[Kati] Alargamiento Del Tracto Vocal y Economia Vocal

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  • 8/12/2019 [Kati] Alargamiento Del Tracto Vocal y Economia Vocal



    Can vocal economy in phonation be increased with an artificiallylengthened vocal tract? A computer modeling study


    1Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA, 2National Center for Voice

    and Speech, The Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver, CO, USA, 3

    Department of Speech Communication and

    Voice Research, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland

    AbstractVoiced obstruents and phonation into tubes are widely used as vocal exercises. They increase the inertive reactance of thevocal tract in the 2001000 Hz range and thereby reinforce vocal fold vibration. But the effect is strong only when theepilarynx tube is also narrowed. The present study focused on the effects of a resonance tube (27 cm in length, 0.5 cm2

    cross-sectional area, hard walls) on vocal tract reactance and the accompanying economy of voice production (defined asmaximum flow declination rate (MFDR), divided by maximum area declination rate (MADR)). The vowel /u/ andphonation into the tube were simulated with a computer model. Three values were given to the cross-sectional area of theepilarynx tube (0.2 cm2, 0.5 cm2, and 1.6 cm2), which is at the opposite end of the vocal tract from the artificial resonancetube. The degree of glottal adduction was varied in order to find the economy maximum for each epilarynx tube setting.

    Results showed that the resonance tube lowered F1 from 300 Hz to 150 Hz and doubled the vocal tract inertivereactance at F0100 Hz. The largest economy with the resonance tube was obtained when the epilarynx tube wasnarrowed (relative to the rest of the vocal tract) and sufficiently tight adduction was used. Most importantly, the intraoralacoustic pressure (calculated at 0.8 cm behind the lips) was tripled with the tube. The results suggest that by optimizing thevibratory sensations in the face that are attributed to increased intraoral acoustic pressure, phonation into a tube may assist a

    trainee in finding an optimal glottal and epilaryngeal setting for the greatest vocal economy.

    Key words: Airflow, breath control, computer modeling, epilaryngeal narrowing, vocal economy, voice training and therapy


    Voiced fricatives like /v, z, b/, lip and tongue trills,

    nasal consonants, and phonation into tubes have

    been widely used in voice training and therapy (15).

    Beneficial effects have also been reported when a

    person phonates against a hand nearly covering

    the mouth (6). Lessac (7) has proposed the use

    of a y-buzz as a vocal exercise, which is a closedfront vowel produced with a slight protrusion of

    the lips and with so narrow a constriction between

    the tongue and the palate that it almost sounds

    like the semivowel /j/. This y-buzz exercise and

    other components of a series of energy principles

    described by Lessac have been crafted into the

    Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy method

    by Verdolini (8). Also, Stemples Vocal Function

    Exercises (9) utilize the vowel /o/ as a primary vocal

    tract configuration for practice. Collectively, we refer

    to all of these exercises as semiocclusive vocal tract

    exercises (10).

    Some authors have suggested that exercises on

    voiced fricatives also increase breath management in

    singing (3) and for general improvement of breath-

    ing (11,12). Phonation into tubes has been used in

    speech therapy for the treatment of hypernasality(4,13,14), in voice therapy for the treatment of both

    phonasthenia and hyperfunctional voice disorder

    (4,1318), and in voice training to improve voice

    quality and projection (19).

    Phonation into glass tubes (2528 cm in length, 8

    9 mm inner diameter), called resonance tubes, has

    been used in Finnish voice training and therapy

    practice (5,13,1518,20) and in Norway (21). In

    Correspondence: Ingo R. Titze PhD, National Center for Voice and Speech, The Denver Center for the Performing Arts, 1101 13th Street, Denver, CO

    80204, USA. Fax: 1-303-893-6487. E-mail: ititze@dcpa.org

    Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. 2007; 32: 147156

    (Received 2 February 2006; accepted 9 February 2007)

    ISSN 1401-5439 print/ISSN 1651-2022 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis

  • 8/12/2019 [Kati] Alargamiento Del Tracto Vocal y Economia Vocal


    Germany, Gundermann (14) and Habermann (4)

    mention a method of humming on /m, n, l/ into a

    glass tube (B12 cm in length, 1 cm inner diameter)

    proposed by Spiess (22) and later recommended by

    Stein (23). The name resonance tube comes from

    the strong sensations of vibrations that are felt in the

    lips and face during phonation into these tubes. Aresonance tube is used either so that one end of it is

    sunk into a cup filled with water (water resistance

    therapy, see e.g. Sovijarvi (20), Rauhala (15)) or so

    that it is free in the air, pointing straight out of the

    subjects mouth as a natural extension of the vocal

    tract. The other end is kept firmly between the lips.

