Mannerism presentation

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Mannerism presentation


Prepared by,Joslin John LecturerSJBIN


Meaning :A habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving.`

Marked  or  excessive  adherence  to  an  unusual or a particular manner, especially if affected:

•Repetitive or too much use of some manner in speaking writing or behaving that makes the act to look strange, queer and distracting

(Dr. Marcelino D. Catahan)

What do you think, is mannerism good or bad

• Certain mannerisms may be amusing to the eyes of learners- if it is used occasionally

•When teacher repeatedly applies sub-standard acts they become awkward and disgusting.

•Positive mannerisms

Stand up straight

Use the whole classroom.

• Walk around the students’ desks to show interest, and indicate approval with a head nod.


• It conveys happiness and encouragement

Make eye contact.

• It helps establish rapport and trust, and it shows that you’re engaged and listening to the students.

Adopt different poses

• when you want your students to respond in a particular way.

• Your hand on your chin encourages students to think about the answer and shows you’re waiting for their answer.

Encouraging words/actions

Hands out and palms up

• shows that you’re open to questions and answering in a nonthreatening way.


• A brief tap on the shoulder or arm of a student you’re speaking with can elicit a subconscious response that makes you more persuasive.



• Poor preparation• Anxiety• Habits• Language problems


•Mannerisms in body language•Verbal mannerisms •Mannerisms in the use of AV

aids/writing mannerisms


The senior citizen

• Teacher who depends on teachers table without any movement

The electric post posture

• Teacher whose hands are kept clasped in front below wrist with feet firmly anchored in the floor

The rapper

• Teacher who never stands still, talking fast with continuous gestures of hands arms and other parts of the body

The chained elephant

• Teacher who stands with the weight first on one foot and later on other foot

• Sometimes the non weight bearing leg is positioned crossing the other leg

The swordsman- warrior

• Teacher who uses pointer or stick as a sword ,performing continuous actions with it without putting it down

The monkey scratcher

• Teacher who keeps scratching some kind of real or imaginary itches

The juggler

• Teacher who constantly fiddles with available teaching aids

The handcuffed preacher

• Teacher who keeps hand clasped behind the back during presentation

The face to face accuser

• Teacher who uses forefinger continuously pointing to the class when emphasizing ideas or concepts

The train rider

• The teacher who puts hands constantly in the pocket as if counting the loose change to ensure that enough money is there to buy train ticket.

•Verbal mannerisms

• Saying um,” “uh,” “okay” or a specific word


• Monotonous voice

• Everything sounding like a question (raising voice

at the end of sentences)

• Nervous laugh at the end of sentences

• Clearing the throat a lot


• Flipping overheads/slides too fast• Talking to the screen• Writing too much information



•Let us see some of the ways to defeat


• Just before going up, breathe deeply–it can reduce your heart rate and tension

• Proper preparation before class

• Try to correct language problems

Don’t keep your eyes on the notes

Pause often

Use humor

Be enthusiastic

• If possible take a video of your class and watch it later. Try to avoid the mannerisms in the previous video.

• Repeat the procedure again to make sure that annoying mannerisms are corrected

• Do not try to correct all mannerisms at a time

• Invite a friend to attend your class and note down the negative practices