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  • 7/28/2019 LIBRO RECETAS.docx




    Recipes book

    Jos David Ruiz, Ivn Marn, Francisco Lpez,

    Cristin Lpez

    F A C U L T A D E D U C A C I N

  • 7/28/2019 LIBRO RECETAS.docx



    ndice1. STARTERS .......................................................................................................................... 4

    Fresh Salad ................................................................................................................... 4

    Ensalada fresca ............................................................................................................. 5

    Brothers salmon and rice salad ................................................................................... 6

    Ensalada de arroz con salmn ahumado de mi hermano ............................................ 7

    My fathers Galician Octopus ....................................................................................... 8

    Pulpo a la gallega de mi padre ..................................................................................... 9

    Rush salad ................................................................................................................... 10

    Ensaladilla Rusa .......................................................................................................... 11

    My grannys Stuffed Peppers: .................................................................................... 12

    Pimientos rellenos de mi abuelita .............................................................................. 13

    Garlic prawns .............................................................................................................. 14

    Gambas al Ajillo .......................................................................................................... 15

    2. MAIN COURSES .................................................................................................................. 16

    Garlic Chicken by my mum ......................................................................................... 16

    Pollo al ajillo por mi mam ......................................................................................... 17

    Sage Pork Chops by the mums friend ....................................................................... 18

    Chuletas de cerdo con salvia por la madre de mi amigo............................................ 19

    My mothers Spanish Omelet ..................................................................................... 20

    Tortilla de patatas de mi madre: ................................................................................ 21

    My sisters Pork with tomato ..................................................................................... 22

    Magra con tomate de mi hermana: ........................................................................... 23

    My grannys migas:..................................................................................................... 24

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    3. DESSERTS ............................................................................................................................ 26

    Cranachan ................................................................................................................... 26

    Cranachan ................................................................................................................... 27Mango sorbet ............................................................................................................. 28

    Sorbete de mango ...................................................................................................... 29

    My granny Soledads Rice Pudding ............................................................................ 30

    Arroz con leche de mi abuelita Soledad: .................................................................... 31

    My granny Asuncin Carrot pancakes ....................................................................... 32

    Tortitas de zanahoria de mi abuelita Asuncin .......................................................... 33

    Sweet pastries ............................................................................................................ 34

    Torrijas ........................................................................................................................ 35

    4. Vocabulary ...................................................................................................................... 36

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    Fresh Salad

    I remember that when I was 14 years, I found a recipes book and when I

    read some recipes I wanted to do a easy and fast one. I found fresh salad.

    It wasnt very difficult for me. I really like that dish and nowadays, I

    usually eat it in summer.


    A lettuce A small red cabbage 2 tomatoes 1 onion 12 Black olives 1 Cucumber Salt OilDirections:

    Wash and chop the lettuce and red cabbage in pieces. Slice the tomatoes

    and the onion into rings. Peel and slice the cucumber. Put all the vegetables

    in a bowl, and place the black olives on top. You can add any other

    ingredient of your choice.

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    Ensalada fresca


    1 cogollo de lechuga 1 lombarda pequea 2 tomates 1 cebolla 12 olivas negras 1 pepino Sal Aceite


    Lava y trocea la lechuga y la lombarda en trozos. Rebanar los tomates y la

    cebolla en aros. Pela y rebana el pepino. Colocas todos los vegetales en un

    bol y coloca las aceitunas negras en la parte superior de ellas, y alia a tu


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    Brothers salmon and rice salad

    My brother is a very chef and Ive learnt from him , for example the

    salmon and rice salad. I loved it and I liked much. So finally I asked for

    this recipe 5 years ago. Actually, this recipe used to eat in my house

    every day.


    1 cup of boiled rice 1 onion 1 cup of peanuts 2 cups of stew 1 cup of water black pepper Salt 1/2 cup of fresh parsley Oil 4 oz. (100 gr) of Salmon


    In a frying pan, well fry the onion with olive oil for about 8 minutes.

    Add the cup of peanuts, and after, the cup of water, the pepper, a littlebit of salt, the 2 cups of stew, and boil. Then, well add the rice, stirring

    constantly. After that, well cover the pan and cook for another 20

    minutes. Then, well take the pan off the heat and let it cool for about

    15 minutes. At the end, well add the parsley and salmon for the final


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    Ensalada de arroz con salmn ahumado de mi hermano


    1 taza de arroz hervido 1 cebolla 1 taza de man 2 tazas de caldo 1 taza de agua Pimienta negra Sal taza de perejil fresco Aceite 100 gramos de salmn


    En una sartn, cocinaremos la cebolla con aceite durante 8 minutos.