    The subjects are instructed to produce a vowel-like

    sound (/u, y/ are the most natural choices) into the

    tube. The aim is the most comfortable, effortless

    phonation that produces maximum vibratory sensa-

    tions in the lips and face. According to subjective

    sensations of many trainees, phonation feels easier

    and the voice sounds louder immediately after

    exercising with the tubes (clinical observation by

    author A.-M. Laukkanen, who has administered the

    therapy often). According to Tapani (16) and Sim-

    berg (18), patients suffering from functional and

    other voice disorders seem to have derived benefit

    from the therapy.

    Some studies of the instantaneous effects of vocal

    tract occlusions on vocal fold vibration have been

    carried out on human subjects. Bickley and Stevens

    (24), using acoustic analysis in combination with

    electroglottography, reported an increase in the open

    quotient and a steeper spectral slope in the glottalsource function as a consequence of vocal tract

    constriction. These results have recently been con-

    firmed with a computer model (10). However,

    Laukkanen (19,25) obtained opposite results with

    electroglottography (EGG) during and immediately

    after phonation on /b/ and into resonance tubes with

    subjects that had received training in the use of the

    semiocclusive. The relative open time was reduced

    during and after semiocclusion with a bilabial

    fricative and a tube. Also, the average laryngeal

    muscle activity was the same or lower during

    phonation into a resonance tube or on /b/ comparedto vowel phonation (26,27). Decreased glottal re-

    sistance due to increased flow has been observed

    immediately after 1 minute exercising on /b, m/ and

    the resonance tubes (28,29). These studies suggest

    that vocalists can learn to compensate for the

    semiocclusion and perhaps utilize it to their advan-

    tage in training the vocal fold adduction and the

    related musculature.

    All the above-mentioned exercises imply that

    semiocclusion of the vocal tract (steady or time

    varying as in a lip trill) or an artificial lengthening of

    the vocal tract increase the source-vocal tract inter-

    actions. Modeling studies have shown that vocal

    tract input impedance (and particularly the inertive

    reactance) increases with a tube that lengthens the

    vocal tract (30), and the glottal flow amplitude and

    pulse shape change with increased inertive reactance

    (3133). Furthermore, oscillation threshold pressure

    is reduced by increased vocal tract inertance (34). Astudy with a singer also suggested an effect of vocal

    tract inertance on the oscillatory characteristics of

    the vocal folds (35).

    Inertive reactance in the vocal tract can also be

    increased by narrowing the epilarynx tube area

    instead of semioccluding the mouth (36). This also

    lowers phonatory threshold pressure and increases

    maximum flow declination rate (33), leading to

    strengthening of the higher harmonics and even to

    an increase in sound pressure level (SPL). This

    increase in maximum flow declination rate (MFDR)

    would imply a more economic voice production

    (more sound output with less mechanical stress

    imposed on the vocal fold tissue), provided that the

    maximum area declination rate (MADR) in the

    glottis does not increase proportionately. We have

    suggested the use of the ratio MFDR/MADR as a

    measure of vocal economy (33).

    Phonation into narrow straws, as opposed to

    longer and wider tubes, may add another benefit.

    High subglottic pressures are possible without ex-

    cessive collision of the vocal folds. Titze et al. (37)

    observed lower amplitude and a lower relative closed

    time of the glottis on an EGG signal when phonation

    into straws was compared to vowel phonation. It wasconcluded that, with narrow straws, it is possible to

    exercise the use of the high subglottic pressures

    needed in singing, while having minimal collision of

    the vocal folds. During phonation into a narrow

    straw, the intraglottal air pressure rises, causing the

    vocal folds to abduct, thereby diminishing the

    collision force during voice production.

