Tarea seminario 4

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Tarea seminario 4

Tarea seminario 4 asignatura estadstica y tics 1 enfermera

Tarea seminario 4
asignatura estadstica y tics
1 enfermera

Jos Ortega Oliva

Actividad de evaluacin de ALFIN

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Consumo de cannabis en los estudiantes de secundaria de Barcelona: inicio en el consumo, efectos experimentados y expectativas

Cannabis use in high school students Of Barcelona: beginning in the consumption, Experienced effects and expectations

cannabis use AND high schools students

Bsqueda scopus


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1. Abiodun OA, Adelekan ML, Ogunremi OO, Oni GA, Obayan AO. Psychosocial correlates of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use amongst secondary school students in Ilorin, Nigeria. West Afr J Med. 1994;13(4):2137.

2. Chabrol H, Rey A, Cassan D, Julliot M, Carlin E, Rodgers R. Contributions of social influences and psychopathological factors to cannabis use and dependence in high-school students. Ir J Psychol Med [Internet]. 2005;22(2):4651. Available from: http://www.embase.com/search/results?subaction=viewrecord%7B&%7Dfrom=export%7B&%7Did=L40834681%5Cnhttp://sfx.library.uu.nl/utrecht?sid=EMBASE%7B&%7Dissn=07909667%7B&%7Did=doi:%7B&%7Datitle=Contributions+of+social+influences+and+psychopathological+factors+to+

3. Chabrol H, Mabila JD, Chauchard E. [Influence of cannabis use on suicidal ideations among 491 high-school students]. Encephale. 2008;34(3):2703.

4. Walburg V, Moncla D, Mialhes A. Burnout Among High-School Students and Cannabis Use, Consumption Frequencies, Abuse and Dependence. Child Youth Care Forum. 2014;3342.

5. Kuntsche EN. Progression of a general substance use pattern among adolescents in Switzerland? Investigating the relationship between alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use over a 12-year period. Eur Addict Res. 2004;10(3):11825.

6. Eisterhold MJ, Murphy P, Beneke W. Multiple-drug use among high school students. Psychol Rep. 1979;44:1099106.

7. Bjarnason T, Adalbjarnardottir S. Anonymity and confidentiality in school surveys on alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use. J Drug Issues. 2000;30(2):33544.

8. Peleg O, Miller P, Yitzhak M. Is separation anxiety in adolescents and parents related to parental differentiation of self? Br J Guid Counc [Internet]. 2015;43(4):41328. Available from: 10.1080/03069885.2014.974021%5Cnhttp://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bri&AN=108742226&site=ehost-live

9. Laguerre C-E, Vavassori D, Fernandez L. Parental contributions and separation anxiety on adolescents cannabis use. J Addict Nurs. 2015;26(1):3.

10. Chabrol H, Chauchard E, Mabila JD, Mantoulan R, Adele A, Rousseau A. Contributions of social influences and expectations of use to cannabis use in high-school students. Addict Behav. 2006;31(11):21169.



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