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Guía de estudio para presentar el examen de recuperación de:

Inglés VI

Plan de estudios 2014

Clave 601

Nombre del alumno:



En cada sección de esta guía se ofrece una orientación básica de los temas y ejercicios para

comprender el tema, se recomienda que visites algunas páginas de INTERNET o tutoriales en

YOUTUBE para reafirmar el contenido.

Bloque temático 1 PREDICCIONES Hacer predicciones sobre acciones o sucesos.

1. Futuro simple (will). Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa. 2. Vocabulario relacionado con estados del tiempo y la temperatura.

3. Verbo modal may.

En esta ocasión abriremos la primera página que nos ofrece el buscador.

"Will" to make predictions. Examples

• The year 2222 will be a very interesting year.

John Smith will be the next President.

She'll pass the exam. She's hardworking

• Tomorrow will be cloudy and rainy.

• It will probably rain tonight"

En Google:

Lección 15 - Weather (El Tiempo)

• Vocabulario del Tiempo

• Las estaciones

El Tiempo en Inglés

Lista de Vocabulario

Vocabulario del Tiempo

sunny - soleado

cloudy -nublado

clear - despejado

_rainy - lluvioso

windy - ventoso

snowy - nevado

foggy - brumoso

wet - mojado

dry – seco

icy - helado

humid -húmedo

hot - caluroso

warm - cálido

cool - fresco

cold - frío

rain - llover

snow - nevar

A) Observa el dibujo y escribe la palabra correcta del vocabulario anterior.




Tomorrow will be ________________. It will be ________________.




It will be ________________. It will be ________________.

It will be ________________. It will be ________________.

It will be ________________. It will be ________________.

It will be ________________. It will be ________________.

Expresar probabilidad, certidumbre o duda.

1. El adjetivo sure / not sure; los adverbios maybe, perhaps, probably, definitely, y el verbo modal might.

Tema 1-3. Adverbios de probabilidad.

En la siguiente liga encontrarás un buen ejercicio de probabilidad con verbos de modo.

Adverbials of Probability

Recuerda entrar a la liga sugerida para revisar tus respuestas!! Además, busca otros

ejercicios por tu cuenta.

Adverbs of probability are used to show how sure we are about a situation or event. The

most common adverbials of probability are: definitely, certainly, clearly, obviously, possibly,

perhaps, probably, maybe.

Perhaps and maybe are usually placed at the beginning of the clause:

Perhaps it will stop raining soon.

Maybe the rain will stop soon.

Adverbials of probability are usually placed in front of the main verb. However they come after

the verb ‘be’. Definitely, certainly, clearly and obviously show that we are almost sure that

something will happen:

We will definitely be there tomorrow.

She is certainly coming to the party.

It is clearly going to be wonderful weather tomorrow.

They are obviously late.

Possibly, perhaps, probably, maybe show that we are less sure about something.

That is possibly the worst film I’ve ever

seen. I’ll probably go out tonight.

B) Choose and underline the correct sentence from the following:

1) Which is correct?

He is perhaps too tired to come.

Perhaps he is too tired to come.

2) Which is correct?

Clearly she was very emotional.

She was clearly very emotional.

3) Which is correct?

I’m too busy tomorrow; could I come possibly the day after?

I’m too busy tomorrow; could I possibly come the day after?

4) Which is correct?

He has misunderstood obviously the instructions.

He has obviously misunderstood the instructions.

5) Which is correct?

They are certainly at home.

They certainly are at home.

6) Which is correct?

The message never arrived maybe.

Maybe the message never arrived.



Primer condicional (Type 1)

Se forma con (if + presente simple + futuro simple) se emplea cuando una situación es

real o posible.

Ejemplo: If it rains today, I will stay home.

Puedes visitar el siguiente sitio para ver más ejemplos traducidos al español y escuchar su


Se forma con if + simple present + simple future. Se emplea cuando una situación es real o

posible: If it rains today, I'll stay at home. Aquí tienes algunos ejemplos traducidos.

If clause main clause

If + Present tense will + verb

If it rains today, I'll stay at home

If it rains today, I'll stay at home. Si llueve hoy, me quedaré en casa.

If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow. Si está ocupado ahora, regresaré mañana.

If she has time, she'll visit her parents this afternoon. Si ella tiene tiempo, visitará a sus padres

esta tarde.

C) Complete the sentences.

1. If it ______ (be) warm tomorrow, we ________ (go) to the beach.

2. If it ______ (be) cold, you ________ (wear) warm clothes.

3. If he _______ (not do) his homework, he _______ (not go) to the party.

4. If she _________ (not call) you, you _______(call) her.

5. If you __________ (work) hard, you _______ (become) a millionaire someday.

6. If you ____________ (spend) more than you earn, you ______ (become) a poor man.

7. If they _________ (not invite) you, you _________ (not go).

8. If we __________ (not hurry), we _________ (miss) our bus.

9. If you __________ (pay) now, you ___________ (get) a discount.

10. If they ___________ (not want) to go out, they _______(stay) at home.

Tema 2-2. Reported speech. Reportar lo que alguien dijo.