    The current study focused on the use of one

    specific resonance tube used in Finland. First,

    the effects of the tube on vocal tract reactance were

    calculated. Second, the effects of the tube on self-

    sustained vocal fold oscillation were studied with acomputer simulation model.


    The three-mass body-cover model of Story and

    Titze (38) was used for simulation. The model

    allowed inputs in the form of laryngeal muscle

    activation (39). The vocal tract was simulated with

    the wave reflection algorithm (40,41), including

    frictional air losses, kinetic losses, wall vibration

    losses, radiation losses, and glottal losses. The

    supraglottal tract was modeled with 44 sections,

    148 I. R. Titze & A.-M. Laukkanen

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    each 0.398 cm in length, and cross-sections for the

    /u/ vowel determined experimentally with magnetic

    resonance imaging by Story et al. (42). The total

    length of the supraglottal vocal tract was 17.5 cm,

    which corresponds to an average male vocal tract. A

    subglottal tract (36 sections, 14 cm in length) was

    included, with the area function also modeled afterStory et al. (42).

    Sound radiation from the lips was modeled as a

    circular piston oscillating in a spherical baffle, which

    has become a standard in speech simulation (43), but

    can be challenged for frequencies above 5000 Hz.

    In fact, many aspects of the wave reflection algorithm

    as detailed by Liljencrants (40) and Story (41) begin

    to lose accuracy for frequencies above 5000 Hz

    because they are based on a one-dimensional wave


    Waveforms were simulated with this model, typi-

    cally 200 ms in length to show about 20 cycles of

    vibration at around 100 Hz. From these waveforms,

    the following variables were calculated: peak glottal

    area, mean glottal area, MADR, peak glottal flow,

    mean glottal flow, MFDR, vocal economy (MFDR/

    MADR), and glottal efficiency (acoustic output

    power divided by the product of mean airflow and

    subglottic pressure) (44). In addition, several values

    of peak and mean vocal tract pressures were com-

    puted. Results are shown in Table I. Finally, the

    combined reactance of the subglottal and supraglot-

    tal vocal tract was calculated with and without the

    tube, and with three epilarynx tube diameters. The

    reactance calculations followed the procedure de-scribed by Story et al. (30).

    It must be pointed out that the accuracy of any

    simulation depends on many factors. Some para-

    meters in the model are known to better than 0.1%

    accuracy (e.g. density of air, sound velocity), but

    other parameters are known only to an order-of-

    magnitude (e.g. tissue viscosities and elasticities).

    Thus, the results that are about to be shown may

    have error in an absolute sense, but the relative

    changes with parameter variation, which are of

    primary importance, are less susceptible to error

    because the uncertainties usually cancel out.


    The vowel /u/ was first simulated as a control case.

    The vocal tract shape is shown in Figure 1 (top left).

    This vowel has a small lip opening, making the

    radiation losses comparable to those of the tube.

    Simulated laryngeal muscle activity (20% thyroar-

    ytenoid, 20% cricothyroid, and 50% lateral cricoar-

    ytenoid) produced an F0 of about 100 Hz. The

    epilarynx tube cross-sectional area was 0.5 cm2


    first eight supraglottal sections), and the lung

    pressure was 0.8 kilo-pascals (kPa). The value 0.5

    cm for Ae is typical on the basis of measurements

    made by Story et al. (45). Several studies of how

    vocal efficiency and vocal economy vary with Ae

    have already been conducted (4648). Results follow

    the basic principles of maximum power transfer in

    electrical and acoustic circuits. If Ae is such that thevocal tract input impedance matches the glottal

    impedance (which is a time-varying nonlinear quan-

    tity), the output power of the simulator is max-

    imized. Efficiency of conversion of aerodynamic

    power to acoustic power, on the other hand, is not

    maximized when the impedances match. As an

    alternative to glottal efficiency, we have been at-

    tracted to a quantity called vocal economy, which is

    presently defined as the ratio of maximum flow

    declination rate to maximum area declination rate

    (10). In the current study, the value of Ae allowed

    vocal economy to reach a peak with various glottal

    adjustments. Values of AeB0.1 prevented vocal foldoscillation because the input impedance was too high

    and values of Ae2.0 greatly reduced the oscillation

    range because no benefit was obtained from vocal

    tract coupling.