    Despus, aadiremos los cacahuetes, y despus aadimos la taza de agua,pimienta negra, un poco de sal, las dos tazas de caldo y lo llevamos a

    hervir. Entonces, aadiremos el arroz, movindolo constantemente.

    Despus de eso, cubriremos la sartn y cocinaremos durante 20 minutos a

    fuego lento. Despus, quitaremos la sartn del fuego y la dejaremos enfriar

    sobre 15 minutos. Al final, aadiremos el perejil y el salmn para adornar.

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    My fathers Galician Octopus

    My father is not a very good cook, when he tries to cook always ends in

    disaster. But there is one recipe, which my father cooks very well, it is

    Galician octopus. My father is fisherman, and when he fish octopus, he

    always cook it for my family and friends. I dont like seafood, but my

    fathers Galician octopus is extremely tasty.


    2L water 1 bay leaf

    1 whole octopus 2 potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces Sweet paprika to taste Salt to taste Olive oil


    Bring the water to a boil in a large saucepan. Add the bay leaf and thewhole, peeled onion. Holding the octopus by its head, dunk the tentacles in

    the hot water three times. The tentacles will curl upwards. (This tenderises

    the meat.)

    Now add the whole octopus to the pan. Cover and simmer for about 40


    Remove the octopus from the pan. Cut off for the tentacles and slice each

    into 2 to 3cm pieces.

    Boil the pieces of potato in the same liquid as you used to cook the octopus,

    until tender. This will colour the potato a pinkish red.

    Place the potato in a mound in the centre of a serving platter. Surround the

    potato with the octopus pieces. Sprinkle with sea salt and paprika, then

    drizzle with olive oil.

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    Pulpo a la gallega de mi padre

    Ingredientes (4 personas)

    1 kg de pulpo 2 patatas 2 litros agua Aceite de oliva Sal Pimentn dulce LaurelPasos:

    Pela la cebolla y ponla a cocer, en una hoya con agua hirviendo.

    Asusta el pulpo 3 veces en una cazuela grande con agua hirviendo (meter y

    sacarlo del agua, sujetndolo por la cabeza; hasta que se encoja). Despus,

    introdcelo definitivamente y cocina durante 30 minutos. Deja atemperar y

    crtalo en trocitos con la ayuda de unas tijeras. Reserva.

    Pela, y cuece las patatas. Una vez cocidas escrrelas y crtalas en rodajas.

    Para servir, pon en la base de un platillo de madera las rodajas de patata y

    coloca encima los trozos de pulpo. Alia con un buen chorro de aceite de

    oliva y espolvorea con pimentn dulce. Sazona con sal.
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    Rush saladIngredients:

    k of potatoes 5 o.z. mahonesa 3 eggs red pepper Tuna


    Heat 1/2 cup olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-low heat. Add half

    of the potato slices, and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 15 to

    20 minutes. When done, remove potatoes to a large bowl, leaving oil in the

    frying pan. Cook the remaining potatoes in the oil until tender,then add to

    the bowl, leaving oil in the skillet. Gently toss potatoes with salt and pepper

    to taste.

    Whisk eggs in a large bowl until smooth. Gently fold in cooked potatoes.

    Heat the frying pan with the reserved oil over low heat. Pour in the egg and

    potato mixture, and gently cook until the sides have started to set and the

    bottom has turned golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Loosen the tortilla with a

    spatula if needed, then carefully slide onto a large plate. Turn the skillet

    upside down and place onto the uncooked side of the tortilla. Turn the

    skillet right-side-up, and remove the plate. Return the skillet to the stove,

    and continue cooking until the tortilla has set in the center, about 4


    Slide the tortilla onto a serving plate and allow to cool to room temperature.

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    Ensaladilla Rusa


    Kilo de patatas 250 grms. Mahonesa 1 lata olivas rellenas de


    3 huevos pimiento rojo Atn


    Se pelan las patatas y se cuecen en una hoya. Una vez cocidas, se

    escurren un se machacan. Una vez machacadas, en introducen en un


    Se cuecen los 3 huevos, 10 minutos. Se pelan, se cortan y se aaden a la

    patata machacada.

