Müh Etik Paneli 10058

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Müh Etik Paneli 10058

  • 8/4/2019 Mh Etik Paneli 10058



    Mevcut Durum Analiz Raporu

    vePanel Bildirileri


    Prof. Dr. Macit TOKSOY



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    Mact TOKSOY


    Bu alma edinilen kaynaklar nda [1 -4 ], zellikle Amer ika Birleik Devletlerindeki mhendisliksivil toplum kurulularnda yaygn olan mesleki ahlak kurallarnn incelenmesini ve Makina MhendisleriOdas zelinde, mhendislik alanndaki tm profesyonel sivil toplum kurulular in hazrlanan meslekahlak hakkndaki neri kurallar ermektedir. 4. Blmdeki bu neri hazrlanrken ASME formunda vetm kodlarn birleimi olacak bir metin hazrlanmaya allmtr. Bilindii kadaryla, mhendislikmeslek ahlak alannda yaplan lk panel iin hazrlanan bu almann gelecekte bir referans olmasnsalamak iin, almaya ABD'deki mhendislik meslek kurulularnn ahlak kurallar, MMO bualma iin MMO ubeleri ve Kongre danmanlar tarafndan iletilen grler de EK'ler olarak ilaveedilmitir

    Mesleki ahlak kurallar, meslek adamlarnn kendilerini korumalar iin deildinson analizde bunlar toplumun korunmas iindir.

    Br gruba ait kurallar kendi karlarini korumaya ynelirse, o grup organize su karakteristiisergilemeye balar,

    Stephen A.Unger, 1982,(Controlling Tecnology : Ethics and the Responsible Engineer'den)


    Mhendislik etii konusundaki kitaplara bakldnda hemen hepsinin, yazld zaman dilimine uygungenel olarak hemen herkesin hatrlayabilecei nemli trajik kazalardaki mhendislerin ahlaksalsorumluluklarn rnekleyerek, konunun nemini vurgulamaya altklar grlr. Verilen trajikrneklerin sonuncusu Challenger faciasdr:

    Uutan ksa bir mddet nce bir mhendisin, o-ringlerde szdrma nedeniyle risk olduu konusundakiuyarsnn, NASA'dan yeni bir ihale almak zere olan irket yneticisinin "mhendislik apkan kar, iadaml apkan giy" demesiyle gz ard edilmesi sonucu, Challenger facias domutu r

    Bu almay yaparken, ayni yntemi benimseyerek arpc bir rnek bulmak istedim. Literatrdeseilen rneklere baknca, herkes tarafndan bilinen lmcl sonular olan bir mhendislik facias


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    aramak durumu ortaya kyordu. Yine literatrde bu niteliklere sahip stelik bizim toplumumuzuyakndan ilgilendiren bir rnek de vard: THY'na ait DC-10 uann Paris'te dmesi: 1 9 7 2 ^yapmlar srasnda bir uzmann, bu uaklarn kargo kaplarnn almas nedeniyle debileceinibelirtmesine ramen, uyar yine gz ard edilmi, uzmann belirtii tasarm hatasna dayal bir kazaKanada'da pilotun becerisi ile can kaypsz atlatlm ve nihayet 1974'de bizim insanlarmzn daaralarnda bulunduu 367 yolcu kargo kapsnn patlamas ile lmt. Gazetelerden hatrlayacanzgibi, kazadan sonra yetkililer "kara kutunun zmyle" olayn nedenlerinin renilecei mutataklamasn yapmlard. yle bir kara kutu ki o kara kutular kimin karasn sakladklar belli deil.

    rnek olarak DC-10 olayn ele almak, kendi mesleki toplumumuzun tartlabilir uygulamalarndan szetmemek, kol krlr yen iinde kalr misali kimseyi zmemek, belki daha uygun olabilirdi. Ama bunutercih etmedim. Topluma kar sorumluluun ifadesi olan mesleki ahlak kurallarnn tartlaca birpanele, tasarmndan retimine kadar hibir katkmzn olmad bir uan dmesi ile oluantrajedinin iindeki, bir baka ktada yaayan meslektalarmzn ahlak kurallarna uymayandavranlarn sergileyerek, kendi ahlak sorunlarmz tartmak, bana ahlak kurallarna uymayacak birdavran gibi geldi". Onun iin de kendimizden ve yakn gemiimizden rnekler vermeye karar verdim.

    Bir taraftan ben, bir taraftan Odamz zmir ubesi Basn Brosu, gzlerimizi kendi mesleki ahlakkurallarna uyup uymadklar ska tartlan yazl, szl ve grsel basna evirdik. Size aktarmakistediimiz bir olay sona brakarak, gazetelerde rastladmz ve temelinde mhendislik ahlakkurallarnn gz ard edildiine inandmz baz olaylarn balklarna ksaca bakalm:

    TRLYONLUK REZALET: Ahmetli reglatrnden Glmarmara'ya su verip tarma bereket getirecekkanal, hizmete girer girmez 5 kez arzalanarak devre d kald. Hatann mteahhitlerde olduu nesrldmalzeme kalitesiz...balklar zehirlendi...tecrbesiz firma,, motorlar yand., bakr yerinemotorlara demir pabu.. dolgu yetersizlii,,

    NKLEER SANTRALDA EVRE KURNAZLII : Akkuyu'ya yaplmas dnlen nkleersantral,evre Kanunu'na aykr bir dzenleme ile "evresel Etki deerlendirme" raporu kapsamndan

    karld.....BR KOMBY 6 AYDA ON ARAM ADI : ..an san duyulmam bir ok marka,,tketiciler bufirmalarn ana dt..

    UCUZ YAKIT DEDLER DO ALG AZLA ALDATTILAR, ..GDA'a gre ucuz,, Gen Madenletmeciler Demei Bakanna gre pahal..

    (KIRIKKALE) HROMA GB OLACAKTI: 2 atom bombasna eit cephane son anda uzaklatrld,

    KATALTK FACASINDA LENLER TOPRAA VERLD: ..karnelerini alamadlar,

    GEN MHENDS KATALTK KURBANI : Buca' da oturan 23 yandaki gen makine mhendisi

    Zlf Kaplan, ak brakp uyuduu katalitik sobann snmesi sonucu canndan oldu,

    ZM RDE DEHET. katalitik..



    SELDE LM UKURU. 5 l..

    OLMAZ BYLE EY..zmir'de hava kirlilii deerlerine ancak 24 saat sonra ulaabiliyor. Valiyardmcs.... Hava kirliliinin artmasnda kusuru vatandaa attL,




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    ZMRN ALT YAPISI UTANDIRIYOR...savunma: hangi birine yetielim...



    Bunlar ksa bir zaman dilimi iinde gzmze arpan, gnlk hayatmzda olaan haline gelenhaberlerden bazlar. Bir haberi sona braktmz sylemitik. Onu verelim:

    BACA CNNETBuca Evka Vde fkeli apartman sakini, "Bacam ttyor. Odaya duman doldu" diyen kapkomusuyla kzn av tfeiyle ldrd. Soba yakmak yasak, 9 kaili Palmiye Apartman 1 ndabacalar ekmedii iin soba yaklmas ynetimce yasakland birinci katta oturan,.ali kattaoturan., 'nn kapsn alarak soba yakmamalarn istedL.sert tartmaya girdi., av tfeini, ateettL.66 yandaki ile ki ocuk annesi 35 yandaki km kurtarlamad..HRRYET 2 Mart 1997Pazar.

    Bu haberi size verdikten sonra; insanlarn souktan korunmak iin girdikleri o dokuz katl apartmannekmeyen bacasn izenler, izilenlere birka yerde mhr vuranlar, bacay yapanlar, yapm kontroledenler, o binaya oturma zni verenler hakknda ok, ok kt eyler yazmak istiyorum, amautanyorum. nsanlara, vermi olduumuz hizmetin sunduu alternatiflere bir bakn : Ya souktan hastaolun, ln; ya dumandan boulun; ya da birbirinizi vurun. Sulu kim siz syleyin : Tfek mi, baca m,tetii eken mi, bacay izen-yapan-yapm kontrol eden mi?

    Baca cinneti olayna ilikin deerlendirmem size gre biraz abartl olabilir. Hatta neenizi karm daolabilir. Sizleri zmek istemem. Sizleri biraz glmsetmeliyim. Size bizim amar makinasndan birazbahsedeyim.Eime kzdka(?), annem in tahta teknede kll suda nasl amar ykadn anlatrm. O ise,mhendislik harikas olan amar makinasnda, kahvesini yudumlarken bu ii yapmaktadr. amar

    ykamak da bir ey midir? Btn bunlar sylerken de bizim eski makinann, amar ykamanndnda bize verdii hizmetleri sayarm:

    Bir defa ocuklarmz artk evde kpek besleme isteklerinden vazgemilerdir. nk bizim makina,aaca balanm kpek gibi banyomuzda gezmektedir. stelik zaman zaman bize ho srprizlerdeyapmaktadr. Eer banyonun kapsn kapatrsak, gelip kapnn arkasna dayanmakta bylece kapyamak in ailece gcmz denemekteyiz, Maknay yerine koymak iin verdiimiz abalar da hesabakatarsak, salkl yaam iin gerekli sporu da yapm oluyoruz. Konu, komu ve akraba ziyaretlerindehi sklmyoruz: aaaa sizinki de mi yryor, kap m almad, musluu yerinden koparm,duvar ykacakt., derken bir bakyorsunuz ki saatler gemi. Komularmn, akrabalarmn benim de omakinalar yapan mhendislerle meslekta olduumu bilmeleri ne gzel!