    Returning to Figure 1, the following output wave-

    forms of the model are shown on the left panel, top

    to bottom: contact area (ca) of the vocal folds in

    cm2, glottal area (ga) between the vocal folds in cm2,

    glottal airflow (ug) in L/s, and glottal flow derivative

    (dug) in m3


    . On the right panel, we see vocal tract

    pressures in kPa from top to bottom: lip-radiated

    output pressure (Po), intraoral (mouth) pressure(Pm) at a location 0.8 cm behind the lips, epilarynx

    tube input pressure (Pe), intraglottal pressure (Pg),

    and subglottic pressure (Ps). To observe their

    relative sizes, all pressures are scaled equally between

    2.0 and 2.0 kPa. Note the relatively small lip-

    radiated pressure (top right) in comparison to the

    pressures below, within, and above the glottis

    (bottom three). The intraoral pressure (second

    from top) is also relatively small for the vowel /u/.

    Effects of vocal tract lengthening with a tube

    Figure 2 shows the same set of simulated waveforms

    when a resonance tube is added at the lips, 27 cm in

    length and 0.5 cm2

    in cross sectional area, the same

    as the epilarynx tube. With ordinary speech airflows,

    little air turbulence was noted when a subject

    phonated through this tube. Hence, no turbulence

    was simulated with noise sources. The most out-

    standing visible feature in Figure 2 is the large

    intraoral acoustic pressure (second from top on the

    right). This pressure (Pm) is increased by a factor of

    three over the vowel /u/ without a tube. We believe

    that this large mouth pressure can be felt as a

    Vocal economy study with artificially lengthened tract 149

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    Table I. Results for simulations of /u/ in the top row, and with a resonance tube in the remaining rows. For each of three cross-sectional areas

    adduction. Vocal economy is defined as (MFDR/MADR) and efficiency as (SPL/mean flow mean subglottic pressure). In bold: Values for the d


    Vocal tract


    Peak area


    Mean area




    Peak flow


    Mean flow




    Peak Pg


    Mean Pg


    Peak Pe


    Mean Pe


    /u/; Ae0.5cm2;