    Se pelan, se cuecen y se cortan los pimientos. Tras escurrirlos se ponen en

    el recipiente junto a las patatas.

    Se aade una lata de atn en el recipiente de las patatas

    Se vierte la mahonesa en el recipiente y se mezcla con la patata, el

    pimiento, el huevo y el atn.

    Enfriar en el frigorfico antes de servir.

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    My grannys Stuffed Peppers:

    Every Christmas Eve, as tradition, everyone of my family get together in

    our grandparents house. My grandmother, who knows about this special

    dinner, for appetizer, she serves us her delicious stuffed peppers. It has

    become in a custom for my family before eating the Christmas eves turkey.


    Red bell Peppers (one tin of three or four persons) One tin of tuna 1 o.z of boiled corn 1 boiled egg 2 or 3 spoonful s of mayonnaise 1 spoonful of ketchup Salt and pepper.


    First, we boil the egg. Once boilt, peel it.

    Then, we mix tuna and boiled egg and put them in a container to blend with

    a blender.

    After that, we add boiled corn, mayonnaise, ketchup, pepper and salt to the

    tuna mixture and stir.

    Then we fill peppers with that mixture and finally we put into the fridge.

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    Pimientos rellenos de mi abuelita


    Pimientos del piquillo 1 lata de atn en aceite 6 palitos de cangrejo 50 gramos de maz cocido 1 huevo cocido 2 3 cucharadas de mayonesa 1 cucharada de ketchup Sal y pimientaInstrucciones:

    Cocemos el huevo. Picamos el atn, los palitos y el huevo cocido, y lo

    mezclamos en la batidora; despus, aadimos el maz, la sal, la pimienta, la

    mayonesa y el ketchup, y mezclamos bien. Rellenamos los pimientos, y los

    metemos a la nevera hasta poco antes de servir.

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    Garlic prawns

    This is a strange history. It began when each Sunday, my parents and my

    old brother went to have lunch in a restaurant, with the purpose to forget

    the whole busy week. There, we try this wonderful appetizer, which we

    loved. My brother has learnt to cook this dish and he cooks it for all my



    6 o.z of prawns. 10 garlic cloves One chilli pepper 8 spoonful of oil SaltDirections:

    Heat up oil in a frying pan and add chilli pepper.

    Then, chop and add garlic and, too.

    A few minutes later, add prawns with a pinch of salt.

    Finally, serve it on a plate.

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    Gambas al Ajillo


    150 gramos de gambas peladas

    10 dientes de ajo 1 guindilla seca 8 cucharadas de aceite de oliva Sal


    Introduce el aceite en una cazuela o sartn. Aade la

    guindilla cortada en rodajas (o la pimienta de cayena entera).

    Pelalosajos y crtalos a rodajas. Adelos a la sartn.

    Cuando los ajos comiencen a cambiar de color aade las gambas y

    una pizca de sal. Deja al fuego hasta que las gambas cambien de

    color (no ms de un par de minutos).

    Aparta y sirve en una cazuelita de cermica y acompaa con pan para

    mojar en el aceite

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    Garlic Chicken by my mum

    The first time that I ate this dish was when I was 11 years old, in

    Tentegorra (an amusement park). I loved garlic chicken, however, I

    didnt know that this fantastic recipe was done by my mum that day. This

    dish is one of favoutite.


    1/4 cup of dry bread crumbs 1/4 cup of olive oil 2 teaspoons of crushed garlic A small cup of Parmesan cheese One whole chickenDedications:

    Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

    Warm the garlic and olive oil.

    In a separate dish, mix the bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Batter the

    chicken in the olive oil and the bread crumbs.

    Place all the ingredients into the oven for about 30 minutes.

    Serve it on a dish and decorate it with your favourite adorns: lettuce, chips,

    or parsley.

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    Pollo al ajillo por mi mam


    taza de migas de pan seco taza de aceite de oliva 2 cucharaditas de ajo picado 1 taza pequea de queso parmesano 1 pollo


    Precalentar el horno a 220C.

    Calentar el ajo en aceite de oliva.

    En un plato separado, mezcla las migas de pan seco y el queso parmesano.

    Aade el pollo y la mezcla de las migas de pan seco aceite de oliva.

    Coloca todos los ingredientes en el horno durante 30 minutos.