    Maknay deitirdik, ocuklar gene kpek diyorlar Bende onlardan yeni dostlarmzla yetinmelerini

    istiyorum. Yeni dostlar m? Bir byk ekran televizyon aldktan sonra, hemen hemen her ay arzasngidermek iin evimize gelen ki delikanly kastediyorum. ok neeli, kibar, nktedan, lerini bilenocuklar. Yarda kalan filmin sonunu seyrettiremeseler de, ok abuk arzay gideriyorlar. Bazan parabile almyorlar. Telefonda beni hemen tanyorlar: siz hani u markay ok seven aabeysiniz deil midiyorlar

    Mhendislik ahlak konusunda nsz yazarken, size arabamdan da bahsederek ahlak konusunumizaha dntrmek istemiyorum. yisi mi biz konumuza dnelim.

    ou konumacnn ve yazarn, konumalarnn veya yazlarnn banda, konularnn temelkavramlarna ait szcklerinin anlamlarn, szlklerin ismi ve yaynevi gibi bilgileri de vererek,szlklerden aktardklarn grrz. Bir dil bilimci olmasalar da, o szcklerin anlamlarn szlebakmadan da fade edebileceklerine inandm bu nsanlarn, neden szlk szckleri ile

    konumalarna yazlarna baladklarna bir trl akl sr erdiremem. Konumay dinleyenlerin, yazlarokuyanlarn asl istedikleri, o szcklerin szlk anlamlar deil, onlarn o szcklerin oluturduudnyaya bak alar, kendi tanmlardr. Byle yaptklar taktirde belkide szlklerde yeni anlamlarn


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    Bu almay yaparken, ABET'in merikacla Mhendislik eitiminde zorunlu tuttuu gibi, meslek ahlakkonusunu ileyen bir dersin tm meslek alanlarnn eitiminde zorunlu olarak yer almas gerekliliinegnlden inandm.nandm bir dier ey de atik yolunun ok ssz oluu, Tagore'un dedii gibi : "Sevilmeyen yolkalabalk olsa da sszdr".

    nsz neredeyse kendisinden uzun bir yazy kaleme aldm biliyorum. Bu almay bildirilerin,makalelerin o souk nc tekil ahs anlatm biimi ile kaleme almak istemiyordum. Meslek ahlakkonunda konuurken yazarken, daha bir scak, dosta, daha bir ak ve drst grnml dili semekistedim. Ancak bu dilin yaznn btn iin uygun olmadn dndm ve bu dili hi olmazsa nszdekullanmaya karar verdim. Bu arada dier blmlerde yazdklarmdan, nc tekil ahs dili nedeniyle,phe etmenizi istemem. nc tekil ahs, bu blmlerin ho bir seda olarak alglanmasnistemediimden.


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    Belli ahlaki sorumluluklar konusunda genel anlamda uzlamayavarmam bir toplumda hibir kanun kaosu nleyemedL

    John W.Garnder

    (AIEE Professional Ethies'den)


    Etik-ahlak bir felsefe konusudu r Ancak nsan ahlaknn yannda mesleki ahlaka ilikin sorunlarninsanlarn yaamlarn nasl etkiledikleri gz nne alnrsa, ahlak konusu sadece felsefecilerebraklmayacak kadar nemli bir konudur Bunu sylerken amacm herkesin felsefe yapmasnnermek veya buna muktedir olduunu sylemek deil, en azndan mesleki ahlak felsefesi konusundaiyi bir renci olmaya aba gstermesidir.

    Kiisel, genel ve meslek ahlaklar arasnda arakesitler olmasna ramen bunlar birbirinden ayrkavramlardr. "ok seyrek olmasna ramen, genel, kiisel ve mesleki ahlak, ayn ahlaki soruya farklcevaplar verebilir Genel ahlak bazen kiisel ahlakla, bazen de mesleki ahlkla uyum iindeolabilir" [3]. Mesleki hizmetlerin yarglanmasnda bu ayrmlara dikkat etmek gerekir: Bir mhendisin iarkadalarndan dn ald paray ge demesi veya dn ald eyalar geri vermede kaytszkalmasnn, mesleki ahlaka aykr grlmemesi (Problem 9: D ismissal Because of Personal Conduct,[1 ] ), bu alanda verilecek tipik rneklerden biridir,.

    Bir iin meslek olabilmesi iin be temel karakteristiinin olmas istenmektedir [3 ] . Bunlar:

    1. Bir meslee giri, entellektel karakteri olan youn bir eitim periodunu gerekti rir2. Mesleki bilgi ve yetenekler geni bir topluluun iyi olmas iin nemli olmald r3. Meslekler, o meslee ait hizmetlerin verilmesinde genellikle monopolle veya monopolle yakn

    bir konuma sahiptirler,4. Meslek adamlar altklar i yerlerinde olaanst otonomiye sahiptirler,

    5. Meslek adam, etik kodlar altnda toplanm ahlaksal Standardlara bal olduunu belirtir.

    Verilen be zellii de ieren ve meslek tanmna tam anlamyla layk iler,

    * Tp doktorluu* Hukukuluk* Veterinerlik* Mimarlk* Hesap Uzmanl

    * Diilikolarak saylmaktadr, Mhendislik tanm snrlarnda grlmektedir. nk bazlar asndan

    * mesleki otonomiye sahip deildir,* kendi mesleki hizmet alannda monopol deildir.

    Her ne kadar dier mesleklerinki ile birlikte mhendislik mesleinin otonomisi ve monopoll tartlsada, grld gibi bir meslein meslek olabilmesi iin gerekli karakteristiklerden beincisi vesonuncusu "meslek adamnn etik kodlar altnda toplanm ahlaksal Standardlara bal olduu"dur.Grlyor ki, bir iin meslek olabilmesi iin o ie ait ahlak kurallarnn olmas gerekmektedir ABETbunlarn eitiminin de verilmesini zorunlu klmaktadr.

    Meslek ahlak kurallarnn ve yasalarnn belirlenmesinin toplumumuz iin bir baka nemi vardr.Btn profesyonel sivil toplum kurulularnn organizasyon yaplar iinde "onur" kurullar yeralmaktadr. Buna karlk onur kurullarnn hangi kurallara gre yelerinin mesleki davranlarnyarglayacaklar belli deildir. Yani "onur kurulllar" vardr, ancak "onur kurallar" yoktur. Meslee aykrolmakla meslek atiine aykr olmak ayr eylerdir, kisi arasndaki fark, doru bildiini yaparken yanl

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    yapmakla, doruyu bilirken yanl yapmak arasndaki farktr Genel ahlaka aykr uygulamalarn dndapek ok mhendislik problemi mhendislik ahlak problemi olarak alglanmaktadr, Etik kurallarnbelirlenmesi bu tr farkl deerlendirmelerin nlenmesine de katk koyacaktr. Ancak mesleki ahlakkurallarnn "spesifik konularda meslek adamna ne yapacan sylemeyeceini, bu kurallarn

    fonksiyonunun gz nne alnmas gereken faktrleri ve karar verme ileminde olas sorularbelirleme [2 ] " olduunu un utmamak gerekir,

    Toplumumuzun mesleki ahlak kurallarna gereksinimi her alanda hissedilmektedir. Buna gzel birrnekte, bu almann hazrlnn yapld 1997 yaz aylarnda, TBMM Bakan Sayn MustafaKalemli'nin siyasi ahlak konusunda yap alm alard r Sayn Kalemli'nin, ABD Kongresi Siyasal

    Ahlak Komitesi uzmanlarnn raporlarn temel alan bir yasa tasars zerinde alt basnda yeralmaktadr [6].

    Bu almada genel bir incelemesi verilen deiik mhendislik organizasyonlarna ait mesleki ahlakkurallar (EK II), ABD'deki profesyonel sivil toplum kurulularna aittir Bu kurallar 3 nolu referanstanalnmlardr

    Amerikan mhendislik toplumuna ait mesleki ahlak problemlerinin yer ald alma [1 ] incelenirse,sz konusu etik problemlerin bizim toplumumuza ait etik problemlerle hemen hemen ayn olduugrlr. Bu nedenle, sz konusu mesleki ahlak kurallarnn model olarak gz nne alnmas yanl birseim olmayacaktr.

    Mhendislik alanndaki eitli profesyonel sivil toplum kurulularnn kabul ettikleri mesleki ahlakkurallar incelendiinde, baz kurallar ayn kalsa da srekli gelime ve deiiklik iinde olduklargrlmektedir. Bu yzden bu almada verilen deiik mhendislik kurulularna ait mesleki ahlakkurallarnn biri hari (ONTARIO APE), 1995 yl basm bir kitaptan [3 ] alndn belirtmede yarar

    vardr Eklerdeki baz metinlerin iinde de kabul tarihleri ile ilgili bilgiler verilmitir.

    Zaman iindeki deiim mesleki kurallarn temel yaklamnda da grlmektedir. Bu deiim Unger'egre, eski kurallardaki meslein prestijinin vurgulanmas ve korunmasna ynelik olan yapdan,

    topluma kar sorumluluu ve sadakati ieren yapya dorudur. Bu yapnn oluumu, "Herhangi birprofesyonel topluma ait etik kanunlarn ve kurallarn oluturulmasnda ana fikir toplumunkorunmasdr [1 ] " ifadesindeki tem el fikrin sonucudur Doay mhendislik kadar etkileyen hibirmeslek dal yoktur Mhendisler yarattklar olumsuzluklarn farkndadrlar: Artk enerji tasarrufu veevresel duyarllk da bir etik kural olarak sunulmaktadr [ 5 ] .

    2. TRHE ve ETMOLOJ


    Bugnk anlamda meslek yasalarnn ilk rneinin tarihi, tp alannda 1793 ylna kadar geriye gitse de,ilk mhendislik ahlak yasas 1912'de Amerikan Elektrik Mhendisleri Odas tarafndan karlmtr. Buorganizasyon daha sonra 1983sde Amerikan Radyo Mhendisleri Odas ile birleerek gnmzdeki

    Amerikan Elektrik Elektronik Mhendisleri Odasn (IEEE) oluturmutur. Ayn yasa 1912'de AmerikanKimya Mhendisleri Odas (AICE), 1914'de Amerikan Makina Mhendisleri Odas (ASME) tarafndankabul edilmitir Ancak uzun zaman boyunca, 1970'lere kadar, bu yasann uygulamalardakullanlmad v e etik konusunda bir eitim verilmedii belirtilmektedir [ 2 ] . Mhendislik ProfesyonelGelime Konseyi(ECPD), ilk ahlak yasasn 1947'de karm, 1983, 1974S 1977'de revize etmitir.Daha sonra ABET ismini alan bu kuruluun oluturduu bu yasann, pekok kk profesyonel siviltoplum rgt yannda Amerikan naat Mhendisleri Odasrnn(ASCE), Amerikan MakinaMhendisleri Odas!nn(ASME) ve Amerikan Maden Mhendisleri Odasnn (AIME) ahlak yasalarnntemellerini oluturmas asndan nemli olduu belirtilmektedir [2].

