A.032 - ACEITE BLANCO SATIBOL Español · Nombre del producto: ACEITE BLANCO SATIBOL Código del...

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Transcript of A.032 - ACEITE BLANCO SATIBOL Español · Nombre del producto: ACEITE BLANCO SATIBOL Código del...

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 1 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015


1.1 Identificador del producto. Nombre del producto: ACEITE BLANCO SATIBOL Código del producto: A.032 Nombre químico: aceite mineral blanco (petróleo) N. CAS: 8042-47-5 N. CE: 232-455-8 N. registro: 01-2119487078-27-XXXX 1.2 Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia y usos desaconsejados. Uso industrial. Ver anexo 1. 1.3 Datos del proveedor de la ficha de datos de seguridad. Empresa: BRUGUES S.A. Dirección: C. ARIBAU , 19 Población: BARCELONA Provincia: BARCELONA Teléfono: 93 451 06 36 Fax: 93 453 75 37 E-mail: info@brugues.com Web: www.brugues.com 1.4 Teléfono de emergencia: (Solo disponible en horario de oficina)

SECCIÓN 2: IDENTIFICACIÓN DE LOS PELIGROS. 2.1 Clasificación de la sustancia. El producto no está clasificado como peligroso según la Directiva 67/548/EEC. El producto no está clasificado como peligroso según el Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008. 2.2 Elementos de la etiqueta. . . Contiene:

aceite mineral blanco (petróleo)

2.3 Otros peligros. En condiciones de uso normal y en su forma original, el producto no tiene ningún otro efecto negativo para la salud y el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 3: COMPOSICIÓN/INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LOS COMPONENTES. 3.1 Sustancias. Nombre químico: aceite mineral blanco (petróleo) N. CAS: 8042-47-5 N. CE: 232-455-8 N. registro: 01-2119487078-27-XXXX 3.2 Mezclas. No Aplicable.


FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 2 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

4.1 Descripción de los primeros auxilios. Debido a la composición y a la tipología de las sustancias presentes en el preparado, no se necesitan advertencias particulares. Inhalación. Situar al accidentado al aire libre, mantenerle caliente y en reposo, si la respiración es irregular o se detiene, practicar respiración artificial. No administrar nada por la boca. Si está inconsciente, ponerle en una posición adecuada y buscar ayuda médica. Contacto con los ojos. En caso de llevar lentes de contacto, quitarlas. Lavar abundantemente los ojos con agua limpia y fresca durante, por lo menos, 10 minutos, tirando hacia arriba de los párpados y buscar asistencia médica. Contacto con la piel. Quitar la ropa contaminada. Lavar la piel vigorosamente con agua y jabón o un limpiador de piel adecuado. NUNCA utilizar disolventes o diluyentes. Ingestión. Si accidentalmente se ha ingerido, buscar inmediatamente atención médica. Mantenerle en reposo. NUNCA provocar el vómito. 4.2 Principales síntomas y efectos, agudos y retardados. No se conocen efectos agudos o retardados derivados de la exposición al producto. 4.3 Indicación de toda atención médica y de los tratamientos especiales que deban dispensarse inmediatamente. En los casos de duda, o cuando persistan los síntomas de malestar, solicitar atención médica. No administrar nunca nada por vía oral a personas que se encuentre inconscientes.

SECCIÓN 5: MEDIDAS DE LUCHA CONTRA INCENDIOS. El producto NO esta clasificado como inflamable, en caso de incendio se deben seguir las medidas expuestas a continuación: 5.1 Medios de extinción. Medios de extinción recomendados. Polvo extintor o CO2. En caso de incendios más graves también espuma resistente al alcohol y agua pulverizada. No usar para la extinción chorro directo de agua. 5.2 Peligros específicos derivados de la sustancia. Riesgos especiales. El fuego puede producir un espeso humo negro. Como consecuencia de la descomposición térmica, pueden formarse productos peligrosos: monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono. La exposición a los productos de combustión o descomposición puede ser perjudicial para la salud. 5.3 Recomendaciones para el personal de lucha contra incendios. Refrigerar con agua los tanques, cisternas o recipientes próximos a la fuente de calor o fuego. Tener en cuenta la dirección del viento. Evitar que los productos utilizados en la lucha contra incendio, pasen a desagües, alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Equipo de protección contra incendios. Según la magnitud del incendio, puede ser necesario el uso de trajes de protección contra el calor, equipo respiratorio autónomo, guantes, gafas protectoras o máscaras faciales y botas.

