Ay carmela

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ay carmela

  • 1. Ay, Carmela!

2. Ay, Carmela! cuenta la vida de dos artistas de teatro, cuyanica pretensin es sobrevivir en unas circunstanciasespecialmente difciles. La guerra es el contexto determinante.Los cmicos pasan de representar su espectculo en la zonarepublicana del frente de Aragn, concretamente en Montejo,a uno ante el ejrcito nacional que acaba de liberar Belchite. 3. La mujer Las relaciones La guerra / la dictadura La libertad La censura La msica La polticaLostemasdelapelcula 4. Hints from the exam board The essay must reflect the views and opinions of the students andalso have an analytical and an evaluative approach. This means forexample that an essay about a film which just relates the story willscore a low mark. In order to access the higher mark range, purelyfactual and descriptive work should be avoided. Depth of knowledge will require analysis giving examples, illustrationor reference to the film. Students will need to integrate evidence of reading and research intothe essay to show that they have the required knowledge andunderstanding of their chosen issue. This could be done with phrasessuch as As said in an interview in the body of the essay. Students will need to adhere to the word limit. For that reason theyshould look at the question carefully. Questions in the exam will alsohave quite a broad focus, as all candidates will have studied veryvaried texts, films etc. Nevertheless students should make sure thatthey are not diverted from the requirements of the question. 5. Students are expected toanalyse the research thatthey have undertaken,give their opinions andjustify them. 6. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the artsTake the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?1. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. Howimportant is this extract for the development of the work do you think?2. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you findparticularly interesting? Why is that the case?3. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society?How important is this message do you think? (June 2011)4. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think?Evala las tcnicas estilsticas del libro, de la obra de teatro o de la pelcula que hasestudiado. Hasta qu punto contribuyen al xito de la obra? (June 2010) 7. La msica 8. Las tres canciones centrales de la pelcula1) Ay, Carmela2) El himno de Riego3) Mi JacaCundo se oyen?Qu diferencias hay entre los diferentesusos de las canciones? 9. Ay, Carmela! 10. El himno de Riego 11. Mi Jaca 12. Mi Espaa 13. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think?Evala las tcnicas estilsticas del libro, de la obra de teatro o de la pelcula que hasestudiado. Hasta qu punto contribuyen al xito de la obra? (June 2010) 14. El simbolismo 15. Students are expected toanalyse the research thatthey have undertaken,give their opinions andjustify them. 16. El simbolismo 17. El conciertorepublicano Los colores La bandera anarquista La bandera republicana La FAI (FederacinAnarquista Ibrica) La composicin delpblico Para atrs ni para tomarimpulso Una ideologa compartida El himno de la Repblica(el himno de Riego) El uso de la msica El nmero de la bandera 18. El conciertorepublicano Los colores La bandera anarquista La bandera republicana La FAI (FederacinAnarquista Ibrica) La composicin delpblico Para atrs ni para tomarimpulso Una ideologa compartida El himno de la Repblica(el himno de Riego) El uso de la msica 19. El conciertonacionalista Los colores La bandera nacionalista Las banderas de losaliados ( el fascismoitaliano y el nazismoalemn) La composicin delpblico (soldados yprisioneros) "La Repblica va al Doctor" Los uniformes La bandera republicana 20. El nmero de labandera "La Repblica va al Doctor miliciana republicana ybolchevique El uso de la bandera Las dolencias de losactores La reaccin del pblico La msica El papel de la mujer 21. La Repblicana va al doctorEn la zona republicana, el tono de la actuacin es deuna reverencia irrefutable; por otra parte, en la zonanacional, el nmero de la bandera, titulado LaRepblica va al doctor denigra los ideales de partedel pueblo espaol adems de incitar el alboroto delos brigadistas internacionales en el pblico. Alprotestar la crueldad inherente al nmero y alcompadecer a los brigadistas, Carmela, embozada dela bandera tricolor, es asesinada por un nacional. Elsimbolismo resulta patente: la violencia y la fuerzamilitar puso fin a la Repblica y a la democracia enEspaa. 