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    Bu almann esas alnd ingilizce metinler gz nne alnd zaman, sz konusu kurallarn "Codeof Ethics for Engineers", "Professional Ethics" rneklerinde olduu gibi "Ethics" kelimesi ile temsil

    edildii grlr. Bu kelime "etik" olarak dilimize yerlemeye balam ve hatta sempozyum isimlerindede yerini almtr [7 ] .

    Gnlk yaamda "etik deerler" gibi szcklerin de kullanld, etik kelimesinin ahlak kelimesi yerinealternatif olduu da gzlenmektedir. Bu metinde "etik" kelimesi "yerine "ahlak" kelimesinin kullanlmasuygun grlmtr. Bunda ama ahlak kelimesinin yarataca etkinin daha gl olacana inanlmas,"etik kodlar veya etik kurallar" ad altnda anlacak kurallarn meslek hayatmz evreleyen ve ouzaman mekanik bir yaklamla deerlendirdiimiz tandardlar gibi deerlendirilmesinden saknmaktr.

    Ek l'de Do.Dr, Semiramis Yacolu tarafndan derlenmi etimolojik alma sunulmutur.


    Trkiye : TMMOB ve MMO

    Tm Dnyada olduu gibi, lkemizde de tb alannda, deontoloji bilimi olarak meslek ahlaknn elealnd, eitiminin verildii grlmektedir. Ancak meslek ahlak konusunun tb dnda, ayni younluktakurumlat sylenemez. Mhendislik alannda "mhendislik meslek ahlak" kavram, kurumsalszlemeler-kanunlar ve tzkler- inde "yksek haysiyet divan'1, "yksek onur kurulu", "onur kurulu"tanmlarnn iinde sakl tutulmutur TMMOB Kanunu ve Tz, Makina Mhendisleri Odas Tz

    ierisinde Haysiyet-Onur Kurullar ve meslek ahlakn eren tm maddeler EK lll'de sunulmutur.Grlecei zere meslek ahlak ile ilgili maddelerin byk ounluu, ilgili kurullarn olumas ve verilecek cezalar ile ilgilidir. Kanun ve tzklerin ama maddelerinde yer alan baz tanmlamalar,mhendislerin deil, oda yneticisi mhendislerin ahlak kurallarn vermektedir. Bu maddelerden ancakdolayl olarak, baz genel ve mesleki ahlak kurallarna ulamak mmkndr. Bunlarn says da okfazla deildir. Tretiiebilen bazlar aada verilmitir:

    TMMOB KanunuMadde 2bpden : Meslek mensuplarnn birbirleriyle ve halk ile ilikilerinde drstlk ve gvenhakim olmaldr.Madde 26'dan : Meslek mensuplar meslekle alakal lerde gerek kasten ve gerekse hmalgstermek suretiyle zarara sebebiyet vermemelidirMMO Tz

    Madde 03.05'den : Makina Mhendislii hizmetleri le ilgili her trl aratrma, nceleme, projeraporlarnn hazrlanmas, uygulanmas ve sorumluluu, Uzman Makina Mhendisleritarafndan yaplmaldr

    Denetlenmesi oda ynetiminin amalar arasnda yer alan trettiimiz nc meslek ahlak kural, enazndan tesisat mhendislii alannda, denetlenip denetlenmedii, uyulup uyulmad enoktartlabilecek bir ahlak kuraldr.

    Kurumsal szlemeler itibariyle sonu olarak, meslek ahlak kurallarnn ne TMMOB Kanunu'nda ne detzklerde yeterince yer ald sylenemez: Kurullar vardr, kurallar yoktur. Kanunda yer almalartartlabilire de, lgili kurallarn tzkler inde aka ve yeterince yer almas, en azndan budokmanlarn ilgili cezalar alannda olduu kadar meslek ahlak asndan da eiticilik niteliiniglendirecektir.

    Bu almann banda, meslek ahlak konusunda ad "mevcut durum analizi" olacak byle bir raporuhazrlayabilmek iin, ilgili grleri alnmak zere Kongre danmanlarna ve Odamz ubelerine

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    bavurulmutur. Bu arya cevap veren Antalya, Bursa, el ve Zonguldak ubelerinin ilgili cevaplarEK IV?de sunulmaktadr. Kongre danmanlarndan da sadece iki tanesi grlerini iletmitir eriiitibariyle bu almann amacn aan bir yapda olduu iin bu iki grten bir tanesi eklere alnmam,dieri ek olarak (EK V) sunulmutur.

    ubelerimizin ve Kongre danmanlarmzn saylar ile, arya gelen cevaplarn sayskarlatrlarak, lkemizde, genel olarak, meslek ahlak ile ilgili pek fazla sorun olmad yargsna

    varmak sonu itibariyle rahatlatc olabilir Ancak bu yargya ayni rahatlkla varmak mmkn deildir,

    EK IV ve V de yer alan grlerin bir ksmnn kamu ynetimi ve siyaset ahlak, bir ksmnn da genelahlak problemlerine ait olduu grlr Ancak odamz el ubesinin sralad 9 maddeninmhendislik ahlaknn temellerini oluturduu bir gerektir:

    Tesisat Mhendisi,> lke sorunlaryla ilgilenmeli, zmler retmeli, rgtlenmelL> Her alanda drst, alkan ve retken olmal,> Yapt her iin sorumluluunu tamal.

    > Her zaman toplumsal kan, kiisel kardan stn tutmal.> Meslektalar ile devaml uym ve dayanma iinde olmal,> htiya duyulduunda mesleki bilgi, birikim ve tecrbelerini meslektalarna aktarmal.> Proje yapm ve kontrollklerde meslek ahlak ilkelerine uymal.> Bilim ve teknolojiyi takip etmeli, her alanda yeniliklere ak olmal,> Hizmetleri ekonomik, evreye ve sala uygun ve gvenli olmal,

    Amerika Birleik Devletler! : Meslek Ahlak Kurallarnn Genel Yaps

    Tarihe blmnde ksaca belirtildii gibi, ABD'de mhendislik alanndaki meslek ahlak kurallarnngemii 1912 ylna kadar uzanmaktadr. Burada deiik meslek rgtlerine ait kurallarn, 4.Blmdegetirilen nerinin temelini oluturan genel yaps zerinde ksaca durulacaktr.

    UNGER sunduu model mhendislik ahlak yasasnmn atsn aklarken (EK II) drt deiik alanaait ilkelerin nerisinde yer aldn aklamaktadr [ 2 ] . Bunlar,

    1. Mhendisin topluma kar sorumluluu2. Mhendisin mesleine kar sorumluluu3. Mhendisin iverenine ve mterisine kar sorumluluu4. Mhendisin birlikte alt meslektalarna ve astlarna kar sorumluluu

    konulardr EK N'de verilen deiik profesyonel sivil toplum kurulularnn mesleki ahlak kurallarincelendiinde, balklar ne olursa olsun ilgili kurallarn belirtilen alanlar iinde yer ald grlmektedirBu ana alanlara eklenecek dier bir alan da rnei Ontario Eyaleti Profesyonel Mhendisleri Odas

    Ahlak Yasas'nda grlecei zere,

    5. Mhendisin kendisine kar sorumluluu

    olmaldr. Yukardaki drt alann ve eklenen 5. alann yannda, mhendislik hizmetlerine (tasarmclk,kamuda alma, iverenlik, endstride-retimde alma, mteahhitlik, eitimcilik-aratrmaclk,satclk-temsilcilik) bal olarak da kurallarn snflandrlmas veya organizasyonu mmkndr. Ancakhangi etik kod incelenirse incelensin, kurallarn bir ksmn belirtilen gruplardan birine veya birkanazg olduunu grmek mmkn olmasna ramen, bu trl bir ematik ayrmn yaplmadgrlmektedir: Bir baka deyile tasarmclara zg ahlak kurallar, retcllere ilikin ahlak kurallar gibizgn balklar altnda kurallarn topland grlmemektedir.

    ASME, ASCE, ABET'e ait meslek ahlak kurallar incelendiinde(EK II), meslek ahlaknn nsan ahlakile arakesitini ieren ve ayn kaynaktan alnd sanlan drt deiik ilkenin, temel prensipler veya temelyasalar olarak dzenlenen mesleki ahlak kurallarnn en banda ayr bir erevede vurgulandgrlmektedir. Mhendislerin meslek ahlak standardlarn ykseltmek, mhendislik mesleinin eref

    ve itibarn korumak ve gelitirmek iin n art olarak grlen bu drt ilke yledir:

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    1, Bilgi ve becerilerin i insanlk yararna kullanmak,2, Drst ve tarafsz olarak, sadakat iinde topluma, iverene ve mteriye hizmet atmak.3, Meslein yeterlik ve itibarn artrmak iin aba gstermek.4, Kendi disiplinlerinin mesleki ve teknik derneklerine destek vermek, (B,u madde SME'de yer

    almamaktadr)NSP ise temel kanunlar adn verdii bu ilk blm sadece genel ve kiisel ahlak ile meslek ahlakarakesitine ayrmtr(EK II):

    1. Mhendisler, mesleki almalarn yaparken halkn sal, gvenlii ve menfaatim en batatutmaldrlar,

    2. Mhendisler, sadece yeterli-ehil olduklar alanlarda hizmet vermelidirler,3. Mhendislerin topluma verdikleri bilgiler objektif ve ger ee uygun olmaldr.4 Mhendisler, tm iverenleri ve mterileri iin sadk br temsilci veya vekil gibi hareket

    etmelidirler.5, Mhendisler, mesleki grevin sunumunda aldatc hareketlerden kanmaldr

    Yukarda verilen rneklere benzer olarak hazrlanacak ahlak kurallarnn iki ana ksmdatoplanmasnda yarar grlmektedir. lk ksm d rneklerde temel yasalar veya temel prensipler olarakadlandrlan birinci ksm gerek artlar oluturan genel ahlak kurallarn, ikinci ksm ise ise meslekahlak kurallarn iermelidir. lgili dokmanlarn incelenmesinden grlyor ki, bazkurulular(ASME,ASCE) NSPE kodunu, baz kurulular ise (IEEE, AICE,AIME) NSPE kodu le hemenhemen ayn kurallar ieren ancak NSPE'deki detay halleri iermeyen ABET(eski ad ECPD) ahlakkurallarn, aynen veya ksmi deiikliklerle benimsemilerdir 4, Blmdeki neri hazrlanrken ASMEformunda ve tm kodlarn birleimi olacak bir metin hazrlanmaya allmtr. neri phesiz MMOiin olduu kadar, ABD'de olduu gibi, dier mhendislik kurulular iin de kk deiikliklerle kabuledilebilecek bir yapdadr. Bu neri Tesisat Mhendisleri DernePne de mesleki ahlak kurallar nerisiolarak sunulmutur.