    Srvelo en un plato y adorna con tus adornos favoritos, como lechuga,

    patatas fritas

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    Sage Pork Chops by the mums friend

    In my friends house, I ate a dish that Ive never tasted in my life. After

    having dinner, I asked for the recipe because I liked it very much. It is a

    rare recipe which not many people can do.


    2 butter spoons 2 cups of beef bouillon 1 cup of water Black pepper Salt 2 teaspoon sage Four pork chops


    Mix the salt, sage and black pepper in a small bowl and batter both sides of

    the chops. Deep fry them in a pan.

    Mix the cup of water and the 2 cups beef bouillon and add this mixture to

    the chops, and let them cook for 30 minutes.

    You can serve them with your favourite garnish: chips, vegetables.

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    Chuletas de cerdo con salvia por la madre de mi amigo


    2 cucharadas de mantequilla 2 tazas de caldo de carne de ternera 1 taza de agua Pimienta negra Sal 2 cucharaditas de salvia 4 chuletas de cerdo


    Mezcla la sal, la salvia y la pimienta negra en un bol pequeo, y frotar

    ambos lados de las chuletas. Frelas en una sartn.

    Combina la taza de agua y las dos tazas de caldo de carne de ternera y

    aade esta mezcla a las chuletas y djalos cocinar durante 30 minutos.

    Tu puedes servirlas con tus ingredientes favoritos: patatas fritas, verduras

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    My mothers Spanish Omelet

    The spanish omelet is one of my favorite dishes. It flavor and its colour

    make get crazy about my mothers Spanish omelet. I remember when I

    came from England (where the food is not very good) the first meal I had

    with my family was Spanish

    Omelet. It was delicious!


    1 pound baking potatoes,peeled and cut into slices

    4 eggs

    cup olive oil. SaltDirections:

    Heat 1/2 cup olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-low heat. Add half

    of the potato slices, and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 15 to

    20 minutes. When done, remove potatoes to a large bowl, leaving oil in the

    frying pan. Cook the remaining potatoes in the oil until tender, then add to

    the bowl, leaving oil in the skillet. Gently toss potatoes with salt and pepper

    to taste.

    Whisk eggs in a large bowl until smooth. Gently fold in cooked potatoes.

    Heat the frying pan with the reserved oil over low heat. Pour in the egg and

    potato mixture, and gently cook until the sides have started to set and the

    bottom has turned golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Loosen the tortilla with a

    spatula if needed, then carefully slide onto a large plate. Turn the skillet

    upside down and place onto the uncooked side of the tortilla. Turn the

    skillet right-side-up, and remove the plate. Return the skillet to the stove,

    and continue cooking until the tortilla has set in the center, about 4


    Slide the tortilla onto a serving plate and allow to cool to room temperature.

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    Tortilla de patatas de mi madre:


    Kilo de Patatas 4 huevos Sal 125 ml aceite de oliva.


    Lavar y cortar las patatas en lminas finas. Una vez puesto el aceite a

    calentar se echan las patatas, aadiendo un poco de sal y se fren. Truco: Si

    la tortilla gusta con las patatas ms desechas puede ir deshacindose la

    patata con la rasera mientras se mueve. Cuando se vean doradas se

    apartan y es importante que escurran el aceite en un colador o en un plato

    con papel absorbente.

    Se baten los huevos con un poco de sal y una vez batidos se aaden las

    patatas, mezclndolas bien con el huevo batido.

    Se prepara de nuevo la sartn en el fuego con dos cucharadas pequeas de

    aceite que cubran una lamina del fondo de la sartn. Se echa la mezcla del

    huevo y las patatas. Truco: mover agitando la sartn con habilidad para que

    no se pegue la tortilla. Cuando se perciba que est cuajada se pone una

    tapadera encima y se da la vuelta a la tortilla (es fcil, solo hay que hacerlocon seguridad). Se le puede dar vueltas hasta que quede dorada por ambos

    lados segn el gusto... Y ya est nuestra tortilla de patatas.

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    My sisters Pork with tomato

    My sister, Mari Carmen, is an excellent chef. She also has been working

    many years as chef in a restaurant. One of my sisters dishes I like is pork

    with tomato. Every time I go to visit her, she cooks pork with tomato for

    me, because she knows about my likes very well. The last time I ate pork

    with tomato was when my sisters son born, I was the best dish to

    celebrate it.