22. Los malestares sufridos por los personajesprincipales 23. En la pelcula, la mera presencia fascista corroe ycorrompe: la comida, que en el frente de Aragn seutiliza para informar al espectador de la camaraderaentre los actores, en la zona nacional producemalestar en vez de alimentar; el gato que comePaulino creyendo que es conejo, o el vino convertidoen vinagre que encuentra en la casa del alcalde, sonmuestras tangibles del proceso de desintegracin delsueo republicano. Esa desintegracin se refuerza porel efecto corruptor de las tropas nacionales en elpueblo: convierten la escuela en crcel poltica ycorrompen la nocin de aprendizaje al igualarla con elms flagrante adoctrinamiento. 24. "Si los fascistas comen as todos losdas,hemos perdido la guerra,seguro"Carmela, con arreglo a esta afirmacin,sentencia la victoria del bando nacional,revelando implcitamente, la superioridadlogstica de sus captores. Y su mismo cautiverioanuncia la victoria del enemigo tras el fataldesenlace. 25. La msica y el simbolismoLas canciones centrales de la pelcula1)El himno de Riego (resistencia)2)Mi Jaca (censura/propaganda)La batalla de smbolos en el teatro, alfinal de la pelcula: los presos polacoscantan Ay, Carmela! y los soldadosfascista el Cara al sol. 26. En toda la pelcula, Gustavette usa el pizarrn parahablar desde que era mudo y no poda expresar suspensamientos sin ste. Durante la muerte de Carmela(vestida con la bandera republicana), Gustavette gritacon agona: Ay Carmela! y se oye su voz porprimera vez. Como resultado, Gustavette no necesitams el pizarrn como un apoyo e irnicamente tomael lugar de la lpida de la tumba de Carmela. 27. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think?Evala las tcnicas estilsticas del libro, de la obra de teatro o de la pelcula que hasestudiado. Hasta qu punto contribuyen al xito de la obra? (June 2010) 28. Choose an extract from thebook play or film which youhave studied. How importantis this extract for thedevelopment of the work doyou think?(240-270 words) 29. La mujerLa poltica 30. Muchas de la pelculas dirigidas por Saura estnllenas de referencias a la vida poltica espaola.Se ha dicho que Saura prefiere trabajar conmujeres. Escoge una pelcula dirigida por Sauracon una protagonista feminina fuerte. Describeel papel de esta mujer y evala su importancia.12Cul es el tema principal de la obra que hasestudiado? Qu relevanica tiene para nosotroshoy?3(240-270 words) 31. Saura nunca quiso ponerla poltica en el primerplano de su obraQu significa ..? 32. Pero nosotros somos artistas nunca hemosmezclado la poltica en nuestro espectculo. 33. Los personajesPaulino + Carmela: unos perdedores porpartida doble, por artistas de terceracategora y por estar en el bandorepublicano, aunque sin una concienciapoltica clara.Carmela: una mujer sencilla, sin muchacultura, pero con gran corazn, incapaz detraicionar sus sentimientos.Paulino: parece tener claro que cualquiercosa vale para salvar la vida. 34. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think?Evala las tcnicas estilsticas del libro, de la obra de teatro o de la pelcula que hasestudiado. Hasta qu punto contribuyen al xito de la obra? (June 2010) 35. La mujer 36. En la pelcula poco a poco crece la indignacin de Carmela sobre tododurante el nmero de la bandera que representa una burla de labandera republicana y una cruel humillacin para los brigadistas.Carmela se rebela, no por ideas polticas, sino por un impulso dehumanidad hacia los condenados a muerte. Su propio temperamento,la mujer folklrica, impulsiva e irreflexiva, pero, ante todo, mujer delpueblo, la lleva a unirse al canto de los milicianos antifascistas yentonar con ellos la cancin popular republicana Ay, Carmela! queacabar finalmente con su vida. 37. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think? 38. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think? 39. La poltica 40. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think? 41. SAMPLE ESSAY QUESTIONS:Literature and the arts1. Take the main character or characters from your chosen book, play or film. How doesthis character/these characters develop in the work, do you think?2. Choose an extract from the book play or film which you have studied. How importantis this extract for the development of the work do you think?3. What aspects of the book play or film which you have studied did you find particularlyinteresting? Why is that the case?4. What message does your chosen book play or film still have for todays society? Howimportant is this message do you think? (June 2011)5. Discuss one of the most important themes in the book play or film which you havestudied. What does the author/director want to say do you think? 42. Students are expected toanalyse the research thatthey have undertaken,give their opinions andjustify them.