SECCIÓN 6: MEDIDAS EN CASO DE VERTIDO ACCIDENTAL. 6.1 Precauciones personales, equipo de protección y procedimientos de emergencia. Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver epígrafe 8. 6.2 Precauciones relativas al medio ambiente. Producto no clasificado como peligroso para el medio ambiente, evitar en la medida de lo posible cualquier vertido. 6.3 Métodos y material de contención y de limpieza.

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 3 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Recoger el vertido con materiales absorbentes no combustibles (tierra, arena, vermiculita, tierra de diatomeas...). Verter el producto y el absorbente en un contenedor adecuado. La zona contaminada debe limpiarse inmediatamente con un descontaminante adecuado. Echar el descontaminante a los restos y dejarlo durante varios días hasta que no se produzca reacción, en un envase sin cerrar. 6.4 Referencia a otras secciones. Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver epígrafe 8. Para la eliminación de los residuos, seguir las recomendaciones del epígrafe 13.

SECCIÓN 7: MANIPULACIÓN Y ALMACENAMIENTO. 7.1 Precauciones para una manipulación segura. El producto no requiere medidas especiales de manipulación, se recomiendan las siguientes medidas generales: Para la protección personal, ver epígrafe 8. No emplear nunca presión para vaciar los envases, no son recipientes resistentes a la presión. En la zona de aplicación debe estar prohibido fumar, comer y beber. Cumplir con la legislación sobre seguridad e higiene en el trabajo. Conservar el producto en envases de un material idéntico al original. 7.2 Condiciones de almacenamiento seguro, incluidas posibles incompatibilidades. El producto no requiere medidas especiales de almacenamiento. Como condiciones generales de almacenamiento se deben evitar fuentes de calor, radiaciones, electricidad y el contacto con alimentos. Mantener lejos de agentes oxidantes y de materiales fuertemente ácidos o alcalinos. Almacenar los envases entre 5 y 35 °C, en un lugar seco y bien ventilado. Almacenar según la legislación local. Observar las indicaciones de la etiqueta. El producto no se encuentra afectado por la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III). 7.3 Usos específicos finales.

SECCIÓN 8: CONTROLES DE EXPOSICIÓN/PROTECCIÓN INDIVIDUAL. 8.1 Parámetros de control. El producto NO contiene sustancias con Valores Límite Ambientales de Exposición Profesional.El producto NO contiene sustancias con Valores Límite Biológicos. 8.2 Controles de la exposición. Medidas de orden técnico: Proveer una ventilación adecuada, lo cual puede conseguirse mediante una buena extracción-ventilación local y un buen sistema general de extracción. Concentración: 100 % Usos: Protección respiratoria: Si se cumplen las medidas técnicas recomendadas no es necesario ningún equipo de protección individual. Protección de las manos: EPI: Guantes de protección

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II.

Normas CEN: EN 374-1, En 374-2, EN 374-3, EN 420

Mantenimiento: Se guardarán en un lugar seco, alejados de posibles fuentes de calor, y se evitará la exposición a los rayos solares en la medida de lo posible. No se realizarán sobre los guantes modificaciones que puedan alterar su resistencia ni se aplicarán pinturas, disolventes o adhesivos.

Observaciones: Los guantes deben ser de la talla correcta, y ajustarse a la mano sin quedar demasiado holgados ni demasiado apretados. Se deberán utilizar siempre con las manos limpias y secas.

Material: PVC (Cloruro de polivinilo)

Tiempo de penetración (min.): > 480 Espesor del

material (mm): 0,35

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 4 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Protección de los ojos: EPI: Pantalla facial

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II. Protector de ojos y cara contra salpicaduras de líquidos.