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    Y li. ULUSAL TESSAT MHENDSL KONGRES VE SERG S--- ~ ~ - 17 - . . _



    Makina Mhendisleri Odas, yelerine mesleki tutum ve davranlarnda rehberlik etmek ve bir maknamhendisinin mesleki standardlarm ilgili kiilere iletmek zere bu kurallar hazrlamtr Bu dokman,Makina Mhendisleri Odasna ye olan makina mhendislerinin kiisel ve mesleki davranlarna yn

    veren ahlak kurallarn ana hatlaryla belirler.

    MMO yeleri, rettikleri mal, hizmet ve teknoloji ile toplumun yaam kalitesini nasl etkilediklerininbilinci ierisindedirler. Mesleimize, meslektalarmza ve topluma kar bireysel sorumluluklarn kabulederler Kendilerini en yksek ahlaki ve mesleki davranlara adamlardr."

    Meslek adam; eitim, deneyim, entellektel kapasite ve ahlaki tutarllk-kararllk-sreklilik zellikleriylebilgi ve becerisini topluma ve meslee hizmete adamak zere bireysel sorumluluunun tam olarak

    bilincinde olan kiidir. Yeni mezun bir mhendis, mhendislik meslei iin nemli olan teknik bilgilerikazanmtr. Gerek profesyonel mhendis ise toplumsal bilinle mesleki yargy btnletirir.Gemite gerekletirdiklerini, zamann gereksinimlerini ve ileride karlalacak zorluklar bilerek,topluma kar olan zel sorumluluklarn kabul eder.

    MMO yesi olan her mhendis bu dokmanda verilmi prensiplere, kurallara, tanmlara uymay taahhteder. Aksine davranlarnn Odann Onur Kurulunda deerlendirileceini ve Onur Kurulunun vereceikararlara uyacan kabul eder

    Temel Prensipler

    Makina mhendisleri, mesleklerinin ahlaki standardlarn, meslek onur ve saygnln korumak vegelitirmek iin, en bata, aadaki temel prensiplere uymaldrlar:

    1. Bilgi ve becerilerini insanlk yararna kullanmak.2, Drst ve tarafsz olarak, sadakat iinde topluma, iverene ve mteriye hizmet etmek.3* Meslein yeterlik ve itibarn artrmak iin aba gstermek,4. Kendi disiplinlerinin mesleki ve teknik derneklerine destek vermek.5. Ne ekilde olursa olsun rveti reddetmek.

    6* Irk, din, cins, ya, kken veya fiziksel sakatlk gibi etkenleri gzetmeksizin herkese adil davranmak.

    Mesleki Ahlak Kurallar

    1. Makina mhendisleri mesleki almalarn yaparken halkn sal, gvenlii ve menfaatinien bata tutmaldrlar,

    a, Mhendisler, hereyden nce lk ykmllklerinin halkn gvenliini salam ak, halknsalk, mal ve menfaatini korumak olduunun bilincinde olmaldrlar. Halkn salnn,gvenliinin, menfaatinin ve malnn tehlikeye girdii durumlarda mesleki yarglanhkmsz braklrsa, iveren, mteri veya baka bir yetkili durumdan haberdar edilmelidir.

    b, Mhendisler, halkn salna, malna ve menfaatine zarar vermeyen, benimsenmistandartlara uygun dokmanlara onay vermelidir

    c, Mhendisler yasal zorunluluk veya bu kurallar gerektirmedike, mteri veya iverenin iznialnmadan mesleki alma ile elde edilen sonular, veri veya bilgileri aklamamaldr.

    d, Mhendisler hileli i ve mesleki uygulamalara karabileceine inandklar durumlarda,kendi simleri, firmalarnn isimleri veya i orta olduklar ahs ve firmalarn isimlerininkullanlmasna izin vermemelidir.

    e, Bir ahs veya firmann bu kurallar ihlal ettiine dair elinde bilgi ve sebep mevcut ise,mhendisler bu bilgiyi yetkililere yazl olarak vermeli, daha ayrntl veya gerektiindeyardmda bulunmak iin yetkililerle ibirlii yapmaldr.

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    f. Mhendisler sorumlu olduklar tasarm, rn veya sistemleri kullanclarn gvenli olarakkullanmalarn salamak zere yazl olarak ilgili standarlar, deney standardlarn ve kalitekontrol ilemleri gibi dokmanlar kullancya temin etmeye almaldrlar.

    g, Mhendisler tasarm planlarna onay vermeden nce sorumlu olduklar sistem, rn ve

    tasarmlarn gvenliini ve gvenilirliini gzden geirmelidirler.h. Mhendisler vatanda olarak faydal hizmetlerde bulunmal, toplum un sal, gvenlii ve

    huzuru iin almaldr

    2, Mhendisler sadece yeterl-ehl olduklar alanlarda hizmet vermelidir.

    a. Mhendisler eitim veya deneyimle kendilerini yetitirdikleri belirli alanlarda sorumlulukstlenmelidir

    b. Mhendisler ehil olmadklar konuya ilikin veya kendi ynetim ve denetimlerindehazrlanmayan plan ve dokmana imza atmamaldr

    c. Her teknik ksmn sadece o ksm hazrlayan ehil mhendisler tarafndan imzalanpmhrlenmesi halinde, mhendisler bir projenin koordinasyonu in sorumluluk alabilir veya

    projenin tmne ilikin mhendislik dokmanlarm imzalayp, mhrleyebilir.3, Mhendislerin to plum a verdikleri bilgiler objektif ve geree uygun olmaldr.

    a) Mhendisler halkn meslee ilikin bilgisini arttrmak ve mhendislik uygulamalarnn yanlanlalmasn nlemek iin aba gstermeli, meslee ilikin yanl, adaletsiz ve abartlbeyanlarn yaylmasna katlmamaldr.

    b) Mhendisler mesleki rapor, beyan ve ifadelerinde tamamen objektif ve drst olmal,eksiksiz bilgi vermelidir.

    c) Mhendislerin uzman veya teknik tank olarak bilirkiilik hizmetine talip olmalar, ilgilikonuda bilgi ve deneyimle teknik yeterlilie sahip olmalar halinde sz konusu olmaldr.

    d) Mhendisler sze balamadan nce kimliklerini kimin adna konutuklarn aklayp,tartlan konulara ilikin maddi karnn olduunu gstermedike, ilgili tarafn finanseettii mesleki konularda beyan vermemeli, eletiride bulunmamaldr.

    e) Mhendisler meziyetlerini ve almalarn aklarken alakgnll ve arbal olmal,kendi kar iin bir bakasnn veya meslein ahlak standartlarn, onur ve itibarn gzardetmemelidir.

    4, Mhendisler tm iverenleri ve mterileri iin sadk bir temsilci veya vekil gibi hareketetmelidirler.

    a) Mhendisler, iveren ve mterileriyle her trl kar atmasna girmekten kanmal,onlarn iveren ve mterilerine olan hizmetlerinin kalitesini etkileyecek i ortakl, menfaat

    ve dier koullar annda bildirerek tm olas kar uyumazlklarn dile getirmelidirlerb) Mhendisler, kendileri ve iverenlerinin mterileriyle aralarnda bir kar atmasna

    neden olabilecek grevleri stlenmemelidirc) lgili taraflar onaylayp hangi koullar altnda kabul edileceini aklamadka, mhendisler

    bir proje iin birden ok taraftan deme kabul etmemelidird) Mhendisler, mteri ve iverenlerin haberi olmadan, rnlerini veya donanm satclarnn

    tantmn yapmak in parasal veya baka surette hibir deerli karlk kabul etmemelidir.e) Mhendisler sorumlu olduklar i le ilintili olarak mteahhit, mteahhit temsilcisi veya dier

    lgili taraflardan, dorudan veya dolayl olarak, para ve deerli hediye Istememeli, verildiinde kabul etmemelidir

    f) Kamu veya kamu niteliindeki kurumlarda alan veya danmanlk yapan mhendisler, bukurumlar tarafndan sunulan veya gerekletirilen zel veya resmi m esleki uygulamalar ileilgili kararlara katlamazlar.

    g) Mhendisler, bir kamu kuruluunun yetkilisine veya elemanna ayn zamanda kendikurulularnda da i vermilerse o alann bulunduu kamu kuruluundan ihalealmamaldrlar.

    h) Mhendisler almalar sonucunda, projenin baarsz olacana kanaat getirirlerse

    mteri ve iverenlerine durumu bildirmelidir,i) Mhendisler gizlilik ieren almalar esnasnda, edindikleri bilgileri sakl tutmal vemteri, iveren veya halkn karlarna ters dt halde bu bilgileri kullanarak kiiselkar salamaya almamaldr.

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    1. Yasal bir zorunluluk olmadka, eski veya mevcut ivereni, mterisinin ihayat veya teknolojisi veya deerlendirme srecindeki bir ihale teklifi ile ilgiligizli bilgileri aklamamalidr,

    2. Yasal bir zorunluluk olmadka, yesi olduklar bir komisyonun veya birkurulun, gizli bulgu ve bilgilerini aklamamaldr

    3. Mteri izin vermedike, mterinin mhendise verdii tasarmlar bakalariin kopyalanamaz,

    /a) Mhendis bir ihaleyi veya dier szlemeleri ynetirken, adaletli davranmaldr.b) Mhendis patent veya telif hakk almas sz konusu olabilecek gelitirme, plan, tasarm,

    bulu ve dier benzeri retimleri yapabilecei grevleri zerine almadan nce, ilgilitaraflarn haklaryla ilgili olumlu bir anlamaya varmaldr.

    c) Mhendisler, yanl olduu ispat edildiinde hatalarn kabullenmeli ve kararlarnndoruluunu kantlamak in gerekleri arptmaktan veya deitirmekten kanmaldr.

    d) Mhendisler, iverenlerinin haberi olmadan, kendi ilerinin dnda bir ii kabul etmemelidir.e) Mhendisler baka bir iyerinde alan bir eleman gerek d bilgi verip, yanl

    ynlendirerek yannda almas iin iknaya almamaldr.