    2 pound porks lean 4 cups crushed tomato

    from a tin Onion cap olive oil cup white wine Pepper Salt Sugar


    Dice the onion and the pork. Heat 1/2 cup olive oil in a pan. Add the diced

    onion. Add the diced pork until just tender, 15 to 20 minutes.

    When done, add cup white wine and let the alcohol burn off.

    Add 4 cups crushed tomato from the tin and salt and pepper to taste. Boil

    until just tender.

    Finally serve it onto a serving plate

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    Magra con tomate de mi hermana:


    1 kilo de magro de cerdo. 1 lata de 1 kilo de tomate


    Media cebolla. Vino blanco. Pimienta. 2 dientes de ajo. Sal y Azcar.


    Ponemos aceite en una cazuela, cuando est caliente se le aade la cebolla

    cortada en trocitos pequeos y los ajos y se pocha. Una vez pochada,

    aadimos el magro ya salpimentado a trocitos (no muy grandes para que

    queden tiernos cuando se termine de hacer el tomate) y sofremos.

    Cuando la carne haya tomado color, le aadimos un vaso de vino blanco y

    dejamos que se queme el alcohol, a continuacin se incorpora el tomate

    triturado, media cucharada (de caf) de sal y una entera de azcar.

    Dejamos cocer hasta que la carne est tierna, alrededor de 30 minutos. Una

    vez est tierna rectificamos de sal y azcar al gusto antes de servir.

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    My grannys migas:

    When I was child, I used to stay with my grandparents because my parents

    were working. In winter, was often raining, so I got unhappy because I

    didnt meet friends. Then, my grandmother decided to cook migas for lunch,

    and this food makes me get very happy.


    Bread (Baguette) 2 garlic cloves 4 green peppers 4 o.z of pork Oil Water and saltDirections:

    First, we rip the bread in pieces and soak in water. Then, we take a frying

    pan with oil heated up and fry two garlic cloves; when they are fried, take

    out and put on a plate,

    Second, add cut pepper and meat to the same oil. Take out bread and

    separate it, then add the other mixture. Cook everything on low heat.

    Finally, approximately 40 minutes later, take out crumbs for fire, and add

    garlic cloves, green peppers and meat.

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    Migas de mi abuelita


    1 hogaza de pan duro 2 cabezas de ajos 4 pimientos verdes 200 gr. de magra de cerdo Aceite de oliva virgen extra Agua y sal.Pasos:

    Lo primero troceamos el pan y lo humedecemos, debe quedar mojado del

    todo pero no empapado. Ponemos una sartn al fuego con Aceite y fremos

    los ajos enteros, una vez fritos los sacamos escurridos y reservamos,

    fremos en el mismo aceite los pimientos troceados y la carne tambin

    troceada, una vez todo dorado sacamos escurrido y reservamos.

    Aadimos entonces el pan, salamos y desliamos las migas, esto es, con el

    fuego no muy fuerte, las vamos moviendo con ayuda de una rasera, hasta

    transformar el amasijo de pan mojado en pequeas bolitas de pan cocido.

    Aproximadamente 40 minutos despus las migas estarn, las apartamos del

    fuego , les mezclamos los ajos, los pimientos y la carne y las presentamos.

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    When I was studying in at high-school, I went to trip to Scotland. There, I

    ate some foods that it was unique and original Scotland food. For

    example, the desserts: cranachan and mango sorbet. I learnt to do cookthis fantastics recipes and nowadays I usually cook it to my family



    2 medium spoons of oatmeal 5 spoons of whisky 2 spoons of honey 2 oz (50g) of cream cheese 4 oz (100g) of raspberries pint (150 ml) of cream


    Put the oatmeal, whisky and honey in a bowl.

    Mix in the cream cheese and the raspberries.

    Mix the ingredients and serve them into ice-cream cups.

    Add the cream on the top at your choice.

    Serve it chilled.

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    2 cucharadas de harina de avena 5 cucharadas de whisky 3 cucharadas de miel 50 gramos de queso cremoso 100 gramos de frambuesas 150 mililitros de nata


    Coloca la harina de avena, el whisky y la miel en un bol.

    Mezcla el queso cremoso y las frambuesas.

    Mezclar todos los ingredientes y srvelos en vasos.

    Aade la nata en la parte superior de los vasos.

    Srvelo fro.

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    Mango sorbet


    4 Peeled mangos 3 spoons of fresh lime juice 1 cup of syrup


    Place the peeled mangos in a food processor, and add the syrup and lime

    juice, and mix them.

