantaneous Overload Trip shut down before 200% current is reached. The overload time should be set between two and eight seconds for a submersible motor and 30 to 45 seconds for conventional motors.An underload condition is defined as motor current draw that falls below a operator set minimum value. In the case of ESPs this condition is often indicative of a pump-off condition or loss of fluid flowing past the motor. Since an ESP motor is entirely cooled by the fluid flowing past it, it is very susceptible to overheating when the flow ceases. In certain pump designs, an underload condition can also cause excessive thrust bearing wear. Underload is calculated upon the lowest phase current of the three. This fault monitors the highest voltage from the scaled input voltages displayed on the Analog Display & Setup menu and the customer set threshold. When enabled, this fault will cause the drive to stop if the threshold is exceeded.The same as Over Voltage, but monitors for lowest voltageThis fault measures the percentage difference between the RMS value of all three input phases and allows a threshold to be set to shut the drive down if the threshold is exceeded.Low Speed Trip point is determined by the VSD technician based on the well conditions and pump/motor sizing. Low speed operation can damage a motor if there is insufficient fluid flowing past the motor to effectively cool it. When a submersible pump is operated at less than its optimum efficiency point or rotational frequency, there is a tendency to exhibit downthrust wear on the impellers and thrust bearings. The Low Speed Trip frequency should be selected to shutdown the motor and prevent this from happening.

    The Electrospeed GCS variable speed controller feature up to six built in temperature sensors. These sensors are read by the microprocessor and the values converted into degrees Celsius. The GCS operating system compares these read values against the factory default temperature thresholds and shutdown the motor when necessary. All of the thresholds scaling factors, except for the AUXILIARY input are factory set and cannot be adjusted in the field.Alarm is defined as no valid message addressed to this device during Shutdown Delay time, RS-232 communications only.This Global alarm setup screen provides one convenient screen that the technician can use to enable or disable most protection alarms. To adjust any of the other parameters associated with an alarm, use the individual alarm setup screens.Be careful in the use of this screen since the controller can be left in a state where by all of its protection is disabled (except OVERLOAD for a drive ) Programmable logic functions are divided into two types. The built in algorithms and user created ones. The user created ones use any available system variables or readings for algorithm inputs and manipulate those variables via the main four calculator functions (add, subtract, multiply, divide) ,the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT and the conditional execution functions IF, THEN, ELSE, ENDIF Three algorithms are built into the Electrospeed GCS drive, the PID control loop and the analog follower and the frequency sweep mode. The PID control loop is used for process control. It provides an efficient means of adjusting the drives operating frequency to optimize the process it is monitoring. The drive uses two inputs to determine first its present operating point and secondly the feedback input. Using these two signals, the drive applies a correction (up or down, faster or slower) to the output frequency. Upon finding a parameter in the menu system and highlighting it, the user can enter a custom menu for copying the parameter to the custom users screen. This is accomplished by pressing the up and down arrows at the same time.Most real time or calculated parameters can be displayed on the Custom User Screen The SCADA, SYSTEM and SECURITY group of menus permit access to system maintenance variables. The SYSTEM screen allows the user to control :EXT HOA = whether or not an external mode switch is wired.Master Password = the main password used to control access to parameter editingReset Setpoints = Returns all system parameters and protection setpoints to factory default values. This is especially useful when re-deploying a controller from one motor/pump/well installation to another. It provides a known, conservative starting point from which the service man can fine tune the system match the installation.Reset History DB is only available when security jumper is in the Code Enable position.Some setpoints, such as factory calibration, are not accessible once the unit is in the field. These points are used by the factory technicians to calibrate the analog measurement systems within the controller. The SCADA setup menu is used to adjust the parameters that control serial data communications. This serial communication can be simply a portable computer connected directly to the unit or communication via radio or wireline into a data network possibly containing many controllers. The values of these parameters are dependant upon the system that is being interfaced.This screen shows the present time as kept by the onboard clock chip.This screen is used to set the correct time of the clock chip. Use it whenever the real time clock holds an incorrect value. When the values of these setpoints is correct, change the Update Tm parameter to YES. It will automatically change itself back to NO within a few seconds at which time the clock chip will be corrected.The analog setup and display screens permit adjusting of the parameters affecting the built-in default analog measurements.The Electrospeed is programmed and calibrated for a finite model range with inherent protection setpoint limits. These factory limits will help to protect the power electronic components of the drive from failure due to over ranging of the protection setpoints. However, as indicated, the input voltage valuse can be scaled by the operator.

    The Vortex GCS however is designed to be adaptable to a wide variety of load sizes and applications and therefore allow much greater flexibility in setup and protection.The GCS modules menus provide access to calibrate and setup the built-in input/output channels as well as calibration of expansion modules.The onboard I/O consists of analog and digital inputs provided on all GCS controllers.Expansion modules provide an easy method to expand any GCS control system to measure or support additional I/O.

    The GCS Modules Status Screen shows all GCS devices that are connected and operating properly on the CITIBus.This screen shows the progression of the initialization status when the unit is first powered up. Once initialization is complete (after approximately 10 minutes), it displays the serial number of the downhole gauge as well as the present values of the down hole pressure and temperature. The illustration at left shows the unit immediately after receiving the first packet of data. Subsequent illustrations show the unit in progressive stages of initialization. At the bottom of the screen the Centinel Packet count and Error count is displayed for troubleshooting purposes. S/N: lists the serial number of the downhole tool. Sts (Status): shows whether the gauge is actively functioning or idle. PS Lv: indicates the percentage of output DC voltage that is being applied to the downhole gauge. Active Alarms: If the CIM is not receiving data from the CPS/downhole units, it will display an alarm message in this area. EIO1: If expansion I/O module1 is present and communicating EIO2: If expansion I/O module2 is present and communicating Intake Pressure: represents the pressure measured by the downhole sensor. Intake Temperature: represents the downhole measured temperature. Centinel Packets: a running count of data packets received from the Centinel tool. Centinel Errors: a running count of packets or data that could not be formatted into a legible data packet for processing. (Example: false reading due to noise)