    5, Mhend isler meslek i alma amacna ynelik aldatc hareketlerden kanmaldr

    a. Mhendisler kendilerinin ve ortaklarnn, akadem ik ve mesleki niteliklerini yanl tantmam al,yanl sunumuna izin vermemelidir. Sz konusu ite veya ncekilerde sorumluluklarnnderecesini abartmamal, abartlmasna msade etmemelidirler. almaya ynelik bror

    veya dier sunumlarda iveren, ortaklar, alanlar, ortak giriimciler veya kendilerine aitdaha nceki ler le gerekleri, onlarn kalitesini veya yaptklar ileri abartmamaldrlar.

    b. Kamu otoritesini bir ihaleyi kendilerine vermesini etkileyecek miktarda, her hangi bir politikba, dorudan veya dolayl olarak teklif etmemeli, vermemeli, tevik etmemeli veyaalmamaldr. i garanti altna almak iin, herhangi bi hediye veya maddi kar teklif etmemeli,kendileri ile birlikte olan pazarlama veya ticari kurumlara verilecekler dnda, komisyon cretidememelidir.

    6, Mhendisler meslek itibarlarm hizmetlerinin deeriyle lmeli ve bakalaryla adil olmayanbir rekabete girmekten kanmaldr.

    a) Mhendisler mesleki ihalelelere, istenilen i ile ilgili kantlanm yeterlilik ve niteliklerinedayanarak, uygun ve adil cret talepleriyle girmelidir.

    b) Mhendisler mesleki yarglarndan taviz vermek pahasna komisyon teklifinde bulunmamal veya kabul etmemelidir.

    c) Mhendisler hangi ii kimin yapt konusunda drst olmal ve bakalarnn karlarndikkate almaldr. Tasarm, bulu, makale ve dier baarlara katk koyanlarn isimleribelirtilmelidir.

    d) Mhendisler, meslektalarnn itibarna, geleceine, uygulama ve ilerine ne dorudan nedolayl olarak zarar vermeye almamal ve onlarn almalarn haksz yereeletirmemelidir. Meslektalarnn yapt uygulamalarn ahlak kurallar ve yasalara aykrolduunu dnen mhendisler, bu durumu derhal yetkililere bildirmelidir.

    e) zel alan mhendisler ayn iverenin baka bir mhendise yaptrd alm ay, ancak omhendisin msadesini alarak veya o mhendisin almayla hibir balants kalmaddurumda gzden geirebilir.

    f) Kamuda, endstride veya eitimde alan mhendisler grevleri gereince diermhendislerin almalarn gzden geirme ve deerlendirme yetkisine sahiptirler.

    g) Mhendisler izin almadan, zel ilerini yapmak iin iverenlerin malzeme, donanm,laboratuar ve bro imkanlarndan yararlanmamaldr.

    h) Mhendisler, yanl ynlendiren ve meslein itibarn zedeleyen ifadeler kulanarak meslekihizmetlerinin reklamn yapmamaldrlar, yaplmasn engelemelidirler.

    7, Mhend isler saygdeer kii ve kurulularla almaldr.

    a) Mhendisler, drst olmayan i ve meslek uygulamalar yaptklarn bildikleri veya bunainanmak iin yeterli sebepleri olduu ahs veya firmalara, ahslarnn veya i ilikisinde

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    bulunduklar firmalarn isimlerini kullanmas iin izin vermemeli ve ortak i giriimindebulunmamaldr

    b) Mhendisler ahlaka aykr davranlar rtbas etmek iin mhendis olmayanlarla, irketlerle ve derneklerle biriememelidir

    8, Mhendisler mesleki grevlerini yaparken evreye ve enerji tasarrufuna duyarl olmal,yaamn kalitesini ykseltmek in evrenin korunmasna, enerjinin korunmas iin enerjitasarrufuna ynelik faaliyetlere katlmaldr.

    9, Mhend isler meslek yaamlar boyun ca meslek geliimle rini s rd rme li ve kendidenetimlerindeki mhendislerin de mesleki ve ahlaki geliimlerini salamak in imkanyaratmaldr,

    a) Mhendisler, eitim kurslarna devam ederek , teknik literatr izleyerek ve mesleki toplant ve seminerlere katlarak, uzmanlk alanlarndaki gncel mesleki uygulamalardan haberdarolmaldr.

    b) Mhendisler, mhendislik alannda alan elemanlarn en yakn zamanda mesleki

    kurululara kayt olmalar iin tevik etmelidir.o) Mhendisler, elemanlarn mesleki ve teknik kurulularn toplantlarna itirak etmesi vebildiri sunmas iin tevikte bulunmaldr.

    d) Mhendisler, mesleki dereceler, maalar ve dier demeleri de ieren istihdam koullarnailikin olarak, iveren ve alanlar arasnda, karlkl tatminkar ilikiler kurma prensibinikorumaldr.


    [1] ALGERf P.L, CHRSTENSEN N.A, QLMSTED, 3.P. Ethical Problems in Engineering.John Wiley and Sons. 1965.

    [2] LINGER, S,H, Controlling Technology; Ethics and The Responsible Engineer.

    Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1982.[3 ] HARRIS, C.H., PRITCHARD, M.S., RABINS, M J . Engineering Ethics ; Concepts and Cases,

    Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995,[4] MANTELL, M.I, Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering, 1974,[5] COAD f WJ. "Energy Conservation is an Etic". T-96-2-1 ASHRAE Winter Meeting, 1996,[6] EK.O. "Ve ilk htiya Siyasi Ahlak". Hrriyet Gazetesi, 12 Temmuz 1997,[7] Uluslararas Katlml Bilimsel Yaynlar Sempozyumu. Yayn Etii. TBTAK, 15 Kasm 1998.[8] KUURADj. Etjk. Trkiye Felsefe Kurumu, 1966.[9] NUTTAL.J. Ahlak zerine Tartmalar, (eviren: A.Ylmaz), Ayrnt Yaynevi, 1995.


    1949 lkkurun (demi) doumludur, 1967 ylnda Manisa Lisesini, 1972 ylnda stanbul Teknikniversitesi Makina Fakltesini bitirmitir. 1976'da Ege niversitesinden Doktor Mhendis unvannalm, Dokuz Eyll niversitesi'nde 1985'de Doent, 1990pda Profesr olmutur. Halen aynniversitede retim yesi olarak almakta ve zmir Meslek Yksek Okulu Mdrlnyapmaktadr. Is letimi-katiama, enerji depolama, sl konfor, makina mhendislii eitimiilgialanlardr.

    1981 83 yllarnda Makina Mhendisleri Odas zmir ubesi Bakan ln yapmtr, MakinaMhendisleri odas, Tesisat Mhendisleri Dernei ve ASHRAE yesidir. Evli ve iki ocuk babasdr.


    Bu raporun hazrlanmasna deiik yardmlaryla katk koyan Makina Mhendisleri Odas zmirubesi alanlarna, Tesisat Mhendisleri DernePne, TMD Mdr Sayn Sema Glge'e, ktTrkem her zaman dzelten kzm Melke'ye teekkr ediyorum.

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    EK-IETMOLOJK(Bu ek DEL) Fen-Edebiyat Fakltesi retim yesi Do.Dr, Sayn Semiramis YACIOLU tarafndanderlenmitir)

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    HANEROGLU, Orhan, Felsefe Szl stanbul: Remzi Ktabev, 1970.(1979 2nd Basm)

    AHLK ( Ar Trebilim) Belli bir toplumun belli bir dneminde bireysel ve toplumsal davran kurallarnsaptayan ve inceleyen bilim.. Bir insann yaradl gerei gerekletirdii davran1! dile getiren Arapa

    hulkszcnn oulu olan ahlkterimi huy, seciye, miza anlamlarn oul olarak kapsar. Dilimizdekiisel ahlak olarak aktre, toplumsal ahlk olarak tre ve bilim olarak trebilim terimleriylekarlanmtr. Bu bakmdan bilim ve felsefe olarak trebilim terimi Franszcadaki thique ve moraleterimlerinin her ikisini de karlar. thique karl olarak kuramsal trebilim ( Os, meli ahlk,Fr.Morale pratique ) deyimleri de kullanlmtr Morale karl olarak ahlak ve thique karl olarakahlak felsefesi yada Trke yazlmyla etik diyenler de vardr. Eski dnrler btn bu anlamlarda

    Yunanca ethik deyimini kullanrlard. Yunanca ethik deyimi, tre-(Os. rf ve detler, Fr. Les moeurs).anlam dile getiriyordu. Daha sonra felsefesel-bilimsel ahlk anlamnda thigue ve klgn -toplumsalahlk anlamnda morale deyimleri kullanlmaya baland gibi Lvy-Bruhl tarafindan sciences demoeurs ( Os. rf ve vat ilmi) ortaya atld. Trebilim'den ayrmak iin trelerbilim olarakkarlayabileceimiz bu yem bilim, ' bizzat Levy-Bruhl'n de syledii gibi ahlk da kapsam aktadr.Gerekte Arapa ahlk deyimi, tmyle, moeurs deyiminin karldr ve bir toplumda gelenek,grenek, aktre ve alkanlklarca belirlenmi toplumsal kurallar dile getirir, Bk. Trebilim

    TREBLM, (Os, llm-i ahlak, Fr. Ethique, Al. Ethik, Ing. Ethics, t. Etica) yiyle ktnn ayrlabilmesiiin ller koyan bilim... Yunan kknden gelen thique szcyle Latin kknden gelen moraleszc Osmanlcada ahlak ve Trkede trebilim szckleriyle karlanmtr. Gerekte birincisikuramsal tre (Os. Nazari ahlk), ikincisi pratik tre (Os. Tatbiki ahlk) anlamndadr. Morale szcLatince kknde moeurs szcyle ayn anlamdadr ve huy, seciye, miza kavramlarn kapsarSonralar moeurs szc rf ve det anlamn almtr. Franszca les sciences des moeursdeyiminden trebilim deil, rf ve detbilimi anlalmaktadr ki bu bilimin kurucusu Levy-Bruhl'dr rf

    ve detler bilimi,trebilimi de ieren btn sosyal deerleri kapsar. Gerekte tre(ahlk) bireysel deilsosyal deer tamaktadr, bu yzden de eitli ekonomik koullarla belirlenmi olan eitli treleri

    vardr. Bir toplumun ekonomik koullarndaki her deiiklik o toplumun tresinide deitirir; buyzdendirki treye tutucu, her trl lerlemeyi engelleyici, durgun bir karakter verilmitir. Metafizik vebireyci temele dayanan burjuva tresi, her trl gelimeyi sular. Buna kar diyalektik zdekiliin

    tresi, devrimsel evrim yasasna uygun olarak kiinin kendisini amasn tler. Kendini amak heralandaki oluum imknlarna gittike daha geni lde katlmak demektir.,, dealist retiler treyi yatanrnn buyruklar, ya da usun ve ruhun yaratcs sayarlar; her zaman ve her yerde geerli olduunuileri srerler. Oysa tre, altyapyla belirlenen bir styap kurumudur ve altyapnn deimesiylednme urar. Ne trl zdeksel koullar gerekleirse trede o trl olu r

    POYRAZ, Hakan. Dil ve Ahlk, Ankara: Vadi Yaynlar,199S.