El Reported Speech o estilo indirecto, es una estructura que usamos cuando reportamos o hacemos mención sobre

algo que alguien ha dicho previamente.

1):- Cambiamos en los Tiempos Verbales y verbos modales.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Present simple past simple

I am happy. She said that she was happy.

I live in Mexico City. She said that she lived in Mexico City.

Present progressive past progressive

I am studying. He said that he was studying.

Simple past past perfect

I worked very hard. He said that he had worked very hard.

Present perfect past perfect

I have lived in Canada. He said that he had lived in Canada.

Can Could

I can stay here until Sunday He said he could stay there until Sunday.

May Might

I may go finish next He said that he might go finishing next weekend

Will Would

I will stay here He said that he would stay there .

Must Had To

I must work every day He said he had to work every day

Cambios en las preguntas

En las preguntas pasamos de la pregunta Directa a Indirecta. Ejemplos.

What are you looking for? He asked what I was looking for?

Where can we go tonight? She asked where they could go that night?

When Did they go to India? He asked when they had gone to India.

How old are the twins? He asked how old the twins were.

Why did Carla leave so early? He asked why Carla had left so early?

Para este tema te recomiendo una serie de videos copia la liga siguiente y pégala en YOUTUBE.

Luego puedes buscar ejercicios como el siguiente.

D) Rewrite the direct speech as reported speech to complete the sentences. Use

contractions where possible.

1. 'I'll send you a postcard.' He told us that he ________ us a postcard.

2. 'We've bought a new car.' They told me they ______________ a new car. 3. 'I don't speak German.' She said that she _________ German.

4. 'You failed your art exam.' You said that we ____________ our art exam.

5. 'I can't drive.' He said _________ drive.

6. 'You look nice.' He told me that I ________ nice.

7. 'We're going ice-skating.' They said they ____________ ice-skating. 8. 'The students aren't listening to me.' The teacher said the students

______________ to her. 9. I am tired. He said that he _________ tired.

10. I like English. He said that he __________ English.

Tema 2-3. Expresar coincidencia o diferencia con el punto de vista de nuestro


So, Too, Neither and Either

'So do I' and 'neither do I'

(Download this explanation in PDF here).

I use 'so do I' to say that a positive sentence is also true for me, and I use 'neither do I' to

say that a negative sentence is also true for me:

• John: I hate mushrooms.

• Me: So do I (=I also hate mushrooms).

• Elizabeth: I loves coffee.

• Me: So do I.

• Lucy: I don't live in London.

• Me: Neither do I (=I also don't live in London.)

• Elizabeth: I loves coffee.

• Me: So do I.

• Harry doesn't play the piano and neither do I.

E) Try these multiple choice questions. What is the correct response if you agree?

1 - I don't like mushrooms.

Neither don't I

So do I

Neither do I

2 - I love going to the cinema.

Present simple: use 'do / does' Lucy likes coffee. So do I.

Lucy doesn't like coffee. Neither do I.

Present simple with 'be': use 'am / is /


John's at the office. So am I.

John isn't at the office. Neither am I.

Present continuous: use 'am / is / are' Luke's going out tonight. So am I.

Luke isn't going out tonight. Neither am I.

Past Simple: use 'did' Jill went to the cinema yesterday. So did I.

Jill didn't go to the cinema yesterday. Neither did I.

So do I

So am I

I can

3 - I can't swim.

I can

Neither can I

Neither do I

4 - I haven't got a dog

Neither have I

So have I

I have

5 - I enjoyed the concert.

So did I

So have I

Neither did I

6 - I want to go shopping.

So do I

So have I

I am

7 - I'm really tired.

So did I

So have I

So am I

8 - I don't agree.

Neither do I

So do I

Neither did I

9 - I wish it was Saturday!

Neither do I

So do I

So can I

10 - I've got 3 sisters.

So am I

So have I

Neither have I

Bloque Temático Tres. Eventos pasados relacionados con el presente.

Present Perfect (antepresente)

I / you / We / They have

played in the park.

He / She / It has

Para este tema te sugiero veas el siguiente tutorial en YOUTUBE. Contiene toda la explicación

necesaria para saber expresar enunciados afirmativos, negativos interrogativos (yes-no

questions) además de los diferentes usos.

Por último que tal un ejercicio de aplicación.

Present Perfect - Mixed Exercise 1

F) Make the present perfect - it could be positive, negative or question.

1) you / keep a pet for three years


2) you / eat Thai food before?


