Europako diru-laguntza deialdiak ulertzeko hiztegi bat

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Europako diru-laguntza deialdiak ulertzeko hiztegi bat

Europako diru-laguntza deialdiak ulertzeko hiztegi bat

Josu Waliño


1. ERA (European Research Area)

2. Framework Programme

3. FP7

4. LLP

5. 'Work Programmes' and 'Calls for Proposals

6. Funding schemes

7. Europe 2020

8. Horizon 2020

9. Erasmus for All

10. Creative Europe

11. NCP, LEAR and PIC

12. Project proposal


ERA (European Research Area)

The idea of a European Research Area grew out of the realisation that research in Europe suffers from three weaknesses: insufficient funding, lack of an environment to stimulate research and exploit results, and the fragmented nature of activities and the dispersal of resources. To tackle this problem, the Commission proposed, in January 2000, the creation of a European Research Area. The initiative combines three related and complementary concepts:• the creation of an "internal market" in

research, an area of free movement of knowledge, researchers and technology, with the aim of increasing cooperation, stimulating competition and achieving a better allocation of resources;

• a restructuring of the European research fabric, in particular by improved coordination of national research activities and policies, which account for most of the research carried out and financed in Europe;

• the development of a European research policy which not only addresses the funding of research activities, but also takes account of all relevant aspects of other EU and national policies

ERA (European Research Area)

Iturria: Serafín de la Concha (CDTI)

Framework Programme

The Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development, also called Framework Programmes or abbreviated FP1 through FP8, are funding programmes created by the European Union in order to support and encourage research in the European Research Area (ERA). The specific objectives and actions vary between funding periods.

Iturria: Wikipedia

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Framework Programme


The complete name of FP7 is 7 th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development . It will last for seven years from 2007until 2013. The programme has a total budget of over € 50 billion. This represents a substantial increase compared with the previous Framework Programme FP6 (41% at 2004 prices, 63% at current prices), a reflection of the high priority of research in Europe. The Specific Programmes constitute the five major building blocks of FP7:

• Cooperation. fostering collaboration between industry and academia to gain leadership in key technology areas

• Ideas. supporting basic research at the scientific frontiers.

• People. supporting mobility and career development for researchers both within and outside Europe.

• Capacities. helping develop the capacities that Europe needs to be a thriving knowledge-based economy

• Nuclear Research. developing Europe’s nuclear fission and fusion capabilities.


Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP)

As the flagship European Funding programme in the field of education and training, the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) enables individuals at all stages of their lives to pursue stimulating learning opportunities across Europe. It is an umbrella programme integrating various educational and training initiatives. LLP is divided in four sectorial sub programmes and four so called 'transversal' programmes.

Budget: €7 billion for 2007-2013

'Work Programmes' and 'Calls for Proposals'

The concrete plans for implementing the Specific Programmes are announced by the European Commission in annual 'Work Programmes'. These work programmes include the schedule of 'Calls for Proposals', commonly known just as 'Calls', to be published during the year. Each Call usually covers specific research areas, and you may have to wait until the publication of a Call which covers your exact area of interest.

How will I know when a Call for Proposals is issued?

All Calls are announced in the EU's Official Journal (which is the official source of EU documents). The annual work programmes and the full texts of the Calls are published on the FP7 section of CORDIS, the web site dedicated to EU-supported research.

CORDIS is continuously updated with the latest information on Calls for proposals, as well as other information and services related to Community research. CORDIS will help you find information - and plan your proposal.

Funding Schemes

"Funding schemes" are the types of projects, by which FP7 and LLP are implemented. These are some of the more usuals:

FP7• Collaborative projects (STREP and IPs) are focused research projects with clearly defined

scientific and technological objectives and specific expected results.

• Networks of Excellence are designed for research institutions willing to combine and functionally integrate a substantial part of their activities and capacities in a given field, in order to create a European "virtual research centre" in this field.

• Coordination and support actions cover not the research itself, but the coordination and networking of projects, programmes and policies.

LLP• Multilateral Projects. Projects which aim to develop, promote and disseminate educational

good practice.

• Multilateral Networks. Networks which represent as a minimum organisations from 6 countries and aim to develop education in their subject area or discipline.

• Accompanying Measures aim to support various activities which will clearly contribute to achieving the Comenius Programme objectives

Europe 2020

Europe 2020 is the European Union’s ten-year growth strategy. It is about addressing the shortcomings of our growth model and creating the conditions for a different type of growth that is smarter, more sustainable and more inclusive.

More info:

Europe has identified new engines to boost growth and jobs. These areas are addressed by 7 flagship initiatives:

The 5 targets for the EU in 2020:

1. Employment• 75% of the 20-64 year-olds to be employed

2. R&D • 3% of the EU's GDP to be invested in R&D

3. Climate change and energy sustainability• greenhouse gas emissions 20%• 20% of energy from renewables• 20% increase in energy efficiency

4. Education• Reducing the rates of early school leaving

below 10% • at least 40% of 30-34–year-olds completing

third level education5. Fighting poverty and social exclusion

• at least 20 million fewer people in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion


• Aurreko hiru programa elkartzen dituen programa bakarra:

• Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)

• Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

• European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

• Berrikuntza eta Ikerketa elkartzen ditu

• Europak dituen erronka sozialei begira landu da. Adibidez, osasuna, energia garbiak, garraioa…

• Enpresa, Unibertsitate eta bestelako erakundeentzat sarbidea errazten du.



Erasmus for All

The European Commission has published its proposal for the next generation of programmes entitled ‘Erasmus for All’, which will focus on education, training, youth and sport. The proposal outlines a new integrated and streamlined approach, simplifying access routes to funding for beneficiaries.

Erasmus for All

Budget increased from nearly €7 billion for 2007 to 2013 to €14,6 billion for 2014-2020

Creative Europe

• Helps the cultural and creative sectors to seize the opportunities of the ‘digital age’ and globalisation

• A programme for the cultural and creative sectors for 2014-2020

• Bringing together 3 existing programmes (Culture – MEDIA – MEDIA Mundus) + creating a new financial facility to guarantee bank loans

• Proposed budget of € 1.8 billion for 7 years, 37% increase on current levels


• National Contact Point (NCP): NCPs provide information and guidance to anyone wishing to participate in EU research and are able to offer personalised support in the proposer’s own language. The NCPs are usually national structures set up and financed by the governments of the 27 EU Member States and the states associated to the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). Espainikoak hemen daude.

• Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR): A legal signatory of each legal entity must appoint one person (the so-called LEAR – Legal Entity Appointed Representative) for being the correspondent towards the Commission on all issues related to the legal status of the entity. The LEAR communicates his/her role internally in his/her organisation and provides the PIC to other employees dealing with proposals and grant agreements

• Participant Identification Code (PIC): All organisations participating in FP7 will be assigned a Participant Identification Code (or PIC). The organisations that already have signed an FP7 grant agreement have already been assigned a PIC.

Project proposal

Iturria: Guía práctica de gestión de proyectos europeos

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