    "ok anlaml bir terim olarak karmza kan ahlk, Latince moral ve Greke etikkavramlarnn karldr Moral ya da etik, ahlk le paralel etimolojiye sahiptir. Etik, karakter vealkanlk anlamna gelen ethos'tan tretilmitir. Nitekim Aristotales, etik'i bu mnada karakter ilmiolarak vasflandrr. (Arstotales, Nikomakhos; 1103,b.27). Latince moralkelimesi, yine det, alkanlk,

    karakter anlamna gelen mos (oulu mores) tan tretilir (Sahakian, 1974:6),

    Gnlk dilde ahlak kelimesinin bir ok farkl kullanl mevcuttur. Genelde sosyal bir varlkolan insann iinde yaad sosyal organizasyonun kaidelerine uygun davranmak, ahlkllk olarak

    vasflandrlabilir ve ahlk ise bu davran kurallarnn mecmuu olarak tarif edilebilir.

    Bat dillerinde moral ve etik terimlerinin Trkedeki karl ahlktr. Tekil karakterli bu terim, Arapa dilindeki hulk kelimesinin ouludur. Hulk, karakter yaps, huy, miza gibi anlamlar tarnsann fiziki yaps iin halk, manevi yaps (karakter anlamnda yaratl)iin hulk kavramlarkullanlmaktadr.Hlk, zahiri yaratla; hulk, kiinin psikolojik yaratlna yani karakterine areteder(Caginci,1990:IM).

    Etimolojik paralellie ve anlamca yaknla ramen, gerek moral ve gerekse etik terimlerinin

    farkl anlamlarda kullanlma alkanl vardr, Buna gre her ki kelime de ayn anlamlara (tre,.gelenek, alkanlk) gelseler bile moralin aret ettii mnada, 'bir bireyin, bir halkn, bir toplumsalsnfn, bir an bilinli yaamna hkim olan inan ve tasarmlar topluluuna ahlk (moral,stte)

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    bunlarn toplumsal olgu olarak yaanmasna ahlkllk (moralit, Sittlichkeit), bu inan ve tasarmlaragre ynlenen insani tutumlara ve tutumlara gre ynlendirilen eylemler hakknda verilen (doru veyayanl) yarglara ahlki(moralisoh, sittlich) denilmektedir1 (Delius, 1990:312). Etimolojik olarak aynanlama gelseler de, ahlkn olgusal ve tarihsel olarak yaanan bir ey olmasna karlk, etik, bu

    olgunun kendisine ynelik aratrmadr.te etik, bu fenomenler zerine ynelen felsefe disiplininin ad olarak anlalr Bir felsefe

    disiplini olarak ahlk (etik) btn bu ahlki fenomenler zerine dnme, bir felsefe yapma etkinliidir.Bu balamda ahlk, etik le zdetir" (Poyraz 1995:21-22).

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    National Society of Professional Engineers




    Coda f Ethics for Engineers


    Engineering is an important and learned profession. The members of the profession recognize thattheir work has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the servicesprovided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness and equity, and must be dedicated to theprotection of the public health, safety and welfare. In the practice of their profession, engineers mustperform under a standard of professional behavior which requires adherence to the highest principlesof ethical conduct on behalf of the public, clients i employers and the profession,

    i. Fundamental Canons

    Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:

    1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professionalduties.

    2. Perform services only in areas of their compe tence.3. Issue public stateme nts only in an objective and truthful manner.4. Act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.5. Avoid deceptive acts in the solicitation of professional employment,

    II. Rules of Practice

    1 Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance oftheir professional duties.

    a. Engineers shall at all times recognize that their primary obligation is to protect the safety, health,property and welfare of the public. If their professional judgment is overruled undercircumstances where the safety, health, property or welfare of the public are endangered, theyshall notify their employer or client and such other authority as may be appropriate.,

    b. Engineers shall approve only those engineering documents which are safe for public health,property and welfare in conformity with accepted standards.

    c. Engineers shall not reveal facts, data or information obtained in a profe ssional capacity withoutthe prior consent of the client or employer except as authorized or required by law or this Code,

    d. Engineers shall not permit the use of their name or firm name nor associate in business ventures with any person or firm which they have reason to believe is engaging in fraudulent ordishonest business or professional practices,

    e. Engineers having knowledge of any alleged violation of this Code shall cooperate with the properauthorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required,

    2, Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence.

    a. Engineers shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in thespecific technical fields involved.

    Reprinted by Permission of the NSPE.

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    b. Engineers shall not affix their signatures to any plans or documents dealing with subject matterin which they lack competence, nor to any plan or document not prepared under their directionand control.

    c. Engineers may accept assignments and assume responsibility for coordination of an entireproject and sign and seal the engineering documents for the entire project, provided that eachtechnical segment is signed and sealed only by the qualified engineers who prepared thesegment

    3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner,

    a. Engineers shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements or testimony Theyshall include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements or testimony

    b5 Engineers may express publicly a professional opinion on technical subjects only when thatopinion is founded upon adequate knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter.

    c. Engineers shall issue no statements, criticisms or arguments on technical matters which areinspired or paid for by interested parties, unless they have prefaced their comments by explicitlyidentifying the interested parties on whose behalf they are speaking, and by revealing theexistence of an interest the engineers may have in the matters.

    4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.

    a. Engineers shall disclose all known or potential conflicts of interest to their employers or clientsby promptly informing them of any business association, interest, or other circumstances whichcould influence or appear to influence their judgment or the quality of their services.

    b. Engineers shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party forservices on the same project, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless thecircumstances are fully disclosed to, and agreed to by, all interested parties,

    c. Engineers shall not solicit or accept financial or other valuable consideration d irectly or indirectly;from contractors, their agents.Or other parties in connection with work for employers or clientsfor which they are responsible.

    d. Engineers in public service as members, advisors or employees of a governmental or quasi-governmental body or department shall not participate in decisions with respect to professionalservices solicited or provided by them or their organizations in private or public engineeringpractice.

    e. Engineers shall not solicit or accept a professional contract from a governmental body on whicha principal or officer of their organization serves as a member.

    5. Engineers shall avoid deceptive acts in the solicitation of professional employment.

    a. Engineers shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation of their, Or their associates1, academic orprofessional qualifications. They shall not misrepresent or exaggerate their degree ofresponsibility in or for the subject matter of prior assignments. Brochures or other presentationsincident to the solicitation of employment shall not misrepresent pertinent facts concerningemployers, employees, associates, joint ventures or past accomplishments with the intent andpurpose of enhancing their qualifications and their work.

    b. Engineers shall not offer, give, solicit or receive, either directly or indirectly, any politicalcontribution in an amount intended to influence the award of a contract by public authority, Or

    which may be reasonably construed by the public of having the effect or intent to influence theaward of a contract, They shall not offer any gift.Or other valuable consideration in order tosecure work. They shall not pay a commission, percentage or brokerage fee in order to secure

    work except to a bona fide employee or bona fide established commercial or marketingagencies retained by them.

    HI. Professional Obligations

    1. Engineers shall be guided in all their professional relations by the highest standards of integrity

    a. Engineers shall admit and accept their own errors when proven wrong and refrain from distortingor altering thfacts in an attempt to justify their desions.

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    b. Engineers shall advise their clients or employers when they believe a project will not besuccessful,

    c. Engineers shall not accept outside employment to the detriment of their regular work or interest.Before accepting any outside employment they will notify their employers.

    d. Engineers shall not attempt to attract an engineer from another employer by false or misleadingpretenses.

    e. Engineers shall not actively participate in strikes, picket lines, or other collective coercive action.f. Engineers shall avoid any act tending to promote their own interest at the expense of the dignity

    and integrity of the profession.2. Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest,

    a. Engineers shall seek opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs and work for theadvancement of the safety, health and well-being of their community.

    b. Engineers shall not complete, sign or seal plans and/or specifications that are not of a designsafe to the public health and welfare and in conformity with accepted engineering standards. Ifthe client or employer insists on such unprofessional conduct they shall notify the properauthorities and withdraw from further service on the project.

    c. Engineers shall endeavor to extend public knowledge and appreciation of engineering and itsachievements and to protect the engineering profession from misrepresentation andmisunderstanding,

    3. Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice which is likely to discredit the profession or deceive thepublic.

    a. Engineers shall avoid the use of statements containing a material misrepresentation of fact oromitting a material fact necessary to keep statements from being misleading or intended or likelyto create an unjustified expectation, or statements containing prediction of future success.

    b. Consistent with the foregoing, Engineers may advertise for recrutment of personnel.c. Consistent with the foregoing, Engineers may prepare articles for the lay or technical press, but

    such articles shall not imply credit to the author for work performed by others.