Normas CEN: EN 165, EN 166, EN 167, EN 168

Mantenimiento: La visibilidad a través de los oculares debe ser óptima para lo cual estos elementos se deben limpiar a diario, los protectores deben desinfectarse periódicamente siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. Se vigilará que las partes móviles tengan un accionamiento suave.

Observaciones: Las pantallas faciales deben tener un campo de visión con una dimensión en la línea central de 150 mm como mínimo, en sentido vertical una vez acopladas en el armazón.

Protección de la piel: EPI: Ropa de protección

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II. La ropa de protección no debe ser estrecha o estar suelta para que no interfiera en los movimientos del usuario.

Normas CEN: EN 340

Mantenimiento: Se deben seguir las instrucciones de lavado y conservación proporcionadas por el fabricante para garantiza una protección invariable.

Observaciones: La ropa de protección debería proporcionar un nivel de confort consistente con el nivel de protección que debe proporcionar contra el riesgo contra el que protege, con las condiciones ambientales, el nivel de actividad del usuario y el tiempo de uso previsto.

EPI: Calzado de trabajo Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II.

Normas CEN: EN ISO 13287, EN 20347

Mantenimiento: Estos artículos se adaptan a la forma del pie del primer usuario. Por este motivo, al igual que por cuestiones de higiene, debe evitarse su reutilización por otra persona.

Observaciones: El calzado de trabajo para uso profesional es el que incorpora elementos de protección destinados a proteger al usuario de las lesiones que pudieran provocar los accidentes, se debe revisar los trabajor para los cuales es apto este calzado.

SECCIÓN 9: PROPIEDADES FÍSICAS Y QUÍMICAS. 9.1 Información sobre propiedades físicas y químicas básicas. Aspecto:N.D./N.A. Color: N.D./N.A. Olor:N.D./N.A. Umbral olfativo:N.D./N.A. pH:N.D./N.A. Punto de Fusión:N.D./N.A. Punto/intervalo de ebullición: N.D./N.A. Punto de inflamación: 115 ºC Tasa de evaporación: N.D./N.A. Inflamabilidad (sólido, gas): N.D./N.A. Límite inferior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Límite superior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Presión de vapor: N.D./N.A. Densidad de vapor:N.D./N.A. Densidad relativa:N.D./N.A. Solubilidad:N.D./N.A. Liposolubilidad: N.D./N.A. Hidrosolubilidad: N.D./N.A. Coeficiente de reparto (n-octanol/agua): N.D./N.A. Temperatura de autoinflamación: N.D./N.A. Temperatura de descomposición: N.D./N.A. Viscosidad: N.D./N.A. Propiedades explosivas: N.D./N.A. Propiedades comburentes: N.D./N.A. N.D./N.A.= No Disponible/No Aplicable debido a la naturaleza del producto. 9.2. Información adicional.

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 5 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Contenido de COV (p/p): N.D.

SECCIÓN 10: ESTABILIDAD Y REACTIVIDAD. 10.1 Reactividad. El producto no presenta peligros debido a su reactividad. 10.2 Estabilidad química. Estable bajo las condiciones de manipulación y almacenamiento recomendadas (ver epígrafe 7). 10.3 Posibilidad de reacciones peligrosas. El producto no presenta posibilidad de reacciones peligrosas. 10.4 Condiciones que deben evitarse. Evitar cualquier tipo de manipulación incorrecta. 10.5 Materiales incompatibles. Mantener alejado de agentes oxidantes y de materiales fuertemente alcalinos o ácidos, a fin de evitar reacciones exotérmicas. 10.6 Productos de descomposición peligrosos. No se descompone si se destina a los usos previstos.