    0.67 0.23 0.45 0.87 0.33 4.12 4.80 0.48 3.27 0.29

    Resonance tube Ae1.6 cm2

    46% LCA 0.41 0.24 0.09 0.66 0.51 0.23 0.99 0.53 0.59 0.38

    47% 0.42 0.23 0.17 0.64 0.43 0.30 1.05 0.58 0.62 0.33

    48% 0.40 0.20 0.12 0.61 0.38 0.44 1.08 0.59 0.69 0.30

    49% 0.54 0.20 0.29 0.68 0.29 1.65 1.02 0.39 1.02 0.22

    50% 0.34 0.15 0.11 0.61 0.31 0.61 1.19 0.68 0.78 0.24

    51% 0.48 0.17 0.30 0.67 0.24 1.73 1.10 0.38 1.14 0.18

    52% 0.44 0.14 0.29 0.65 0.22 1.69 1.06 0.38 1.11 0.16

    53% 0.19 0.057 0.12 0.43 0.15 0.57 1.04 0.61 0.63 0.11

    Ae0.5 cm2

    46% LCA 0.43 0.24 0.10 0.59 0.47 0.14 1.07 0.55 0.63 0.44

    47% 0.44 0.24 0.12 0.58 0.39 0.44 1.19 0.61 0.74 0.39

    48% 0.43 0.21 0.14 0.56 0.33 0.54 1.14 0.65 0.82 0.32

    49% 0.61 0.22 0.37 0.56 0.26 2.53 2.74 0.42 1.80 0.25

    50% 0.63 0.21 0.36 0.72 0.29 2.76 3.20 0.51 2.17 0.26

    51% 0.56 0.19 0.38 0.57 0.21 2.77 3.00 0.39 2.04 0.20

    52% 0.26 0.10 0.13 0.49 0.21 0.73 1.16 0.60 1.05 0.20

    53% 0.18 0.053 0.12 0.41 0.14 0.61 1.12 0.63 0.82 0.13

    Ae0.2 cm2

    51% LCA 0.51 0.15 0.31 0.33 0.16 2.61 5.00 0.59 4.13 0.25

    52% 0.46 0.12 0.30 0.33 0.14 2.59 5.24 0.46 4.02 0.22

    53% 0.45 0.12 0.35 0.33 0.13 3.09 5.44 0.47 4.30 0.20

    54% 0.43 0.08 0.31 0.33 0.11 2.57 4.91 0.51 3.79 0.18

    55% 0.45 0.12 0.37 0.33 0.11 3.27 5.60 0.43 4.43 0.17

    (56% does not


    Notes: MADRmaximum area declination rate; MFDRmaximum flow delination rate; LCAlateral cricoarytenoid activity; SPLsound

    pressure in the mouth (behind the lips); Pepressure at the epilarynx tube entry.

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    buzzing in the lips and other facial tissues when a

    person phonates into a tube.

    Effects of combined epilarynx tube narrowing with vocal

    tract lengthening on vocal tract reactance

    Figure 3(a) shows the shapes for the vowel /u/ again

    without a resonance tube, but this time with three

    different values of epilarynx tube cross-section from

    top to bottom: 1.6 cm2, 0.5 cm2, and 0.2 cm2.

    Figure 3(b) shows the corresponding reactance

    curves of the vocal tract shapes. Reactance is

    expressed in units of dyn-s/cm5

    , where 1 dyn-s/



    3. Thin solid lines are for supra-

    glottal reactance, dashed lines for subglottal reac-

    tance, and thick solid lines for the combined

    reactance. It can be seen that narrowing of the

    epilarynx tube area from 1.6 cm2 to 0.2 cm2 (top to

    bottom) approximately doubled the reactance at

    frequencies below 300 Hz (e.g. from 10 dyn-s/cm5

    at 100 Hz to 20 dyn-s/cm5

    at the same frequency).

    This increased reactance gives rise to greater re-

    inforcement of vocal fold vibration due to delayed

    feedback from this reactive load (34).

    Figure 4 shows similar results when the resonance

    tube is added to the vocal tract. The tube lowered F1from about 300 Hz to 150 Hz. This further

    increased the positive (inertive) reactance below

    F1. For example, 100 Hz is increased from 20 dyn-


    to 40 dyn-s/cm5


    to 4106



    But negative reactance occurred from 150 Hz to

    about 250 Hz. This is an area where vocal fold

    vibration is not enhanced by the vocal tract. The

    region of negative reactance can be shrunk, however,

    Figure 1. Example of some outputs of the model (vowel /u/, 50% simulated lateral cricoarytenoid (LCA) adduction, 0.5 cm2 epilarynx

    tube). Left column from top: Schematic picture of the cross-sectional area of the trachea, glottis, epilarynx tube and mouth cavity; vocal fold

    contact area (ca); glottal area (ga), glottal airflow (ug); first derivative of glottal flow (fug, negative peak shows the maximum flow

    declination rate). Right column from top: oral radiated air pressure (Po); mouth pressure 0.8 cm behind lips (Pm); epilarynx tube input

    pressure (Pe); intraglottal pressure (Pg); subglottic pressure (Ps).

    Vocal economy study with artificially lengthened tract 151

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    by narrowing the epilarynx tube, as is shown in the

    lower panels of Figure 4. Due to second formant

    lowering with the tube, positive reactance also

    increased in the 400600 Hz region. This effect on

    higher (singing) fundamental frequencies and their

    harmonics will be left as a follow-on study. Here we

    are concerned only with reactive effects at normal

    speaking fundamental frequencies.