    Put the puree into ice-cream cups and place it into the fridge for 20 about


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    Sorbete de mango


    4 mangos pelados 3 cucharadas de zumo de lima fresco 1 taza de jarabe de almbar


    Coloca los mangos pelados en una batidora y aade el jarabe de almbar y

    el zumo de lima y tritralo.

    Coloca en copas de helados y meterlos en el frigorfico durante 20 minutos.

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    My granny Soledads Rice Pudding

    I could not do/make a recipe book without speaking about my granny

    Soledads rice pudding. It is the best dessert in the entire world. When I

    was a child I used to spend every summer at my grandmothers holiday

    house and she taught me to cook this excellent dish. At first I didnt like to

    cook, but today I am very grateful for having inherit this recipe.


    4 and cups skim milk 1/2 cup short-grain white rice cup white sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 1/2 cups skim milk


    Place skim milk, rice, sugar, and cinnamon in a rice cooker; stir to combine.

    Cover and cook for one cycle in rice cooker until rice is tender and creamy,

    20 minutes. Allow to cool before serving.

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    Arroz con leche de mi abuelita Soledad:


    1 l. de leche 115 gr. de arroz 100 grs. de azcar 2 trozos de corteza de limn 1 rama de canela 250 grs. De canela en polvoPasos:

    Pon en una cazuela la leche, el arroz y una rama de canela. Aade la

    corteza de limn y la de naranja. Remueve y deja cocinar, a fuego suave,

    durante 40-45 minutos. Remueve cada 4-5 minutos para que no se pegue.

    Cuando el arroz con leche adquiera una textura melosa, agrega el azcar.

    Remueve y deja cocinar un poco ms (5-10 minutos).

    Retira la canela, la vainilla y las cortezas de naranja y de limn. Deja

    atemperar y reprtelo en 4 copas. Espolvorea canela por encima y sirve.

    Decora las copas de arroz con leche con unas hojitas de menta.

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    My granny Asuncin Carrot pancakes

    I cannot remember too much about my granny Asuncion, but I will

    remember always my granny Asuncions Carrot pancakes. It was a very

    sweet dessert which my grandmother used to cook at Easter holidays. The

    reason to cook them at Easter time is because Catholics mustnt eat meat

    in this time, so Carrot pancakes is an appropriated dish for this time.


    4 eggs 1 cup sugar

    2 cups milk 1 pound carrots 1 cup olive oil


    Heat water in a pan and boil carrots until just tender. After that, grind


    Whisk eggs in a large bowl until smooth. Add milk, sugar and crushed

    carrots and mix.

    Heat olive oil in a frying pan, pour the mixture in a frying pan to form small

    circles and fry, turn over with a metal spatula when bubbles begin to form

    on top. Cook other side to a golden brown color.

    Finally in a bowl add powdered sugar and cinnamon. Then take the pancake

    and coat both sides of the pan cakes.

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    Tortitas de zanahoria de mi abuelita Asuncin


    4 Huevos kilo de zanahorias 1 litro de leche 250 grs. De azcar Canela Aceite de olivaPasos.

    Cuece las zanahorias en una olla. Una vez cocidas, retralas y tritralas.

    Mezcla 4 huevos, la leche y azcar con la zanahoria triturada en un


    Fre en una sartn con aceite caliente, porciones de la mezcla de huevo,

    eche y zanahoria, hasta que est dorada.

    Espolvorea azcar y canela en las tortitas ya fritas.

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    Sweet pastries

    Sweet pastries is my characteristic dessert, because every time that my

    uncles and cousins come to my house, the before afternoon I cook sweet

    pastries to them with the purpose of making them not forget my amazing

    dessert. Although I have to say that I was taught by my mother, but as she

    doesnt make them yet, I am the best sweet pastries maker of my family.


    1 baguette 1 pint of milk 4 o.z of margarine Oil and sugar Cinnamon stick and groundDirections:

    First, cut the baguette in slices. Then, boil milk with cinnamon.

    Put milk in a large bowl and soak the slide bread in the milk with cinnamon,

    during 1 hour.

    Soak slide bread with eggs. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry the soaked

    slide bread, and turn over with a metal spatula when bubbles begin to form

    on top. Cook other side to a golden brown color.

    Finally in a bowl add powdered sugar and cinnamon. Then take the pancake

    and coat both sides of the pan cakes.