SECCIÓN 11: INFORMACIÓN TOXICOLÓGICA. 11.1 Información sobre los efectos toxicológicos. El contacto repetido o prolongado con el producto, puede causar la eliminación de la grasa de la piel, dando lugar a una dermatitis de contacto no alérgica y a que se absorba el producto a través de la piel. Las salpicaduras en los ojos pueden causar irritación y daños reversibles. . a) toxicidad aguda; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. b) corrosión o irritación cutáneas; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. c) lesiones o irritación ocular graves; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. d) sensibilización respiratoria o cutánea; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. e) mutagenicidad en células germinales; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. f) carcinogenicidad; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. g) toxicidad para la reproducción; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. h) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición única; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. i) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición repetida; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. j) peligro de aspiración; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación.

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 6 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

SECCIÓN 12: INFORMACIÓN ECOLÓGICA. 12.1 Toxicidad. No se dispone de información relativa a la Ecotoxicidad. 12.2 Persistencia y degradabilidad. No existe información disponible sobre la persistencia y degradabilidad del producto. 12.3 Potencial de Bioacumulación. Información sobre la bioacumulación.

Nombre Bioacumulación

Log Pow BCF NOECs Nivel

aceite mineral blanco (petróleo) 0 - - Muy bajo

N. CAS: 8042-47-5 N. CE: 232-455-8

12.4 Movilidad en el suelo. No existe información disponible sobre la movilidad en el suelo. No se debe permitir que el producto pase a las alcantarillas o a cursos de agua. Evitar la penetración en el terreno. 12.5 Resultados de la valoración PBT y mPmB. No existe información disponible sobre la valoración PBT y mPmB del producto. 12.6 Otros efectos adversos. No existe información disponible sobre otros efectos adversos para el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 13: CONSIDERACIONES RELATIVAS A LA ELIMINACIÓN. 13.1 Métodos para el tratamiento de residuos. No se permite su vertido en alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Los residuos y envases vacíos deben manipularse y eliminarse de acuerdo con las legislaciones local/nacional vigentes. Seguir las disposiciones de la Directiva 2008/98/CE respecto a la gestión de residuos.

SECCIÓN 14: INFORMACIÓN RELATIVA AL TRANSPORTE. No es peligroso en el transporte. En caso de accidente y vertido del producto actuar según el punto 6. 14.1 Número ONU. No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.2 Designación oficial de transporte de las Naciones Unidas. No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.3 Clase(s) de peligro para el transporte. No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.4 Grupo de embalaje. No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.5 Peligros para el medio ambiente. No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.6 Precauciones particulares para los usuarios.

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 7 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

No es peligroso en el transporte. 14.7 Transporte a granel con arreglo al anexo II del Convenio Marpol 73/78 y del Código IBC. No es peligroso en el transporte.

SECCIÓN 15: INFORMACIÓN REGLAMENTARIA. 15.1 Reglamentación y legislación en materia de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente específicas para la sustancia. El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (CE) no 1005/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de septiembre de 2009, sobre las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono. El producto no se encuentra afectado por la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III). El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (UE) No 528/2012 relativo a la comercialización y el uso de los biocidas. El producto no se encuentra afectado por el procedimiento establecido en el Reglamento (UE) No 649/2012, relativo a la exportación e importación de productos químicos peligrosos. 15.2 Evaluación de la seguridad química. No se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la seguridad química del producto.


Manufacture, use and exposure

Identified uses

Information on uses


01 – Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances

01 – Manufacture of Substances (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 8 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances

Manufacture of substance

Process category

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Rubber production and processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 9 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 10 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

01 – Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

01 – Manufacture of Substances (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

01a – Distribution of substance (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 11 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

01a – Distribution of substance (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 12 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Manufacture of Intermediate under SCC

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances


02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 13 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 14 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Use in laboratories

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: WILL USE ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Use in water treatment chemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 15 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 16 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Formulation and (re)packing of substances and mixtures

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

01a – Distribution of substance (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 17 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

01a – Distribution of substance (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 18 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Uses in Coatings

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 19 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles PROC 24: High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Chemical product category

PC 32: Polymer preparations and compounds

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 10a: Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 11a: Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (not classified)

Process category

PROC 0: Other: No PROC required in section 3.5, based on REACH Art. 10 a (iii)