    4. Engineers shall not disclose confidential information concerning the business affairs or technicalprocesses of any present or former client or employer without his consent.

    a. Engineers in the employ of others shall not without the consent of all interested parties enterpromotional efforts or negotiations for work or make arrangements for other employment as aprincipal or to practice in connection with a specific project for which the Engineer has gainedparticular and specialized knowledge.

    b. Engineers shall not, without the consent of all interested parties, participate in or represent anadversary interest in connection with a specific project or proceeding in which the Engineer hasgained particular specialized knowledge on behalf of a former client or employer.

    5. Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional duties by conflicting interests.

    a. Engineers shall not accept financial or other considerations, including free engineering designs,from material or equipment suppliers for specifying their product.

    b. Engineers shall not accept commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly, from contractors orother parties dealing with clients or employers of the Engineer in connection with work for whichthe Engineer is responsible,

    6. Engineers shall uphold the principle of appropriate and adequate compensation for those engagedin engineering work.

    a. Engineers shall not accept remuneration from either an employee or employment agency forgiving employment,

    b. Engineers, when employing other engineers, shall offer a salary according to professionalqualifications.

    7. Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or advancement or professional engagements byuntruthfully criticizing other engineers, or by other improper or questionable methods.

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    a. Engineers shall not request, propose, or accept a professional commission on a contingentbasis under circumstances in which their professional judgment may be compromised,

    b. Engineers in salaried positions shall accept part-time engineering work only to the extentconsistent with policies of the employer and in accordance with ethical considerations.

    c. Engineers shall not use equipment, supplies, laboratory, or office facilities of an employer tocarry on outside private practice without consent.

    8. Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the professionalreputation, prospects, practice or employment of other engineers, nor untruthfully criticize otherengineers' work. Engineers who believe others are guilty of unethical or illegal practice shall presentsuch information to the proper authority for action.

    a. Engineers in private practice shall not review the work of another engineer for the same client,except with the knowledge of such engineer, or unless the connection of such engineer with the

    work has been terminated,b. Engineers in governmental, industrial or educational employ are entitled to review and evaluate

    the work of other engineers when so required by their employment duties,

    c. Engineers in sales or industrial employ are entitled to make engineering comparisons ofrepresented products with products of other suppliers.

    9. Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for their professional activities; provided, however,that Engineers may seek indemnification for professional services arising out of their practice for otherthan gross negligence, where the Engineer's interests cannot otherwise be protected,

    a. Engineers shall conform with state registration laws in the practice of engineering.b. Engineers shall not use association with a nonengineer, a corporation, or partnership as a

    "cloak" for unethical acts, but must accept personal responsibility for all professional acts,

    10. Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due, and will recognizethe proprietary interests of others.

    a. Engineers shall, whenever possible, name the person or persons who may be individuallyresponsible for designs, inventions, writings, or other accomplishments.

    b. Engineers using designs supplied by a client recognize that the designs remain the property ofthe client and may not be duplicated by the Engineer for others without express permission.

    c. Engineers, before undertaking work for others in connection with which the Engineer may makeimprovements, plans, designs, inventions, or other records which may justify copyrights orpatents, should enter into a positive agreement regarding ownership,

    d. Engineers' designs, data, records, and notes referring exclusively to an employer's work are theemployer's property

    11 Engineers shall cooperate in extending the effectiveness of the profession by interchanginginformation and experience with other engineers and students, and will endeavor to provide opportunity

    for the professional development and advancement of engineers under their supervision,a. Engineers shall encourage engineering employees' efforts to improve their education.b. Engineers shall encourage engineering employees to attend and present papers at professional

    and technical society meetings,c. Engineers shall urge engineering employees to become registered at the earliest possible date.d. Engineers shall assign a professional engineer duties of a nature to utilize full training and

    experience, insofar as possible, and delegate lesser functions to subprofessionals or totechnicians.

    e. Engineers shall provide a prospective engineering employee with complete information on working conditions and proposed status of employment, and after employment will keepemployees informed of any changes.

    "By order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, former Section 11 (c) of theNSPE Code of Ethics prohibiting competitive bidding, and all policy statements, opinions, rulings orother guidelines interpreting its scope, have been rescinded as unlawfully interfering with the legal rightof engineers, protected under the antitrust laws, to provide price information to prospective clients;

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    accordingly, nothing contained in the NSPE Code of Ethics, policy statements, opinions, rulings orother guidelines prohibits the submission of price quotations or competitive bids for engineeringservices at any time or in any amount."

    Statement by NSPE Executive Committee

    In order to correct misunderstandings which have been indicated in some instances since the issuanceof the Supreme Court decision and the entry of the Final Judgment, it is noted that in its decision of

    April 25,1978, the Supreme Court of the United States declared: "The Sherman Act does not requirecompetitive bidding.

    It is further noted that as made clear in the Supreme Court decision:

    1. Engineers and firms may individually refuse to bid for engineering services,2. Clients are not required to seek bids for engineering services.3. Federal, state, and local laws governing procedures to procure engineering services are not

    affected, and remain in full force and effect,4. State societies and local chapters are free to actively and aggressively seek legislation for

    professional selection and negotiation procedures by public agencies.5. State registration board rules of professional conduct, including rules prohibiting competitive bidding

    for engineering services, are not affected and remain in full force and effect. State registrationboards with authority to adopt rules of professional conduct may adopt rules governing proceduresto obtain engineering services,

    6. As noted by the Suprem e Court, "nothing in the judgm ent prevents NSPE and its members fromattempting to influence governmental action.

    Note: In regard to the question of application of the Code to corporations vis-a-vis real persons,business form or type should not negate nor influence conformance of Individuals to the Code. The

    Code deals with professional services, which services must be performed by real persons. Realpersons in turn establish and implement policies within business structures. The Code is clearly writtento apply to the Engineer and it is incumbent on a "member of NSPE to endeavor to "live up to itsprovisions. This applies to all pertinent sections of the Code.Publication date as revised: July 1993. Publication #1102.

    American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    In 1992, the Council of the American Institute o Chemical Engineers adopted this Code of Ethics to which it expects that the professional conduct of its members shall conform and to which everyapplicant attests by signing his or her membership application.

    Professional Ethics

    The American Institute of Chemical Engineers has prepared this statement to guide its members intheir professional attitudes and actions and to convey to all interested persons the nature ofprofessional standards of the chemical engineer. This brief statement outlines the ethical principlesthat should govern the actions of professional persons. Some detailed discussions of professionalconduct may be found in the bibliography

    Every calling is great when greatly pursued,-Oliver Wendell Holmes

    A professional is one who, by reason of education, experience, intellectual capacity and moral integrity,

    is fully aware of personal responsibility to devote skill and knowledge to the service of society and theprofession. Whereas any graduate engineer has acquired the technology fundamental" to anengineering career, the truly professional engineer integrates social consciousness into professional

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    judgment. Recognizing the accomplishments of the past, the needs of the present and the challengesof the future, the professional engineer accepts special obligations in relations with society.

    No set of laws could prevent chaos in a society that lacked rough agreement on certain moral

    assumptions.-John W, Gardner

    The Institute recognizes that ethics and ethical conduct are intimately related to moral values andhence cannot be expressed exactly for all engineers. Often dilemmas arise in which two or more moralobligations, duties, rights or ideals come into conflict in a situation in which not all of them can berespected or fulfilled.

    Questions relating to issues such as proprietary information, conflicts of interest, discrimination, and whistle blowing can best be answered by thoughtful consideration of fundamental principles rather thanreliance on a detailed regulation. In the final analysis, the responsibility for determining the ethical pathfor any situation rests with the individual,

    Code of EthicsMembers of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers shall uphold and advance the integrity,honor and dignity of the engineering profession by: being honest and impartial and serving with fidelitytheir employers, their clients, and the public; striving to increase the competence and prestige of theengineering profession; and using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare. Toachieve these goals, members shall

    1. Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in performance of their professionalduties.

    2. Formally advise their employers or clients (and consider further disclosure, if warranted) if theyperceive that a consequence of their duties will adversely affect the present or future health orsafety of their colleagues or the public.

    3. Accept responsibility for their actions and recognize the contributions of others; seek critica l reviewof their work and offer objective criticism of the work of others.4. Issue statements or present information only in an objective and truthful manner,5. Act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees, and avoid

    conflicts of interest.6. Treat fairly all colleagues and co-workers, recognizing their unique contributions and capabilities.7. Perform professional services only In areas, of their competence,8. Build their professional reputations on the merits of their services,9. Continue their professional development throughout their careers, and provide opportunities for the

    professional development of those under their supervision.

    Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)

    Code f Ethics*

    We, the members of the IEEE, in recognition of the importance of our technologies in affecting thequality of life throughout the world, and in accepting a personal obligation to our profession, itsmembers and the communities we serve, do hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical andprofessional conduct and agree:

    1. to accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or theenvironment;

    2, to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affectedparties when they do exist;

    * Reprinted by permission of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers" 1990 IEEE. Reprinted with permission, from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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    3. to be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data-4. to reject bribery in all its forms;5. to improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application and potential


    6. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for othersonly if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations;7. to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors and

    to credit properly the contributions of others;8. to treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion gender disability aqe or

    national origin; ' ~ '9. to avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action8

    10.to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them infollowing this code of ethics.

    Effective January 1,1991

    American Society of Civil EngineersASCE Code of Ethics

    Effective January 1, 1977. (By ASCE Board of Direction action April 12-14,1975)

    Fundamental Principles**

    Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession by:

    1. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;2. being honest and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients;3. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession; and4. supporting the professional and technical societies of their disciplines.

    Fundamental Canons

    1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance oftheir professional duties,

    2. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence,3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or

    trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not

    compete unfairly with others,6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of

    the engineering profession,7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their care ers, and shall provide

    opportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision.

    ASCE Guidelines to Practice under the Fundamental Canons of Ethics

    C a n o n 1 .

    Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of theirprofessional duties.

    * As adopted September 25,1976 and amended October 25, 1980 and April 17, 1993. Reprinted withpermission of the ASCE,

    " The American Society of Civil Engineers adopted THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES of the ABETCode of Ethics of Engineers as accepted by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technologyinc. (ABET). ^'

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    a. Engineers shall recognize that the lives, safety, health and welfare of the general public aredependent upon engineering judgments, decisions and practices incorporated into structures,machines, products, processes and devices.

    b. Engineers shall approve or seal only those design documen ts, reviewed or prepared by them, whichare determined to be safe for public health and welfare in conformity' with accepted engineering

    standards.c. Engineers whose professional judgment is overruled under circumstances where the safety, healthand welfare of the public are endangered, shall inform their clients or employers of the possibleconsequences,

    d. Engineers who have knowledge or reason to believe that another person or firm may be in violationof any of the provisions of Canon 1 shall present such information to the proper authority in writingand shall cooperate with the proper authority in furnishing such furtherinformation or assistance asmay be required,

    e. Engineers should seek opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs and work for theadvancement of the safety, health and well-being of their communities.

    f. Engineers should be committed to improving the environment to enhance the quality of life.

