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Transcript of Presentación1

Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca

Plant - Energy

12 de Mayo de 2014


Asesor:Bartolo Alarcón Roger Isaac

Alumnos:Flores Flores Emmanuel

Martínez Telles Alan EduardoVilchis Ramírez Dustano Antonio

Asignatura:Taller de Investigación I

Profesor:Chávez Rocha Ruth Maria Isabel

Ingeniería Mecatrónica


• Antecedentes.

• Planteamiento del Problema.

• Objetivo General.

• Entregables.

• Materias en las que impacta.

• Plan de Trabajo.

• Referencias Bibliográficas.




El 23 de noviembre, investigador Marjolein Helder defenderá su investigación de doctorado en la generación de electricidad a través de plantas de la Universidad de Wageningen, parte de Wageningen UR. También ha fundado una empresa spin-off llamado Plant-e con su colega David Strik.La empresa Plant-e se fundó en 2009 y desde entonces investiga y trabaja incansablemente en desarrollar a gran escala lo que ya han demostrado a escala de laboratorio. Generar electricidad a través de la energía fotosintética sobrante de las plantas Plant-e publicó su proyecto en noviembre de 2014 en Hamburgo, cerca de Amsterdam. El poder de esta planta también está siendo utilizado cerca de la sede de la compañía en Wageningen

Marjolein Helder: Plant-e

                                             Plan: Plant-e's products use electrodes to harvest electricity from live plants grown in a bed of activated carbon and water. The Green Electricity Roof is designed for generating decentralised power in cities while providing greenery and insulation. A pilot roof has been built. The company aims to deploy the system on a larger scale in areas such as wetlands and flood plains, and in rice paddies, e.g., in Southeast Asia.

Marjolein (1983) graduated as an Environmental Technologist with a minor in Management Studies at Wageningen University in 2008. After that she started her PhD at the sub-department of Environmental Technology of Wageningen University on a technology to produce electricity from living plants. Realising the potential and the application possibilities of the technology, half a year later she founded a company together with her colleague David Strik to rapidly develop the promising technology into tangible products. Since September 2009 she is combining her PhD-study (4 days a week) with her job as co-founder of Plant-e (rest of the time), working on the technology and its products simultaneously. She finished her PhD in December 2012 and has since been devoting all her time to Plant-e in order to make a commercial success of the spin-off company, generating electricity from living plants all over the world.

Plant-e produces electricity with living plants, without harvesting the plant. This way every wetland or rice paddy field can become an electricity plant, while at the same time nature is conserved or food can be produced. Proof-of-concept of the technology was achieved in 2007 after which technology was patented. Since then power output has improved and first outdoor and scale-up experiments have been performed. Plant-e technology produces electricity 24/7 and year round at a power output of 0.5 W/m2. Maximum power output expected within three years is 3.2 W/m2 continuously at a cost-price below to date fossil electricity prices. Plant-e is currently in the phase of prototyping and scale-up for large-scale implementation.

The idea for this technology came from Dr. ir. Bert Hamelers. In 2008 the proof-of-principle of the technology was published(Strik et al. 2008; De Schamphelaire et al. 2008). From 2009 to 2012 an European consortium explored new areas of science to develop the plant-microbial fuel cell. This project resulted in spin-off company Plant-e that develops and produces products in which living plants generate electricity. Currently world-wide research groups investigate the technology.

Plant-e develops products in which living plants generate electricity. These products are based on technology that was developed at WageningenUniversity, which was patented in 2007. The patent is now held by Plant-e. The technology enables us to produce electricity from living plants at practically every site where plants can grow. The technology is based on natural processes and is safe for both the plant, and its environment.

Planteamiento del Problema


Planta-e arrancó con su proyecto en noviembre 2014, en un lugar llamado Hambrug, cerca de Amsterdam.

Los fundadores de Planta-e miraban la naturaleza preguntándose si toda esa energía se podría aprovechar para ser utilizada por los seres humanos. La solución la encontraron en la fotosíntesis de las plantas.

Objetivo General




Materias en que impacta


Plan de Trabajo


Referencias Bibliográficas