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Uses at Industrial Sites

01a – Distribution of substance (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01a – Distribution of substance (H304)

Process category

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PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 21 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07a –Use in metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 22 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07a –Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 23 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 24 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Sector of end use

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 25 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06a – Lubricants: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06a – Lubricants: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (H304)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 26 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 27 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Manufacture of substance

Process category

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

Sector of end use

SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 28 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use of substance as intermediate

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 6.1a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 0: Other: SU 3: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 29 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in Coatings

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.3a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Cleaning Agents

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.4a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 30 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.7a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as release agents or binders

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.10a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Rubber production and processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 31 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.21a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.6a.v1

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 32 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in laboratories

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: WILL USE ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in water treatment chemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a functional fluids

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 7.13a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 33 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Distribution of substance

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Sector of end use

SU 0: Other: Cosmetics

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01b – Use of substance as intermediate (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 34 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 6.1a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01b – Use of substance as intermediate (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 6.1a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01a – Distribution of substance (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 35 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01a – Distribution of substance (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.3a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (R65)

Process category

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 36 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.3a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.4a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 37 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.4a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07a –Use in metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.7a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07a –Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.7a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 38 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.10a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.10a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 39 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 40 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.21a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.21a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06a – Lubricants: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 41 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.6a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06a – Lubricants: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.6a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (not classified)

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 42 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 7.13a.v1

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 43 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 7.13a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in coatings

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in metal working fluids / rolling oils

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 7: Industrial spraying

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

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PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as release agents or binders

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Rubber production and processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

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dedicated facilities PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

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dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 6b: Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion SU 14: Manufacture of basic metals, including alloys SU 15: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment SU 17: General manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in water treatment chemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Chemical product category

PC 37: Water treatment chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as functional fluids

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

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dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Chemical product category

PC 26: Paper and board dye, finishing and impregnation products: including bleaches and other processing aids

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture As such

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a cleaning agent

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Chemical product category

PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture As such

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in oil field drilling and production operations

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture As such

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Sector of end use

SU 2b: Offshore industries

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Laboratories

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 21: Laboratory chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 24: Scientific research and development

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01 – Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01 – Manufacture of Substances (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

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ERC 1.1.v1

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 9: Manufacture of fine chemicals

Subsequent service life relevant for that use


02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01b – Use of substance as intermediate (not classified)

Process category

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PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


01b – Use of substance as intermediate (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as Intermediate under SCC

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 19: Intermediate

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such

Sector of end use

SU 8: Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


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Distribution of Intermediate under SCC

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 19: Intermediate

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles PROC 24: High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Chemical product category

PC 32: Polymer preparations and compounds

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 10a: Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 11a: Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

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Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion SU 0: Other: SU 22

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Industrial use as a lubricant

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 7: Industrial spraying PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses by Professional Workers

03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


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03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

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Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations

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PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 56 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (not classified)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 57 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (H304)

Process category

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 58 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 59 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (H304)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in Coatings

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 60 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Environmental release category

ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Cleaning Agents

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.7c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as release agents or binders

Process category

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 61 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.10b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in agrochemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 62 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERCs 9.6b.v1 ('low env. release' - ERCs 9A/9B) 8.6c.v1 ('high env. release' - ERCs 8A/8D)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in laboratories

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.17.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in water treatment chemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.22b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Explosives manufacture & use

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 0: Other: WILL USE ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a functional fluids

Process category

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 63 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.13b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 64 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 65 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.7c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.7c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 66 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.10b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.10b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

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dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11a.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

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ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


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17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.17.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.17.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.22b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.22b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


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18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.13b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities

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PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.13b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in coatings

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.