3) it / rain all day


4) who / we / forget to invite)?


5) we / not / hear that song already


6) he / not / forget his books


7) she / steal all the chocolate


8) I / explain it well?


9) who / he / meet recently?


10) how / we / finishe already?



Describir eventos pasados que continúan en el presente.

Antepresente continuo (have/has + been + verbo en gerundio). Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

She has been waiting for you all day.

I've been working on this report since eight o'clock in the morning.

He hasn’t been eating well since last week.

How long have you been studying English? Since…/ For three years…


for six years, for a week, for a month, for hours, for two hours I have worked here for five years.


since this morning, since last week, since yesterday since I was a child, since Wednesday, since 2 o'clock I have worked here since 1990.

G) Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect progressive) and complete

with for or since.

1. He ________________________ (work) in this company _______ 1985

2. I _____________________ (wait) for you __________ two o´clock.

3. Mary ___________________ (live) in Germany _________ 1992.

4. Why is he so tired? He ___________________ (play) tennis ______ five hours.

5. How long __________ you ___________ (learn) English? ________ six months.

6. We _______________________ (look) for the motorway ______ more than an hour.

7. I _______________________ (live) without electricity _________ two weeks.

8. You _______________________ (watch) TV __________ five o’clock.

9. Rose _____________________ (not / be) in the garden ______ more than twenty


H) Complete with since or for?

1. I have lived in London ______________ three years.

2. Leila has been a nurse ____________ 1999.

3. We haven't met ______________ our last year at high school.

4. I have been teaching ______________ a long time.

5. The kids have been on vacation ______________ two weeks.

6. What have you been doing ______________ you left your last job?

7. He has had his new laptop ______________ a month.

8. Where have you been working ________________ you had your master's degree?

9. The shop has been closed _________________ Monday.

10. He has known her _________________ they were five years old.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

Charly: He _______ pay for the tickets they are free?

Rose: great.

A) has

B) must

C) hasn’t

D) mustn’t

Paul: _____ your brother ______ to take your little sister?

Diana: Not really. My mom is at home

A) May – go

B) Do – have

C) Does – have

D) Must – like

Mark: He’s going to finish the final project.

Ann: Yes, he _______! It is for tomorrow morning.

A) has

B) have

C) may

D) can

Teacher: Your friends ___________ come here.

Students: Ok.

A) mustn’t

B) couldn’t

C) don’t need to

D) doesn’t have to

Teacher: Your parents _____________ sign this paper. It isn’t not necessary.

Students: Thanks, Mrs. Smith.

A) don’t have to

B) not have to

C) mustn’t

D) must

Police Officer: You _____________ brake traffic rules or you could get a fine.

Robert: I’ll keep it in mind for next time.

A) don’t have

B) have to

C) mustn’t

D) must

Cloe: We don’t need to buy __________ bottles of juice, but we need to buy ________

oranges from the grocery store.

Miriam: Do we need anything else?

A) any – some

B) little – oranges

C) an – apple

D) a – pears

Waiter: Are you ready to order Sir?

Customer: Yes, I would like a _________ of mineral water.

A) fork

B) cup of

C) glass of

D) bowl of

Mary: We only have some ______ left to bake a cake.

Jenny: Don’t worry, I’ll go to the store to get more.

A) water

B) raisin

C) fluor

D) egg

Customer: We need little __________ for our cereal.

Waiter: I’ll bring it to you in a minute.

A) meat

B) milk

C) banana

D) strawberry

John: How _____ flour do we need?

Rose: Will need 100 grams to make it.

A) any

B) some

C) many

D) much

Rose: What do we need to prepare mashed potatoes?

Patty: Well, we need _____ butter and _____ potatoes.

A) a little – a lot

B) a few – some

C) a little – some

D) some – a little

Robert: What are your plans?

Susan: I don´t know. I _____ going to check some things before.

A) is

B) am

C) are

D) will

Complete the blanks with the correct option.

George: What places ______ he _______ to visit very soon?

Sammy: Detroit.

A) do – go

B) is – going

C) does – go

D) are – going

Tony: We _________ a conference this month.

Mary: How long is it going to be?

Tony: Three weeks, I think.

A) am doing

B) ‘s making

C) are giving

D) ‘s creating

Peter: They _____ buying the meat for our trip on Saturday.

Ann: I will get the refreshments then.

A) is

B) are

C) was

D) were

Liz: What _____________ on your short vacation next weekend, Jack?

Jack: I have no plans yet.

A) you are doing

B) are you doing

C) are you going to do

D) you are going to do

Mother: My we’re ___________ to Canada next year.

Friend: Really? Is it going to be an expensive trip?

Mother: Not really. We got a good offer!

A) is travel

B) is traveling

C) going to travel

D) will to traveling