    When we take over fire, add two spoonful of sugar. After that, we put insoak sliced bread with milk during two hours.

    The take out them and leave out during two hours. Following, coat in batter

    the sliced bread and fry in blend of oil with margarine. Finally, take out

    them, and put over sugar.

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    1 barra de pan 1 litro de leche 125 gr. azcar o al gusto 4 huevos CanelaPasos:

    Corta el pan en rebanadas que no superen un grosor de 2 cm. En un

    recipiente aparte vierte la leche templada e incorpora el azcar y canela al

    gusto, ms bien que quede dulce. Remueve hasta que el azcar y la canela

    se hayan disuelto por completo. En otro recipiente bate los huevos. A

    continuacin pon una sartn con aceite a calentar.

    Emborracha o empapa las rebanadas de pan en la leche, psalas por el

    huevo y chalas a la sartn para que se fran.

    Retira las torrijas del aceite.

    Por ltimo ves ponindolas en una fuente y espolvorea canela por encima

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    4. VocabularyEnglish Spanish

    Asparagus EsparragoAnchovy Anchoa

    Apple Manzana

    Apricot Albaricoque

    Avocado Aguacate

    Beef Cerveza

    Berries Baya (fruta)

    Beans Habichuela

    Beetroot Remolacha

    Cabbage Col

    Cantaloupe Melon

    Celery Apio

    Cinnamon Canela

    Corn Maiz

    Cherry Cereza

    Chiken Pollo

    Flour Harina

    Garlic Ajo

    Grape Uva

    Green beans Judias verdes

    Honey Miel

    Jam Mermelada

    Lettuce Lechuga

    Lime limon/lima

    Mustard Mostaza

    Meat Carne

    Mushrooms Championes

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    Napkin Servilleta

    Nuts Piones

    Onions Cebollas

    Parsley Perejil

    Pancake Tortita

    Peach Melocoton

    Peas Guisantes

    Pineapple Pia

    Plum Ciruela

    Pork Carne de cerdo

    Prune Ciruela pasa

    Pumpkin Calabaza

    radish Rbano

    Saffron azafrn

    Sage Salvia

    Sausage Salchicha

    Saucer Platillo

    Sweet potato Batata

    Parsnip Chiriva

    Pie Pastel

    Turkey Pavo

    Turnip Nabo

    Raisin Pasa

    Raspberry Frambuesa

    Sauce Salsa

    Strawberry FresaThyme Tomillo

    Watermelon Sanda

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    English Spanish

    Kitchen equipment Material de cocina

    Main-marie Bao mara

    Bake Hornear

    Blender Licuadora

    Boil Hervir

    Bowl Recipiente

    Colander colador/escurridor

    Cheese grater rayador de queso

    Deep fry Freidora

    Dice Cortar a dados

    Dip Salsera

    Egg beater Batidor

    Egg slicer rayador de huevo

    Fry Freir

    Frying pan sartn

    Funnel Embudo

    Garlic press rayador de ajo

    Grill Asar

    Heat Calendar

    Ladle Cucharon

    Mandolin Cuchillar, cortadora, troceadora

    Mix mortar Mortero

    Muffin tin recipiente de Magdalena

    Nutcracker casca nueces

    Pestle mano de morteroOven mitts guantes de horno

    Pastry Hojaldre

    Pepper mil Pimentera

    Pizza cutter corta pizza

    Roast asar

    Saut Sofreir

    Simmer hervir a fuego lento

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    Stir fry Salteado

    Crunchy Crujiente

    Cream Nata

    Pastry Pastel

    Brush Cepillo

    Cream Nata

    Cut Corte

    Crispy Crujiente

    Grease Grasa

    Marinate Adobar

    Mix mezcla/ar

    Pastry brush Pastel

    Potato masher Pasapurs

    Potato peeler Pelapatatas

    Rolling pin rodillo de cocina

    Salt Shaker Salero

    Scales Balanza

    Sieve Tamiz

    Slice Rebanada

    Spatula Esptula

    Stir movimiento/ agitar o remover

    Bleder Mezclador

    Ceramic hob placa de cermica/fuente de

    cermica o barro

    Chopping board tabla de picar

    Microwave MicroondasOven Horno

    Pan Cazuela

    Pot Pote

    Stove Estufa

    Tin opener Abrelatas

    Whisk batidor

    Wooden spoon cuchara de Madera