    Canon 2.

    Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence,

    a. Engineers shall undertake to perform engineering assignments only when qualified by education orexperience in the technical field of engineering involved.

    b. Engineers may accept an assignment requiring education or experience outside of their own fieldsof competence, provided their services are restricted to those phases of the project in which theyare qualified. All other phases of such project shall be performed by qualified associates,consultants, or employees.

    c. Engineers shall not affix their signatures or seals to any engineering plan or document dealing withsubject matter in which they lack competence by virtue of education or experience or to any suchplan or document not reviewed or prepared under their supervisory control,

    Canon 3.Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner-

    a. Engineers should endeavor to extend the public knowledge of engineering, and shall not participatein the dissemination of untrue, unfair or exaggerated statements regarding engineering.

    b. Engineers shall be objective and truthful in professional reports, statements, or testimony. Theyshall include all relevant and pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony,

    c Engineers, when serving as expert witnesses, shall express an engineering opinion only when it isfounded upon adequate" knowledge of the facts, upon a background of technical competence, andupon honest conviction,

    d. Engineers shall issue no statements, criticisms, or arguments on engineering matters which areinspired or paid for by interested parties, unless they indicate on whose behalf the statements are

    made.e. Engineers shall be dignified and modest in explaining their work and merit, and will avoid any acttending to promote their own interests at the expense of the integrity, honor and dignity of theprofession.

    Canon 4,

    Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees,and shall avoid conflicts of interest.

    a. Engineers shall avoid all known or potential conflicts of interest with their employers or clients andshall promptly inform their employers or clients of any business association, interests, orcircumstances which could influence their judgment or the quality of their services.

    b. Engineers shall not accept compensation from more than one party for services on the sameproject, or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the circumstances are fully disclosedto and agreed to, by all interested parties,

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    c. Engineers shall not solicit or accept gratuities, directly or indirectly, from contractors, their agents, orother parties dealing with, their clients or employers in connection with work for which they areresponsible.

    d. Engineers in public service as members, advisors, or employees of a governmental body ordepartment shall not participate in considerations or actions with respect to services solicited or

    provided by them or their organization in private or public engineering practice.e. Engineers shall advise their employers or clients when, as a result of their studies, they believe aproject will not be successful.

    f. Engineers shall not use confidential information coming to them in the course of their assignmentsas a means of making personal profit if such action is adverse to the interests of their clients,employers or the public.

    g. Engineers shall not accept professional employment outside of their regular work or interest withoutthe knowledge of their employers.

    Canon 5,

    Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not competeunfairly with others.

    a. Engineers shall not give, solicit or receive either directly or indirectly, any political contribution,gratuity, or unlawful consideration in order to secure work, exclusive of securing salaried positionsthrough employment agencies.

    b. Engineers should negotiate contracts for professional services fairly and on the basis ofdemonstrated competence and qualifications for the type of professional service required.

    c. Engineers may request, propose or accept professional commissions on a contingent basis onlyunder circumstances in which their professional judgments would not be compromised.

    d. Engineers shall not falsify or permit misrepresentation of their academic or professionalqualifications or experience.

    e. Engineers shall give proper credit for engineering work to those to whom credit is due, and shallrecognize the proprietary interests of others. Whenever possible, they shall name the person orpersons who may be responsible for designs, inventions, writings or other accomplishments.

    f. Engineers may advertise professional services in a way that does not contain misleading languageor is in any other manner derogatory to the dignity of the profession. Examples of permissibleadvertising are as follows:

    Professional cards in recognized, dignified publications, and listings in rosters or directoriespublished by responsible organizations, provided that the cards or listings are consistent in sizeand content and are in a section of the publication regularly devoted to such professional cards.

    Brochures which factually describe experience, facilities, personnel and capacity to renderservice, providing they are not misleading with respect to the engineer's participation in projectsdescribed.

    Display advertising in recognized dignified business and professional publications, providing it is

    factual and is not misleading with respect to the engineer's extent of participation in. projectsdescribed.

    A statement of the engineers1 names or the name of the firm and statement of the type ofservice posted on projects for which they render services.

    Preparation or authorization of descriptive articles for the lay or technical press, which arefactual and dignified. Such articles shall not imply anything more than direct participation in theproject described.

    Permission by engineers for their names to be used in commercial advertisements, such as maybe published by contractors, material suppliers, etc., only by means of a modest, dignifiednotation acknowledging the engineers' participation in the project described. Such permissionshall not include public endorsement of proprietary products.

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    y I I I. U L U S A L T E S S A T M H E N D S L K O N G R E S V E S E R G S - - 3 4 ^

    g. Engineers shall not maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, injure the professional reputation,prospects, practice or employment of another engineer or indiscriminately criticize another's work.

    h. Engineers shall not use equipment, supplies, laboratory or office facilities of their employers to carryon outside private practice without the consent of their employers.

    Canon 6,

    Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of theengineering profession.

    a. Engineers shall not knowingly act in a manner which will be derogatory to the honor, integrity, ordignity of the engineering profession or knowingly engage in business or professional practices of afraudulent, dishonest or unethical nature.

    Canon 7,

    Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall provideopportunities for the professional development of those engineers under their supervision.

    a. Engineers should keep current in their specialty fields by engaging in professional practice,participating in continuing education courses, reading in the technical literature, and attendingprofessional meetings and seminars,

    b. Engineers should encourage their engineering employees to become registered at the earliestpossible date,

    c. Engineers should encourage engineering employees to attend and present papers at professionaland technical society meetings.

    d. Engineers shall uphold the principle of mutually satisfying relationships between employers andemployees with respect to terms of employment including professional grade descriptions, salaryranges, and fringe benefits.

    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

    Code of Ethics of Engineers

    The Fundamental Principles

    Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor, 'and dignity of the Engineering profession by:

    I. using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;IL being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients, andIII. striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession.

    The Fundamental Canons

    1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance oftheir professional duties.

    2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence.3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide

    opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those engineers under theirsupervision,

    4 Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents trustees,and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the a appearance of conflicts of interest.

    5, Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall notcompete unfairly with others.

    6 Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations.7. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.

    Reprinted with permission of the AME Board on Professional Practice and Ethics.

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    Society Policy


    ASME requires ethical practice by each of its members and has adopted the following Code of Ethics

    of Engineers as referenced in the ASME Constitution, Article C2.1.1.Code of Ethics of Engineers

    The Fundamental Principles

    Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession by:

    I, using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare;IL being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients; andIII, striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession.

    The Fundamental Canons

    1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance oftheir professional duties.

    2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their competence,3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers and shall provide

    opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those engineers under theirsupervision.

    4. Engineers shall act in 'professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents ortrustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.

    5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall notcompete unfairly with others.

    6. Engineers shall associate only with reputable persons or organizations.7. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.

    The SME Criteria for Interpretation of the Canons

    The ASME criteria for interpretation of the Canons are advisory in character and represent theobjectives toward which members of the engineering profession should strive. They constitute a bodyof principles upon which an engineer can rely for guidance in specific situations. In addition, theyprovide interpretive guidance to the ASME Board on Professional Practice and Ethics in applying the

    Code of Ethics of Engineers,

    1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety health and welfare of the public in the performance oftheir professional duties.

    a. Engineers shall recognize that the lives, safety, health and welfare of general public aredependent upon engineering judgments, decisions and practices incorporated into structures,machines, products, processes and devices.

    b. Engineers shall not approve or seal plans and/or specifications that are not of a design safe tothe public health and welfare and in conformity with accepted engineering standards.

    c. Whenever the Engineers' professional judgment is over-ruled under circum stances where thesafety, health, and welfare of the public are endangered, the Engineers shall inform their clientsand/or employers of the possible consequences.(1) Engineers shall endeavor to provide data such as published standards, test codes, and

    quality control procedures that will enable the users to understand safe use during lifeexpectancy associated with the designs, products, or systems for which they are responsible.

    (2) Engineers shall conduct reviews of the safety and reliability of the designs, products, orsystems for which they are responsible before giving their approval to the plans for the


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    (3) Whene ver Engineers observe conditions, directly related to their employment, which theybelieve will endanger public safety or health, they shall inform the proper authority of thesituation.

    d. If engineers have knowledge of or reason to believe that another person or firm may be in

    violation of any of the provisions of these Canons, they shall present such information to theproper authority in writing and shall cooperate with the proper authority in furnishing such furtherinformation or assistance as may be required.

    2. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.

    a. Engineers shall undertake to perform engineering assignments only when qualified by educationand/or experience in the specific technical field of engineering involved.

    b. Engineers may accept an assignment requiring education and/or experience outside of their ownfields of competence, but their services shall be restricted to other phases of the project in whichthey are qualified, All other phases of such project shall be performed by qualified associates,consultants, or employees.

    3. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shouldprovide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of those engineers under theirsupervision,

    4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees,and shall avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.

    a. Engineers shall avoid all known conflicts of interest with their employers or clients and shallpromptly inform their employers or clients of any business association, interests, orcircumstances which could influence their judgment or the quality of their services.

    b. Engineers shall not undertake any assignments which would knowingly create a potential conflictof interest between themselves and their clients of their employers.

    c. Engineers shall not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more then one party fors e r v

    jc e s o n the same project/ or for services pertaining to the same project, unless the

    circumstances are fully disclosed to, and agreed to, by all interested parties.d. Engineers shall not solicit or accept financial or other valuable considerations, for specifyingproducts or material or equipment suppliers, without disclosure to their clients or employers.

    e. Engineers shall not solicit or accept gratuities, directly or indirectly, from con tractors, theiragents, or other parties dealing with their clients or employers in connection with work for whichthey are responsible,

    f. When in public service as members, advisors, or employees of a governmental body ordepartment, Eng