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Transcript of SOFTWARE LIBRE



Noelia Devesa Bru

Qu es el software libre?
Libertad de ...

Usar el programa con cualquier propsito

Estudiar el funcionamiento yadaptarlo a las necesidadesAttribution:Original image: 'Matrimonio Moderno' Julin Rodriguez Orihuela

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Attribution:Original image: 'Utilizar' Rafael

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial License

Qu es el software libre?
Libertad de ...

Distribuir copias que puedanayudar a otrosAttribution:Original image: 'mi debilidad' Ever Daniel Barreto Rojas

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-

Mejorar el programa, hacerlo pblico con beneficio a toda la comunidad

Attribution:Original image: 'la futura casa puga' Matias Puga

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial License

Qu enseamos con el software libre?

A trabajar en equipoAttribution:Original image: 'galaxyopenermissed 006' Carlos Almendarez

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Aprender todos de todosAttribution:Original image: 'Marcos Llaneza vs. Mikel Huerga' Mikel Larreategi

Released under an Attribution License

Qu enseamos con el software libre?

Sin distincin de edad, raza, nivel social,...Attribution:Original image: 'Dontcha Wish Your Cell Phone Was Hot Like Me?' Steve Rhodes

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

A escoger libremente de acuerdoa nuestras necesidadesAttribution:Original image: 'Fruterias...' Christian Frausto Bernal

Released under an Attribution-ShareAlike License

Qu enseamos con el software libre?

La libertad de investigar, crear,divulgar, modificar, propagar yaprenderAttribution:Original image: 'lengua einstein' Luis Lobo Borobia

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial License

A que las cosas siempre sepueden mejorarAttribution:Original image: 'Memories of old / Memorias de antao' Vctor Nuo

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial License

Qu enseamos con el software libre?

A que todava quedan muchas cosas por hacerAttribution:Original image: 'Sagrada Familia' Pedro Lopez

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Software privativo / Software libre

Ensea herramientasEnsea conceptos parausar las herramientas

Attribution:Original image: 'Tools'

Released under an Attribution License

Attribution:Original image: 'I got that feeling'

Released under an Attribution License

Software privativo / Software libre

Aprendizaje visualAprendizaje analtico

Attribution:Original image: 'Through A Childs Eye' Ray

Released under an Attribution License

Attribution:Original image: 'Gimnasia para el Cerebro' Federico Casares

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Software privativo / Software libre

Depende de un proveedorEs libre, accesible a todos

Attribution:Original image: 'Salto #2' Hctor Castan

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial License

Attribution:Original image: 'expomatica 2007' Ever Daniel Barreto Rojas

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Software privativo / Software libre

Se oculta la fmula o cdigo fuenteSe comparte el cdigo fuente

Attribution:Original image: 'ltima oferta' Sr. Ternasco

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Attribution:Original image: 'Estoy cansado y me falta el aire.' Jorge Fabra

Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

Programas del software libre y sus programas equivalentes

OFIMATICAOpenOffice.........Microsoft OfficeLa TeX................Editor de textos avanzadosINTERNETFirefox.............Microsoft Internet ExplorerThunderbird.....Microsoft Outlook ExpressAMSN..............Windows MessengerNVU.................Macromedia dreamweaver, microsoft frontpageDISEO GRAFICOGIMP.........Adobe PhotoshopSISTEMA OPERATIVOUnix(FreeBSD,Solaris, Linux,etc)...Microsoft Windows(Windows 95,98,NT,2000,XP,Vista)

Programas del software libre y sus programas equivalentes

PROGRAMACINBlood shed Dev C++......Microsoft visual StudioINGENIERIAOctave......MatlabVARIOS7-Zip.......WinzipPDF creatorMULTIMEDIAVLC........ Reproductor msica, video, DVDCdex....... Free Rip

Attribution:Original image: 'Nuevo escritorio // New Desktop' Guillermo Ruiz de Loizaga Daz de Alda

Released under an Attribution License

Ahora t decides

Attribution:Original image: 'untitled vs untitled' Procsilas Moscas

Released under an Attribution License

Descargar software libre:


???Pgina ??? (???)05/11/2007, 04:42:48Pgina /

???Pgina ??? (???)05/11/2007, 04:42:48Pgina /