Chemical product category

PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in metal working fluids / rolling oils

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process

Chemical product category

PC 25: Metal working fluids

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Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 15: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as release agents or binders

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 6: Calendering operations PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in agrochemicals

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Chemical product category

PC 0: Other: carriers for agricultural products

Environmental release category

ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 1: Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in polymer processing

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Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion SU 17: General manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 11: Manufacture of rubber products SU 12: Manufacture of plastics products, including compounding and conversion SU 15: Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment SU 17: General manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment SU 6b: Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products SU 14: Manufacture of basic metals, including alloys

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Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in water treatment agents

Process category

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Chemical product category

PC 37: Water treatment chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 0: Other: Water Treatment

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a cleaning agent

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Chemical product category

PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture As such

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in oil field drilling and production operations

Process category

PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

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dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing

Chemical product category

PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

Environmental release category

ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 2b: Offshore industries

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Laboratories

Process category

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 21: Laboratory chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 24: Scientific research and development

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Explosives Manufacture and Use

Process category

PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or

significant contact)

PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities

Chemical product category

PC 11: Explosives

Environmental release category

ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 2a: Mining (without offshore industries)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in road and construction applications (15)

Process category

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PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-

dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 10: Roller application or brushing PROC 11: Non industrial spraying PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring

Environmental release category

ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.15.v1

Substance supplied to that use in form of

As such In a mixture

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 0: Other: No PROC required in section 3.5, based on REACH Art. 10 a (iii)

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 0: Other: No SU required in section 3.5, based on REACH Art. 10 a (iii)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


use of laboratory reagents

Process category

PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent

Chemical product category

PC 21: Laboratory chemicals PC 20: Products such as ph-regulators, flocculants, precipitants, neutralization agents

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 20: Health services

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Lab chemical used in medium amounts (> 1l or 1 kg)

Process category

PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Chemical product category

PC 20: Products such as ph-regulators, flocculants, precipitants, neutralization agents PC 21: Laboratory chemicals

Environmental release categoryERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems

Substance supplied to that use in form ofIn a mixture

Sector of end useSU 20: Health services SU 24: Scientific research and development

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?no

Lab chemicals, mixing and/or re-packaging

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Process categoryPROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large

containers at non-dedicated facilities PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at

dedicated facilities PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

Chemical product category

PC 20: Products such as ph-regulators, flocculants, precipitants, neutralization agents PC 21: Laboratory chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations

Substance supplied to that use in form of

In a mixture

Sector of end use

SU 10: Formulation [mixing] of preparations and/or re-packaging (excluding alloys)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Consumer Uses

03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 34: Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids PC 0: Other: PC 8: Biocide products (e.g. disinfectants, pest control) Excipient only

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 34: Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids PC 0: Other: PC 8: Biocide products (e.g. disinfectants, pest control) Excipient only

Environmental release category

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ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

PC 38: Welding and soldering products (with flux coatings or flux cores.), flux products PC 0: Other: PC 8: Biocide products (e.g. disinfectants, pest control) Excipient only

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

PC 38: Welding and soldering products (with flux coatings or flux cores.), flux products PC 0: Other: PC 8: Biocide products (e.g. disinfectants, pest control) Excipient only

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 13: Fuels

Environmental release category

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ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 13: Fuels

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


16 – Other Consumer Uses (not classified)

Chemical product category

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PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


16 – Other Consumer Uses (H304)

Chemical product category

PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in Coatings

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 34: Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC5, PC10

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in Cleaning Agents

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

PC 38: Welding and soldering products (with flux coatings or flux cores.), flux products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in agrochemicals

Chemical product category

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PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products PC 0: Other: PC22

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a fuel

Chemical product category

PC 13: Fuels

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.12c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC6

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERCs 9.6d.v1 ('low env. release' – ERCs 9A/9B) 8.6e.v1 ('high env. release' – ERCs 8A/8D)

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Other Consumer Uses

Chemical product category

PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.16.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Other Consumer Uses

Chemical product category

PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 29: Pharmaceuticals PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8b: Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems

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Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 34: Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids PC 0: Other: PC 5: Artists supply and hobby preparations / PC 10: Building and construction preparations

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 15: Non-metal-surface treatment products PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 34: Textile dyes, finishing and impregnating products; including bleaches and other processing aids PC 0: Other: PC 5: Artists supply and hobby preparations / PC 10: Building and construction preparations

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

PC 38: Welding and soldering products (with flux coatings or flux cores.), flux products

Environmental release category

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ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

PC 38: Welding and soldering products (with flux coatings or flux cores.), flux products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products PC 0: Other: PC 22: Lawn and Garden Preparations, including fertilizers

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products PC 0: Other: PC 22: Lawn and Garden Preparations, including fertilizers

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11b.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 13: Fuels

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.12c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?