    Effects of epilaryngeal narrowing and the resonance tube

    on vocal economy in voice production

    As stated earlier, vocal economy is still in the process

    of being developed. Our current definition is

    MFDR/MADR, based on a simple glottal geometry

    that does not include anterio-posterior variation

    (33). MFDR is the maximum flow declination rate

    and MADR is the maximum area declination rate.

    As it presently stands, the ratio MFDR/MADR has

    dimensions of velocity (m/s), which has no strong

    physical interpretation. It does, however, relate

    abruptness of airflow change to abruptness of tissue

    velocity change, the first being desirable for acoustic

    excitation and the second being undesirable for

    tissue stress. Thus, the higher the ratio is, the greater

    the economy of production (in theory). As more

    sophisticated vocal fold models are used, three-

    dimensional glottal kinematics may be needed to

    refine the definition. For the present investigation,

    the definition is adequate.

    It has been shown that vocal economy (however

    defined) is likely to be a function of vocal fold

    adduction (10,49). Hence, a third experimental

    variable, vocal fold adduction, was included in the

    simulation. For each value of epilarynx tube area, as

    well as for the tube versus no-tube condition, a

    group of values for simulated lateral cricothyroid

    (LCA) muscle activity was chosen to find the

    optimum value of adduction. The highest value of

    vocal economy was the function to be optimized.

    Figure 2. Outputs of the model for the vowel /u/ with a 27-cm tube attached (top left). All waveforms are comparable to those of Figure 1.

    152 I. R. Titze & A.-M. Laukkanen

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    Table I summarizes the results obtained for

    selected variables calculated from the waveforms.

    These variables are labeled across the top. The rows

    are divided into four groups, the /u/ vowel being in

    row 1 as a control case (with 50% LCA and 0.5 cm2

    epilarynx tube), followed by three groups of reso-

    nance tube cases for different epilarynx tube cross-sections Ae. Each group of Ae contains several

    simulated LCA activities. Simulated LCA activity

    was varied such that a peak value in vocal economy

    was established, with values dropping off on either

    side. The row with bold numbers shows the max-

    imum economy case. Note that for Ae1.6 cm2

    , the

    peak economy value is 5.77 cm/s, while for Ae

    0.5 cm2

    it is 9.65 cm/s, and for Ae0.2 cm2

    it is

    8.95 cm/s. These optimized economy cases yield the

    primary numbers for comparison. When the opti-

    mum economy cases with the resonance tube are

    compared to the /u/ vowel, both peak and mean

    glottal areas (first two columns) and glottal flows

    (fourth and fifth columns) generally declined

    slightly, suggesting greater steady back pressures on

    the vocal folds and smaller vibrational amplitudes

    when the resonance tube is attached. MADR and

    MFDR are also lower with the resonance tube.

    Acoustic pressures along the vocal tract (Pgintraglottal pressure, Pe epilaryngeal tube pres-

    sure, Pmmouth pressure behind the lips) are

    likewise generally lower with the resonance tube.

    There is one major exception: Pm. This mouth

    pressure behind the lips increased dramatically for all

    cases with the resonance tube, which is perhaps the

    most significant result of this study.

    The highest economy value with the resonance

    tube (8.95 cm/s) was obtained with the narrowest

    epilarynx. It was very close to the value for /u/, 9.09

    cm/s. Efficiency is more difficult to compare because

    the tube radiates energy differently than the lips.

    Figure 3. (a) Vocal tract shape for the /u/ vowel and (b) with the corresponding reactance curve for three epilaryngeal settings: 1.6 cm2

    (top), 0.5 cm2 (middle), 0.2 cm2 (bottom). Thin solid linesubglottic reactance, dashed linesupraglottic reactance, thick linetotal

    vocal tract reactance (1 dyn-s/cm5105 Pa-s/m3).

    Vocal economy study with artificially lengthened tract 153

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    Vocal efficiency, traditionally defined as the ratio of

    radiated power from the mouth to aerodynamic

    power at the glottis, has limited use because it is so

    highly dependent on mouth opening. Every vowel

    has a different efficiency. Vocal economy, as defined

    here, is less sensitive to vowel because the computa-

    tion involves glottal variables only.


