Ss presentation!

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Ss presentation!

Social scienceMiguel Hamutenya

• Land reform in Namibia• What is land reform? • This is an important political and economic

topic in Namibia and in most countries in AFRICA. As most of us know about colonialism, the very rich continent AFRICA in terms of natural resources, still being the continent that suffers the most from un development and poverty.

Land reform

The fight for social justice

Namibia• Dispossession of land started in the 19th century

when the german traders and colonist took over Namibia.

• Namibia was ounce called German South West Africa.

• When this happened, all of the land was owned by the Germans and my fellow Namibians were put in an area known as Katatura (meaning, the place where people do not want to live)

• When talking about land that also includes our natural resources. Diamonds etc (Debeers) which still today control the diamond industry in Africa.

Independence• 21st March 1990 we became independent• Every single mine in Namibia and I'm sure in most countries in Africa are controlled

by Ethically europeans etc. • Affirmative action• Land 106 years of colonism from Germans and Afrikaners • 30 million hectors of land was given to poor and uneducated Afrikaners (Free land)• Another 7 million hectors of land• History of Land reposition • After the land conference they promised to transfer 13 million hectors of land to

unprevalidged Namibians by 2020 • Look at the stats- 2 million has been transferred • Which means 13 % of the target and we have 4 years left to 2020

Price Escalation• A house that cost you 400 000 in 2009

today cost you 2 million.• Average increase of 2000 per year! • No one does anything about it.• Leads to corruption where counsellors give

land to their kids to those who can pay bribes etc.

• Politicians get discounts

• 7 % of the white Afrikaaners in Namibia own majority of the land. Which means the minority still today after independence own over 85% of the Land.

My question to you is in this case

what do we do?



South Africa CorruptionCrime


Land reform plays a major part in Social science

With that being said…

Man kind need to understand and observe the importance of social sciences

In this case Land reform being a very serious social matter that needs to be addressed thoroughly mainly through political sciences