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12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 13: Fuels

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.12c.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC 6: Automotive Care Products

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6d.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC 6: Automotive Care Products

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6d.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC 6: Automotive Care Products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6e.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products

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PC 31: Polishes and wax blends PC 0: Other: PC 6: Automotive Care Products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6e.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


16 – Other Consumer Uses (not classified)

Chemical product category

PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.16.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


16 – Other Consumer Uses (R65)

Chemical product category

PC 28: Perfumes, fragrances PC 39: Cosmetics, personal care products

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.16.v1

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Uses in Coatings

Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 9a: Coatings and paints, thinners, paint removes PC 9b: Fillers, putties, plasters, modelling clay PC 9c: Finger paints PC 18: Ink and toners PC 23: Leather tanning, dye, finishing, impregnation and care products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?



Chemical product category

PC 1: Adhesives, sealants PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 31: Polishes and wax blends

Environmental release category

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ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in water treatment chemicals

Chemical product category

PC 36: Water softeners PC 37: Water treatment chemicals

Environmental release category

ERC 8b: Wide dispersive indoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as functional fluids

Chemical product category

PC 16: Heat transfer fluids PC 17: Hydraulic fluids

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use as a cleaning agent

Chemical product category

PC 3: Air care products PC 4: Anti-freeze and de-icing products PC 24: Lubricants, greases, release products PC 35: Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Use in agrochemicals

Chemical product category

PC 12: Fertilizers PC 27: Plant protection products

Environmental release category

ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems

Subsequent service life relevant for that use?


Article Service Life

01b – Use of substance as intermediate (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 6.1a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

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01b – Use of substance as intermediate (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 6.1a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

01a – Distribution of substance (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

01a – Distribution of substance (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 6a: Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6b: Industrial use of reactive processing aids ERC 6c: Industrial use of monomers for manufacture of thermoplastics ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (not classified)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

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02 – Formulation & (re)packing of substances and mixtures (R65)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 2.2.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.3a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03a – Uses in Coatings: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.3a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.4a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04a – Use in Cleaning Agents: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.4a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

07a –Use in metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.7a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

07a –Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

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ERC 4.7a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.10a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

10a – Use as release agents or binders: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.10a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

19 – Rubber production and processing: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.19.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (not classified)

Process category

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PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.21a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

21a – Use in polymer processing: Industrial (R65)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.21a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06a – Lubricants: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.6a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06a – Lubricants: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 4.6a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

17a – Use in Laboratories: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 2: Formulation of preparations ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 91 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

22a – Use in water treatment chemicals: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 3.22a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 7.13a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

13a – Use as a functional fluids: Industrial (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 7.13a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03b – Uses in Coatings: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

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ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04b – Use in Cleaning Agents: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.7c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

07b – Use in Metal working fluids / rolling oils: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.7c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (not classified)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.10b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

10b – Use as release agents or binders: Professional (R65)

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.10b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 93 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

11a – Use in agrochemicals: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11a.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06b – Lubricants: Professional (low release) (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06c – Lubricants: Professional (high release) (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 94 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.17.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

17b – Use in Laboratories: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.17.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.22b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

22b – Use in water treatment chemicals: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.22b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

18b – Explosives manufacture & use: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8e: Wide dispersive outdoor use of reactive substances in open systems ERC 0: Other: ERC DEFINED RELEASE FRACTIONS

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 95 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 9.13b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

13b – Use as a functional fluids: Professional (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.13b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

03c – Uses in Coatings: Consumer (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.3c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

04c – Use in Cleaning Agents: Consumer (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.4c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 96 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 8.11b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

11b – Use in Agrochemicals: Consumer (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.11b.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.12c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