    It is known on the basis of earlier results (33) that a

    relatively narrow laryngeal vestibule (epilarynx tube)

    can increase the maximum flow declination rate

    (MFDR) while simultaneously lowering the mean

    glottal airflow. Since a narrowed epilarynx tube

    causes some steady backpressure in the glottis, it

    also diminishes the maximum area declination rate

    (MADR) and thus leads to higher economy. This

    increase in vocal economy can be linked to an

    increase in vocal tract inertive reactance, which

    assists the vocal folds in self-sustained oscillation.

    In this study, a resonance tube added to the vocal

    tract at the lips in and of itself increased the inertive

    reactance in the 100200 Hz region, which could

    then be further increased if the epilarynx tube was

    also narrowed. But the economy was not greaterthan that of an /u/ vowel, which has a lip opening

    comparable to the tube diameter (between 0.2 and

    0.5 cm2

    ). Thus, the tube seemed to offer no more

    than any other oral semiocclusive. In particular,

    there was no new resonance at speaking pitches.

    Remarkable, however, was the finding that the

    mouth pressure just behind the lips was three times

    higher with the tube than with an /u/ vowel. There-

    fore, it seems plausible that the rationale of using a

    tube with vocal exercising is that it guides the trainee

    to the sensation of facial tissue vibration, which is

    sensitive to impedance matching between the glottis,

    Figure 4. (a) Vocal tract shape for the /u/ vowel combined with a resonance tube and (b) the corresponding reactance curve for three

    epilaryngeal settings: 1.6 cm2 (top), 0.5 cm2 (middle), 0.2 cm2 (bottom). Thin solid linesubglottic reactance, dashed linesupraglottic

    reactance, thick linetotal vocal tract reactance (1 dyn-s/cm5105 Pa-s/m3).

    154 I. R. Titze & A.-M. Laukkanen

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    epilarynx, and the vocal tract. It is likely that the

    most beneficial epilaryngeal setting cannot easily be

    found without this lip buzz amplifier.

    Regarding the concept of narrowing the epilarynx

    tube, a note of caution is offered. If not carefully

    conceptualized and executed, epilarynx tube nar-

    rowing may be interpreted as hyper-adduction of thefalse folds. The opposite is true. Narrowing of the

    epilarynx tube should take place only by anterio-

    posterior movement of the epiglottis, not by medio-

    lateral movement of the ventricular folds, which

    could easily be set into vibration. This vibration

    would be rough, with a strained voice quality.

    Traditionally, voice coaches and singing pedagogues

    have stressed the importance of a wide pharynx (e.g.

    Appelman) (50). The mental image of a yawn (or, at

    least, an anticipation of a yawn) is promoted as a

    means of freeing up the voice. Widening the pharynx

    (and perhaps the entire vocal tract) effectively

    narrows the epilarynx tube, if held constant. Acous-tically, narrowing and widening are relative concepts.

    What matters from the point of view of impedance

    matching is the relative size between the mean cross-

    sectional area at the entry of the glottis and the cross-

    sectional area of the vocal tract. This can be obtained

    in a variety of ways.


    Phonation into a so-called resonance tube, although

    not providing any new resonance conditions other

    than what is predicted from an artificially lengthenedvocal tract, appears to have therapeutic value in that

    it provides acoustic pressure feedback from the lip

    area. Relatively strong pressures are felt at the lip-

    tube junction, which increase when the epilarynx

    tube area above the glottis effectively narrows. Thus,

    as has been claimed in earlier studies (10), altering

    the acoustic load at the mouth with a tube may

    facilitate a better impedance match at the glottis.

    It remains to be shown whether specific length-

    diameter combinations of the tube can optimize the

    process of impedance matching. Future studies will

    focus on the laryngeal and epilaryngeal settings of

    human subjects during and immediately after vocal

    exercising with tubes and other occlusions of the

    vocal tract.


    This study was supported by funding from the

    National Institute on Deafness and Other Commu-

    nication Disorders, grant number 1R01 DC04347,

    and grant numbers 32879 and 106139 from the

    Academy of Finland.


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