Ciclo para emprendedores clase 4. Sin mercado no hay Sturtup

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Ciclo para emprendedores clase 4. Sin mercado no hay Sturtup

Customer discovery: la importancia

de entender al mercado


¿Qué vamos a ver?

• Conocer al segmento de cliente

• El mapa de empatía

• El principio Get Out of the Building

• Metodologías de validación de hipótesis

Recordemos la metodología…


The Lean Startup methodology is a learning

strategy to build a sustainable business – and

this learning can be validated scientifically, by

running experiments that allow the entrepreneur to

test the viability of their vision.

Matthew E. May

Lean Startup

● Customer Development

● Uncertainty

● Minimum Viable Product

● Build-Measure-Learn Loop

● Product / Market Fit

Lean Startup

Steve BlankStanford Professor

"Most startups fail not because

they lack of product, but

because they lack of


Customer Development

"When I was in the moment of creating a new idea

I started building it as I had it in my mind or as the

team imagined it, then we tested it with friends or

family, very wrong! We released the app but never

got close to real customers."

CustDevDay Alumni

"After 11 months developing a software without talking

to anybody, I decided to show it to my closest friends and

ask them to use it. Guess what? Nobody wanted."

Alline Watkins

Construcción del producto

¿Por qué Customer Development?

"Some mistakes will be made along the way. That’s good because at least some decisions are being made along the way. And we’ll find the mistakes and we’ll fix them."

Steve Jobs, WWDC 1997

"You gotta start with the customer experience and works backward to the technology. You can’t start with the technology and try to figure out where you are going to sell it."

1. Definir Persona. (a.k.a. Customer Segment)

2. Entrevistar 5 sujetos que coinciden con esa persona.

3. Definir el problema que queremos solucionar.

4. Entrevistar 5 personas acerca cuánto necesitarían una solución a ese problema. Preguntar cuánto lo necesitan del 1 al 5, p. ej.

Qué tendría que ser un 5

5. Definir y prototipar una Solución

6. Haz una lista y enumera sus hipótesis.

7. Repetir hasta encontrar 5 early adopters.


Entendiendo el Cust. Development


Creación de personas


El mapa de empatía

Definir subsegmentos

Entrevistar al cliente

1. Rompe el hielo

2. Refuerza su rol -> “Entonces, eres del tipo XX, no?”

3. “¿Cómo te describes a ti mismo como XX?”

4. “¿Cuáles son tus principales actividades como XX?”

5. “¿Cuáles son tus objetivos como XX?”

6. “¿Dónde puede encontrar a otros como tu?

¿Cuáles son tus principales problemas como XX?



Get out of the building

"There is no such a thing as negative feedback.

It is all about learning." Alline Watkins

"Customer Development is like dancing,

you only learn when you practice it."Ruggero Scorcioni, CustDevDay Alumni

"Destroy your fear to confront customer and open

your mind to learn fast."

"No business model survives first contact with customers.“Steve Blank

El principio Get Out of the Building


Metodologías de validación de


Un MVP es una version

nueva del product que

permite al equipo

recoger la máxima

cantidad de aprendizaje

validado sobre sus

clientes con el menor

esfuerzo (Eric Ries)

Experimenta: crea un MVP

Y mide…SIEMPRE los resultados

¿Cómo medir? AARRR!!!