12c – Use as a fuel: Consumer (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.12c.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6d.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06d – Lubricants: Consumer (low release) (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 9a: Wide dispersive indoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 9b: Wide dispersive outdoor use of substances in closed systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 9.6d.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

FICHA DE DATOS DE SEGURIDAD (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) No 453/2010)


Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 97 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

ERC 8.6e.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

06e – Lubricants: Consumer (high release) (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.6e.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

16 – Other Consumer Uses (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 8.16.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

16 – Other Consumer Uses (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 0: Other: ESVOC SpERC 8.16.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

Rubber production and processing

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 10: Rubber articles

Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,


Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 01: Other (non intended to be released): Polymer articles


Environmental release category

ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 7: Industrial use of substances in closed systems

Article category related to subsequent service life

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 98 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

AC 1: Vehicles AC 6: Leather articles AC 7: Metal articles AC 10: Rubber articles AC 13: Plastic articles

Uses in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 01: Other (non intended to be released): Polymer products

01 – Manufacture of Substances (not classified)

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

01 – Manufacture of Substances (R65)

Environmental release category

ERC 1: Manufacture of substances ERC 4: Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles ERC 0: Other: ESVOC Sp

ERC 1.1.v1

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 0: Other: refer to the relevant ‘main user group’ SU (i.e. 3, 21 and/or 22) and use description including the

identified ERC(s) and SpERC(s)

Use in polymer processing

Process category

PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles PROC 24: High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles

Environmental release category

ERC 3: Formulation in materials ERC 5: Industrial use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 10a: Wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 11a: Wide dispersive indoor use of long-life articles and materials with low release ERC 6d: Industrial use of process regulators for polymerization processes in production of resins, rubbers,

polymers ERC 8a: Wide dispersive indoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8c: Wide dispersive indoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix ERC 8d: Wide dispersive outdoor use of processing aids in open systems ERC 8f: Wide dispersive outdoor use resulting in inclusion into or onto a matrix

Article category related to subsequent service life

AC 13: Plastic articles

Uses advised against

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Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 22/09/2014

Página 99 de 99 Fecha de impresión: 15/04/2015

Information on uses advised against

Uses at Industrial Sites

All uses apart from that intended by the importer are advised against.

Process category

PROC 0: Other:

Chemical product category

PC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Environmental release category

ERC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Sector of end use

SU 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Uses by Professional Workers

All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Process category

PROC 0: Other:

Chemical product category

PC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Environmental release category

ERC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Sector of end use

SU 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Consumer Uses

All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Chemical product category

PC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Environmental release category

ERC 0: Other: All uses apart from that intended by the importer formulator are advised against.

Epígrafes modificados respecto a la versión anterior: 1,11,12,16 Se recomienda utilizar el producto únicamente para los usos contemplados. . La información facilitada en esta ficha de Datos de Seguridad ha sido redactada de acuerdo con el REGLAMENTO (UE) No 453/2010 DE LA COMISIÓN de 20 de mayo de 2010 por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) nº 1907/2006 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO Y DEL CONSEJO de 18 de diciembre de 2006 relativo al registro, la evaluación, la autorización y la restricción de las sustancias y preparados químicos (REACH), por el que se crea la Agencia Europea de Sustancias y Preparados Químicos, se modifica la Directiva 1999/45/CE y se derogan el Reglamento (CEE) nº 793/93 del Consejo y el Reglamento (CE) nº 1488/94 de la Comisión así como la Directiva 76/769/CEE del Consejo y las Directivas 91/155/CEE, 93/67/CEE, 93/105/CE y 2000/21/CE de la Comisión.

La información de esta Ficha de Datos de Seguridad del Producto está basada en los conocimientos actuales y en las leyes vigentes de la CE y nacionales, en cuanto que las condiciones de trabajo de los usuarios están fuera de nuestro conocimiento y control. El producto no debe utilizarse para fines distintos a aquellos que se especifican, sin tener primero una instrucción por escrito, de su manejo. Es siempre responsabilidad del usuario tomar las medidas oportunas con el fin de cumplir con las exigencias establecidas en las legislaciones.